Ninjago: The Path Of Destiny

By miraclequeen45

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After the defeat of lady bone demon, young jing(or bei he) sets off on an adventure of her own in the city of... More



265 14 2
By miraclequeen45

"Hello?". Bai he found herself wondering through darkness as her voice echoes. "Hello?".

Grunting was heard, making her turn around to see the purple ninja. She looked like she was fighting someone but it was hard to see who it was through the darkness. The purple ninja was hit and sent sliding backwards until she stoppef in front of bai he, who gasp in shock.

Suddenly, the purple ninja's whole being glowed blue before she was levitated into the air against her own will as she struggled to break free, while looking like she couldn't breathe. Jing watched in horror as she slowly backed away.

"Do not treat, child. For destiny has finally found you . . .".

Jing's eyes widened as lady bone demon emerged out of the darkness and floated towards the purple ninja, smirking. The bone demon gritted her teeth and clutched her fist. Bai he's blood rang cold, watching as the purple ninja slowly faded away into dust before LBD then looked at her.

"There is nothing you can do, bai he, except for accepting your destiny!".

Immediately the darkness turned into a blizzard and revealed all of Ninjago city covered in ice and snow. Jing gasp at her surroundings while standing in the middle of the street.

"What-what is this place?".

"Don't you know? This is your home. Just looked around". LBD gestured to her surroundings. "All of this is your future. It is because of you".

I see a cold wind blowing through
I see days neither fun nor free
I see a future caused by you
I see a path not meant to be

LBD pointed at bai he and she backs away in fear but stood in shock, feeling cold wind blow up her hair and clothes, making her turn around and gasp when she saw that she was standing at the edge of a bottomless cliff.

The future should be filled with magic

LBD uses her powers to create small blue snow spirits of a man and woman as they danced together.

Dreams and wishes brought to life

The bowed at each other before dissappering into the blizzard as LBD turned back to bai he.

The days ahead are dark and tragic
No time for hope when all is strife

Whatever might have been
All the drama the people shared
Because of you, bai he
The future is a cold nightmare

Bai he was in shock. "What?! Bu-but I didn't do anything! I don't want this!".

"It matters not what you want, child. Destiny is the one to choose. The future of Ninjago and beyond shall be bath in a blanket of eternal ice and snow!". LBD's eyes glowed blue as she began laughing maniacally while dissappering into the blizzard, her laughter echoing.

"No! I-i don't want this to happen!". Bai he yelled, looking for her or for anyone seeing as she was now alone.

Bai he fell to her knees as tears escaped her eyes. She looked forward to see a giant icicle in front of her and saw her reflection. The lady bone demon in her true form smirking evily at her.

"No!". She noticed her hair turning white and her clothe and skin changing into hers. "No! No!!!".




Bai he shot awake from her bed panting as she felt tears run down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?".

She turned to see nya kneeling next to her bed with a worried look. Bai he immediately hugged her and began to cry, nya looking shocked before returning the hug and rubbed her back soothingly to calm her down.

"Shush . . . It's okay. I'm here for you". The samurai reassured, before jing calmed her crying and sniffed. "Was it a nightmare?".

The little girl didn't reply and just nodded her head.

"Aww, poor thing. I doubt it'll be easy to fall asleep anytime soon. How about this, why don't we go check up on how the guys are doing with their training?".

Bai he uncovers her face, looking up at her sister figure and nodded. "Yes please".

The girls left the room with nya holding bai he's hand before making it to the deck. Below the balcony were the ninja training in the dark with their golden weapons. Despite the darkness, jing could still make out each ninja with their respective golden weapons as they fought serpentine dummys. After ice knocks down the last serpentine, nya turned in the spotlight that shined on them all.

"Good training. Your powers are getting stronger". She smiled, as bai he noticed one of the ninja was missing. A certain ego firehead.

"Hay, where's Kai?". She asked, as every noticed it as well before a crash was heard.

"What was that?".

They all rushed into the bounty. Cole quickly stops in front of them, making them stop as well.

"What is it Cole?".

