By tvwriteher

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This season picks up 2 months later now at the end of summer. Senior year is here for most of the characters... More

Episode 10: Imaginary Players
Episode 11: COUNTDOWN
Episode 12: Homecoming
EPISODE 14: Love Yourz
Episode 16: RUNNIN
EPISODE 17: Apple Pie à la mode
EPISODE 18: Wargames
Episode 21: 11:59 It's January.
Episode 22: PART TWO (on the run)


134 7 4
By tvwriteher


The arena is PACKED. We see Reggie in the stands. The score board reads 90-89. USA trials by one. Neal explodes through the floor showing off his complete point guard skills. Neal does a killer crossover move and his Defender falls down. Kent motions himself in the corner trying to get open and ready for Neal with his defender still on him. He gets free a bit and Neal moves to the basket like he's going for a layup but instead he does a no look pass to Kent and Kent immediately DRAINS a three pointer at the buzzer. USA wins 92-90. The team celebrates.  Kent and Neal rush over to each other and share their handshake.

KENT- You the goat. It's like you knew I was gonna be there before I even got there. 

NEAL- I knew I could count on you to be ready.

Kent smiles.


Kent and Neal both showered and look exhausted laying on their beds.

NEAL- you think you could over strictly just play over seas?

KENT- if I had to? Hell yeah just to hoop. Like if that's the only option but nothing compares to the NBA. Being under those lights? I can't wait.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- me either.

There's a knock on the door. Neal goes to opens it. It's Reggie.

REGGIE- Just wanted to say good night and good job again both of you.

NEAL- thanks Dad. 

KENT- Thank you.

REGGIE- we have a king flight back. Get some rest.

NEAL- Will do.

Reggie smiles a little and then leaves.

KENT- it's cool of him to come out here with us.

NEAL- Yeah I didn't think he would.

KENT- he knows how important this last year is with you before you go off to college.

Neal feels bad that Kent doesn't have someone.

NEAL- You know....I bet no matter what your Dad would of been here for you this weekend.

Kent smiles he can tell Neal feels bad.

KENT- Don't worry about me I'm good. There is only one person I wish could be here.

Kent phone begins to rings and it's Taylor.  Kent smiles.

NEAL- y'all disgust me.

Kent laughs and answers.

KENT- Hey T.

TAYLOR- Hey Mr. 23 points, nine rebounds and three  assists.

KENT- I fucked up that triple.

TAYLOR- You did you did.

Kent laughs.

KENT- you wasn't supposed to to agree.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- Im just saying you better start looking at your brother with the silent triple double 20 10 and 10. I'm proud of you Neal.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- Thanks T.

TAYLOR- Okay but seriously.

Taylor pouts a little.

TAYLOR- I miss you. Come home. I wanna kiss your face.

Kent smiles. Neal watches them his nose begins to bleed a little.

KENT- I miss you too. I got you something.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- What is it?

Kent notices Neal's nose.

KENT- Hey T let me call you right back.


Kent hangs up the phone and grabs a tissue off the night stand hands it to Neal. Neal dabs his nose.

KENT- that's another one Neal. That's three since we been here.

NEAL- It's nothing.

KENT- if it's nothing why haven't you told your dad?

NEAL- because it's just a nose bleed..I probably just been blowing my nose too hard with allergies.

KENT- or it could something more serious.

Neal holds up the tissue.

NEAL- look it's gone. See I'm fine.

Kent shakes his head.

NEAL- is this why you told them to go easier on me in practice?

KENT- What?

NEAL- I'm not stupid.

KENT- okay so what if I did.

NEAL- how am I supposed to be respected as a ball player if you my brother had to tell people to go on easy on me?

KENT- it's a fucking summit game.  It's like a all star for top high school athletes. You damn right I said go on easy on you in practice this shit is not that important. You won a state championship....those guys respect you. And you just won us the game we don't win without that pass.

NEAL- you don't get it.

KENT- you're probably right but I don't care to get it either. I'll always protect your first and ask questions later....that's what I've always done.

Neal looks at him. Knows he's right he sighs.

NEAL- Every time over this weekend when I felt a moment of stress. It's when it happened.

KENT- The flight.

NEAL- I hate planes.

KENT- first practice.

NEAL- Wanted everyone to feel like I belong there.

KENT- and just now?

NEAL-I love you and T. You know this.

KENT- I know this.

NEAL- but seeing you two this weekend just reminded me....I'm kinda lonely.

KENT- lonely? We've been together like everyday.

NEAL- you know what I mean....I miss having a girlfriend.

KENT- so get your girl back.

NEAL- it's not that simple....I'm still hurt about that engagement shit.

KENT- Why?

NEAL- the same reason you flipped out just because you saw T hug Justin.

KENT- Now why'd you have to bring that up?

Neal laughs.

KENT- nasty times.

NEAL- see.

Kent laughs.

KENT- okay so then get another girlfriend.

NEAL- I don't even know her to start.

KENT- you said your DM's was flooded.

NEAL- yeah with girls who just wanna hook up not nothing serious.

Kent smiles.

KENT- those are the best ones when your single.

NEAL- come on man.

Kent laughs.

KENT- Neal bro it's not that hard to find someone that you like and that likes you talk to them and start dating them.

NEAL- it took me eight years to talk to Morgan and tell her I like her.

KENT- okay and this is different you're not that eight year old kid anymore. If you were you wouldn't be standing on your feelings with the breakup.

NEAL- you right but I don't know I guess I don't know how to date usually the girl likes me first except for Morgan and I never can catch the hint when they do....I don't even know why they do.

KENT- nigga you're good looking and your smart and funny at times.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- Aw you love me?

KENT- I have to say that it's like in the brother contract.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- Sure.. blame that.

Kent smiles.

KENT-whatever but look don't trip if you don't find a new girl you could always third wheel with me and T forever.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- fuck you.

Kent smiles.

KENT- but seriously when we get back you'll figure it out don't force it. That's the worst thing you could do. Just try to have fun and the right person will come.

We reach back to Baltimore with a montage of flashbacks between Jaeden and Tavon over the weekend.


Jaeden and Tavon are happily going at it. Their two texts books on the floor.

TAVON- I thought you were only coming over here to drop off notes.

JAEDEN- you didn't have to bring me back here to take them.

Tavon smiles.

TAVON- very true.

Jaeden starts to go down on him but Tavon stops her.

TAVON- I'm not too crazy about that.

JAEDEN- what why?

TAVON- The only girl that that did that before didn't know what she was doing and it was hella teeth that shit was not enjoyable.

JAEDEN- what the hell does that have to do with me?

TAVON- I'm not taking any chances.

JAEDEN- Tavon...shut up.

Jaeden begins to go down on him. Tavon squints a bit.

TAVON- I'm telling you...oh...OH.

JAEDEN- what were you saying?

TAVON- do you need a car?

Jaeden laughs.


Jaeden sits on Tavon's lap in the back seat and they're  going at it again. Tavon kissing her neck. They are on top of a blanket.

JAEDEN- I have to be up for church in like 3 hours.

TAVON- that's what naps are for.

Jaeden laughs.

TAVON- I'm keeping this blanket too.

JAEDEN- absolutely not...it's my favorite.

TAVON- shouldn't of brought it here.

JAEDEN- your seats are always cold.

Tavon laughs and then Jaeden laughs with him.


Jaeden and Tavon are walking out of her room and enter the living room.  The living room is very cozy.  Pictures of Jaeden by herself as a kid or with her dad everywhere. You can tell her Dad loves her a lot. Tavon begins to kiss her.

JAEDEN- this is how we ended up going to
my room.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- (joking) you sure you don't want me to be here when your Dad gets home?

Jaeden laughs.

JAEDEN- Hell no.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- what you think he's not gonna like me?

JAEDEN- no he'll probably love you and then he'll think you're my boyfriend and keep asking about you and inviting you over-

TAVON- oh and that would ruin your whole feminist plan to avoid catching feelings for me. Right right.


Tavon smiles. And then he picks up one of the photos it's Jaeden as a little girl with her Dad.

TAVON- (teasing her) aww look at you.

Jaeden tries to take the picture.

JAEDEN- put that down.

TAVON- Nope this is about to be your picture when you call.

JAEDEN- you are so.

Tavon smiles.

TAVON- but nah this is cool you and your Dad close like this. Are you and your mom close?

JAEDEN- Yup. But it's different My Dad is more fun and easy to talk to my mom is more by the book but she's still open too.

