A Sith's Reawakening-- Male S...

By cooldude99by

251K 9.1K 4.2K

"War is all he's known, but with his return, a master of darkness shall rise once again". A Young and powerfu... More

(Prologue Part 1) The Deceived
(Prologue part 2) What could of been.
(Prologue Part 3) Introductions
1st day at the Jedi temple.
Zillo beast
Lethal take down
The outpost.
Battle of the sith apprentice and a daring rescue
Back to Mandalore
Visions of the future...
Assault on the Geonosis
The Assault on the Spire.
Weapons factory
Plague on the lose.
Going to Naboo
Darkness in the slums...
scum and villainy
Not so forgiving
Heroes on the other side.
Trouble on Corulag
Showing Who's Boss
Full frontal assault
Explosive Chaos
Dathomir And The Night Sisters
Altar of Mortis (REMAKE)
Ghost of Mortis (REMAKE)
The Citadel
Citadel rescue
Clones and drinks.
The Hunted.
A New me.
Wookie ally
Revenge of the fallen lord.
The Brighton task force.
Loose cannon
Drastic measures
Finding a Balance
Tribal instincts
Taking a dive at it.
Not according to plan.
Unforeseen consequences.
Uncharted territory.
The Last of their kind
The dark Apprentice.
Back To Square One
Breaking the Line.
Fragile Friendships.
Recovering and the fallout
Arrival at Umbara.
The estrange Jedi.
The General and the airfield.
Pulling a fast one...
A sith's Anger
Lies and truths
From a different Point of View.
The carnage after.
Problems back Home.
Past mistakes...
Fight for it.
The Second Trial
The Archives
The Confrontation
A deadly power
Trip to Concord Dawn
The Siblings.
One enemy, for another...
Rogue Jedi.
Free for all...
Jedi Ambush.
A Togruta's Love | 18+
Vacation time
Short lived trip
Captured by the outlaws.
A Sith's grim reminder...
Slavery Reestablished.
Slaves Of The Empire
Freedom for the weakened
A Copilot's Birthday | 18+
Mandalorian Heritage.
The more the merrier.

Restoration in the force.

2.3K 71 49
By cooldude99by

A little bit mind screwy here, lots of changes in scene settings.

First Person POV Flashback/Dream sequence

I felt my body been thrown through the darkness of my mind before I found myself crashing through a wall, the wall it self didn't break but I groaned from the pain, I got up and opened my eyes, I could see out of them? 'Wait a second this place... I remember this place...' I saw myself in the hallways of what I remembered to be the very ship my parent's died on, I had my former clothing on from my time during Orion's teachings, I also only had my red lightsaber, I looked around as I felt the ship rock from been boarded by a cruiser, I then heard screams come from around the corner I was at, I ran over to where I heard the screams only to find a hallway of dead civilians, I saw a republic trooper gun down a woman who fell in my direction, I see that they hadn't even spared women and children at this point.

Republic trooper 1: Huh, (pointing at me) Who the hell is that? He doesn't look like a civilian...

Republic trooper 2: Doesn't matter, he joins the list--

Republic trooper 3: --Wait a moment, he has a lightsaber... oh gods... is that a Jedi? What will General Jorrier say?

Y/N: You... You bastards!

I pull my saber to right and and leap at the troops, not even giving them time to raise their weapons as I cut two in half from the waist down, the last one tried to shoot me but only gargled as I held him up with the force, I hold my saber to his neck

Y/N: Tell me where Jorrier is! And you won't suffer!

Republic trooper 3: He-s on the lower deck! We-e we're told-d to destroy-- evidence--

I cut the guy off by snapping his neck and running past the bodies, I had no time to lose If I was going to try and stop him, I however as soon as I turned the corner again was thrown into another room, this time however was a training room back on Korriban? I looked about as I saw my younger self fighting Rhale to the death with multiple sith Masters watching, I angrily jumped into the arena and quickly Killed Rhale through stabbing him in the heart, causing multiple sith Masters to enter the fighting areas they ignited their lightsabers

Orion: Who are you to stop a fight? I shall have you torn apart!

Y/N: Not if I tear you apart first!

Orion: You won't stand the chance, (to the others) Kill him!

Two sith Masters instantly jumped for me, but I already knew this move and duck under their attack, slicing them both across their chests and killing them both, I watch as my younger self backed of scarred as I could see terror in myself, I then redirected my attention to Orion and the last two remaining sith masters, one tried to send lightning at me only for me to send my own more powerful blasts at him, sending him backwards, the other sith master tried to cut me down but I force pulled another Lightsaber to me and quickly sliced his head off, leaving Orion lest standing.

Orion: Oh no, I'm not fighting you just yet boy...

Orion sent a powerful force push at me sending me flying back, I managed to recover from the attack but when I looked up the room had changed, I was now in the hanger of a burning cruiser as I see Endel Jorrier standing pale and injured in front of me, he seemed horribly beaten and looked like the aftermath of my assault when I killed him, he tried to reason with me like he did last time round...

Endel: Y/N, it doesn't have to end this way! We walk different paths! But we want the same thing!

Y/N: You took my parents away, it will never happen to anyone again! 

Endel: If you kill out of anger, you will fall and never rise again!

Y/N: By killing you I prevent your failures of justice ever been committed again!

Endel: Then you force my hand!

Endel activated his Green Lightsaber again and tried to rush me, I blocked all his attacked before cutting his fighting arm off, he screamed in pain as I forced pushed him into a container before plunging my saber deep within his heart, I then pulled my saber out as he tried to fight me again, but he fell over and simply died before me, I then see Aludran come into the room, recording everything.

Aludran: Whoa! Nice fight dude, could have done with some finesse, but I would have--Ack!

