Par Amour [Taekook ff]

Por AfroArmyGirl

75.8K 3.3K 1.2K

TYPE: 🔲 General Fiction | ✔️ Taekook ff | 🔲 Non-Fiction Date Started: 04.30.2023 Date Finished:... Más

i | intro
ii | character descriptions
iii | Par Amour Playlist
1 | The Proposition
2 | The Documents
3 | When Do We Start?
4 | Playing With Fire
5 | Rescue A Prince
6 | Christmas Candy
7 | White Wedding Cake
8 | A Day To Remember
9 | His Favorite Par Amour
10 | Happy New Year
11 | Moth to a Flame
12 | Friend and Friend
13 | Taken to Bed
14 | Is It Working?
15 | Collect Your Man
17 | Total Bliss
18 | Now It's Over
19 | Clientele
20 | Taught Him to Love
21 | Screaming His Name
22 | The Real Deal
23 | A New Friendship
24 | Join Me
25 | Valentine's Day
26 | Together-Together
27 | Shacking Up
28 | Too Good To Be True
29 | Tears of Worry
30 | One of Her Shooters
31 | Room 128
32 | Time To Come Clean
33 | He Left
34 | Someone I'd Like You To Meet
35 | I Want You To Go
36 | March Has Come
37 | Good Night, Baby 👅
38 | A Little Baby Girl
39 | I Hate You Too, Baby
40 | Par Amour
iv | Final Author's Note
v | Character's Q & A
vii | Playlist Narrative

16 | Not of This World

1.4K 78 19
Por AfroArmyGirl

Yoongi met Taehyung for lunch at Katz's Deli. Weeks had passed, and so he wanted to reach out to Taehyung concerning his work project.

"Hey, Boss, sorry I'm late," Taehyung said as he rushed to sit after taking off his jacket. "You said you ordered for us both right?"

"Yeah, I did. I ordered pastrami for you and a Rueben for me. We can share the potato latkes. You got an original cream soda there. And if I may, I'm noticing Jungkook has brought another first out of you," Yoongi said.

"And what's that?" Taehyung asked taking a swig of his drink.

"You're never late. Like never. To anything."

"Don't blame Jungkook. Blame Landon. This agent is relentless. I'm pulling like 12-hour days sometimes. He's a slave driver," he said taking a bite of his sandwich and pickle.

"I've heard that most models work long days but they get several off at a time. Hopefully you'll get to rest soon. How are you holding up, with dating Jungkook and your other pursuits?" Yoongi asked.

"Not holding up well, to be honest. Jungkook has been testy about my schedule."

"How does he feel about your rave reviews of your first photo shoot?"

"He loved the concept and the photos I think," Taehyung answered.

"I mean how does he feel about the women in the city wanting to come after you? You've gotten really popular."

"He says he's ok but he gets sulky when I talk about the model that I'm shooting with."

"Hmm, I understand his point of view. He has a hot stud for a semi- or unpaid personal and he now has competition."

"Jennie is no competition for Jungkook. A wonderful girl but there's nothing between us. No one is competition for him," Taehyung confirmed.

"So how did he take it when you gave him the money back?"

"He lost his shit and tried to put his cute little foot down. But I was having none of it. Not trying to flex but you know how I feel about breaking the law. I was having a hard time sleeping at night."

"I get it. I'm happy you got that off your conscience."

"I am also a bit worried about him. He's still receiving threats. The offender is getting closer to what they want. I believe they want to kill him. And it doesn't seem this person cares about jail. They have now started entering the Jeon Building, or having someone deliver to the building. And Yoongi, I want you to know that I will defend him with my life. I can't let anything happen to him."

"Just be careful Taehyung. You can't work for us, be a model, date Jungkook, and be a one-man show in taking down this person. Let the people hired for that do their jobs."

"Yeah, I hear ya." He took a bite of his sandwich.

"You love him don't you?" Yoongi asked as he finished his root beer.

"With everything I am, I love this man."

"Wow. Kim Taehyung has found the one."

"Yeah, I believe I have."