TAVON- you definitely have only child vibes.

JAEDEN- and what the hell is that?

TAVON- you're use to being on your own...don't feel like you need any one.

JAEDEN- you my therapist now?

TAVON- Well-

JAEDEN- shut up.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- but nah I wish I was close with my parents like this.

JAEDEN- you and your mom not close?

TAVON- we use to be and we're better now but even now I still feel like I know nothing about my mom. And I don't anything about my Dad either. They're both kinda like strangers to me.


We see a younger Landy standing outside taking pictures as people pass by enjoying their selves. She's taking it all in and she's at her best.

She looks down at her watch and realizes the time. She packs her camera and starts to leave.


Landy passes through the hall everyone speaking to her she's very popular. She reaches her dorm room and enters.

LANDY- Mir! I'm back.

She gets a shocked look when she realizes no one is there except the a few red toy cars. She grabs her phone and starts to dial but then her roommate enters. She's young and the type of person who never misses a party.

LANDY-Tish where the fuck is Jahmir?

TISH- oh girl I thought you came and took him. I went to get some food and came back and he was gone.

LANDY- Bitch why the fuck would I ask you to watch him if I was gonna come back and get him? I told you I would be back at 3.

TISH- I'm sorry I got hungry and Aaron came back and took me to get some Waffle House.

Landy pushes her against the wall.

TISH- Landy why are you tripping?!

LANDY- that's my fucking son and he's not here and I promise bitch if I-

Landy phones begins to ring. She still has TISH in her hands and eyes full of rage but she answers.

LANDY- I'll be right there.


Landy sits across from a college advisor who doesn't look pleased at all. Finally we see a younger Redz on her lap. Landy holds on to him for dear life.

ADVISOR- this is the third time you had a child in your dorm unattended. He was seen roaming the hall.

LANDY- He had a sitter but-

ADVISOR- it's no buts Miss Bonds...

LANDY- Listen...I get straight A's I'm on the deans list. I don't party drink or do drugs. All I want to do is finish school and take care of my son. I had to be out today to get pictures for my portfolio for class. I'm trying....it's so hard but I'm trying.

The advisor looks at her starting to feel sympathy.

ADVISOR- I get it I cant imagine how hard it's been for you but and I'm afraid we have rules-

LANDY- and I'm not asking to to break them I'm just asking for you to have a heart and understand-

ADVISOR- Im sorry Miss Bonds but I had to call CPS and report this....again.

LANDY- What? No you don't get it cps said I had one more chance-

ADVISOR- I'm sorry. They're already-

Landy stands up but still holding on to Jamir. Worry in her eyes as CPS walks in with two officers.

LANDY- y'all are not taking him.

SOCIAL WORKER- Landy we have been back and fourth about this too many times I've told you already.

LANDY- Look at him he's fine...do you really think it's best to take him away from his mother?

They begin to take take him Landy tries to hold on to him.

SOCIAL WORKER- do you want to go to jail? You really won't see him again?

Landy let's him go.

REDZ- Mommy where I am going?

LANDY- it's okay baby...just look at it as.

Landy walks over to him but they try to stop her.

LANDY- let me say goodbye to him!

They move out of her way and she hugs Redz.

LANDY- it's just a sleepover. I'll back to you soon okay. It's just me and you.

Redz nods.

REDZ- me and you.

Landy forces a smile. The cops and the social worker leave with Redz and she begins to cry.

ADVISOR- I'm sorry-

Landy wipes her tears.

LANDY- go to hell.

Landy leaves.


Landy sits at the kitchen table her leg shaking she's in complete distress. Her mother sits across from her trying to calm her but it's not working.

MOTHER- maybe this is for the best.

LANDY- for the best? Why would him being in foster care be for the best?

MOTHER- I told you raising a child on your own would be hard especially in college.

LANDY- I didn't plan to do this alone how was I supposed to know Jamal would get murdered Ma.

MOTHER- dating those types what did you expect.

LANDY- he wasn't a type Ma. Jamal was a good guy that got caught in a bad crowd...you know how it was where you grew up in Baltimore.

MOTHER- exactly and that's why I came here to get a better life but you are ruining that. I gave you every single opportunity I never had and you just had to get pregnant.

LANDY- I'm still in school Ma. And I'm gonna finish.

MOTHER- as long as you're a mother you're not finishing school.

Landy looks at her.


The class is wrapping up and students begin to leave.

PROFESSOR- Miss Bonds can I talk to you for a second?

Landy walks over to the professor.


PROFESSOR- I wanted to talk to you about your photos.

LANDY- what about them?

PROFESSOR- it's like they have all been the same for the for the last couple of assignments I've given. There isn't any life in them.

LANDY- I don't understand....I mean maybe they're aren't perfect but it's something.

PROFESSOR- yeah uninspiring.

Landy looks at her. That hit hard.

LANDY- I'm trying.

PROFESSOR- I'm not saying that you aren't but I'm saying from the pictures I saw in your portfolio up to now...you're not the same artist. Where did your heart go?

Landy looks at her.


Tavon enters the house. Landy is washing a dish in the sink and see's him walk in.

LANDY- Well hello son. Late night?

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- I got a curfew Ma?

LANDY- No but I did want to have dinner with you .

TAVON- I'm sorry.

LANDY- it's fine you're a teenager. No teenager wants to hang out with their mom.

TAVON- What? You're not a normal mom you're cool.

LANDY- cool enough that you're gonna tell me about your new girlfriend finally?

TAVON- she's not my girlfriend Ma.

LANDY- you've been with her all weekend.

TAVON-studying that's it.

LANDY- boy please do you think I'm stupid?

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- we really have been studying.

LANDY- I bet you have.

TAVON- and we're not together. We both don't want a relationship.

LANDY- I've seen that story before...and trust me people say that but eventually feelings get involved.

TAVON- this is different. Jaeden overall is different. She's the only person in my life right none that intl knows this version of me...the college bond Tavon good grades Tavon. Actually have a home Tavon. And I like that.

Landy smiles.

LANDY- so again it sounds like you really like this girl.

TAVON- I never said I didn't like her but it's not any real feelings.....

LANDY- Okay...I hear you. Sounds like you got a Jones.

TAVON- A what?

LANDY- boy you never seen Love Jones?

TAVON- oh yeah like once Zhuri made me watch that.

LANDY- How is Zhuri doing?

TAVON- Wow um.

LANDY- What?

TAVON- I actually don't know.

Landy looks at him wanting to ask more but doesn't. Tavon goes in the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.


LANDY- I found out where they have Jahmir.

LANDYS MOM- I thought you let that go.

LANDY- no of course not I always wanted to get him back ma...but now that I know where he is this is the perfect opportunity.

LANDYS MOM- perfect opportunity for what?

LANDY- I'm gonna take him back.

LANDYS MOM-What? Landy that is a crime.

LANDY- I don't care.

LANDYS MOM- you need to care I don't want to deal with the police showing up here.

LANDY- I well we won't be here.

LANDYS MOM- what are you talking about?

LANDY- I'm gonna take him and we're gonna move to another city.

LANDYS MOM-Landy it's gonna be bigger than that. That is kidnapping.

LANDY- I know and I have a plan.


Darius and Zhuri sit across from each other empty platers in between them. Both smiling and talking enjoying themselves.

ZHURI- No I'm telling you it was permission.

DARIUS- Nah it had to be something.

ZHURI- Okay so Google it on your phone.

Darius smiles.

DARIUS- I don't think I will.

ZHURI- why not?

DARIUS- first person to touch their phones pays I didn't forget.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- thought I would catch you slipping.

Darius smiles.

DARIUS- so what are your top five movies?

ZHURI- High fidelity is number one. Love Jones number two. Um at number three Jason's Lyric.

Darius laughs.

DARIUS- Do you like anything that came out after you were born?

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- I liked Sylvies Love.

DARIUS- would you say that was four?

ZHURI- Eh of all time? Probably not I'll go with Romeo Must Die. And at five I'll do sorry to bother you.

Darius laughs.

ZHURI- (laughing) don't judge me okay. I spent one summer watching nothing but classic black movies. Just stuck in the house so.

DARIUS- why were you stuck in the house?

ZHURI- I um-

Zhuri sinks a little not expecting to be on this topic.

DARIUS- Oh no I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry.

ZHURI- no it's I just haven't had to to really tell this story in a while but I got sent rehab before junior year started. I got addicted to drugs...went to rehab came back was kinda embarrassed and just stayed in the house isolated to myself....so I made a binge watch list of movies and watched them.