I cut the thug of by snapping his neck, 'Not this time you son of a bitch' his body fell to the ground as I go over and exit the room from where he came from, A bright light emitted once I entered the room, the first sight I see is HK fighting off a few Jedi with Orion, Now I remembered this, 'it was when Orion and I got attacked on out own star ship,' HK managed to kill a Jedi as did Orion, but once they faced me it seemed they viewed me as hostile.

HK: Master, it seems your apprentice has changed sides!

Orion: So you betrayed me Y/N? After all this time and effort?

Y/N: (igniting saber) I have a score to settle!

I Charged at Orion only for HK to try and get in the way, I leaped over HK and forced pushed Orion into HK, knocked the two down, Orion got up quickly and intercepted my swing right at him with his own Saber, Orion has an evil smirked as he raised up, only for me to smash my head into his and force push him back into some bridge consoles, causing the panel to explode leaving Orion face on the ground lifeless, HK got up and aimed his iconic blaster at me.

HK: Sorry Acolyte, your time has come to an end--

I cut HK off by using the force to rip his blaster from his hands and cut the blaster up, I then felt the room around me start to collapse as I dropped into another scenario, this time I was on the rooftops of Naboo versing Ventress again of all people.

Ventress: I only came to say hello dear~

Y/N: Not into older people! Bye!

I sent force lightning at ventress causing her to screech in pain, she then let out an angered scream before sending debris at me with the force, I tired to jump over the debris but Ventress sent a force push at me, sending me into the water, I tried to swim up only to notice I was then on Mon Cala again with my water suit on, 'Okay, how long is this going to keep on going for?' I thought as I see Quarrens approaching with batons and rifles, I deflected their shots easily as I deflect them back at the approaching troops, I then saw those large Jelly fished monsters from above getting ready to attack me...

Y/N: I've had it up to here with these mother kriffing Jellyfish! In this mother kriffing environment!

I sent a raged filled blast of energy at the monsters, causing a few to explode causing an series of explosions, a blast managed to hit me knocking me out for a moment, when I opened my eyes again I was on a battlefield during the days I was an apprentice with my normal uniform back on, I was helping lead a charge against a republic position and had fallen over, I see a helmeted trooper stop over me and hold out his hand.

Trooper: C'mon sir! We need to keep charging! (pulling me up) For the empire!

The trooper charged as I blinked for a second before I was back on Umbara, I see the 501st charging Umbaran positions as Krell watched in the side lines, not wasting a Second I marched over to Krell causing him to divert his attention to me.

Krell: Brighton, didn't I gave you a direct order to--

Krell was cut of as I cut his head clean off from his neck, the clones by his side looking confused at me until one pointed out something coming from behind me.

Clone: General watch out!

I turned to see a massive shell hit my feet, I felt the wave of energy hit my legs first but before I could yell was sent back into darkness, I look around urgently as I got to me feet again, this time however I felt something evil behind me, when I turned around I was met with the future version of me that I saw on Mortis.

Future Y/N: Your destiny is already sealed, Give up and face it with some honor!

Y/N: Never!

Future Y/N: Why resist? The temptation is there, you only need a slight push... why don't I give you one!?!

He said this as he sent a blast of energy at me causing me to block with my hand, once he was finished the area around me lightened to show that we were on a desert planet, most likely tatooine, I look about at him as he pulled out his Lightsaber and ignited it, emitting a crackly red blade from it's hilt, I force pull my saber to my hands and ignite my own saber, only noticing I had my purple Lightsaber now, I took a form III defensive stance as Future me laughed at me.

Future Y/N: You even dare raise a blade at me? You stand no chance, even at full strength you will fall!

He let out a force yell as he leaped at me spinning, He landed right at my feet as Parried his attack and kicked him backwards, he kept up the assault as tried to go for me again, this time however he seemed more careful with his attacks as he tried to test my strength, I managed to doge one of his attacks and slice him across his arm, he didn't show any indication that he felt the hit.

Future Y/N: Pathetic... you cannot harm me!

 Y/N: (confused) I just did!?!

Future Y/N: But it only strengthens my resolve to end you!

He impaled his Lightsaber into the ground before sending lightning in my direction, I lept into the air as I tried throwing my saber at him with the force, he deflected it effortlessly as I called it back to me as he begun to charge at me again, I caught him in a lightsaber clash as he tried to gain the upper hand, he managed to grab both my hands with his metal glove and sent lightning into my body, I let out a yell before wildly sending lightning in his direction, he grunted a little before force pushing me back, I managed to land the fall as I fell into a farmer's home, I see future me look at me before pulling a large rock out the ground above him and hold it high in the air.

Future Y/N: Try and parry this you filthy Mongrel!

He then sent the boulder flying right at me, I tried to use the force to slow it down only for it to break into many pieces and hit me head on, I felt the cracks of my bones from the hits as I ended up getting hit in the head and submerged by rocks, I let out a groan as I slowly managed to push through the rocks giving me enough free room for my hands before I blasted the rocks off me with the force, however when I did so I found myself, yet again in another location, this time however, I was back in the temple...

Y/N: What? Wait, who... who am I fighting now?

I hear speaking coming from a room behind me, I turned around and walked over to the door way, I peaked into see Obi-wan, Plo, Windu, Yoda and Anakin speaking with each other, I raised an eyebrow as I heard them speak.

Plo: Is this the right call Master Yoda? 

Yoda: Hmm, not right call, to make there is...a possible betrayal by Darth Brighton, there will be.

Mace: Master Yoda, if we don't dispose of him... he will kill us all...

Obi-wan: Not only that, he'll bring around a new order... what could that mean?