He shushed them and motioned them to follow him into the ninja's room where they all saw the red ninja fooling around in front of the mirror, wearing the green ninja gi.

"Fire! Unlock fire! Uh, fire up! Shoot flames! Oh, come on. Everyone else can do it. So can you. BRING HEAT!".

Immediately the ninja busted out laughing, surprising the fire ninja as he turned to look at them.

"Very nice. Perhaps if you tried the phrase "Fire dork", maybe it might work". Cole exclaimed, as Kai removed his hood.

"How long have you all been watching?".

"Long enough to watch you make a fool out of yourself". Jing gighkee, earning a glare from the embarrassed older Smith boy.

"The green ninja suit. That's awesome!". Jay exclaimed, focusing on the green gi he was wearing.

"Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from sensei and then I found these". Kai gestured to the green gi and held out a folded purple one.

'Pretty'. Bai he thought, smiling at the purple gi before looking back at the supposed green ninja. "But I thought the ones destined to be the green and purple ninja are supposed to wear the gi".

Zane smiled down at the nine year old. "You are correct, bai he. Only they should wear the green and purple outfits. So sensei would most likely be very-".

Kai cut him off as he walked towards the window frowning. "I know, I know. But I thought if I just tried it on, it might help me see my true potential. It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't. Besides, sensei's gone and we don't know when he's coming back-".

A door opening shut cut him off, followed by a familiar voice.

"Hello? I'm home!".

"SENSEI!". The ninja and bai he cried in delight before running out of the room, except for Kai, who freaked out, looking for a place to change and hide the green and purple ninja gi.

The ninja and kid met up with sensei wu and nya on the deck. Bai he being the last to arrive, so as soon as she saw him, she ran towards him and tackled him in a hug, crying his name excitedly.

Wu smiled down at the girl as he patted her on the head before sighing as she pulled away. "Ah. It's so good to be home".

"So glad you're back". Zane smiled at his master.

"Did you bring us anything?" The black ninja asked excitedly, mostly expecting cake.

"Oh, sensei, have you missed a lot. Zane's a nindroid, nya's the mysterious samurai, Cole and jing are dancers-".

"Zane is a . . . what?". Asked wu in shock, intteruping the lightning ninja.

"You've been gone a while. We'll catch you up later. But you should know, all of us except for Kai have discovered our true potential".

"Have you now?". The old man stroked his beard, fascinated by what the white ninja had exclaimed before noticing what bai he did earlier. "Where is Kai?".

"Right here!". Said boy exclaimed, running towards them and back in his original red gi as he smiled at wu. "So glad you're back safe".

Jing's eyes suddenly flashed purple as she felt a shiver go down her spin like a pair of eyes were on her from behind. Turning around, her eyes widened at who stood behind her sensei and had four arms.

"Sensei, behind you!". Cole instanly pulled his sister behind him as the other ninja prepared to protect their master from the evil dark Lord. "He's got four arms!". Kai brought out his weapon to attack Lord garmadon and tackled him to the ground.

"So we meet again". Lord Garmadon grunted.

"He must've followed you, sensei".

"Kai, stop!". Wu yelled, making everyone look at him in shock. "He is the reason I left. For so long as pythor has lloyd, he will be our guest".

Everyone was twice as surprised now.

"We have to live with this guy?!".

"But sensei, he has four arms".

"Uh, must I remind you ever since he turned evil, he's been trying to get our golden weapons".

"I'm not sharing my room with him".


The ninja instantly kept their mouths shut when their angry sensei yelled and Kai got off of his brother as they hanged their heads.


Garmadon got up. " This isn't about the weapons. It's about my son".

"From here on out, you will obey me and you will respect my brother".

"YES, SENSEI". The students once again eplied in sync, to which wu nodded in approval.

"Now to the bridge. We must put our attention to more pressing matters. So, where are we at with the four fang blades?". Wu asked once they arrived at the bridge.

"Oh, pythor's managed to take the first two, but there's still two left". Jay exclaimed.

"And we only need one in order to prevent him from unleashing the great devourer". The earth ninja added.

