Just My Luck (EXO, BTS, BTOB...

By lgfdani

38.7K 1.2K 205

BOOK 1 OF THE "JUST MY LUCK" SERIES! "Just my luck": an idiom often expressed when something bad happens. exa... More

02 School Trip!
03 School Trip Pt. 2!
04 Movie Night!
05 Loopy.
06 Evil
07 End of School Trip
08 Rumors
09 The Truth
10 Marriage
11 Honeymoon Pt. 1
12 Honeymoon Pt. 2
13 Problems
14 "I'll reveal everything."
15 Just My Luck (Final)
Book 2!

01 Change

5.1K 130 42
By lgfdani

Sae Yeon POV
Hi, my name is Sae Yeon, and I am 15 years old, and I am a junior at a prestigious, stuck-up high school filled with snobby kids as myself. Did I skip a grade you ask? No, my birthday is just very, very late in October, nothing special about me. By the way, I HATE SCHOOL, but it's better than being at home. At home, I learn about business because I am the heiress to the Jungkook Empire, (jungkook meaning nationwide).

I have been told indirectly that I am a rude and cold girl at school, and this year, I am trying to change. Although some boys liked me at school, always following me around trying to get my attention, I still believe I should change. Why? Because I don't have any other friends besides Ashley and Minhyuk, and looking at them, it would be way more fun with more friends.

--------------First Day of School------------

When I got out of my car, I thanked the driver for driving me here. See, I'm not that rude... Am I? No. Snap out of it Sae Yeon. You can't let something as small as that get in the way of your confidence! I walked through the gates of the school as everyone stared at me. I don't know if it's because I'm beautiful, or because I'm rude-- there we go again, Sae Yeon. STOP.

I sighed. "Is life tough, my princess?" Chanyeol said, he was one of the guys that chased me around last year. To be honest, he isn't annoying or anything, in fact, today maybe he could be my first friend! "Hey.." I said, he jumped and his eyes widened. "What? What?" I looked around in case something was behind me, "No, princess... you're talking to me!" I smiled. He hugged me and I was surprised, not in a good way because I wasn't used to this, I slapped his back and he got off rubbing his back. "OWW! Oh, whatever, so what's up?" He said, I gulped.

SY: Am I rude?

CY: Yup.

SY: Then why do you hang out with me?

CY: Because you're pretty and you're smart. You're attractive basically-

Baekhyun came and interrupted, he was also a stalker guy.

BH: HELLO MY love.

SY: Please don't call me that...



Baekhyun punched his arm and I laughed. They both stared at me like I did something wrong, in fact, the whole school was staring at me as I was entering the hallways laughing. They all suddenly smiled and started whispering to each other,

'Is that really her?'

'yeah, for sure!'

'well then what happened? did she sleep on the right side of the bed this time around?'

'I don't know, but she seems brighter than ever.'

I smiled at all these nicer comments. EEEEEE! I'm so happy! I regret not changing earlier because the feeling of smiling and laughing felt nice. Suddenly, I felt someone's arms snake around my waist, it was Minhyuk!

"Annyeong!" I yelled laughing, his eyes widened, "You're smiling! You're not mad?" I shook my head and skipped away as I saw Ashley pass by. "Ashley!" She turned back confusingly and her eyes also widened. How many wide eyes am I gonna see today? She ran up to me to hugged me and I hugged her back. "Sae Yeon! Are you okay? Why are you so happy?" I whispered in reply, "I'm going to change this year!" She smiled happily, "Well that's glad to hear, but nothing's going to make me stop being your BFF." We then all went to class.

When we all settled down, the teacher came in and said she had some announcements. "As you all know, our school is sponsored by the Jungkook Empire, which is owned by Sae Yeon's parents. Sae Yeon, please stand up." I stood up and waved while everyone cheered. Wow! That was a first, and that felt GREAT! Usually it would just be small claps here and there, but this time I heard cheers and I saw smiles. The teacher continued, "As a gift for coming into 10th grade, they have also sponsored us tickets to the waterpark & swimming pool, not only that, but also hotel rooms--" Everyone cheered cutting her off and she slammed the podium, irritated,

"Let me finish! This is how it is going to work. You guys will have a normal school day," Everyone groaned, "Then after school, you guys will go home, pack up, get your permission slips signed, and come to the hotel by 3:30pm if you want to swim. That is all." When she left the room, everyone cheered and most of the girls along with Ashley came to my desk and talked to me, they initiated small talks and questions about my new change in attitude.

I was so ecstatic answering all their questions until I saw the teacher come back in. I told them to go back to their seats as I pointed at the teacher. They quickly scurried back. The teacher came in with a student, and I heard whispers everywhere, "Sorry class, I forgot to introduce your new students, Kim Taehyung, Yook Sungjae, and Zhang Yixing who couldn't be with us today unfortunately. NOW that is all, you guys may take your seats anywhere that is empty."

I cursed to myself when I saw Kim Taehyung. I may be wrong, but I think he's the heir to the Kim Empire. I had dinner with his family once, and I guess our companies are friends? I don't know, I still have a lot to learn. All I know is that he might be more rude than me considering he never came to the dinner. Rumor has it that when he was supposed to eat dinner with us, he went on a date-- oh crap why is he running here. I knew it. It is Kim Taehyung.

He sat behind me, but I didn't dare to look back. As for the other boy, I heard he is the heir to Yook Empire which owns YE Academy. Prestigious, but not as much as our school here, JK Prestigious High School Academy. Long name right? Don't sweat remembering it, I barely know the full name ;)

-----------------Lunch Time-------------

Taehyung POV

That's the girl I was supposed to meet on that day. Hah, she looks better than the girl I met on that date, I didn't date her that day by the way, I dumped her. She was getting boring by the minute anyways. What was this girl's name though? Soo... Seo... Sae.. SAE YEON. By the looks of it, my parents were trying to make her my wife, so that when I become the CEO of both companies, I can merge them to make my parent's company larger. This is business.. right? Whatever, I'm hungry.