Yoda: A possible revolt, perhaps, one with him leading it.

Anakin: Whatever the prophecy means, he can't be trusted... even after him saving our lives on Dromund Kass...

Plo: We lost Master Koth to Darth Orion's son, I have my doubts about Y/N not knowing even the a hint of his existence.

Yoda: Lied he did not, but sense a connection, I can, Darth Orion, return he will....

Mace: (Sternly) Are you sure of this master Yoda? If he returns... Y/N may rejoin his efforts to--

Y/N: (yelling) --I WILL NEVER REJOIN HIM!!! 

They all turn surprised by my sudden appearance, I walked down the stairs as I pointed at Windu first.

Y/N: Damn you.... for thinking I'd turn on you! I may of not shown it, but I had some respect for you!  Even if your an bastard of a Jedi!

I then point at Plo and Yoda who seemed confused.

Y/N: I told you everything in private for a kriffing reason! I trusted your guidance! Something I never truly had!

I then point at Obi-wan and Anakin.

Y/N: If not for me, not only would both be killed, but also your padawan and friends! Hell! I saved the republic so many battles I might as well be made Galactic commander of the republic!

None of them answered me, they all had strange looks on their faces before I heard laughter from behind me, I slowly turned to see the red hooded figure standing where I once stood, he couldn't help but laugh at me again as I growled in frustration. 

Y/N: This... this is all your fault....

Sidious: So it is... I'm surprised you managed to get this far into the force, your actions in the shrine have proved your resolve for power...

Y/N: Wait...your here? In my mind?!?

Sidious: Arrogant Boy, Do you really think I wouldn't sense the disturbance when you opened that Holocron? I know what you're trying to achieve, I won't let you have it and it's contents!

Y/N: (grabbing my saber) I've already learned what I need to, But now you're here, I get to cut you kill you in my mind, (Igniting saber) seems weird, but I'll enjoy this!

Sidious: (Scoffs) You won't be killing me, but I have seen a little into your mind, I know your afraid of that... "thing", Whatever it is...

He said with a little fear about what I thought to be my future self.

Y/N: You've seen future me right? You know the terror I'll cause, might as well tell me who you are to prevent me from going through with it!

Sidious: (scoffs) I rather see myself rule the Galaxy with an Iron fist than you finish the remains of us off, Besides, You think I don't know of your plan? A new order? What are you, a child?

Y/N: (snarkily) A child with ambition, how bout that?

Sidious: A shame...Such talent wasted... I shall let the master of your memories deal with you...

Sidious said this as he backed off into the hallway behind him, I looked behind me to see the Jedi had disappeared from sight and we're not in the room, I then heard a familiar chuckle as I turn back to face my Old Master, Orion came down the stairs slowly with a smirk as I backed off slowly.

Orion: So what is this whole ordeal about? it's not like you to finally stand up to yourself, not after everything I did to keep you under my control...

Y/N: I was your salve, you made me to fight on fronts you should have fought at, all the while you tried to turn against the sith empire.

Orion: So I did, but it was you who allowed it, you could have killed me, but your dear attachment to keeping me alive was humorous, I'll give you that one...

Y/N: I'm done having you plague my mind, (Getting into a form IV stance) This time, you're not imprisoning me!

Orion: (Grabbing his own saber) Then, let us duel... where we last met...

I backed off into another passageway only to find myself in the chamber where I was once imprisoned, Orion had followed me through the gate, as soon as I blinked the gate was gone, leaving nothing in my mind to help me get back, it was now time for me to earn the pride I once lost that very day, Orion get's into his own stance as we get ready to exchange blades.

Third person POV

Meanwhile, outside in the sith Shrine Revan's force spirit can be seen kneeling by Y/N's body as he watched him about to fight Orion, his old master still very present when she spoke up.

Kreia: He has done well to deal with such obstacles with no trouble, but his future is still a violent and bloody path he must not take...

Revan: He will not go down that path, he may have to split from the Jedi to do so, but at least he will be free of their rule.

Kreia: The fact he has dealt with their despicable ways for so long only angers me more, but at least he knows that it will not be forever...

Revan: He has a Jedi lover, and possibly more to hold if he plays his game correctly...

Kreia: Would have children benefit him? Or is this something you want Revan?

Revan: You saw his other future did you not? One of peace and prosperity? 

Kreia: It has a small chance of happening, he is to close to the darkside than the light, not even close to the middle, his chance of keeping order is low my dear student.

Revan: I must see that he ends this cycle. if not him... then the others will...

Kreia: Do you think they would able to stop an overpowered monster he would become?

Revan: They'd have no choice....

Back inside Y/N's mind, Y/N was the first to move as he tried to attack Orion head on, Orion took a defensive style as Y/N swung down to try and cut him down, he blocked efficiently swing his blade around Y/N trying to catch him off guard, Y/N in response, sent a surge of energy at Orion causing him to block the attack with his lightsaber, Orion moved quickly as he tried to go for a quick jab at Y/N, only for him to block and parry the attack, managing to cut at his shoulder a little, narrowly missing his neck, Orion backed off a little as he chuckled.

Orion: Still much to learn boy!

Despite been injured Orion still had the power to fuel his movements as he went on the offensive, Y/N tried to keep up with his attacked but was feeling himself been lightheaded for some reason, annoyed Y/N bite down on his tongue, mentally and physically, it managed to do the trick for now causing him to anticipate his older master's attacks, Orion could feel Y/N's determination to win the battle, something he tried to comment on.

Orion: You will never accomplish your goals! You're a slave, learn your place!

Y/N: I am no slave! No longer will I be pushed about by the likes of you!