"Any luck finding their whereabouts?". Wu asked and Zane shook his head.

"No, but the falcon is programmed to alart us if he sees any suspicious activity".

"Good. If we find thefengblade, we find lloyd. Kai and nya, prepare the deck and double check the anchor. We need to be ready when we first get word of activity".

The Smith siblings nodded. "YES, SENSEI".

"I have my eye on you". Kai glared at lord garmadon but ended up hitting his head on the wall on his way out. Baihe saw wu shook his head at him before the grunting fire ninja was pulled out the door by his sister. He came back with one last warning glare at tge dark lord before he was yanked away again.

Wu turned his attention back to the others, stroking his beard with interest. "Jay, did you say the falcon was . . . Programmed?".

The walker boy chuckled. "Haha. Okay, sensei. I don't know where to start. It all started when we saw the falcon, and then we ran after it . . ."

Bai he tuned out of their conversation and focused her attention on the dark Lord in the room. She still couldn't believe that he was lloyd's father. To her surprise, garmadon noticed her steiring and smiled before walking up to her.

"Hello, little girl. I'm guessing you must be bai he, am I right?".

"Y-yes, sir". She gulped, feeling a little uneasy until she realized what he said and raised a brow. "How do you know my name?".

"Wu has told me a lot about you, and how you are a good friend of my son".

"O-oh. Well, kinda. We got off on the wrong foot at first, but we sort of got there in the end". She then frowned sadly. "I just hope he's safe wherever he is".

The dark Lord got down to her level, patting her head with a lower arm. "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll get him back. You're not the only one who misses him". He said playfully with a reassuring smile that made her smile back at him.

"I know we will".


These past few days with Lord garmadon have been something else. Bai he peaked through the ninja's room to find them brushing their teeth and in their Pjs. Not only that, but garmadon was there too and he was brushing his teeth with a dagger.

'So that's where the noise was coming from'. Bai he thought, before the dark Lord noticed her arrival through the mirror, to which he smiled and waved at her. Taken aback for a moment, bai he smiled anyway and waved a 'Good morning to you too' back at him.


At breakfast, jing sat inbetween her brother and Kai as she enjoyed the food Zane made. Also ignoring the brunette glaring at the dark Lord across the table. Lord garmadon sent him a wink, eating whatever he was eating.

"What's he eating?". Cole asked, looking at the dark Lord as well.

"Condensed evil". Kai replied with disgust. "Supposed to be low in far".

One of the grub flew out off his plate towards Kai, who brushed it was with his folk in irritation.


Sometime later, jing sat down with nya on the couch while Jay sat on the floor as they watched a heart breaking movie about a man leaving his true love. Jing sniffed and blew her noise into a tissue, thinking about lloyd. She really missed him, but no way would she say it out loud if anyone asked her. Nya smiled and wrapped an arm around the younger girl's shoulders, pulling her into a side-hug, both unaware of the dreamy look the lightning ninja was giving the pretty samurai. Suddenly and to their dismay, the channel was changed. Laughter soon filled the room before the three of them turned to garmadon seating on the other side of bai he. They groaned and glared at him for changing their show.


Later that night, bai he once again peaked into the ninja's room with a tired look while rubbing her eye as she sees the ninja also looking tired but garmadon kept them all awake with his electricity powers.

"Can you keep it done, please? Some of us are trying to sleep". She yawned, angry for being interrupted from dream land and esspecially at the ninja for their loud groaning.

"Try asking Mr sparky over here". Kai glared at garmadon. "Do you have to do that? We're trying to sleep".

The dark Lord purposely ignored him and began laughing loudly, making the ninja groan as they covered their heads with their pillows to block the light. Jing rolled her eyes and headed back to her her room, grateful the dark Lord wasn't at least her new roommate. What a relief.


Bai he hummed to a lullaby she hadn't heard in a while as she walks down the hall before spotting Kai, Cole and zane standing outside the entrance of the game room. Curious, she found herself walking over.

"What's going on here?". She asked as the red ninja groaned.

