נכתב על ידי GreenBumbleBee12

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Agent Sophia Black, assigned to protect her best friend, the President's daughter Ashley Graham, encounters a... עוד

Au Note: where I've been


249 9 1
נכתב על ידי GreenBumbleBee12

"It is a Karakuri," my mother said softly "the only way you can solve it is by figuring out the correct sequence." She finished, gently placing the wooden piece in my small hands

"What's inside?" My high pitched voice asked, looking up to my mother from my hands.

She smiled, "The world is full of unanswered questions, beyond all limits or reason... the answers await," her cool hand lifted to my chubby cheek "just like what's in that box."

The echoes of our footsteps reverberated through the castle's corridors as we ventured deeper. Shaking off a memory, I turned to glance at Leon.

His eyes had darkened in the dim light of the castle, and specks of blood stained his face and clothes, remnants of the villagers he had been forced to confront. I grimaced and averted my gaze, not wanting to imagine the horrors he had encountered to reach us.

After a few minutes, we came to a halt in front of what appeared to be a worn wooden gate. Ahead, a splotch of crimson stood before the door. Leon reached for his binoculars to get a closer look.

"Huh. Courtyard's gotta be through that gate." He said the binoculars were still on his face. "Don't think our hosts are gonna roll out the red carpet."

My attention shifted from the gate to the figures standing beside it. Men in black robes lined the walls, some donning peculiar helmets, and all of them wielding antiquated crossbows.

"Crossbows, huh. Something tells me they don't want to be friends." I said, still looking at the robed men. "Let's keep moving."

Leon nodded, stowing his binoculars and drawing his firearm. I followed suit, ensuring the barrel of my gun remained pointed at the ground.

Ten minutes of cautious advancement felt like hours, the strain on my legs growing palpable. As I ascended the final few steps of a staircase, a sudden noise shattered the silence. An explosive blast rang out nearby, prompting both Leon and me to duck instinctively.

"No way! They have catapults?!" Ashley exclaimed, her arms shielding her head as debris rained down upon us.

Surveying our surroundings, I spotted a massive wooden catapult atop one of the smaller towers ahead.

A blinding orange light caught my peripheral vision, and I turned just in time to witness a fiery projectile hurtling our way.

"Look out!" I yelled.

The fireball crashed into the adjacent tower, causing it to shudder violently, its stone walls disintegrating like a shattered dream. I reached out, trying to grab Ashley's hand, but she was wrenched away by the force of the explosion.

"Ashley! Leon!" I screamed, my voice swallowed by the inferno's roar. Smoke and dust filled the air, choking me as I frantically searched for a way over the wall of rubble and loose stones that now separated us.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized we were now isolated, each trapped in our own nightmarish ordeal.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, the sounds of Leon's gunfire echoing in the distance, a cruel reminder that my desperate calls wouldn't reach them. I made my way to the pile of rubble, determined to climb over it.

The stones felt cold to the touch, as if the fire had never touched them. My arms burned from the effort of pulling myself upward. Looking down, I shifted my non-injured foot onto a nearby stone and put my full weight on it, attempting to hoist myself up.

But the stone crumbled beneath my foot, and I tumbled backward. Time seemed to stretch as I fell, the ground rushing up to meet me with merciless force. Agony exploded through my body upon impact.

The world spiraled into a vortex of darkness and pain. My vision blurred, limbs grew heavy, and I crumpled to the ground. The clamor of battle and the cries of soldiers faded into a distant hum. I struggled to remain conscious, but the enveloping darkness prevailed, its icy grip tightening around me.

"Remember to keep the house clean while we're away, and be nice to Mrs. Johnson." My mother said, packing her favourite weapons into her duffel bag.

"How long will you and Dad be gone?" I asked, my arms crossed.

My mother halted her movements then turned to look at me. She bent over slightly, so that she was eye level with me.

I wasn't small for a twelve year old, my 5'5 frame was only a few inches shorter than my mother 5'7 hight.

"Sophia," my mother said softly. "Just in time for your thirteenth birthday." She smiled, pulled away and zipped up her duffel bag.

I watched as she pulled the handles of her shoulder and walked out the front door, leaving me behind.

"Your parents are missing, I'm so sorry Sophia." My Uncle told me, holding me close to his chest as I cried clutching my thirteen birthday present my mother had gotten me.

I groaned as I slowly regained consciousness. My head throbbed with pain, and my vision was a blurry mess of colors. I tried to move, but every muscle in my body ached, and a sharp pain shot through my head. With a deep breath, I mustered the strength to open my eyes, squinting against the harsh light that pierced through my eyelids. As my surroundings slowly came into focus, I realized I was lying on the cold, hard ground.

It was still dark out, indicating that only an hour or two had passed. I pushed myself up into a kneeling position, trying to ease the pain. Standing up, I checked my trusty hand gun and the TMP that had fallen beside me. Each weapon felt cool and reassuring in my hands. I examined the magazines, ensuring they were fully loaded, and the mechanisms, making sure everything was in working order.

Moving to the edge of the castle, a door stood further down the wall on the other side. My head tilted in curiosity as I put my guns away and climbed onto the edge. The only way to reach the door on the other side was to descend the wall.