Orion: We shall--

Y/N interrupted him by sending rocks from behind him flying at Orion, catching him off guard, one managed to hit him directly and pinned him to the ground, Y/N used this time to catch his breath as Orion flung the rock off him with the force, it was clear now to Y/N Orion was weakening, weather it was his mind allowing him to finally heal himself or the fact he may be gaining the power he need to heal, Y/N been Y/N decided to taunt Orion.

Y/N: What's the matter old man? Can't keep up with your own pupil?

Orion: (snarling) This is only the beginning of your pain my old friend!

Orion deactivated his lightsaber and raised his hands into curled a little as they twitched with force lightning, Y/N seeing this attack got his lightsaber ready to block the attack, when it came he started to absorb the attack, Y/N caught the lightning only using one hand to stabilized the blade as he moved forward slowly.

Orion: Face it my apprentice! You are no match for my power!

Y/N: (Strained) You-u never-r think...Outside the box!

Y/N said this as he force pulled Orion's saber towards him, Orion had a look of horror on his face as Y/N slowly walked faster to him, in an attempt to stop his advance, Orion used both of his hands to attack Y/N, causing him to block with both at the same time, he wasted no time as he closed the gap quickly between him and Orion, Y/N swiped at Orion hands cutting them both off before impaling both his sabers into his chest, Orion let out a gasp as he lowered to his knees and looked up to Y/N.

Orion: (Grunting) Oh-h... You-u (coughs) Got-t me.....Damn....

Y/N: I am not yours anymore....

Orion: (Smiling) Good...you're truly one step closer... to....to-- your-r goal....

Orion then fell to the floor as Y/N deactivated both Lightsabers, once he did so a blinding light emitted from the center of the room, Y/N threw Orion's blade onto his body before heading slowly to it, once had made it to the middle of the room he felt something light go straight through his head, his eyes rolled back as he fell backwards onto the floor, his eyesight was bright white as he groaned in trying to see, he began to channel the force into his eyes as he tried to heal his eyes, however pain would burn into his eyes causing him to yell from the sudden sensation he felt, with a sudden gasp he fell to the floor as the force began to act, all the while a smiling uncloaked Revan would fade of into the darkness to wait....

Unknown amount of time later....

It had been a while since Y/N had fallen unconscious in the sith Shrine, long enough for people to think one might have died, however the boy in question let out a groan as the force had other ideas, he tired to get up but felt a heavy weight on his head, something had happened but he was to dizzy to know what, once he came too after a few minutes he groggily got up holding his head, when he looked about, he realized he was in a dark and misty place, there was only the sound of creaking and the sight of destruction around him, he had to blink a few times to realize he was no longer dreaming and was in fact awake...and had managed to do what the Jedi thought impossible...

Y/N: My eyes! I... I can see?!?

He got up excitedly as he looked about and analysed his surroundings, he could sense he was back in the sith shrine, he walked around a little only to feel his head split open a little, causing him to groan from the massive headache he received, he heard a chuckle from the side of him as he saw the sith Holocron again, he went over and knelt again by it's side, this time more hopeful and full of light.

Kreia: It seems you were successful in unlocking your ability, this will unlock more paths for you to follow, I hope you take this power without hesitation.

Y/N: (happily) I won't misuse it, I promise.

Kreia: Good, now, do me a favor boy, break this Holocron into two will you? I wish to leave it.

Y/N: (Standing back up) Good bye Master Kreia, I hope the next realm is more fascinating than this one.

Kreia: Take care of the galaxy now...

Y/N: Goodbye...

With a quick activation of his purple saber, Y/N slashed at the Holocron, breaking it in half with it's side burning from the power that was just released, Y/N stood back a little as he felt the shrine grumble from the lost of power, Y/N decided to turn around and make his way out the shrine, he took in his surroundings as he saw old art and descriptions  in old sith on the walls, some he could read and make out indicating to warning of Jedi teachings and crap he didn't bother with. As he begun to retrace his steps, Revan spoke in his mind.

Revan: Are you satisfied Brighton?

Y/N: You have no idea how good it is to see again Revan! I mean, we may be in a temple of suffering and the amount of dirt her is kill worthy, but having my sight back means I can get back on track with my life.

Revan: And what of your mission?

Y/N: I'm gonna need time, I'm going to do a lot more planning, first by dealing with this war, then outing the sith from the senate, but right now, I just wanna eat some warm food and drink, and wash and sleep.

Revan: (chuckles) A worthy sub objective, But... be prepared for change, the Jedi will know of your return to power.

Y/N: Good, I want them to be fearful, not my friends of course, but I want them to know I'm not gonna stick around and take order like an droid, I'm free to what I must.

 Y/N would make his way to the exit of the sith Shrine and see that the huge monster he had slain earlier was already bones, he saw the slope had had slid down and leaped right to the top of the entrance to the cave system, he took one last look at the Shrine as he felt the darkness start to empty around into the surrounding areas. After starting to walk for a good ten minutes and not getting lost at all, he found the door back into the temple, it was still sealed shut, and had no clue on what to do.

Revan: You need to use the force to unlock the door...

Y/N: Oh, Right, just a quick question, I haven't got a old sith disease have I? Or an old spirit sucking on my soul?

Revan: (sighs) If you did, you'd be dead or mindless right now.

Y/N happy with his answer, proceeds to hold his right hand out and look into the door mechanics with the force, he managed to easily find the switch to unlock the door and did so, he managed to slowly opened the door, on the other side was Master Yoda, who had waited for him since his departure into the cave system, when Yoda saw Y/N step out of the shadows and saw he was successful, he couldn't been shocked at first before forming a small smile on his face, Y/N looked over to his little green friend and nodded at him smiling as well.