"Garmadon, that's what". He gestured to the four armed dark Lord playing their video games with his four arms. "He's not even playing the game right. He's just shooting and destroying things".

"I've noticed when he isn't so focused on trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, he's actually quite fascinating". The ice ninja grinned.

"Sure, the four arms are freakish, but all in all, he doesn't seem that bad of a guy". The earth ninja shrugged.

"Not to mention the fact that he's really nice once you get to know him. I guess now I can honestly say like father like son". Jing exclaimed, finally seeing how similar Lord garmadon and Lloyd garmadon were.

The fire ninja just frowned at their comments. "He might be pulling the wool over all your eyes, but not mine. He's up to something. And I'm gonna be ready for it".


Now in her room, jing lays on her bed as looked up at the ceiling that consisted of glowing star strikers. She's been doing this for days now ever since she got that dream about the lady bone demon and the purple ninja. She's just had this feeling that they're somehow connected. If there's anything she's learnt from her friends back at megapolis, it's that dreams might also be messages or signs. But what could it be? What was this sign and/or message? What is it trying to tell her?.

A knock on her door snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Bai he, you in there?". Came the voice of nya.

Jing got up from her bed before walking towards the door and opened it to see the older girl.

"Hey, nya. What's up?". She exclaimed, smiling.

"I just wanted to check up on you to see if you were okay. You know, since the nightmare you had".

"Huh? . . . Oh! Yeah! I'm fine now. No need to worry". The nine year old reassured.

"You sure? 'Cause I'm really worried about you".

"The only thing you should be worried about is my birthday". Nai he stated, wanting to change the topic, which she thought worked as she watched the samurai roll her eyes and cross her arms.

"Your birthday isn't for another five months, jing".

"I know, and that gives you and the others time to get me presents".

Nya sighed. "Jing-".

"Hello, girls". They turned to see sensei wu walking walking their way with his staff and a hand behind his back.

"Oh hey, Sensei wu".

"Morning, sensei wu".

"I believe I'm not intteruping something of importance". He asked, to which nya politely shook her heads.

"Are you kidding? Of course not".

Jing looked up at her with a frown. Her birthday comes once a year, of course it's important.

"If you two are not to busy, then I would like to discuss something with both of you in my room".

"Of course, sensei". Nya replied, as jing closed the door to her room and followed them to their teacher's room.

Wu opened the door to his room and steps aside for the girls to enter. "This way. Come, come". He closes the door and the girls noticed the golden weapons and the green and purple gi laying on his bed.

"What's going on here, sensei?".

"Aren't those the green and purple gi meant for said ninja?".

Wu nodded. "Indeed they are. And I have come to understand the mysterious samurai is no longer a mystery". He said to nya.

"Oh yeah, you heard about that. I guess I picked up a thing or two". She said, shrugging before the master looked at bai he next.

"And you have still been seeing the purple ninja in your dreams, correct?".

"Uh . . . Yeah?". She raised a brow, unsure of where this was going.

"It was foolish of me to think that a girl could not be the destined green or purple ninja. Let alone the two of you be both".

The girls were in shock, sharing surprise looks before looking back at their teacher.

"When the four weapons are laid out before the destined ones, the weapons will react, revealing the identity of the green and purple ninja. The tiger and dragon".

"But, sensei . . ."

"Approach the weapons".

The girls shared another look before nya took the first step. She was about to take the last step towards the golden weapons and gis but then stopped.

"Something the matter, nya?". Wu questioned.

"Actually . . . I don't wanna be the green or purple ninja! 'Cause I like being a samurai. Honestly, I'd take that over being a ninja any day. I'm sorry, sensei". She sighed, before wu walked towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It is alright, nya. It means that you still know what you want. I trust destiny has something installed for you".

The Smith girl smiled at the old man. "Thanks, sensei".

He nodded before turning his attention to the brimstone girl. "Now it is your turn, bai he".