Zhuri looks at him and has a half smile.

ZHURI- so that's my story.

DARIUS- you're brave.

ZHURI- I try to be.

DARIUS- trust me you are a lot of people have secrets they aren't comfortable with sharing and you just did. Trust me...that's brave.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- thanks...but wait you have to say your five.

DARIUS- Now you see me. Catch me if you can.

Zhuri gasps shoves him a little from across the table

ZHURI- you were judging me and you say Catch me if you can.

DARIUS- that movie is so fire....all the things he did with no high school diploma hell not even college. He just finessed his way through things.

ZHURI- Yeah well college degree not that important anyway. Just a piece of paper.

DARIUS- What? I thought you wanted to go to college didn't you just have a college trip?

ZHURI- Yeah and I spent more time arguing with my sister then actually learning about the college...I realized it wasn't that important to me after all. I mean you spend all that money or if you're not fortunate go into debt just for a piece of paper. And I'm not a big school person anyway. So I don't know. All my friends have their dreams schools-

The waitress comes over before she can finish.

WAITRESS- Im sorry I don't mean to interrupt you guys but we're closing up.

ZHURI- wait what time is it?

WAITRESS- it's midnight.

Darius looks around.

DARIUS- oh wow we're the only ones in here.

Zhuri looks around shocked a bit.

ZHURI- Wait we really just talked the whole night away.

Darius smiles a little. And then stands up and pulls out his hand to grab Zhuri's.

DARIUS- You ready?

ZHURI- wait the bill?

WAITRESS- he already handled it.

Zhuri looks at Darius and he smiles. She then gets up from the seat and grabs his hand and they begin to walk out the door.

ZHURI- I thought we made a deal.

DARIUS- No way did you think I was gonna follow that.

Zhuri laughs.

DARIUS- so what's your dream?

Zhuri looks at him.


Taylor is ironing her shirt and talking into her cell phone while it's on speaker.

TAYLOR- I'm telling you M it's the same dream again.

MORGAN- Was Jayson naked this time?

TAYLOR- No...and that's not the point?

MORGAN- you're right that's not the point the point is....I'm never in these dreams which proves I'm a real one.

TAYLOR- Morgan.

MORGAN- What? I'm not paying you any mind about this dream because it's not gonna happen.

TAYLOR- but how do you know?

MORGAN- T Kent is not gonna just cheat on you because you didn't get into Stanford and Neal freaked because he thought you didn't pay him attention for a summer he's not letting your friendship go and Tavon after everything you guys did to get back you think he's gonna stop being your friend too? You're over thinking over some dream-

TAYLOR- because it's my dream....only dream I ever had....I feel like every day it's slipping away for some reason and I'm so scared of the person I'm going to be when it does.

MORGAN-  I think once again you're in your head and that you're going get everything you want and deserve...starting tonight.

TAYLOR- tonight? What's gonna on tonight?

MORGAN- I'm at the door and I have ice cream.

TAYLOR-(smiling) What?

Taylor comes to the door and opens it and Morgan stands with ice cream in her hand.

TAYLOR- aren't you still grounded?

MORGAN- The day I start taking Marvin seriously. It's a cry for help.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- I love you.

MORGAN- I love you too. Let's put on Crazy Rich Asians.

TAYLOR- As you wish. My lady.

MORGAN- stop watching game of thrones.

TAYLOR- but it's so good.

Morgan laughs.


Darius is walking Zhuri to the front door.

ZHURI- I really had a nice time.

DARIUS- Me too.  I guess you're not so bad after all.

Darius smiles Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- I think I should be the one saying.

DARIUS- Nah I'm probably everything you thought I would be.

ZHURI- I thought you were an insane person that got under my skin.

Darius smiles.

DARIUS- I plan to do to keep doing that.

ZHURI- oh really?

Darius leans in. Zhuri closes her eyes.

DARIUS- Good night Zhuri.

Zhuri opens her eyes.

ZHURI- good night?!

Darius smiles.

DARIUS- I'm sorry but I'm kinda tired someone's been keeping me up on the phone and talking all night at restaurants. I'm beat.

ZHURI- You are so-

Darius kisses her. Zhuri smiles in the kiss.

DARIUS- you looked really beautiful tonight.

ZHURI- (blushing) thank you.

Darius smiles.

DARIUS- I'll call you.


Darius leaves.


Zhuri walks inside and closes the door and smiles to herself.


Neal and Reggie arrive home. You can tell they're both tired.

REGGIE- you can stay home tomorrow if you want.

NEAL- Nah it's okay. It's basketball tryouts tomorrow and I have a test I think.

REGGIE- check you out.

Neal laughs.

REGGIE- Well good night I love you. I'll talk to you in the morning.

NEAL- love you too.


Neal puts his suitcase down and goes to grab his speak off dresses and starts to walk towards the bathroom. His phone then begins to ring.

NEAL- Must be K.

He picks up his phone but looks confused when he see's the number.

NEAL- Hello.

BREEZY- Young Neal.

NEAL- Breezy.

BREEZY- I just wanted to check up on you. Make sure you was ready for tomorrow.

NEAL- Tomorrow? What's going on tomorrow?

BREEZY- We gonna hang out...you know catch up a bit.

NEAL- I think I'm good actually My dad not to fond of me playing with strangers.

BREEZY- you a real funny guy...but jokes not gonna get you out of this....be ready when I call.

NEAL- How am I supposed to know-

Breezy hangs up.

NEAL- Rude. 


Kent enters his room.

KENT- My T. I missed you.

He turns on the light and see's Morgan and Taylor both asleep.

KENT- Oh hell no.


Kent is sitting at the Kitchen counter eating breakfast. Morgan walks down the stairs and enters. She does a fake yawn.

MORGAN- Kent your bed is so comfortable. Mm. And the shower chefs kiss. I feel so refreshed for school.

Kent squints his eyes.

KENT- Tony make sure you wash those sheets and pillows cases today.

MORGAN- boy please I'm the second best thing that's ever been in that bed.

KENT- I don't think so.

MORGAN- That's why you play basketball you don't get paid to think.

KENT- you literally have to be able to think in basketball.

MORGAN- I don't think so.

KENT- Yes.


KENT- Yes.


KENT- Where is Taylor?

Morgan laughs.

KENT-(laughing) you piss me off bro.

MORGAN- I should stay over here more often this is fun. And all this breakfast.

Morgan takes a piece of bacon off a tray.

KENT- Yeah hell no.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- speaking of Taylor why is my girls hand still naked?

KENT- Why didn't you give her your engagement ring?

Kent laughs.

Morgan hits him with bagel.

KENT- don't be throwing stuff in my house.

Taylor enters.

TAYLOR- can't leave y'all alone for five minutes.

MORGAN- he's older he should know better.

Kent hugs Taylor.

KENT- We're the same age.....(kisses Taylor) I missed you.l beautiful.

Taylor almost sinks into him.

TAYLOR- You smell good....I missed you too. What time did you get in?

KENT- like three.

TAYLOR- aww I know you're tired.

KENT- A little but I'm good. Tryouts today.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- I know and you're gonna do good. I'm excited for you

KENT- thank you.

Kent kisser her.


Kelly is rocking Faith to sleep. Deandre enters. He kisses Kelly and smiles at her and Faith.

DEANDRE- I'm gone.

KELLY- We miss you already.

Deandre smiles.

DEANDRE- I love you.

KELLY- I love you....good luck with try outs today Coach Moore.

Kelly winks at him and Deandre winks back and blushes a little.

KELLY- babe you still can't wink.

DEANDRE- I still got you.

Kelly laughs.


Deandre begins to walk to his car when he's approached by TOM PHILLIPS 40s very sharp and confident.

TOM- Deandre Moore?

Deandre looks confused.

DEANDRE- depends....who are you?

TOM- My name is Tom Phillips.

Deandre nods.

DEANDRE- What can I help you with?

TOM- Okay Im guessing you're Deandre...anyway look Im a director.

Tom goes inside his jacket packet and pulls out a card and hands it to Deandre.

TOM- I mostly do documentaries....You can check out my recent work I did a documentary on Netflix. It was about Florida's 2021 nationals football team...

DEANDRE- (still confused) oh yeah I watched that. So what's your point here Tom because I'm gonna be late.