Yoda: Good to see you again, successful, you have been.

Y/N: Yeah, had to  speak with the artifact in question, sadly she didn't want to stick around, I destroyed it... sorry.

Yoda: (chuckles) Apology, not need it is, Felt the Shrine's evil, hindered it is, a good thing for us, to strengthen our bonds with the force...

Y/N: Wasn't easy, fought multiple memories from the past, hell even some from the future, not only that Master Yoda... but Darth Sidious also knew I was going into the shrine, he was the one who was stopping me from finishing the task, and now... it's done.

Yoda: (Walking up to him) Hmm, your eyes, feel, how do they?

Y/N: Like I never lost them, feels good to finally see someone among the living.

Yoda: (raising an eyebrow) Among the living? (jokingly) seeing the dead, have you?

Y/N: More like speaking with them, don't worry, I'm still same old Y/N, just a little more...different?

Yoda: Hmm, different? (lightly laughs) Yes, but not to talk about just yet, (frowning) what happened in the hanger, to cause such a fight?

Y/N: Oh...When Mace brought his buddies to send be back to Nal hutta? Or the fact he tried to kill me in front of most of my friends?

Yoda: Not agreed on, it was, ensure he and the others are spoken to, I will.

Y/N: Yoda, with all due respect, I want to kill Mace right now so I don't have to have him complain about my actions every time he sees me.

Yoda: Know your anger for him, I do, but kill him, you cannot, after your injuries, many showed compassion for your lost, but defeating the Jedi council in combat, scare some, it has...

Y/N: Yeah... let's just hope This "Sidious" doesn't get wind of this, he might already know, but that's another problem for another day...

Yoda: Hmm, (turning around) Come, Wish to show you something, I do...

Y/N looked confused at ht Jedi master bore following him, the two would make their way high up in the temple, Y/N noticed the lack of daylight due to it been night time, there was also no Jedi roaming about the temple, as they were walking through the halls Y/N came across his old room, He quickly looked over to Yoda who has stopped for him.

Y/N: Give me a moment, I need to get something...

Yoda nodded as Y/N went into his room and found his Lightsabers untouched in a cabinet, he was about to leave the room but for some reason could sense into the room next to his... 'Ahsoka....' He to the wall and could sense her presence inside the room, he knew she was sleeping currently, he could sense more...but he knew if he went further Yoda would know too, he decided to stop and left his room and would follow Yoda again, Yoda saw he now had three lightsabers on his belt and couldn't help but laugh again.

Yoda: (jokingly)Three hands, do you have?

Y/N: Oh, uh, no... I just wanted to have them, make me feel better.

Yoda: Hmm, the third lightsaber you created, it's purpose, do you know?

Y/N: No, but I do know the Lightsaber Crystal called out to me a while ago. It choose me for some reason, not like my other two sabers...

Yoda: Hmm, some lightsaber crystals, special they are, the living force, a fun way of communicating with us, it does.

Y/N: I see, then that means this saber his special too then?

Yoda: Indeed, through the force, the crystal speaks, your crystal, speaks differently to you it does, suit you perfectly....

The two would peacefully walk for a little more time before they would eventually go outside to an area that lead down to what Y/N could only tell as calming, he could see a giant lone tree, it seemed to have blossomed under the night sky, Y/N could instantly sense the force coming from the tree, if he wasn't calmed already, he was now, the very presence of the tree felt around him could only be described as a delight as Yoda saw him step closer to the tree.

Yoda: Feel the living force, can you?

Y/N: (Closing his eyes) Hmm, It's very nature feels warm, I know it's just a tree, but... something about it's life force feels... refreshing...

Yoda: (Smiling) Yes, this tree, grown it has for a long time now, Older than me, it is...

Y/N: (chuckles) Sounds like it... it's seen Jedi come and go...but itself still lives on through the force...

Y/N took a few steps towards the tree before he took kneeling position and lightly meditated, instead of anger or hatred been filled in his mind, it was peace, serenity, and a sense of purpose finally. He didn't feel the need for doing anything whatsoever, no need to fight, just calm... something had had long forgotten about... After a few minutes of patiently feeling this feeling he got up and opened his eyes, he then looked to Yoda.

Y/N: This... this is what you wanted to show me? The presence of....

Yoda: Yes...the feelings of a Jedi, compassion, empathy...Something you do not feel often...

Y/N: Heh, I guess there is something the Jedi can fight for after all...

Yoda: And Fight for what you want, do you?

Y/N: I think what I want is what a lot of people want Master Yoda... freedom...The only thing I've really sought in my life, when I was close to having it myself, I was trapped and sent to the future...

Yoda: Freedom? Something you already have?

Y/N: No Master Yoda, Freedom from everything...nothing to hold me back, nothing to stop me from what I want, having that freedom, and to die by it, is something I could do...

Yoda: Hmm, much to think about, there is...

Y/N: I should go back to my ship, my crew mates are likely still worrying about me not returning.

Yoda: Of course, enjoy your night, worry not about the future, for the force is our ally... and a powerful one it is...

With one final bow to Yoda, Y/N would venture back to his ship with these new feelings of accomplishments, yeah, he was going to have to deal with the fact everyone would know he has his eyes back now, Not that he cared or anything, he just didn't want to tell people the story all over again every time someone asked. He managed to make it to the hanger bay with no issues, he took noticed however of the burns marks on the floor from where he had used his lightning earlier, he went up the ramp of his ship into the main com room and looked about, only to hear light snores coming from the meeting room, Y/N went over to the doorway and looked in to see an almost fully repaired HK, however next to it was Aliiza snoring resting her head on her arm on the table, Y/N could only shake his head with a smile as he went over and picker her up bridal style to bring her back to her bedroom, once he opened it with the force and tucked her in, as he went to leave her head Aliiza sleep talk.