"Well let's hope he returns the same feelings."

"Your mouth to God's ears please."

They did some shop talk and then both departed. Taehyung headed straight for the Jeon Building to see Jungkook and reconnect with Landon with next week's logistics for shoots.

As he got off of Kook's elevator, it got quiet as it always did when he came through. His presence made the atmosphere thick and his cologne would linger. Jeon Engerprises' employees didn't believe that Tae had any clue as to what he did to people when they were in his presence. He existed effortlessly and had a demeanor smooth like butter.

He entered Kook's office after a brief knock. And one look at him sent Jimin.
He texted Jungkook from across the room and let him know that his guy friend just assaulted him again with his visuals. He thinks he now has grounds to sue.

Taehyung was always wearing something sexy. Why not? He had the body to pull it off. Today, the slap in the face for Jimin was the unbuttoned black top and the silver chain. No one wore black like Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook smiled when he saw him and stood up to meet him with a hug and a kiss. Jimin could hear them both pecking and slurping onto and into each other's mouths.

Jimin thought 'Great, and now I get my eyeballs bombarded with couple porn.'

He was disgusted. But he wasn't about to leave. He wanted Jungkook to forget he was there so he could eat some #Taekook crumbs.

He cleared his throat as he pretended to look down at the paperwork.

"Oh hey, Jimin. Didn't see you there," Taehyung said.

Did he just say he didn't see me? All of this flamboyant energy I'm serving today and he didn't see me? Damn.

"Oh no problem at all, Tae. By the way, I didn't see you at your photo shoot when Kim Jennie was removing your hair from your face and—"

"Shut the fuck up, Jimin!" Jungkook shouted.

"Yeah. Ok, I'll just show myself out." He walked backward still stealing looks at the boy candy that didn't notice he was in the room.

"I'm sorry about that," Kook said.

"It's ok. It's been all over Twitter and other social media platforms. I don't care what others think. What and how you feel is what I'm concerned about."

"I'm good," Jungkook said looking down, pushing imaginary strings of hair behind his ears.

"No, I can tell you're not," Tae said as he pulled him closer to him.

"I just don't understand why you didn't tell me you guys shared such intimate moments. Why did I have to find out through Instagram?" Kook asked with a cute pout.

"Baby, we don't share intimate moments. That was a rare one-time occurrence."

"You're sure? Nothing is going on between you?"

"Nothing but the job. Jungkook, I barely have time for you. You're trying to accuse me of spending time with another person?"

"I'm not accusing. I'm just asking."

"Yeah, but you know, there would be no questions if we became a real couple and moved in together. We'd be together every night. I may come home exhausted, but at least we'd be in the same bed each night."

Jungkook went silent. He was not ready to take the leap to make Taehyung his real boyfriend yet, let alone move in together.

"Let's get off of this topic," he said while walking back to his desk. "Are you excited about the show next week?"

"Kinda. But a bit nervous," Tae admitted.

Jeon Enterprises hosted a Runway Party each year to celebrate its models, fashion, and luxury. Taehyung's pictures will be up for all to see. Not the original photos but his first shoot with Kim Jennie, an up-and-coming model managed by the company.

"I've seen the concept and you're gonna look great."

"Thanks, babe. I need to get home and work on some filming. Why don't we get together tonight, order out and watch some true crime? Want me to come to your place?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Kook said.

"Ok. See you tonight." He left and Jimin came in with work for him to do.

Jungkook got off late and went home to soak his muscles in his tub. Afterward, he got a glass of wine and lay down on his sofa in front of the television. He was hungry but wanted to wait on Taehyung. He dozed off.

Taehyung showed up about an hour later.

"Hey babe, sorry I'm a little late. Got lost in editing," he said giving him a swift kiss. "Have you eaten already?"

"No," he said yawning. "I was waiting for you."

"Oh. So what are we having tonight? Everything's on me."

"Um. I've been in the mood for a VIP Margherita pizza from Serafina."

"Ok then. I want seafood pasta. So I'll order both."