I glanced back towards the rubble, hoping that Leon and Ashley had made it to the door already, and that none of the guards had killed them yet. "Only one way to go," I gulped. "Down."

My fingers found purchase on the rough, weathered stones, and I began my descent, my legs trembling with each step. The wind whipped through my hair, and I couldn't help but steal a glance down at the dizzying drop below. Ignoring the fear gnawing at my gut, I focused on the task at hand. My feet searched for crevices and ledges, my hands gripping the stones as I inched my way down.

The stones were cold and damp, and some crumbled under my touch, adding to the challenge. With each slow and deliberate movement, I grew closer to the door below. My heart raced as I reached the final stretch, my fingers brushing against the ancient wooden door. Relief washed over me as I finally landed on solid ground, my pulse gradually returning to normal.

Hoping that the door was unlocked, I yanked the maroon wooden door open. Beyond it lay a dark tunnel, illuminated only by a solitary lantern hanging beside the entrance.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered, taking the lantern off its hook. I proceeded cautiously into the cold, damp stone tunnel, my footsteps echoing in the silence. My fingers grazed the rough walls as I ventured further into the black abyss.

Each step felt deliberate, as if I were tiptoeing through the unknown. My lanterns weak light struggled to penetrate the darkness, casting eerie shadows across the ancient stones. A growing sense of unease washed over me, as if unseen eyes were observing my every move.

The tunnel seemed endless, the path vanishing into a void. My heart raced with every echoing footfall, and I strained my ears for any hints of what lay ahead. The air grew heavier, and a musty scent lingered in the stillness.

As I continued, a massive wooden door adorned with intricate carvings and a complex-looking mechanisms blocked the rest of the path. The lantern's light revealed a puzzle of gears, symbols, and dials.

Anticipation quickened my heart. This was no ordinary door; it was a test meant to deter intruders. I had to solve it to reach Leon and Ashley.

Examining the symbols, I saw they were associated with rotating dials. Five dials in total. Cold sweat formed on my forehead as I pondered the task ahead.

My instinct was to align symbols with their corresponding dials, but as I turned the first dial, a low rumble filled the tunnel. Panic surged, and I hurriedly returned the dial to its original position. The noise ceased, but the door remained shut.

I took a deep breath and closely examined the symbols, searching for a pattern or sequence. Minutes felt like hours as I made careful adjustments to the dials, listening for any sign of progress. Sweat dripped, and my fingers trembled.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a soft click echoed, and the door shuddered. I held my breath as it swung open, revealing a new passage. Triumph surged through me as I stepped through, leaving the enigmatic door puzzle behind and pressing onward.

As I approached, another maroon wooden door materialized, its form becoming clearer as the lantern light drew near. Pulling on it, I was met with a sudden gust of wind that carried a cold, rancid stench.

My eyes watered, and I couldn't help but exclaim, "Jesus Christ!" Coughing, I used my hand to fan the putrid air away from my nose.

With cautious steps, I entered the dark stone dungeon, my footfalls echoing softly in the oppressive silence. The air clung to me with a musty, damp scent, sending shivers down my spine. My fingers brushed against the rough, uneven walls as I ventured deeper into the black abyss.

Each step felt deliberate, as if I were navigating through a labyrinth of dread. The feeble lantern light struggled to pierce the darkness, casting eerie shadows that danced across the dungeon's ancient stones. A growing sense of unease settled in my chest, as if unseen eyes were tracking my every move.

As I delved deeper into the dungeon's depths, a low growl rumbled through the cold air, making my heart race. I froze, straining my ears to catch any hint of what had made that chilling sound. A rustling of chains and a heavy, labored breathing answered my silent question. There was something else in here with me.

My grip tightened on the lantern as I continued to scan the shadows, desperately searching for any sign of an exit. The dungeon seemed to stretch endlessly, its twisted passages winding further into the unknown. Panic gnawed at the edges of my mind, urging me to find a way out.

I knew I had to escape, and quickly. The lantern flickered as my trembling hand swept across the dungeon walls, revealing a narrow passage that seemed promising. Without hesitation, I darted towards it, the beast's quiet growls echoing behind me.

The next room I entered was smaller, and a grim sight awaited me. Two bodies hung from moldy chains, lifeless and decaying, while an opened door led to a dark, creepy hallway. A desk stood nearby, next to one of the now rotting corpses.

Approaching the desk cautiously, I set the lantern down on the table, casting a flickering light that danced eerily around the room. My heart pounded in my chest as I picked up a small journal, its pages stained with ominous bloodstains.

I was awoken in the middle of the night once again. It's those awful noises coming from the basement: the sounds of nails clawing at the stone walls and the writhing moan of curses

That man harbours enough hate to ruin this world. He once served the lord of the castle and grandfather before him. It's one of the unsightly legacies left by the Salazar family

Even among his family, he was "special." He enjoyed his work wholeheartedly and had a talent for it. He was gifted at tormenting others. His ability soon attracted the master's interest. And when he took him to the dungeon— No, I can't write anymore. I won't. I don't want to recall what happened down there.