"Um . . ." Bai he walked forward before stopping in front of the weapons. Seeing the purple gi reminded her of the purple ninja in her dreams. First she fought LBD and won, next she died in her hands. If she were to be the purple ninja does that mean the lady bone demon will come back to kill her or is she going to kill the lady bone demon? Oh, the agony! Destiny can be so cruel.

"Come on, bai he". Nya placed a hand on jing's shoulder, making her look up at her to see a reassuring smile. "We're here for you".

Sensei wu walked over to her other side. "Just because one is a child does not mean that they are not destined for greatness, bai he. See if you are the purple tiger or the green dragon".

The little girl hesitated but nodded at their words before taking a deep breath and looked back at the weapons. This was it. The moment of truth. But deep down, she kind of wished she doesn't get to be either.

Suddenly, a loud crash followed by battle crys were heard coming from behind the door.

"What was that?". Jing asked, stepping away from the golden weapons and the gis before they rushed outside to see Kai and Lord garmadon glaring and pushing each other. "What's going on?".

"Guys, guys, what are you doing out here?". Nya asked, looking concern as garmadon pointed at the fire ninja.

"Perhaps you should be asking Mr snoopy pants that question".

"So Kai was spying on us?". Jing asked, looking at him in disbelief.

"What? No way! I was, uh, keeping watch. So are any of you the green or purple ninja?". He asked eageredly.

"What? Of course not". His sister replied, much to his delight.

"Great! Wait, so is it bai he then?". He looked at said girl as she frowned.

"Actually-". She was cut off by a door slammed opened by a upset Jay.

"Kai, you were supposed to be in the bridge. Zane's falcon spotted them".

Instantly everyone followed the blue ninja into the bridge where Cole was piloting the ship and looked at the screen to see the serpentine going to a volcano.

"Looks like pythor is at the temple of fire". Nya stated.

"That means the fengblade is there". Kai added.

"AND LLOYD". Both garmadon and jing said in sync, their main concern on said boy.

"That's the same fore temple where Kai and Lord garmadon first faced off". Jay said, feeling in the little girl.

"If my memory serves me correct, I'd sat one of us cheated back when we last fought". Kai glared at the dark Lord, who was doing the same at him.

"And I remember someone needing their sensei to save tgem".

"For the love of the jade emperor can you two please set aside your differences for the sake of Lloyd and the fengblade!".

The two gave each other one last warning glares before turning away from each other. Nya sighed and shook her head before focusing back on the screen.

"Since the last time we've been there, it looks like the volcano has grown unstable. The place is a powder key just waiting to blow up. This will be a highly combustible environment".

Jay groans in annoyance. "Oh, great. Just what I like. Fighting armed and dealt snakes in a highly combustible environment about to blow up!".

"We will do what we must". Sensei wu exclaimed.

'As will I, sensei. I'm not letting Lloyd get taken away this time'. Jing thought diterminly.

Zane nodded at his sensei. " Yes, sensei. But where are our weapons".

Jing immediately remembered they were still in sensei's room.

"And why is Lord garmadon not here?". Kai immideatly ran out of the room as he let his anger get the best the best of him.


"Hey, wait up!".

They all quickly went after him, jing hoping he doesn't do what he's been wanting to do since the dark Lord arrived. They eventually made it to sensei's room to find the door closed but could hear noises coming from the inside.

"Kai, you in there?". Nya asked, turning the doorknob but it wouldn't open. "What are you doing?!".

"Discovering my true potential!". Yelled the fire ninja from inside the room followed by a thud.

Jay then tried opening the door. "Ugh! The door won't budge!".

"What's wrong with him? Why is he acting like this?".

"Kai thinks he'll unlock his power if he stands up to Lord garmadon". Nya explained, surprising everyone.

"What?!". Jing immediately felt a wave of rage for the brunette.

"Why would he think that?!". Zane asked, to which Nay makes the cuckoo gesture.

"Cause he thinks he's the green or purple ninja".

Okay, that was it. Bai he immediately began banging on the door, unaware of her eyes glowing purple. "OPEN THE DAME DOOR RIGHT NOW, KAI SMITH, 'CAUSE I SWEAR IF YOU HURT MY CHANCES OF GETTING LLOYD BACK I WILL END YOU!!!". By the time she finished saying that, she gave the door a hard kick and it broke down, surprising everyone but their focus went to Kai, who stood on top of garmadon. "KAI!".

