A twisted oz

By authorbree21

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Dorothy Gale is originally from the land of Oz? Follow the journey of a girl named Dorothy Gale, while she di... More

The Human world
Hurricane to Oz
Welcome to Oz Ms. Gale
The scattered Tin man and the lost scarecrow
Dorothy meeting Prince Hayden
Is Michael's plan working?
Sisters face to face
It can't be.. Dorothy?
The spell on Dorothy
Pre Wedding Preparation
Wedding Preparations
Hours before the I do's
The wedding
One panic father and one concerned mother

The night before & The morning of

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By authorbree21

Chapter 12,

Dorothy thanks the guards and tell them they can go back with Hayden. The guard asked if she was sure. Dorothy says Yes I am. She knocked on the cottage door. Brittani opens the door and says Dorothy is everything okay? Dorothy says I need to talk to you and your brother. Brittani says Come in. She yells for Michael. He was in the other room just reading. Michael says Yes sister. Brittani says Dorothy is here and she needs to talk to us. Michael comes to the kitchen where Dorothy and his sister are. Michael says Is everything okay? Dorothy did you go see The great Oz? Dorothy says No because something happened on the way there that I need your help with. Brittani says What happened? Dorothy begins to explain the spell and how to break it to the twins. Michael says I'll take it off. Dorothy says I wouldn't try that. Brittani says Why not he's really good at reversing spells.

Dorothy says Because they put what Hendrick described it as a spell death lock on the spell so if you try to take it off it will kill me. Brittani and Michael say Oh no. Michael What do you need us to do and is there going to be a wedding? Dorothy says Yes me and Hayden have been planning it all day. He is with Chris the baker going over the menu. Michael says Why aren't you there? Dorothy says I wanted to talk to you two alone. Brittani says Why alone? Dorothy says Cause I don't want to die I'm scared that Hayden is going to have to kill me when he stabs me. Michael says We can try to help by curing you once the spell is lift. Dorothy says You can't give me something before? Brittani says We wish we could but none of us really know the spell the sister's used and if they added anything other then the death lock. I wouldn't want to gamble with that. Michael says Neither do I nor do you.

Brittani says Is your mom here yet? Dorothy says Yeah she got here last night. Michael says Does she know what's going on? Dorothy says She knows. Michael says What time is the wedding going to be at and where is it going to be at? Dorothy says The castle. I better go. I need to get back to Hendrick and Freya's cottage before I cause a whole wide panic through out the village. Michael says Oh that's a good idea. Here I'll walk you back. Dorothy says Thank you. Dorothy and Brittani says Their good byes. Before Michael and Dorothy leave she tells Brittani she can bring her girlfriend to the wedding. Brittani says Thank you. She and Michael walked out of the cottage and headed towards her father and sister's cottage. Freya was already there talking with Hendrick and Mackenzie.

Michael and Dorothy walk into the cottage. Mackenzie says Little Michael is that you? Michael says Yes mam. Mackenzie says Wow I haven't seen you since the day you were born. Michael says You knew me and my sister since we were born? Mackenzie says Yes when me and Hendrick were married we were best friends with your parents. I am so sorry that you lost them at such a young age. Michael says It's not your fault. My father left me and my sister a letter each explaining if he died and my mother ever tragically passed it was for a good cause and that was something he was so proud of. Freya says Has Britt read her letter. Michael says Not yet. I haven't gave it to her. Mackenzie says I don't mean to be rude but did your father leave you the amulet that has my powers in it. Michael says Yes he did. I can give it to you before the wedding starts tomorrow. Mackenzie says Thank you so much Michael.

Michael says I should be going give you some family time before Dorothy is married tomorrow. Hendrick says Alright thank you for walking Dorothy back home. Michael says Of course. He left back to his and Brittani's cottage. Brittani says Did you meet her? Michael says Yes I did. Brittani says How was she? Michael says She's really sweet, She asked for the amulet? Brittani says Are we going to give it to her? Michael says It is hers I think we should. Dad would if he was here. Brittani says Do you know where it's at? Michael says Yes in a box in the attic I'm about to go up there and get it. He went to the attic. He was looking for the box that had Mackenzie's amulet. He found the letter that was addressed to Brittani from their father. Michael thought to himself to get his letter and make it seen like he didn't know what was in his but before he was going to put the box bag he seen another envelope that he had never seen before it was addressed to him and Brittani. He went back down with the amulet, and the letters.