Aliiza: Hmm, don't--- let them beat---you----- Y/N....zzzzz

Y/N: (softly chuckles) I won't... I promise....

With that he left her room and her to sleep, he went back into the meeting room and looked at HK and the tools left needed to repair him, Y/N cracked my knuckles together as he got to work on him, he ended up having to refit his energy supply and test his joints in case they could move fully, Y/N  also in the time he took, gave him a new paint job, mainly been Red and Black, Once done, he put him back together, it must have taken at least a few hours to assemble him but after doing so the results were near perfect.

Y/N stood back from the upgraded droid, it's features now resembling the old sith Empire, he couldn't help but smirk as he powered HK on, he stood back for a few moments and waited for him to power on, once he did he quickly looked around only to see Y/N standing here.

HK: Master? Is that you? You seem a little...."different".

Y/N: Say yourself, me and Aliiza upgraded your arms and joints a little, I gave you a whole new paint job, you've got better movements in your arms too...

HK tested this be moving its arms up and down, then left to right, HK let out a pleased hum from the improvements.

HK: Indeed I am, I can make a bet that I am now far superior than those 47's models...

Y/N: You always were in my eyes HK, especially when you helped save my ass.

HK: Flattering: Thank you master, I will always have your back when needed.

Y/N: Hmm, (yawning) What time is it? Feels like I's morning...

???: That's because it is....

Y/N Turned around to see Anakin of all people behind him, When he turned around Anakin's faced turned to a look of shock due to  seeing Y/N with his eyes healed, but there was also something off about his eyes which he was going to call out on.

Anakin: Y/N, you're back!? (shocked) You-u... you're eyes....they're....

Y/N: Still there? I know, took me a mind melt to help figure out to heal them, can even do cuts if I wanted, but I'm not gonna attempt a limb, sorry if you wanted yours--

Anakin: (Cutting him off) --You need to look in a mirror...

Y/N: Huh? Why?

Anakin: Just do it!

Y/N: Okay, (going past him) Give me a second...

Y/N would go into his room with HK and Anakin in tow, When Y/N entered his bathroom as the two waited in the com room, a surprised gasp could be heard, when Y/N had looked into the mirror, he didn't expect to find that his eyes had healed not only the burn marks on his nose and the side of his eyes,  his left eye was it's natural sith colour, but his right eye... had returned to it's normal colour, causing Y/N to curse loudly.

Y/N: What the kriff is this!?!

Anakin: (Speaking into the room) [Uhh, I take it something went wrong--]

Y/N: --Yeah it went wrong! My damn eyes make me look weird now! This isn't what I wanted!

Anakin: [I don't know, maybe it gives you more style options?]

Y/N: I haven't seen so much bantha shit in my life! What will everyone think of me now?!? 

Aliiza: [What's going on?]

Anakin: [Oh, Y/N thinks his life is over--]

Aliiza: (Yelling) [--Y/N is here?!?]

Aliiza yelled this as she ran into Y/N's bed room and stormed the bathroom door, once she fully opened it she saw Y/N turn to her, only for her to also gasp at Y/N's appearance and the fact he was there, she leaped at him with a hug before quickly grabbing his face to look into his eyes.

Aliiza: You've been gone for over two weeks Y/N! 

Y/N: (surprised) What!?!

Aliiza: Not only do you leave me alone to fix HK, something I might add is difficult enough! 

Y/N: Hold on a minute! I was gone for how long!?!

Anakin: (coming into the room, calmly) About ten days Y/N, half the council wanted you returned to Nal hutta, but it seems it's too late.

Y/N: Wha-... what do you mean?

Aliiza: Oh, that, (Turning to Y/N) The Hutts broke the treaty the Republic had with them, "had to be done" apparently. 

Y/N: (muttering) Sounds like they were angry about it...

Aliiza: Why was you gone for so long? It's not been a ten days since you left...(hugging Y/N again) Since you left me....

Y/N: (hugging back) Easy there Bluey, never said I'd leave you for ever now, did I?

Anakin: Uhh, is there something I'm missing here?

Y/N: (breaking from the hug) Oh, uh, nothing, (changing topic) What have you been up to then? Never saw you when I came back.

Anakin: Oh, right, me, Ahsoka and Obi-wan were sent to a Togruta colony in the far rim, turns out all the colonists have been captured by slavers...

Anakin seemed to notice Y/N's sith eye twitch a little at the word, his very hatred towards the people who go by that word was disgusting to them--'Wait, they have Togruta's... Ahsoka....oh no.. she must have taken it hard...' Y/N couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her, to know her people were likely been sent to serve horrible scum of the world wasn't what he wanted to hear.

Y/N: Slavers...what type are we talking about? The scum who use them for labor? Or the ones where I make them regret they're existence in general?

Aliiza: (surprised) Y/N?

Anakin: (sternly) The latter, they took children too, kids around your age... I already know what it's like to... to be one...

Y/N: (Saddened) You were once a slave?

Anakin: I wasn't treated as harshly as my mother was...but the things I saw on tatooine..(Shaking his head) I wish there was something I could have done then... but this time... this time will be different...

Y/N: Just tell me time and place, I'll send them slavers back to the ages of them been enslaved...

Anakin: You won't believe what species they are...

Y/N: Hit me.

Anakin: Ever heard of something called the Zygerrians?

Y/N: Wait... the cat people?

Aliiza: "Cat people"? Who are they?

Y/N: A once proud race... but... they weren't always slavers... why would they...no... that must be why...

Anakin: What is it?