My mind can't take it. It will break me. I was ordered to attend to him: to feed him, dispose of the filth— all while listening to that wretched voice every night.

I can't take it anymore. I've had enough. I will not tolerate one more night in this castle. I shall leave tomorrow. Go far away. Where that voice cannot reach my ears.

I grimaced, carefully placing the blood-stained journal back onto the desk. Turning my attention to one of the corpses suspended next to it, I prodded it cautiously with the barrel of my gun. The body emitted a rancid odor, as if someone hadn't washed in days. Carved into the chest of the corpse were the ominous words, 'None shall escape.'

I scrunched my nose in disgust at the foul smell and swiftly moved toward the dungeon door. Anticipating it to be locked, I braced myself, but when I pushed the door, it opened with a loud, eerie groan. It revealed a wooden ladder ascending upwards, bathed in an ominous orange glow.

I turned back to the door, curiosity piqued about what else lay within that room. I tugged on the handle, but it stubbornly refused to budge. Frustration mounting, I gave it a few more determined tugs.

"I have worse luck than Ann Hodges, I swear," I muttered, letting out a sigh of exasperation. With a resigned shake of my head, I turned and made my way toward the waiting ladder.

Groaning softly, I ascended the ladder, emerging into a slightly larger room filled with boxes and old antiques strewn haphazardly about.

"Just goes to show money can't buy taste," I quipped to myself, my voice echoing in the dimly lit space as I walked towards a gated door.

Before me stood a massive gated door with a smaller one to the right, which was wide open. My attention was drawn to the artwork on the stone wall nearby, depicting four knights each bearing different types of swords. One spot on the wall was conspicuously vacant, yet the door remained open. Not wasting a moment, I hurried toward the doorway.

Passing through it, I found myself in a grandiose room. Two iron chandeliers hung in alignment with my position. Below, a polished floor gleamed, resembling a ballroom. Glancing around, I noticed two ornate doors on either side of the room, mirroring each other perfectly.

I took a cautious step forward, but the door suddenly swung open, causing me to quickly seek cover. Standing before me was a young boy dressed in a blue Victorian outfit, his features partially concealed by two large objects draped in red cloaks.

"A most warm welcome to my castle." The boy greeted in a low gravely voice.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and I shifted slightly to see where the boy's gaze was fixed. In the middle of the room, two blond heads came into view, one slightly behind the other. It was Ashley and Leon.

"Such a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintances, Mr. Kennedy. I must ask, I only see one girl, where is the other?"

"Who. the hell. are you?" Leon asked ignoring his question.

"Me? Oh please, call me Ramón." The small man introduced, "And allow me to get straight to the point."

I glanced between Leon and the boy who, by the sound of his voice, was clearly a man.

"I would like you to hand the girl there, over to me now," Ramón suggested but it felt like an order.

"Yeah, fat chance, Ramón. The girl's just fine. With me." Leon said, glaring at the small man.

I pursed my lips, feeling a slight pang of hurt that I wasn't included. After all, I had been kidnapped too. Looking at Ashley's tear-stained face, it was apparent they might have assumed I was dead.

"Mr. Kennedy," Ramón lightly tapped his hand, which was in a fist, onto the banister almost at his shoulders before continuing, "How noble of you two. Nonetheless, you see, the girl must be ours. With that girl as the very source, your United States, and then the entire world shall overflow with his grace." Ramón spread his arms wide.

"Never!" Ashley yelled, taking a step forward.

"You heard the lady." Leon backed her up.

"How unfortunate." Ramón snapped his fingers, turning around. "Do make sure our guests feel at home, now that they have chosen death." He ordered.

The door below the balcony swung open, and a man clad in a black robe, gripping a menacing scythe, rushed out. Not far behind, five menacing figures charged toward Leon and Ashley. Two wielded axes, shields, and chains, while the other two carried scythes, and one was unarmed.

I rolled my eyes, swiftly drawing the TMP strapped to my back. Rising to my feet, I aimed at the two men closing in on Ashley.

"Hey, fugly!" I shouted, catching the attention of the approaching duo. They halted, turning toward the sound of my voice. "Eat lead!" I declared, opening fire on the two assailants.

In no time, the entire group lay lifeless on the floor between Leon and Ashley. I glanced down at my gun, expertly reloading it before securing it back onto my back.

"Sophia?" Leon called out.

I peered over the ledge, offering a smile. "Well, guess who just saved your asses? You owe me!" I teased him.

He chuckled, concern in his eyes. "Are you alright? We thought you were dead."

"I'm fine, just a bump on the head and some bruises," I reassured him. "And are you two okay?"

He nodded, relief evident in his expression. "We had a few run-ins, but we're both okay."

"Come down to us," Ashley waved.

"I can't, the door locked behind me. You're going to have to come to me," I replied, pointing behind me.

Leon nodded, gently taking Ashley's arm. "We'll meet you there. Don't move."

I hummed in agreement, perching myself on the edge. "Be careful!" I called out, watching them make their way towards me.


A lot has happened these pass few months and I've been un able to take some time for myself to continue the story but I am back!

Y'all have NO idea what I have planned for Sophia's story. It's gonna be crazy!

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