The brunette was too focused on his victory to care about their mad faces, esspecially bai he's. "I defeated him. I did it! Are my eyes glowing? Did I unlock my powers? Is this my true potential? Argh! Why isn't it working?".

"Because you cannot defeat someone who allowed himself to be defeated". Wu glares at his student, who got off his brother and helped him up.

"I wasn't going to hurt you, boy. I was only fetching your weapons". Garmadon said, shaking his head.

"But you were trying to steal them!". Kai tried to argue, but wu cut him off with a strict look.

"I asked him to get them. Perhaps it is best you do not reach your true potential, or else someone could get hurt".

"We'll be lucky if your ego doesn't become the death of you . . . Or us". Bai he glares up at the boy before she and nya walked over to the dark Lord to help him.

Kai looked away, looking like he could explode any minute as he clutched his fist. All that anger dissappered when they felt the bounty suddenly stop.

"Sounds like we've finally reached our destination . . ." Cole said, before everyone disembarked to the deck and observe their destination. " . . . The fire temple".

"Right! Let's go get the fengblade and save lloyd".

"Hold it". Cole held an arm out in front of his sister, stopping her from taking a step forward. "Correction. We're gonna get the fengblade and save lloyd while you stay in the bounty where it's safe".

"What?!". Jing said in shock. "But that isn't fair! I've been training and getting stronger everyday! I may be a kid, but I can take care of myself. Lloyd gave himself up to save me, now it's my turn. This time, I'm not leaving him! Sensei-".

"I am sorry, jing. But Cole is right. I will admit that you have made improvement in your training, but unfortunately this mission is not for you".


"Listen to your sensei, bai he". Garmadon said, getting on one knee to her level and placed his lower hands on her shoulders. "It is best to have one of the children stay safe then both of them being in trouble. We will return with lloyd. I promise you that".

The little girl looked at all of them, reading their expressions that were all the same. She felt tears forming in her eyes.

"Ugh!". She pulled away from garmadon's grip and ran away back into the bounty, ignoring their concern looks.


Despite bai he being upset, the ninja, wu, and garmadon still went on their way to the fire temple with nya communicating with them through zane's falcon. She tells them the volcano is at the verge of erupting and using their golden weapons wouldn't be wise, so wu told them to put away their weapons.

Once inside the volcano, they watch from above all the serpentine digging on a pillar to find the third fengblade, they also saw lloyd who was being held in a cage. Pythor noticed something before pushing a serpentine away to pull out a fengblade, to which the walking snakes began to cheer. They were unaware of the ninja and the brothers using stealth mode to sneak up on their ring leader.

Unfoutunatlely that didn't go as planned when pythor saw their reflection through the fengblade. He immediately order his men to attack as wu did the same with the ninja as the fight began. The fight went along great as they beat the walking snakes, until Kai brought out his sword to attack but the volcano reacts to its power, but despite that he still fought the serpentine with it.

"Kai, tge weapon is compromising our safety". Nya said through the falcon.

"I will do what I must". The fire ninja exclaimed.

"Let's get out of here!". Pythor ordered, as he and some of the serpentine began to escape with the three fengblades. "But not before we leave them with a parting gift. Boys?".

Some of constrictal began digging up some holes that made lava come out of them to stop the ninja once and for all.

"They're making the volcano unstable". Zane cried, he and the others backing up.

"Any minute, this place is gonna blow. We have to get out of here!". Jay said, earning a glare from the dark Lord.

"Not without my son".

"Dad!". Lloyd yelled from inside his cage.

"Hang on, lloyd!". Out of nowhere, a figure dropped down from above and stomps on a serpentine's head before jumping off and landed in front of pythor. But what really surprised everyone was they were wearing the purple ninja gi.

"What? Who are you?!". Pythor questioned, while the ninja were in shock of who they might be.