While they waited on their food, they started catching up with the various trials of some of their favorite cases.

This is how they liked spending their evenings, laying on the couch in front of the tv. They'd fall asleep most nights when they were together but neither minded it. At least they got to be together.

Taehyung would be so tired from the shoots that he'd walk in zombie style and crash. On some nights, Jungkook would wait for him at Taehyung's place to make it easier on him. He wouldn't have to go all the way home, shower, then go to Jungkook's.

The modeling shoots had taken a toll on Jungkook's scheduled times with him. Now there were no prearranged times. Landon was pushing Taehyung through the moves like he was a side of beef in a meat market. Landon knew his potential for greatness and was determined to squeeze it out of him.

Taehyung was a natural. He was unusually sexy. He had unnerving modeling instincts. He was spontaneous and involuntarily flirtatious. The cameras didn't stand a chance with him, like most women. And a few men.

Jimin had said that he started to think Taehyung was a sexy human-like robot. But he couldn't prove it. So, he continued to stalk Taehyung's Twitter and Instagram. You know. For science. Research is important.

And Taehyung had just disarmed the cool and calm up-and-coming model Kim Jennie. She was paired with Taehyung because of her experience and their chemistry on set. Their photos had been teased on Twitter and Taehyung fans were loving the duo's dynamic.

While the fans were loving their partnership, Jennie was loving Taehyung. He was polite, kind, and chivalrous. And he was an absolute bombshell. She knew he was supposedly dating Jeon Jungkook, but Jennie still tried to use her charm to gain Taehyung's attention. She would touch him unnecessarily and somehow get it caught on camera so she could post these intimate moments to social media. Jungkook tried to keep ignoring her antics, but Jennie was testing his patience.

Jungkook didn't know how long it would be before he snapped. He had been kind and would like the posts and even comment on "how cute" the photos were. Jennie was still somewhat of a child. And Jungkook was not about to continue to play games with a child.

The next morning they were both dressed for work and eating toast. Jungkook was quiet and this bothered Taehyung. He knew he was upset because they didn't have sex the previous night.

"Baby, do you have a busy day planned?" Tae asked him.

"Yes. I do, actually," he answered. "Are you able to come back over tonight?"

"Not tonight. I have an interview to do this evening to help hype next week's event."

"Interview? With Jennie?" Kook asked taking a sip from his coffee cup.

"Yes," he said knowing the very mention of Jennie made Jungkook's blood boil. "But I was wondering if we could have lunch together?"

"I don't know. Why don't you check with Jennie and see if you're allowed and get back to me."

Taehyung put his coffee cup on the island and closed in on Jungkook, grabbing his waist.

"Jungkook, Jennie is just a work colleague."

"And she wants you. Look what she posted last night, while we were asleep, not having sex again."

"What the fuck? I don't even remember this?" Taehyung said.

"You sure about that? Her titties are practically pressed into your back."

"Baby, I wasn't even paying her any attention. But this is what I'll do. I'm going to have a talk with her about posting pics with me and tagging me without my permission."

"And how will that stop her from pressing her breasts into your body without my permission?" Kook asked.

"Jungkook, you're being silly. But I will take care of it today ok?" He kissed him and grabbed his wallet and jacket.

"Oh, and sweetheart Valentine's Day is coming up. Why don't we both take off for a couple of days and just do something together?" Tae suggested.

"Like what?" His anger was starting to subside.

"Let's take a day trip. Like a getaway? And I'll be able to vlog us doing so. We'd have privacy. And we could spend the night somewhere not having to rush off early the next morning. What do you say?"

"Well, sounds good. My family has a house in the Hamptons. We could go there. I'd love a day trip. Especially after next week's event. After watching you and your model girlfriend for an entire night, I'm gonna need some attention."

"Stop saying she's my girlfriend. She's a kid Jungkook."

"You two are literally the same age." Jungkook reminded him.

"Oh yeah, right. But I don't care about her age because I don't want her. Not interested at all. And now can we please not talk about this anymore? It's bringing me down." He made a fake pouty face.