Y/N: They have a royal...the only reason for slavery to be active is having a royal in place, he or she is likely behind this...

Anakin: Have you dealt with them before?

Y/N: I knew a few, learned tales about how they lived, this isn't the first time they enslaved people, seems like we need to make it their last...

Aliiza: You're not talking about killing them all... right?

Y/N: (to Aliiza) If you think the Black sun was bad, and if you think the Hutt's were just as scummy wait to you see what they do, They use electro whips, something I've been on the end off...

Anakin: Ouch...Would that be the large scar on your back you have?

Y/N: It is, use to be more...I know these Feline humanoids won't be easy to take down, I'm gonna need to do some research...

Anakin: Well, good news for you, me, Obi-wan and Ahsoka we're going to lead a small team to their homeworld to locate the slaves, wanna help?

Y/N: I can, but not sure about the council allowing it--

Aliiza: --Screw em, you're helping people in need, might as well go.

Anakin: Great, cause we're leaving in a few hours, I'll have the clones bring the kit here, kinda need your ship since the last one we had blew up...

Y/N: (Sarcastic) Oh... neat...what fun....

Aliiza: (nervously) Yeah.... "fun"...

Anakin: Look, I was gonna repair your droid since it's been several days, but uh, since you did that I'll uh... just leave...

Anakin said backing up, it's as if he sensed the impending conversation about not wanting to use Y/N's ship was about to come up, one he cleared the room he quickly walked out the ship, Leaving Y/N and Aliiza in the bathroom still, Aliiza hugged Y/N again as she spoke with a slightly broken voice.

Aliiza: I... I D-Don't wan-t-t to go....

Y/N: We have to help those people out Aliiza, Their Ahsoka's people for sith sake! 

Aliiza: I... I know.... I just... I hate.... I hate them...People like Demloc... people like those Pirates on the station... people like on Ord mantell...

Y/N: (grabbing her hands) I know, I despise them, as much as you do my love. But if we're to make a change in the galaxy...

Aliiza: Please... please don't drag me there... I don't want to step foot on a slaver world...

Y/N: Then.... don't...You only need to fly, you don't even need to know how the plan works or whatever they've got up their sleave.

Aliiza: I...I don't want to be alone....

Y/N: How about...I leave HK and a clone or two with you then? 

Aliiza: I-I don't know-w, I know you'd keep me safe... but how can I trust them to?

Y/N: Aliiza, Nothing I say can guarantee your safety, but I can swear on my life, I would not let harm come to you, same goes for Ahsoka, and something tells me she'll be going to.

Aliiza: But, what happens if they take her? What if... what if she's taken?

Y/N: It won't happe--

Aliiza: (loudly as she breaks away from Y/N) --But it happened to me! You lost me the first time around this happened! 

Y/N: I tried! I know you might not know everything I did! But I did what I could in the time given to me! I would have came straight after you!

Aliiza: But you saw them get their hands on me! The second time you did come to my rescue! But now you're asking that I go back to--

Y/N cut her off by hugging her tightly again, she at first didn't want the hug but Y/N tightened his grip around her arms and back, she tried to move from his grip but only resulted in him tightening his grip even more, causing her to glare at Y/N, though when she did she noticed his sad look on his face, his right eye showed more emotion than what his sith eyes together would, Y/N felt her loosening up a little as he tried to calm her down with words.

Y/N: I know your hurting Aliiza, What Demloc wanted to happen to you... isn't what any father would do to their daughter...

Aliiza could only shake her head as tears threatened to fall from her eyes, she didn't like to think her father would giver her body up so easy, weather it was a scare tactic, or genuine.

Aliiza: He just.... he just told them to do what they wanted... if you didn't come...the others...they were to busy too....

Y/N: Your father will not survive our next encounter, but the very fact he failed to take me Nal hutta means he's not gonna be in good stead with his bosses...

Aliiza: Yeah (sniffles) I hope he's made to lick their slimy tails...

Y/N: He'll be getting punished, so maybe?

Aliiza: (softly giggles) I can imagine it you know? 

Y/N: I know, poor Hutt.

Aliiza laughs a little while Y/N chuckled.

Aliiza: I think... I think I could go...but I need... reassurance...

Y/N: Okay... what do you want?

Aliiza: Two clones from the squad you own, HK for he obvious reasons...

Y/N: Yeah, HK won't leave the ship or you, and for safety reasons I'll give you a better com link.

Aliiza: Right... and I want to keep your orange Lightsaber.

Y/N: Done.

Aliiza: (shocked) Huh? Really?! You'd let me keep it?!?

Y/N takes his Orange lightsaber off his belt and examines it in front of Aliiza.

Y/N: This Saber has killed many great foes, it has protected me where my other Lightsaber could not, (Passing it to her) And now for the time been, you will hold it as a lucky charm.

Aliiza took the blade carefully as she held it up wrong at first, realizing this Y/N grabbed it lightly and pointed it upwards before backing off, she ended up activating it there and then to look at the blade, she had a smile on her face which caused Y/N to smile.

Y/N: Just don't activate unless you really need it, it's not a weapon for uncivilized people.

Aliiza: (deactivating it) I know, I know, I'd probably cut an arm or both my legs off...

Y/N: I'm sure HK could give you a lesson or two--

HK: (Shouting into the bed room) [Absolutely not Master! I already had to train one annoying brat! I don't want another!]

Y/N: Oi! Keep it shut otherwise I'll tear your head off and mount it on the front of my ship for a month!

Aliiza: (giggles even more) Okay, we should go, I want to know everything that's gonna happen, the Jedi kept me out the loop for a while.

Y/N: Eh, just let me handle the Jedi, if needed I'll kick Mace's ass again.