TOM- Okay I'll get to it. What you and your guys did at Lynview last year was amazing. Started the season kinda rocky and then turned it around and won a state championship but now you guys are D1 and looking to repeat the competition is gonna be tougher...the coverage is gonna be insane. I mean the tickets sales alone to see Kent and William is going to be ridiculous.

DEANDRE- what you want a season pass or something?

Tom laughs.

TOM- I want to direct it.


TOM- This is about to be the most talked about high school basketball season in Baltimore the world has ever seen featuring two future NBA prospects. This has to be remembered.

DEANDRE- so you want to do a documentary on Kent and Neal?

TOM- I want to do a documentary on the 2023-24 Lynview Wildcats. And it would be distributed through Amazon Prime.

Deandre laughs.

TOM- What?

DEANDRE- you're serious?

TOM- do you not realize how big this team is? and what's about to happen to you guys in a few months?

DEANDRE- I understand all of that. And the last thing I'm worried about is a documentary.

TOM- what are you worried about?

DEANDRE- my guys getting into college and becoming determine men. Everything else is last.

Tom smiles and then puts his hand on Deandre's shoulder. Deandre looks at him not amused at all.

TOM-you're such a good guy.

Deandre is still not amused.

TOM- Look how about you get your lawyer talk the team. And think about this...I know this is last minute but I can promise you it's not a scam. You've seen my most recent work I gave you my card. I honestly just want to be able to say I got to witness up close and personal.

DEANDRE- Can you be at the school today at 2:50?

TOM- Of course. So that's a yes?

DEANDRE- can you relax? It's not a yes. But you and your people can meet the guys. Meet their parents. And And then we'll see how this will go.

Tom smiles.

TOM- it's a deal.

Tom shakes Deandre hand. Deandre still not buying it.


Kent is in his locker and Kyle stands next to him. They're in middle of conversation.

Myell approaches.

MYELL- Kyle I had so much fun this weekend.

Kyle smiles.

KYLE- me too.

MYELL- sit next to me in class?

KYLE- of course.

Myell smiles. And walks to class. Kent turns around.

KENT- Aw so my advice did work.

Sequoia starts to approach them.

KYLE- Bro you have no idea.

Kent looks confused.

SEQUOIA- Kyle what's up.

KYLE- (smiling) What's up.

SEQUOIA- Sit with me at lunch?

Kyle smiles.

KYLE- Bet.

Sequoia smiles and walks away.

KENT- Kyle you're dating two girls?

Kyle smirks.

KYLE- And I haven't even been here long. I told you I was gonna run it here.

KENT- I thought you liked Myell.

KYLE- I do I like her a lot actually but then I met sequoia and I like her too. She actually knows about sports she plays basketball bro and she's cute and then Myell she's cute and she always smells nice and she's smart and check this out.

Kyle opens his notebook and pulls out a note.

KYLE- she writes me notes and she puts like these little hearts in them.

KENT- this is gonna end badly kid.

KYLE- no it's not I have not told either of them that they are my girlfriend. And they literally are in two completely different worlds at Lynview. Me and Sequoia have C lunch Myell is on A. Myell hangs out with the more popular grade nine girls. Sequoia hangs with a few people but she's a loner. I can do this.

KENT- Kyle

KYLE- stop acting like you didn't date around before you went all Cory Mathews on my sister.

KENT- you've been talking about how much you like Myell you could mess that up.

KYLE- K I got this. Have faith in me.

Kent laughs.

KENT- Look do you. I'm not even saying get a girlfriend I'm just saying be honest. That's the most player thing you can do.

The bell rings and Jazmine walks pass.

JAZMINE- Hey Kent. Save you a sent in English.

KENT- see some people you can be honest with and they're still delusional.

Kyle laughs.

KENT- get to class man.

They share and handshake and go the opposite way.


Mr.White is passing back papers to students. He reaches Tavon and gives him his paper. They both look over at Jaeden's empty desk.

Tavon then texts Jaeden.

TEXT MESSAGE: where you at?


Neal sits at the computer and he's typing up a pros and cons list. Zhuri walks in and she sits next to him.

ZHURI- where's the teacher

NEAL- sub. And I think he went to get a coffee?

ZHURI- so basically we have a free period?

NEAL- yup. And I'm happy Canton's test last period killed me man.

ZHURI- can't believe you got stuck with him again.

NEAL- man you telling me? He be on my ass.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- wait if we basically have a free period what are you working on.

Neal gets a embarrassed look but tries to play it cool.

NEAL-Oh nothing.

He tries to hurry and lock his computer but Zhuri stops him.

ZHURI- Pros...funny? Smart? Sneaker collection? Cons? Maybe talks too much? What is this?

Neal sighs.

ZHURI- wait is this a pros and cons list for dating you?

NEAL- can you be any louder?

ZHURI- Yes I actually can.

Neal sighs knowing he had to come cleans

NEAL- Okay yes.

ZHURI- Why the hell are you making a pros and cons list of dating you? And the cons need to be much longer.

NEAL- Damn Z.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- I'm joking....maybe.

Neal face lights up like he has a idea.

NEAL- wait I have an idea.

ZHURI- What?

NEAL- can you tell me some cons?

ZHURI- What?

NEAL- Come on you're the only person that has dated and would be completely honest with me.

ZHURI- Neal.

NEAL- Please Z.

Zhuri rolls her eyes.

ZHURI- okay look your cons you act on your emotions a lot....

NEAL- What? No I don't...never mind I don't wanna do this anymore.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- see.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Okay Okay. Go on.

ZHURI- You miss what's in front of you like a lot.

NEAL- How so?

ZHURI- I had to spell it out for you when I liked you. You couldn't tell when Morgan started to like you. In fact I think you may do that with every single girl.

NEAL- I don't mean too....I just I don't know I can't imagine someone having a crush on me.

Taina approaches.

TAINA- Hey Neal.

NEAL- Taina...what's up?

TAINA- I watched your game over the weekend you did really good. Especially your last game. You're a great passer.

Neal smiles.

NEAL- Thank you.

TAINA- so do you play basketball every weekend?

NEAL- I usually practice everyday or play video games.

Taina looks confused. Zhuri puts her head in her palm

TAINA- Oh Okay....well good luck with that.

Taina takes her seat.

NEAL- Okay so I need like one pro.

Neal looks at Zhuri. Zhuri is looking at him like he's unbelievable.

NEAL- What? Do I have something on me?

Neal checks his face.

ZHURI- Remember when I just said you don't see what's in front of you....exhibit A.

NEAL- What? Z come on we're friends now.

Zhuri shoves him. Neal laughs.

ZHURI- not me stupid.

Zhuri motions to Taina.

NEAL- Taina? (He scoffs) Come on.

Zhuri gives him a duh look.

NEAL- Wait is that why...

Zhuri gives him another duh look.

NEAL- Oh fuck...and I just told her I play video games.

Zhuri gives him another duh look.

NEAL- stop looking at me like that.

Neal gets up from his seat and walks over to Taina.

ZHURI- I've done my good dead for the day.

Zhuri phone vibrates it's a text from Morgan. Zhuri looks down at her phone and then realizes and looks over at Neal.

ZHURI- Oh fuck.

NEAL- Hey.


NEAL- So I do play basketball on the weekends and video games but.

TAINA- but what?

NEAL- Would you maybe wanna go out with me?

Taina smiles.


Neal stands at the lockers next to Kent whose digging through his locker.

KENT- so what she say?

NEAL- we're going out after practice Saturday.

KENT- good. Hold this for me.

Kent hands Neal a handful of things and then goes back inside the locker.

NEAL- but she planned the whole date.

KENT- What's wrong with that?

NEAL- Morgan never did that if I said we were going out she would let me do the planning.

Kent hands Neal more stuff.

NEAL- Bro wtf is in your locker like what are you doing?

KENT- I'm trying to find my history book and your best friend...my wife. Has taken over this whole locker. Like can she own any more make up brushes?

NEAL- that's wild because her locker is flawless.

KENT- T has another locker?!

NEAL- Damn.

Mekhi and Tavon approaches.

MEKHI- spring cleaning?

Neal gives the things to Mekhi.

MEKHI- the fuck?

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- Damn K, T need to do what she did to her locker to yours....this is just yikes man.

KENT- she's the one that....you know what.

Neal laughs.

Kent takes the stuff out of Mekhi's hand and puts it back in the locker.

KENT- what I was saying before all this?

Mekhi laughs.

MEKHI- so tense.

Kent laughs.

KENT- fuck all y'all.

Tavon laughs.