Before yelling for his sister he grabbed it and closed it with his magic to make it seem like the letter was never opened. After he finishes the spell he yells his sister's name. Brittani says Yeah Michael? Michael says Look what I found when I was looking for the amulet. Brittani grabs the letter that was addressed to her. She and Michael read their letters then read the one addressed to both of them together they cried a bit but smiled that they had been able to feel their dad again. After the crying They took their stuff out for the Morning they went to bed so they can wake up. Dorothy was the only one still awake in the cottage she was jus thinking about how her entire life was going to change and thinking about how she wasn't probably going to be able to go back the human world with her mom after the wedding. She wondered if her mom would stay here. She doesn't even think about where her mom would stay if her mom would stay where she would live. She was just having many thoughts.

Sometime in her being lost in her thoughts Freya came out to check on her. Freya says Dorothy? Dorothy looks at her sister and says Freya what are you doing up? Freya says I was using the restroom, What are you doing up? Dorothy says I have a lot on my mind I just needed a moment to myself. Freya says Is Everything okay? Dorothy says Yeah I was just thinking about how tomorrow my life is going to change. Freya says I know it's probably going to change a lot but it's going to take some time. Not everything is going to be an okay change. Dorothy says I have friends in the human world but I have made so many friends here that I wouldn't want to leave. Freya says It's okay to be confused. If you have doubts you should talk to Hayden about this before the wedding if it really bugs you. Dorothy says I'll talk to him after the wedding. I'm usually fine with the changes.. Freya says Marriage is a big step especially when you barely know. Dorothy says I know I barely know Hayden but I feel like he is the one. I would like to explain it but it's hard to put in worlds on how I feel about him.

Freya says We should try to get some sleep. Dorothy says You're right. They both said good night to each other then went to bed so they can get some sleep before they had to wake up early. After a couple hours of sleep they got up early so they can head to the castle. When the entire family of Dorothy walked out of Hendrick and Freya's cottage there were guards right outside to take the family to the castle. The guard says Good morning my lady. Dorothy says Good Morning. The guard says Prince Hayden asked for us to pick you and your family. Hendrick says Oh wow thank you Wallis. Wallis says It's no problem. They got into the carriage. Mackenzie asks Dorothy if she was nervous. Dorothy says A little. Mackenzie says It's natural to feel that on your wedding day. I remember being very nervous on mine and dad's wedding. Dorothy says Really? Freya says Can you tell us how you guys met. Hendrick says Should we? Mackenzie says They are old enough. Hendrick says We actually met in the castle. Dorothy says Really? Mackenzie says Yeah Axel's family was having a ball at the castle ands me and my best friend May went hoping to have a good time. Dorothy asked who May and Axel were.

Hendrick says Axel and May are Hayden's parents. Dorothy says Oh okay. Go on with the story. Mackenzie says Well after sometime of being there me and May were looking around and wanting to sit down. We were walking to a table when I accidently bumped into Axel he said he was sorry for crashing into me then May caught his attention he says excuse me and starts talking to May. After stepping to the side and I saw the friend he had with him. Hendrick says Which was me. I remember thinking at that moment who is this beautiful woman that Axel walked away from. I walked up to her and say Hi to her. Introduced myself to her then asked her to dance. Mackenzie says I said Yes and spent the entire night talking and dancing till it was time to go home. Well I went home your father stood in the castle cause he lived in the castle. Freya says Wait what? Why did you live in the castle? Hendrick says My mother and father had died in a horrible accident a year before so Axel's parents took me in and raised me like I was there own. Dorothy says Wait does that make you a prince of Oz?

Hendrick says No, when Axel's family adopted me I made it very clear I didn't want a place on the throne. I had said I wanted my own life outside of this castle when I was an adult. Freya says Oh my god that's crazy. How come you never told me this? Hendrick says Cause in all honesty I wanted to put the castle life behind me and I didn't want you two getting use to it at the time. Dorothy says Well even if you had stood in the castle I wouldn't have been here either way. So I don't know that applies to me. Hendrick chuckles a bit and says It would of effected you because if I had stood here you two would of grew up together. Freya says Really? Mackenzie says Yes because there is a spell on the castle that keeps magic out of the castle only those approved can really use magic in the castle. Freya says Who's approved then? Mackenzie says Me, your father, and two friends of our named Ava and Lucas and their twins. Freya says Why Michael and Brittany have approval and I don't.

Hendrick says I didn't want you having approval because of the three witches sister's mother is why. When you were young I tried to suppress your powers as much as I could. Freya says Is that why you didn't start teaching till I was fourteen? Hendrick says Yes. Again I wanted you to have as normal of a child hood as possible that's why you had a lot of play dates with Hayden and not Michael and Brittani till you all knew about your magic. Freya says Which I find super funny now. I am a lot more closer to Michael and Brittani then I am Hayden. Dorothy says Well I am glad you get a long with Hayden still because I don't want to put a guy before my family. They all had their first family hug in years. The carriage stopped. A guard opened the door and say Welcome back Miss Dorothy and Family.

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