Aliiza: Yeah, he hasn't shown his face in a while, Oh! You won't guess what I have onboard!

Y/N: Okay... show me?

Aliiza grabbed Y/N's hand as she pocketed his Lightsaber and dragged him out the room, Aliiza went past HK who was looking confused at the couple, he was gonna comment on them doing the nasty in the bathroom but he knew better, Aliiza went over to the com table and pressed a few buttons before displaying the holo recording of Y/N defeating half the Jedi council. Fives had recorded the fight as well as the reactions from Ahsoka and Aliiza, Y/N couldn't help but smile as he saw himself, blind and all, when the recording finished Y/N turned to Aliiza with a smirk.

Y/N: Guess I have to thank Fives for his service.

Aliiza: Yeah, I've watched it almost a hundred times, never fails to cheer me up.

HK: I wish I got to witness the fight, or even take part....

Y/N: (Turning to him) Next time the Jedi have to turn on us, we'll deal with them together, how about that?

HK: I'd enjoy slaying Jedi again.

Y/N: (shrugging) It's kind of a turn off now since I have too many friends here.

Ahsoka: And lovers too~

Y/N Turned around to the exit to see Ahsoka standing behind him, she had a suitcase again but it seem much smaller this time round.

Y/N: Uhh, what's with the suit ca--

Ahsoka had walked up to Y/N and hugged him catching him by surprise, but however she'd break from the hug and smack him across his face, he had to blink a few times before looking at her again as she folded her arms with a huff.

Ahsoka: That's for taking too long.

Y/N: I don't even know... (Sighs) For me I was gone a day or so....

Ahsoka: I end up thinking you were dead! Not till Master Yoda said when I woke up you were back, And what in the world happened to your eyes?!?

She said coming up to him and grabbing both sides of his faces to look in each of his eyes, wow this was happening Aliiza made a comment to HK.

Aliiza: Wow, And I thought I took it bad...

HK: To be fair, Master always had a habit of running off to do his own thing.

Y/N: (Shrugging Ahsoka off) First off, ow, secondly, Yeah, I'm alive nice of you to notice, thirdly, I healed them, though they seemed to be an issue and now I looked weird.

Ahsoka: I... no you don't look weird... I think it's actually kinda adorable and sweet....

Y/N: Oh for kriff sake....

Aliiza: That's what I said! It makes you stand out, and with your clothing and the style of clothing you use, it makes you look fabulous!

She said causing Y/N to groan in frustration, he ended up having to take a seat as he mentally question his very existence to that point of his life, Aliiza turned to Ahsoka and asked the same Question Y/N did.

Aliiza: Sooo, what's in the suitcase?

Ahsoka: (sighs) It's a costume...meant for....pleasure slaves....And my master been the most idiotic person in the galaxy is making me wear it...

Aliiza: Oh... Wait a moment.... a "pleasure slave?"..... you're not gonna be... you... doing anything, are you?

Ahsoka: I hope not...I know this is for my people...but I'm not sure I'd let anyone..."have their way with me" Or anything like that.

Y/N: (butting back in) What are you two on about now?

Aliiza: Ahsoka's going to be playing an act as a pleasure slave, I'm not quite sure about this...

Y/N: (to Ahsoka) A what!?! Are you nuts?!?

Ahsoka: (Sternly) It's my choice in the end Y/N, besides, I'm not gonna let anyone do anything to me--

Y/N: --That is not the point! Zygerrians are a lot stronger than you think Ahsoka! Especially the males! They're not to be taken lightly!

HK: Perhaps this mission is not suited for female occupants...

Ahsoka: It's isn't, but I can't let my people suffer, I need to help them... by any means necessary.

Y/N: Ahsoka...this plan is gonna back fire... I can already feel it...

Ahsoka: It's not your choice Y/N...

Y/N: (Saddened) I... I know...Just... don't let them get you...

Ahsoka: Well, it won't happen if your coming along right?

Y/N: Of course I'm coming, I wouldn't want to know if you got hurt without me knowing, besides, I don't think anyone is prepared for my little act...

Ahsoka: Oh? You've already decide on what to go as?

Y/N: HK, how long is it from here to Zygerria? 

HK: Three hours at most Master.

Y/N: Then I've still got time...Aliiza, bring a fresh batch of paint to my room, gonna need to do something to my armour.

HK: You're going to go as a Mandalorian?

Y/N: Yes, I believe I have the perfect name too....

Ahsoka: Oh this is going to be good.... what's your name gonna be?

Y/N: I think this one will be a nice call back.... "Dutch Mortiful"....


Dutch Mortiful... the name of the guy that lead the Mortiful clan... also He had a plan....he had a goddamn plan....

Next up 'Slavery Reestablished.'

So this is the half way mark for the book, 80 chapters...crazy how I've made it so there's going to be a second book too, I could have skipped a lot of material but I was like "Nah, go extend the story". So I did, Book One is likely to have under 175 ish chapters, there's still around 30 chapters of this book that need writing up and around ten still not written up yet. As I previously mentioned in the last chapter, I'll be going on a small three or so months break, my aim is to come back for April or may, I won't be fully dead, I'll be messing with my rwby x warframe story remake, it's coming along quite nicely, and so id the end of this book too, I'm also going to try and set up a time line chapter for the end of the book, since the clone war was only three years long, I might change it and make it a few months longer, so maybe three and a half or more, again, the second book has it's first seven chapters ready, that's how much I've done, but a lot is still up to debate.

I still have my ways to go, but I wanna thank those who've stuck around, The first story I did was utter trash because I used the phone app, same with the other R6 story, but now we're here, so here's a meme about the old Republic and that poor trooper from the clone wars movie.

Peace out....

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