KENT- anyway Neal look so what if she planned the date. You can't compare every new girl you date to Morgan if you are just get back with Morgan like I told you before.

TAVON- Wait what new girl?

NEAL- Taina.

MEKHI- shit you asked Taina out?

NEAL- Yeah but it feels more like she asked me out. She planned the whole day.

MEKHI- so is she paying? Shit.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- shut up man.

MEKHI- what's wrong with a girl taking control?

NEAL- nothing at all I'm just not use to it.

TAVON- Neal listen to me brother....do what you're not use too you'll love it.

Tavon smiles.

KENT- what the fuck you so smiley about?

Tavon smiles.

TAVON- Fellas... I have ran into a real throat goat.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- a what?!

MEKHI- seriously?

TAVON- if I'm lying I'm dying....and as you can see I'm very much alive especially this weekend.

NEAL- Wait Jaeden?

TAVON- can get whatever she wants from me and I mean that.

Mekhi laughs.

MEKHI- I understand.

NEAL- I want to understand.

Kent laughs.

TAVON- you never got that before?

NEAL- Nope never gave it either.

Kent Mekhi and Tavon all look shocked.

MEKHI- you never?

NEAL- Hell no I don't know how to do that.

KENT- watch porn.

Mekhi smiles.

NEAL- What?

KENT- Two ways to learn about sex. One is to have sex and two is watch porn.

TAVON- I don't want to hear you talk about this?

NEAL- Yeah...

KENT- here y'all go.

TAVON- it's A1 advice but when it actually sinks in that this is about T....my stomach turns.

KENT- again here y'all go...I didn't even say anything.

MEKHI- don't let them silence you I want to hear everything.

Kent laughs.

KENT- Shut up man.

TAVON- look anyway Neal step out of your confront and have fun enjoy this time....Taina is never gonna be
Morgan but that might not be a bad thing.

Neal looks at him thinking about it.

MEKHI- So what exactly did Jaeden do?

Tavon smiles.


Taylor sits at her desk and Cameron stands next to her. They're watching a music video on the computer.

TAYLOR- Eh he's okay.

CAMERON- I'm telling you give Travis Scott a chance.

TAYLOR- he's too auto tuney.

CAMERON- listen to his albums.

TAYLOR- he has albums?

Cameron laughs.

CAMERON- Taylor come on.

TAYLOR- I will listen to Travis if you listen to Lil Baby.

CAMERON- What I listen to Lil Baby?

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- you do?!

CAMERON- Yes Harder than ever is like in my most played albums on Apple Music.

TAYLOR- So many people sleep on Harder than ever!

CAMERON- first class and right now?

TAYLOR- classics Omg.

Zhuri enters.

TAYLOR- Z. Hello stranger.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- very funny. I need to talk to you.

CAMERON- Hey Zhuri.

ZHURI- Cameron McCarthy. Hey.

CAMERON- do you have to call me by my first name?

ZHURI- I do actually.

Cameron laughs.

CAMERON- I'm about to go get a water want anything?

TAYLOR- a water too?

CAMERON- Aka a coffee?

Taylor laughs he's right.

CAMERON- I told you I'm the brown to your Tatum.

TAYLOR- shut up.

Cameron smiles and leaves,

ZHURI- so does Neal know you're cheating on him?

TAYLOR- (laughing) What?

ZHURI- You two are definitely giving besties.

TAYLOR- We just work together here a lot and he's cool.

ZHURI- Vibing over music....and I'm sure that last reference was basketball.

TAYLOR- So...that doesn't mean.

Zhuri looks at her.

TAYLOR- Oh Neal is gonna Neal.

Zhuri laughs.

TAYLOR- but what's up I missed you last night.

ZHURI- missed you too...I was gonna come with Morgan but my date ran kinda long so.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- so how was it?

ZHURI- the best. We just talked all night I mean like really talked we were the last two people in the place. It's like after every conversation we have the more I like him.

TAYLOR- Aw Z. That sounds so romantic.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- it was. It really was.

Taylor smiles.

ZHURI- but what I wanted to talk to you about was....I kinda did something like a little bad not on purpose and I'm trying to think of a way to stop it.

TAYLOR- What did you do?

ZHURI- I kinda played matchmaker with the absolute wrong couple.

TAYLOR- Like who?

ZHURI- it's best if you don't know.

Taylor looks at her confused.

ZHURI- trust me.

TAYLOR- well look if you want to stop a couple from happening break them up by hooking one of them with someone else.

Zhuri lights up a bit.

ZHURI- you are so smart.

Zhuri hugs her.

ZHURI- thank you.

TAYLOR- you're welcome?

Zhuri starts to leave and Kent and Tavon enter.

KENT- Hey Z.


Kent keeps walking over to Taylor. Tavon and Zhuri look at each other.



TAVON- How are you?

ZHURI- I'm okay....you?

TAVON- same....my mother asked me how you were and I couldn't believe I didn't have a sure answer.

Zhuri looks at him.

ZHURI- Well um now you do. I mean for your mom to know.

TAVON- Yeah...for my mom.

Zhuri looks at him. Tavon smiles a little. Zhuri leaves.

TAYLOR- Just kiss.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- you're funny.

TAYLOR- so what do I owe the pleasure?

Kent kisses her. Taylor smiles

TAYLOR- aww.

KENT- Yeah I wanted to be the last to kiss you before I kill you.

Tavon laughs.

TAYLOR- Kill me?

KENT- you have half of your world in my locker and you have your own separate locker?


KENT- No huh. T it takes me like five minutes to find one thing...and I heard your locker looks better than mine.

TAYLOR-(to Tavon) snitch.

TAVON- it wasn't me.

Taylor looks at Kent and puts on her best pouty face.

TAYLOR- I just like having some of my world with yours because you are my world.

Taylor hugs him.

KENT- Aw baby that's all you had to say.

Kent kisser her.

KENT- I won't trip about the locker.

Taylor smiles.

KENT- I'll see you at lunch.

TAYLOR- love you.

Kent smiles.

KENT- I love you too.

Kent leaves.

TAVON- no way he fell for that.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- I know Kent Davis well okay.

TAVON- Yeah okay...anyway you said we would look at internships today.

TAYLOR- Oh yeah I sent some to your email.

TAVON- I got it. The Pikesville one.

TAYLOR- Yes that's the same one I was looking at.

TAVON- let's not be another Morgan and Zhuri.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- they do pick two students from Lynview so.

TAVON- we just have to make sure we're the two.

Taylor smiles.

TAYLOR- you would really go to the same internship as me?

TAVON- Hell yeah...spending time with you is important to me. Especially now who knows where we'll gonna be next year?

TAYLOR- Yeah you're right...this could be some of our last memories together for a while.

TAVON- So what's the game plan?

Taylor smiles.


Morgan is talking to her teacher holding up a paper in her hands. The class is empty it is just the two of them.

MORGAN- I don't understand how this is a B. This is at least an A.

TEACHER- your paragraph about Atticus quote "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view" you didn't use any sources from the book to backup your stance.

MORGAN- but the whole paper is about the book...why should I have to remind you of that?

TEACHER- Excuse me?

MORGAN- I mean that's the purpose of the paper.

TEACHER- You can continue to feel that way but it's not changing the prompt or the grade that you got....and don't worry I'm sure a B won't keep you off the cheerleading team.

Morgan looks confused and appalled.

MORGAN- cheerleading team? This is not about the cheerleading team..this is about me wanting to get straight A's.

The teacher smiles not believing her.

TEACHER- then redo the paper have it in by Friday.

MORGAN- Friday? But I have -

TEACHER- cheerleading...a party?

MORGAN- No. I want straight A's for my transcript.

TEACHER- Then it's best you redo the paper.

Off Morgan she's pissed.


Jazmine stands in front of the mirror applying lipstick. Zhuri walks in.

ZHURI- Jazmine finally found you.


ZHURI- So quick question what do you think about Neal?

JAZMINE- I don't.

ZHURI- Well maybe you should.


ZHURI- If you asked out Neal Kent could see and maybe get jealous.

Jazmine gets a smile on her face maybe she has a chance.

JAZMINE-Wait you think that would work?

Zhuri makes a face like she almost wants to laugh.

ZHURI- absolutely.

Jazmine smiles.


Taylor is standing on a ladder hanging up a poster. A student is holding the ladder and Morgan is standing next to them leaning on the locker.

MORGAN- T I'm telling you....it's like no matter how hard I try everyone just sees you as the same party girl I was up until last year. Like I haven't even thrown a party yet this. Okay well the bonfire but that was pro school.