Tae kissed him and they left to head to Jeon Enterprises.

They were riding along in Jungkook's SUV when his security officer got a phone call. Taehyung heard him mention Jungkook's name.

"Rodrigo, is there something wrong? Pertaining to Jungkook?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. We can't go to the front of the Jeon Building. There's been a development," the officer informed.

"What kind of development?" Jungkook asked.

"It's well under control sir. I was just asked to let the driver know to take you around to your father's private entrance. It will be safer."

As soon as they got into the building, Taehyung walked with Jungkook and his security to get him to his office. Once he knew he was secure, Taehyung asked the officer to tell him about the security threat.

An unidentified person entered the lobby on the first floor and ordered four coffees. The drinks were brought up to Jungkook's floor and delivered. One of the drinks had Jungkook's name on it as if he had ordered it. But Jimin intercepted it and thought it was strange. He was usually responsible for getting Jungkook's coffee or ordering it at least. And Jungkook never preordered coffee.

Jimin got spooked at that point and contacted security and they contacted Jeon Seojun. Mr. Jeon had the detective pick up the coffee to get it tested. If there was no harm done to it then, it could've been a friend in the office just sending Kook a coffee, but Seojun doubted that would be the case.

Taehyung let Landon know he would be running late. His agent didn't take it well because he had a shoot with Jennie across town and she was already waiting, getting paid to just sit. Taehyung didn't give a fuck. Jungkook was his priority.

Taehyung asked for permission to view the surveillance from the street entrance to the lobby. Meanwhile, the building security officer alerted him to the guilty culprit, who was unidentified.

The person could not be identified as male or female. They had on a mask, which made them stand out since most New Yorkers had stopped wearing Covid masks in privately owned businesses. The person had on a bucket hat along with shades. They walked right up to the coffee shop, ordered the coffees and as they sipped on one themselves, they got onto the public elevator and upon arrival, dropped the coffees at reception on Jungkook's floor.

Taehyung watched the scene about five times. And then bingo. He saw something else.

By this time, Jeon Seojun had entered to speak with security.

"Do we know what's happened?" Seojun asked.

The building security officer answered. He told him all the details of the purchase of the coffee and how it got delivered to Jungkook's reception area.

"Wow. Thanks for Jimin's intuition kicking in," Seojun said.

"But sir, there's more," Taehyung chimed in. "Look at the perp. I believe she's a female. If she were male, she wouldn't need such baggy clothes. She's trying to hide her figure. But that's not what's intriguing. Take a look at the beginning and look outside the building through the lobby windows instead of looking inside at the perp. Look at the vehicle that's pulling up."

"What the hell?" Seojun exclaimed.

"Exactly. The coffee buyer is a decoy. A look-a-like tried to enter the building and didn't make clearance. They were stopped by the building's security team. It's my guess that the person that didn't make it into the building is our scorned lover. This tells me that Jungkook could've been with a former escort who was a part of the LGTBQ+ community. This other person could be just a friend helping out. Either way, your team needs to put pressure on those agencies to release some names."

Then he looked at Jungkook. "And babe, maybe you can start jotting down a list of names of people who may feel you wronged them in some way. I know you're just trying to calm down now, but maybe later ok?" Tae hugged him and rubbed his back to help him relax.

"Thanks for your assistance, Taehyung," Seojun said.

"No problem. Now I better get to Landon. He's been blowing my phone up." He looked again at Jungkook and asked if he'd be ok if he left.

"Go. I'll be fine. And hopefully, I'll get to see you at lunch." Tae kissed him before he left the office.

"How does he know so much about this cop stuff, Jungkook?" Seojun asked.

"Well, he wanted to be a detective growing up," he answered.

"I'm impressed. How can one person be so good at so many different things?"

Jungkook knew his dad didn't even know the half.

But, maybe Jungkook didn't either.

And perhaps Jimin was right. Maybe Taehyung was not of this world.

Guys, just want you to know I mean no hate towards Jennie of BlackPink. I love her. This is just a story.

Next | Total Bliss

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