"Your worst nightmare! Ninja go!".

The ninja crew gasp in shock watching the purple ninja do spinjitzu to take out some serpentine charging at them. Lord garmadon jumps on a boulder before jumping again and landed next to a serpentine, then punched it's head to the wall. He quickly grabs a sword and uses it to fight off more serpentine coming at him while running up the stairs to get to his son.

Seeing that he couldn't go back or forth, pythor groaned in annoyances. "Argh, lose the boy!".

Lloyd yells as the serpentine placed his cage near some rising lava. "Dad!".

Both garmadon and the purple ninja gasp in surprise. "LLOYD!".

Looking between the snake and the endangered boy, the purple ninja jumped off the stairs and quickly grab hold of a pole on the cage dangling over edge. Lloyd shrieks when he felt the cage shake before jumping when the purple ninja popped their head down upside down.

"W-who are you?". The ten year asked, a little scared thinking their were foe and not friend.

"Have you really forgotten me so soon, garmadon?". They removed their hood to reveal no one other than the little girl smiling at him.

Lloyd's eyes instanly lit up. "Jing!".

"Hold on, I'm gonna get you out if here". She reassured, carefullying lowering herself on the poles before bringing out a kunai and jiggled it into the lock.

"Hurry up, bai he. The lava's rising". Lloyd stood on the poles as the bottom part of the cage slowly began melting into the lava.

It took a few more jiggles before a click was heard from the lock. "Got it!". Jing opened the door and reached out her hand to Lloyd, who took it before she pulled him and herself to the top of the cage panting.

"What do we do now?".

"I don't know! I barely thought this far".

They watched as the lava got higher and higher. But lucky for them, they suddenly felt the cage being lifted and looked up to see Lord garmadon pulling the cage up towards him.

"Dad!". Lloyd jumped into his father's opened arms as they hugged.


Despite the panting as she leaned her back against the wall, bai he smiled to see them reunited. The father and son duo then pulled away to look at her.

"Thank you, bai he". Garmadon gave her a greatful smile.

"No worries. I'm just glad lloyd's safe".

"The fangblade's mine!". Kai suddenly yelled, running past the three of them.


"Come back. It's too dangerous. The whole place is going to explode!". Cole yelled out to the red ninja.

"Then I better be quick!". He said, not stopping as garmadon, lloyd and jing made it back to the others just in time to see Kai throw his sword and knocks the fengblade out of pythor's grasp and impaled both of them into the wall. The purple snake snarls angerly at the fire ninja before trying to pull the sword and blade our but to no effort.

"Hurry, we must leave here at once!". Scales yelled before pythor finally followed him into the exit and it got blocked by a giant boulder.

The red ninja continues to run towards the weapons.

"Leave it, kai!". Jay yelled, clearly worried for his friend. "It's not worth your life!".

"Not without that fengblade!". The ego head yelled, being the stubborn ninja that he is as he avoids more obstacles getting in his way.

"Kai, you idiot!".


Suddenly the ground under lloyd breaks but jing was quick enough to catch his arm, only ti have the ground under her to break as well as the two began falling while the ninja and adults could do nothing but watch in fear and surprise. Seeing the ground approaching fast, jing hugged the older boy and turned before her back made contact with the sinking boulder floating in the lava. Boy did that hurt, but at least lloyd wasn't.

"Jing! What were you thinking? Are you nuts?!". He asked in worry as he helped her up.

She chuckled, messaging her right arm. "Only for you, garmadon".

"Lloyd! Bai he!".

They looked up at the worried adults and teenagers looking down at them.

"Jing!". Cole cried in worry for his little sister.

"Dad, we're sinking!". Lloyd yelled, he and jing looking around in fear as multiple rocks splashed into the boiling lava.

Meanwhile, kai was busy tugging on his golden weapon and the fengblade.

"It, huh, won't budge". He was finally able to pull them after one last tug, but the fengblade was able to escape as it fell down and lands on a rock closer to the lava.

The others were doing their best to avoid the falling rocks and the breaking ground.