TAYLOR- I think you're letting this teacher get in your head. She's just being a bitch.

The ladder moves a little.

MORGAN- you let this ladder move one more time and I'll kill you.

TAYLOR- Morgan.

MORGAN- What? He's been looking up your skirt the entire time anyway.

STUDENT- (caught) No I haven't.

Taylor turns around quickly in disgust.

TAYLOR- Ew get out of here.

Morgan grabs the ladder. And the student leaves.

MORGAN- What are you even hanging up?

TAYLOR- Thanks to your idea Cameron asked Tammie if we could have a election so....we're having one. President vice president and treasurer.

MORGAN- Oh really? Are you running?

Taylor walks down the ladder to get off.

TAYLOR- Hell no. I have too much stuff going on...you should run this was your idea.

MORGAN- Were you not just listening to me? No one takes me seriously here.

TAYLOR- So make them.

Morgan looks at her.

TAYLOR- and I believe in you.

Morgan smiles. Taylor begins to open her locker and it's full of Kent's things.

TAYLOR- What the?

Kent smiles as he walks down the hall.

KENT- no way you thought I was buying that earlier.

Taylor is gagged. Kent winks at her. Morgan laughs.


Kent and Neal stand outside of the lunch line in the middle of conversation when Jazmine approaches them.

Morgan walks in and sits next to Zhuri.


MORGAN- Hey where you been?

ZHURI- Sorry I've had some photography stuff.

MORGAN- It's cool...you coming to try outs right?

ZHURI-Yeah but I have to leave right after I have this art class thing.

MORGAN-Oh with the naked people?

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI-  They are not naked people shut up.

Morgan laughs and then takes a few fries off of Zhuri's tray.

ZHURI- M I need to talk to you about something...I should of did this earlier.


Before Zhuri can talk Morgan looks over at her eyes widened: Jazmine kisses Neal.

ZHURI- Oh Fuck.

Morgan immediately rushes over and Zhuri follows behind.

MORGAN- Bitch are you serious?

NEAL- Jazmine what the hell? Morgan I-

MORGAN- You better start talking like right now because I swear Im gonna start swinging.

JAZMINE- it's not like that...I dont like Neal I just wanted to make Kent jealous like Zhuri told me.


MORGAN- Zhuri? Why the fuck would my sister tell you to kiss Neal.

JAZMINE- I just told you-

MORGAN- Jazmine there is no you and Kent shut the hell up already.

Morgan turns to Zhuri and she's still pissed she's shaking.

MORGAN-What the hell is she talking about?

ZHURI- I didnt tell her to kiss him I just told her to ask him out.


Morgan's face break from pissed to shocked.

MORGAN-Why would you do that?

ZHURI- I kinda pushed him to ask Taina out and I felt bad so I thought if Jazmine asked him out and Taina could see-

Morgan faces now goes to hurt she looks at Neal.

MORGAN- you're going out with Taina?


Neal steps  closer to her Morgan backs away.

MORGAN- all of yall...can kiss my ass.

Morgan starts to leave. Zhuri tries to stop her.

ZHURI- Morgan can you wait.

MORGAN- All you had to do was tell me...instead you made everything worse.....like do you hate me?

ZHURI- No I really didn't mean to it just happened and I tried to stop it.

MORGAN- Neal can ask out who he wants all of this that just happened that's on you...and I'm done with you or anyone else playing in my face.

ZHURI- Morgan....Im sorry.

Morgan begins to walk away again and Neal goes after her.

MORGAN- Neal please just leave me alone.

Neal stops and takes this in but still wanting to give in and follow. But he lets her go.


Morgan sits in the front seat of her. She's scrolling through her phone and deleting pictures of her and Neal. And she's crying. Cameron knocks on her window.


Morgan tries to put on a brave face and wipe her tears.

MORGAN- of course this is how my Day ends.

CAMERON- technically you have like two classes left after lunch so your day hasn't ended.

Morgan shoots him a look.

MORGAN- Cameron please not now.

CAMERON- oh you're crying? I'm sorry.

MORGAN- I'm not crying. And (she sighs) you don't have to be sorry about anything.

CAMERON- It's okay if you're crying...you make crying look beautiful.

Morgan looks at him.

MORGAN- What are you saying?

CAMERON- I'm just saying that you don't have to worry about anyone seeing you cry. And I'm sorry about whatever it is but I'm sure you'll be fine.

MORGAN- I use to think that....but now lately.


MORGAN- nothing and I don't even talk to you.

Cameron opens the back door of the car and gets inside.

MORGAN- what are you doing?

CAMERON- you said you don't talk to me so talk to me.

MORGAN- You don't have to do all this...I'm fine.

CAMERON- I thought we were friends now and you owe me.

MORGAN- I owe you?

CAMERON- that day we road up to university of Maryland-

MORGAN- oh my God not this again.

CAMERON- you fell asleep next to me and there was drool.

MORGAN- I do not drool.

CAMERON- the stain is still there Ace.

Morgan laughs.

CAMERON- she laughs? Wow.

Morgan shakes her head. He's impossible.

MORGAN- Can you stop?

CAMERON- so what's going on?

MORGAN- my senior year is just not going the way I thought it would....I had all of these plans but instead I'm just failing at everything.

CAMERON- so what are you gonna do about it?

MORGAN- What are you talking about?

CAMERON- I remember the day you walked into the Taylor Daily very demanding and very annoying and very loud.

MORGAN- excuse me?

CAMERON- let me finish.

Morgan rolls her eyes.

CAMERON- you came in with a plan to do something...something that you felt was right.

MORGAN- yes and I got detention and grounded and my Dad still didn't talking to you.

CAMERON- I'm like one hundred percent positive that's worth more then giving up and hiding out in your car. Look I'm not saying flood the school again. But if things are going the way you feel as planned. Take the control back.

Morgan laughs.

CAMERON- you have this fire about you I can see it. You just need to use it.

Morgan looks at him.


Deandre stands ahead of guys who are waiting to try out for the basketball team. We see Kent Kyle Mekhi and Neal in the lineup. Tom stands on the sideline camera in hand. This is a completely new built gym then the one we're use to seeing the guys in.

DEANDRE- We all know the story from last year. Everything this team took to win. There is only one goal for this year....and that is to do the exact same thing. Every single spot is available. I'm not picking players just because they're seniors I'm picking only the best.

NEAL-(low voice) oh now he changes the rules.

Kent and Mekhi laugh.

DEANDRE- Let's do this. Let's start with four laps.

The guys begin to run laps around the gym.

NEAL- you really think this camera thing a good idea?

KENT- Tammie looked at it and Dre sent it to Marvin he said it was good too. I think dude might be legit.

MEKHI- so in other words we need to turn the hell up.

Kent smirks.


Morgan stands in the gym next to coach Keira. With a room full of girls for tryouts. Jasmine Taylor and Zhuri and other members of the old team stand with them.

COACH KEIRA-This is how this is going to go. Morgan our captain is gonna lead our squad with a routine. You guys watch closely and then you're gonna do the same routine.

MORGAN- We're looking for voice facials motions dancing Jumping, Tumbling, and Stunting.

Taina walks in.

TAINA- Dancing?

ZHURI- Aw hell.


MORGAN- I thought you do real dance or something?

TAINA- I need another elective so.

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- I guess you better have those real dance moves ready,

TAINA- I guess so.

Morgan nods her head for her to stand with the rest of the tryouts.

MORGAN- Okay squad let's go.

JAZMINE- Morgan are you mad at me?

MORGAN- you're a who're who did some whore shit. I can't be mad...but don't speak to me unless it's about this team. And I mean that shit.

JAZMINE- Morgan.

TAYLOR- I'm so serious what the fuck is going on?

MORGAN- Our girl Z here told Jazmine to go after Neal to make Kent jealous when really she wanted it stop Taina and Neal from happening because she felt she was the blame for it even though Neal is months away from being a adult who can make his own decisions.

TAYLOR- Wait what?

ZHURI- Morgan.

TAYLOR- Is that what you were trying to ask me earlier?

MORGAN- let me get this straight you went to Taylor for advice on how to make a fake plan to make her husband jealous?

ZHURI- Oh please I knew Kent wasn't going to care but I had to make her think that. You're blowing this out of proportion.

MORGAN- how many times are you going do something to me and when I react I'm the one that's blowing it out of proportion?

COACH KEIRA- Girls are you joking right now? You have to be because you know I don't play side conversations in practice. Get to the routine.