Minhyuk POV
"ahh I'm so hungry, Sae Yeon!!" I said as I walked over to her with my food. I got the desk in front of her and I flipped it so it faced her. "HEY! Nope, I shotgunned it today, Minhyuk." Ashley said, I groaned and flipped the other desk next to her to eat with her. For some reason, the new kid behind her was giving her weird looks.

Sae Yeon POV

"Hey guys! It's so nice being able to eat with you guys again. I feel like this change is good and-" My stomach growled. That's embarrassing. They giggled and told me to start eating and I smiled.

To be honest, I didn't want to turn around to get my lunch out of my bag because what if I make eye contact with... HIM. THE FLIRT BOY ALIEN. I knew the real reason why his parents wanted to eat dinner with us, and I'm never going to get married to him because of the company. My parents are getting old, and one day I have to become CEO, not Kim Taehyung.


I turned around to see him wave, I rolled my eyes. "This rude little..." He muttered expecting me not to hear, I glared at him, "Excuse me? I'm not the one that proposed a business dinner and not even show up." He smirked, "So you do remember me, future fiancee!" This bench. Yeah, I can't cuss anymore because you know, CHANGE.

This little piece of crap wants to die doesn't he. I pretended I didn't hear that, so he walked out smirking. I guess he already had friends here considering he just fist pumped a group of people... but it looked like they didn't go to this school. Whatever, the guards will deal with it. When I FINALLY got my lunch and turned around, Ashley and Minhyuk stared dumbfoundedly at me.

Minhyuk's stare with more sincerity and anger, "What... Who is he?!" Ashley then grinned at him, "SOMEONE'S PEANUT BUTTER AND JEALOUS!" He ignored her and kept looking at me for an answer. I explained everything to him as I unboxed the large lunchbox that I shared with them. "Ah.. so no feelings at all?" Minhyuk asked, Ashley winked at me.

I knew what she wanted me to do. "Well... marriage doesn't seem like a bad idea-" Minhyuk's eyes widened, "WHAT?!" Ashley and I bursted out laughing until we heard a loud crash outside in the hallways. I rushed out because my mom will kill ME if this school's reputation becomes ruined. When I got out, I saw Kim Taehyung and a that group of kids beating up the other new kid, Sungjae. I clenched my fists and made my way to him while everyone stared at me. Taehyung and his friends smirked.

"Please leave! I don't know why you boys are here at our school, but as I see it, you do not belong here. Whether you have a visitor's pass or not, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." They started chuckling, and some kid started talking, "And if we don't want to? Please, make sure your little friends here keep to themselves! This kid attacked us, so we just used self defense!" They laughed thinking they fooled me.

Well they didn't.

I slapped him right across his face, and everyone gasped. "Who swung first?" I asked the people around, they all pointed at the boy I slapped. I took a step forward, and they took one back. "Trespassing, bullying, and on top of that you falsely accused him of attacking you. How pathetic. GET OUT, or else I'll make sure you pay more than what you deserve."

I glared at all of them, then a boy whose name tag I could read came in, 'Jimin'. I scoffed, so these kids go to Park Empire Academy, a school right across from ours. "This girl needs some sense knocked into her!" He raised his hand in an attempt to slap me, but Minhyuk came and grabbed his hand, I went up to his ear and whispered, "I dare you." He put his arm down and leaned on the wall, trying to control his temper.

At that moment, a boy named Jin came up to me. "Sae Yeon-ssi, I'm deeply sorry for what these kids did to your student, and I don't know how to compensate." I got mad at what he just said, and when I saw Sungjae's blood on the ground, my blood started to boil. "It's fine. Please just leave." Sungjae said.

Jin bowed and dragged them all back to their school as everyone slowly went back to their classes. When Taehyung tried to walk past me, I grabbed his arm and said, "Follow me." He smiled and followed. I took Sungjae to the infirmary and told him to wait for me to come back. Taehyung was surprised at me for being willing to treat him myself. I knocked on the principal's door.

"Come in." She said, 'she' being my mother, the principal of JK Academy. I came in with Taehyung and her frown almost immediately turned upside down as she walked towards him. She shook his hand, hugged him, and when I saw Taehyung's face, he smirked. I cleared my throat, "Ahem, this boy was with Park Academy kids, and together they all beat up a new kid named Yook Sungjae--" She cut me off, "It's their first day! Give them a break, dear daughter. Come on, it's Taehyung from the Kim Empire! He was supposed to be your--".

"MOM, I TOLD YOU TO NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN--" She slapped me in front of him, and her slaps were my childhood fears. "Don't you DARE raise your voice against me!" I felt a tear run down my cheek and I left the room. When I came out, I saw Minhyuk and Ashley, I decided to explain later, so for now I just went straight to the infirmary to get an ice pack for my cheek.

Sae Yeon made her way to the infirmary with tears streaming down her face. When she got there, Sungjae saw her and his eyes widened. "I-I'm fine! I just need an i-ice pack..." She grabbed one from the fridge and put it on her cheek. She then got some ointment on a band aid, and she went up to Sungjae. "Umm, could you hold the ice on my cheek?" he nodded and did so as Sae Yeon put the band aid on his face. "Thanks." They said at the same time. Sae Yeon, however, still had tears in her eyes. Sungjae pulled her into his arms in a hug. She cried to her hearts content. Minhyuk looked inside and his heart kind of hurt, but he brushed it off for her sake. Taehyung looked inside and ignored.

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