"We have to get out of here, or else non of us will get out of here!". Wu exclaimed, while the fire ninja jumped down some rocks to reach the fengblade.

"But my son?". The large boulder blocked the entrance, giving them no other choice but to leave the place.

A part of a boulder broke away, making bai he back up close to Lloyd. So this was how it all ends? Dying inside an actual volcano. So much for LBD.

"Looks like this might be it, garmadon". She exclaimed, looking at the green eyed boy who looked around before his eyes landed on Kai still trying to reach for the fengblade.

"That's it! Kai!".

Jing turned to see him too as he looked at them.

"Help us!".


The older boy looked between the children and the fengblade before coming to a decision.

"Come on. Let's get out of here!". He began jumping on stones and got to the kids. He held them close and as they hanged tightly unto him.

"But the fengblade . . . "

"Forget it. This place us coming apart. Ninja, go!". Kai uses spinjitzu to leap from ledge to ledge but they got surrounded by lava geysers.

"I guess this really is the end".


Outside the boiling volcano, Lord garmadon cried for his only son while being pulled away back to the bounty by the ninja. Once they got on the anchor and climbed back to the deck, the ship leaves just in time as the volcano explodes. Everyone watched in horror, esspecially those with their respective family members in there.


"Son . . ."

"Jing . . ."

Suddenly, a ball of fire shut out of the volcano. It soon revealed to be Kai in his true potential with bai he and Lloyd flying back to the bounty.

"It's kai! He's found his true potential!". Jay exclaimed, before the trio landed safely next to them.

Jing instantly got pulled into a bone crushing hug by her older brother. "Oh my gosh! I am so glad they you're safe!".

Kai smiled, looking at sensei wu, who nodded at him before his power diminished and he passed out.


Later, the crew were at the bridge watching the garmadon family having a proper reunion.

"Dad? Is it really you?". Lloyd asked, still in daze about everything as he looks up at his father.

"It is, son".

"Dad? Why do you have four arms?".

"He's gonna be okay". Cole announced, before they all began cheering.

"Thank you, kai". Garmadon smiled at the fire ninja, who nodded a 'you're welcome' at him.

"But how did you survive?". Zane's asked his fire brother with wonder and interest. "How did you discover the key to unlocking your powers?".

"I knew when I had to make a choice. I wanted the fengblade so badly, to prove I was good enough to become either the green or purple ninja. But then I figured it out. All of my training to become the best ninja wasn't in preparation to become the green or purple ninja. It was . . . To protect them". He looked at both bai he and Lloyd while everyone else caught on to what he ment.

"Uh . . ." The two kids shared confused looks before looking back at them.

"What? Why are you all looking at us like that?".

"That means . . ." Nya, kai and Cole brought the golden weapons in front of the kids and they immideatly reacted by levitating and emitting a mixture of purple and green lightning.

"Lloyd and bai he are the green and purple ninja. I had thought it would be one of you, but it was them the whole time. Not only have you four been chosen to protect the golden weapons, but also to protect the chosen ones. The two soles destined to fight along side each other in defeating the forces of evil, both sharing the same faith". Master we exclaimed, patting the children on their backs.

"I suppose it does make sense for bai he". Nya exclaimed. "She's been seeing the purple ninja in her dreams".

"WHAT?!". Yelled the ninja in shock.

Bai he just gave them a nervous smile, knowing she'll be doing a lot of explaining later, along with the spinjitzu part. But seriously all this just came as a sudden shock. First she was posses by an ancient demon, kidnapped by snake demons, and now she's the purple ninja. Come on, can't this girl just her a break for once in her life? So much for living life as a normal kid. And then there's the lady bone demon, guess she's coming back. Oh boy. But wait! If she's the purple ninja and lloyd's the green ninja and they share the same destiny or whatever, does that mean lady bone demon will come for him to? She looked at said boy gazing up at his father with a sad look. Poor thing. Not only doesn't he not get to live a normal life but he also has to fight the dark Lord. His father. Suddenly, LBD doesn't seem that much of a problem anymore. Why does destiny have be so cruel?

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