Zhuri looks at Morgan.

ZHURI- that's great because I'm not on the team anymore. You guys enjoy practice.

TAYLOR- Zhuri.

Zhuri walks off.

MORGAN- that's fine. Let's start the routine.


The players for tryouts stand lined on the 40 yard line preparing to the dash. COACH RITCHIE SCHELL stands on the sides waiting to blowing his whistle and paying attention to everyday detail of the players on the field. In the stands sits some parents as well.

TROY- this shit about to be breeze.

TAVON- indeed.

TROY- if not my Dad gonna fuck around and have a stroke in the crowd.

TAVON- you're Dad is here?

TROY- Yeah hella parents here. Yours not?

TAVON- Nah my mom had to work and I didn't even tell her....plus I don't need anyone in the stands for me. I got me.

Tavon puts on his helmet but still  takes a look at the stands. He does wish it was one person out there cheering for him.

COACH RITCHIE- On your mark....get set.

Players stand in position and he blows his whistle. And the players take off full speed. Standing on the opposite sides of the stands with her hands on a gate is Zhuri.

ZHURI- come on Tae.

Tavon is one of the tryouts that's in the lead. Zhuri smiles. Ritchie looks down at his sheet and he's making notes. Zhuri looks down at the time on her phone and begins to leave.


An huge art room with glass windows and white walls. Artists of different ages are mingling around. Some sit behind their wooden easel's where we find Zhuri, and she's gathering her supplies. A HANDSOME guy walks in and takes notice to her. Zhuri looks up and smiles at him when TARA HILL 20s a complete art lover sits next to Zhuri.

TARA- Don't look too hard at the merchandise.

ZHURI- (confused) Merchandise?

ART INSTRUCTOR- Good evening everyone...let's get started. James I'm ready when you are.

The handsome guy begins to take off his clothes starting with his shirt as he then walks to the center of the floor.

Zhuri looks shocked and drops her pencil.

ZHURI- Morgan was right this is a naked class.

James laughs.

Zhuri begins to sketch but she tries to avoid looking at certain parts of James. The instructor comes behind her noticing.

ART INSTRUCTOR-  Relax your strokes Zhuri. Find the arris of tension within the pose and then feel the contours as they move through him.

ZHURI- Okay.

Zhuri begins to study this time really trying.

TARA- try not to look so uncomfortable. Especially when the instructor can see you.

ZHURI- I'm trying not too but I was not expecting a guy I thought it was going to be a woman....I've only see one other guys naked body up close like this before.

Tara laughs.

ZHURI- Well you better get used to it. It's plenty more where this came from.

Zhuri continues to draw.

ZHURI- I see.

Tara laughs.

TARA- I'm Tara.


TARA- you're very talented, even while your nervous.

Zhuri laughs a little appreciating the compliment.

ZHURI- thanks you're good too.


The guys look exhausted. Most of them drinking water or Gatorade.

DEANDRE- Good job fellas.

NEAL- What you thinking?

DEANDRE- you'll see results tomorrow.

KENT- come on you're gonna tell us anyway. That Dylan kid had crazy momentum.

MEKHI- he definitely did.

DEANDRE- Y'all will see results tomorrow...now go get some rest.

KYLE- Aka Kyle was the best right?

Deandre laughs and then begins to leave and Tom follows him.

MEKHI- Y'all think they got my good side?

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Shut up man.

KENT- I gotta go do that interview thing with Chloe. I'll see y'all later.

MEKHI- it's still cool for me to bring my date over later?

KENT- Hell yeah.

Mekhi smiles.


Kent and Kyle leave.

NEAL- I gotta handle something too. I'll catch you later.


As things are wrapping up Tavon runs over to Coach Schell. He's excited.

TAVON- Coach how did I go?


TAVON- Tavon Banks.

He looks down at his pad.

COACH RITCHIE- Banks Banks...oh you did good.

TAVON- Any pointers or-

COACH RITCHIE- you'll know once the list is dropped.

Coach Ritchie turns to finish talking to the assistant coach. Tavon gets a disappointed look he looks around and notices the other guys with their Dads.


Landy and Redz enter a apartment. Landy has a relieved looked on her face. She quickly closes the door,

LANDY-Remember what we went over?

REDZ- My mane is Ryan Banks....but I don't really like the name Ryan.

LANDY- I know I know but it has to be different okay....or do you want use to be separated?


LANDY- Okay? It's just me and you now. We're all we got.

Landy hugs him.

LANDY- this is our fresh start just us together.

REDZ- Okay.

There's a knock on the door. Landy looks confused.

LANDY- stay here.

Landy walks over to the door. And opens it.  And there stands Paul he dressed in all the latest you can tell he has money.

PAUL- Hey you guys dropped this when you came in.

He hands her a red toy car.

LANDY- Thank you.

Paul checks her out. Redz looks defensive. Paul puts on a charming smile.

PAUL- I'm Paul.


PAUL- Liz and?

REDZ- Ryan.

Paul smiles.

PAUL- nice to meet the both of you and if ever need anything....don't hesitate. I stay downstairs.

Landy smiles.

LANDY- Okay.


Neal enters as things as finishing up.

MORGAN- Results will be posted tomorrow. Good luck and thanks for coming today.

The girls begin to leave. Taina see's Neal approaching Morgan.

NEAL- Morgan can we talk?

MORGAN- What Neal?

NEAL- You were upset earlier and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

MORGAN- I'm fine.

NEAL- I didn't want you to find out I asked someone else out that way.

MORGAN- I'm not having this conversation right now.

NEAL- why not? I just want to have a honest conversation.

MORGAN- honest or not I don't want to talk about you dating someone else. But I get it that's what you have to do so.

NEAL- Morgan.

MORGAN- wait what are you wearing?

NEAL- My work out jersey?

MORGAN- That's a new jersey....why where were you guys tryouts?

NEAL- at the new gym they built.

MORGAN- you guys have a new gym and new work out wear?

NEAL- Yeah....

MORGAN- and what the hell are we just freaking chop livers? That's not fair.

NEAL- That's what you want to talk about right now?

MORGAN- Yes there a things more important than you and your new girlfriend.

NEAL- What?

Morgan see's Taylor leaving out the gym.

MORGAN- T! Can I have the keys to the TD?

TAYLOR- it's still open.

Morgan smiles.


Morgan turns back to Neal.

MORGAN- I don't like it but do whatever it is you want....that's my honesty on it.

Neal takes that in and they look each other one last time and Morgan leaves.


Tavon sits across from Landy whose on break.

LANDY- I don't like you feeling this way like left out. I could of been there.

TAVON- no I know you had to work and I'm not mad at that but Ma I need to know about my Dad.

LANDY- Tavon it's not important.

Tavon slams on the table. Eyes shoot over to him and Landy.

TAVON- it is to me.

LANDY- Tavon.

TAVON- Whatever.

Tavon leaves.

Reggie approaches.

REGGIE- You okay?

LANDY- No....I feel our little mother and son reunion we been having is starting to fall apart.

REGGIE- you just have to be honest.

LANDY- it's not as easy as it seems.


Morgan sits at Taylor's desk and she's researching on the computer. Cameron walks behind her.

CAMERON- why are you still here?

MORGAN- why are you in my business?

CAMERON- I'm working on a article.

MORGAN- I'm trying to find a loophole and I can't use the computer at home because I'm quote on  quote grounded.

CAMERON- what are you looking up?

MORGAN- trying to find a loophole about how this school can provide the the boy's basketball team with new equipment new athleisure and a new gym and the cheer team who did just win nationals by the win gets nothing.

CAMERON- I totally get it especially spending all that money to go here.

MORGAN- right...wait what?!

CAMERON- tuition...private school. Our parents funds these schools.

Morgan searches on the computer and finds that Lynview is a private school now. She smiles.

MORGAN- Cameron I have never said a bad thing about you....Tammie Carter is one sneaky bitch.

CAMERON- why are you acting surprised?

MORGAN- I mean it's not like I know what my Dad pays that's all. 

Cameron looks at her confused.

MORGAN- Gotta go. Thank you!

Morgan rushes out.


Morgan rushes in as Tammie is leaving.

MORGAN- Aht Aht...we need to talk.

TAMMIE- excuse me?

MORGAN- We need to talk about the unfairness of you putting all of this money into the boys basketball team and nothing into us at cheer,

Tammie scoffs she can't be serious.

TAMMIE- do you not understand the amount of money people are going to pay this year to watch Neal and Kent play? Lamar Jackson has already guaranteed he was coming to at least three games.

MORGAN- that's great but we won nationals.

Tammie laughs.

TAMMIE- nationals? You're seriously comparing some cheer competition to NBA prospects.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- you're right maybe I'm reaching maybe I'm crazy but let's see how crazy these new rich kids parents are gonna feel when they find out you're charging them for a school that half of us is attending for free.

Tammie cocky looks leaves.


Morgan smiles realizing she has the power.

MORGAN- Yeah. So we need new uniforms. For home and away games. I like the X cut it shows my belly piercing  it's so cute and some new cheer shoes...matching bags.

Tammie is boiling.

MORGAN- in fact I have your email address I'll just send you my list. So I won't miss anything.

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- have a nice night.

Morgan leaves Tammie pissed.


Chloe is in the middle of interviewing Kent.

CHLOE- so how do you handle the pressure going into this season... with it being your senior year and the whole world watching you after your Dad died?

Kent begins to sweat.


CHLOE- I said so how do you handle the pressure going into this season... with it being your senior year and the whole world watching you anticipating another state championship in a higher division.

KENT- Um I feel like I've been faced with pressure my whole life and not just in basketball...I was built for it and the only thing I can focus on is being the best I can be for my team.

CHLOE- so how do you manage to fight off depression after your Dad died and your grandfather died too right?

Kent begins to sweat again his chest becoming tight. 

KENT- What? Why are you asking me that?

CHLOE- Huh? I just asked what's your normal routine during the season?

KENT- Oh I um-

Kent begins to struggle to come to words. His vision become blurry.

CHLOE- Do you think you're gonna lose Taylor next or? Or maybe Neal they are the only two people holding you together at this point?

Kent begins to fall to the floor. He's having a full on panic attack.

CHLOE- Kent?

Mekhi and Taylor approaches and sees and rushes to him. Taylor grabs him.

MEKHI- what the fuck happened?

CHLOE- I don't know I was just interviewing him but each question it's like he started freaking out.

TAYLOR- Kent breathe. I'm here okay. It's gonna be okay.

Kent is gasping for air.


Tavon approaches as Paul is working on a car.

TAVON- Man what the hell, I've been trying to reach you since I got back?

Paul looks frustrated but puts on a face.

PAUL- What's up man. How are you?

TAVON- it's been a day...and I just want ride.

PAUL- you're in luck. Today is my last day here.

TAVON- What do you mean?

PAUL- I'm moving to New York.

Tavon looks disappointed.

TAVON- Oh...why would that put me in luck?

PAUL- You can have the bike.

Tavon smiles.  Paul throws him the keys.

TAVON- seriously?

PAUL- Yeah.

TAVON- Wait were you even gonna say goodbye?

PAUL- What?

TAVON- I mean you give me some bike now....but you didn't know you was gonna see me today.

PAUL- look we spent some time together over few months and you think what?

Tavon s hurt but hides it.

TAVON- Nah you're right fuck you and fuck your goodbye.

Tavon throws the keys aiming for Paul's head but he  ducks.

PAUL- what the hell is your problem?!

TAVON- fuck you.

Tavon leaves.


Landy is in the kitchen cleaning dishes. Redz sits at the table doing homework and we see a infant Tavon on the floor playing with toys. Music is playing and Landy and Redz is singing along.

Paul stumbles out of the bedroom very drunk.

PAUL- It's too loud out here.

Landy turns around kinda timid.

LANDY- I'm sorry I didn't know you were sleeping.

Paul looks at her.

Landy turns the music down.

REDZ- but I like that song.

LANDY- I'm sorry baby.

PAUL- you love to make me the villain.

LANDY- I didn't say that Paul....you put that in your own head.

REDZ- can't you just go away.

LANDY- Redz baby stay out of this. Why don't you take Tavon and go in the room?

PAUL- Leave my son exactly where he is.

LANDY- Redz what did I-

Paul grabs Landy and pushes her into the wall. Landy looks immediately at Redz and tries to hold back tears .

LANDY- it's okay. I'm okay just do what I said.

Redz looks at Tavon who is obviously unaware and then he goes into the kitchen and grabs a knife. Paul laughs.

PAUL- What the fuck you going do with that?

Redz points the knife at him.

REDZ- get away from my mother.

PAUL- I always knew you was going change up on me...after everything I did for you too.

LANDY- He's just a kid. Redz put the knife back.

Redz ignores her. Paul backs away from Landy. He looks at Tavon and Landy looks scared hoping he doesn't pick him up and he doesn't. Instead he grabs a jacket and storms out.

REDZ- you said you was was leaving him.

LANDY- I know but you know how hard things are. I have to be careful with every move we make.

REDZ- but you said it was going always be just us...and he's ruining that.

Landy looks at him knowing she's let things get out of control.


Neal rushes out his house and goes to his car. Where Breezy stands.

BREEZY- You haven't answered my calls.

NEAL- this not the time man.

BREEZY- it's always the time when I say it is.

NEAL- What do you want?

BREEZY- What I want? I want for my little cousin to be able to walk across the stage and get his high school diploma. Go to senior prom you know all the shit you and your little gang ripped from him.

NEAL- you can't actually rip away walking across the stage it's like an item you can hold.

BREEZY- does it look like I'm joking?

NEAL- I don't know you that well man to you're serious face or joking face.

BREEZY- Okay I'm gonna put it to you like this....you stole my little cousins life...and you gotta pay for that shit.

Neal eyes widened a bit. He's confused.

BREEZY- I hear you be winning money and shit off video games. I need half of your next two games.

NEAL- What? No way?

BREEZY- No Nigga my way...or you going down for two bodies...one we both know you did and the other....I'm gonna say you did. And we both know them little sarcastic jokes of yours not going work in Jail.

Neal stands defeated. Breezy smiles and starts walking to his car.

BREEZY- I take cash app William!

Off Neal watching breezy drive off  having no clue what to do next.


Kent opens his eyes and Mekhi and Taylor are both sitting there.

MEKHI- waking up to the two most attractive faces must have you feeling good right now.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- Hey...are you feeling?

KENT- Did I really have a panic attack?

Taylor rubs his face.

TAYLOR- Yeah you did.

Taylor hands him a bottle of water.

MEKHI- what's going on?

KENT- I don't know I thought I was fine man.

TAYLOR- I thought you were kinda holding it in too long.

KENT- Holding it in? I've been to therapy...I've talked to you....I went away. I fucking did the right things what else am I supposed to do? When is it going be over?

Taylor looks at him wishing she could really help him.

TAYLOR- it's no exact for that baby. I'm sorry. But you don't have to be perfect and that's okay. You lost your Dad in June it's only August. You have to give yourself time.

MEKHI- real time. And we're here. We got you.

KENT- don't you have a date?

MEKHI- I canceled my best friend just had to be the center of attention if have a panic attack.

Kent laughs. Taylor smiles and then her  phone begins to ring. She looks down at it.

TAYLOR- Excuse for a second.


TAYLOR- where the hell are you? Like right now?


Morgan is in her bathroom. She's dying her hair. There's a knock at her door.

MORGAN- come in.

Zhuri enters.



ZHURI- how did tryouts go?


ZHURI- you're dying your hair?

MORGAN- I went blonde when me and Neal broke up because I needed some type of distraction and I wanted to become the fun Morgan again. But now I want to do this for me and the new changes I'm about to start on.

ZHURI- changes like what?

MORGAN- Like more than just some girl that's apart of a guys love story or just the regular popular girl who gets by because of it... every time I've put my mind to something I want I get it...I did it with drama club I did it with New York and I'm about to do it now with the rest of my senior year and for the first time I'm okay if doing that has nothing to do with a guy or anyone else.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI-  Wow um Morgan I'm proud of you.

MORGAN- thanks but um Z you're my sister and I love you and if you need me for anything I'll always be there for you.

Zhuri looks confused.

MORGAN- but right now....I don't want to be your friend anymore.

ZHURI- Morgan.

MORGAN- I have to rinse so....let yourself out.

Morgan goes back inside her bathroom.


Tavon lays across his bed a lot on his mind he pulls out his phone and calls Jaeden. It rings for a while.

JAEDEN- Hello.

TAVON- yo where you been?

JAEDEN- it's been a really long day...and it's not the right time.

TAVON- are you good?

JAEDEN- No I mean yes.

TAVON- no I mean yes?

JAEDEN- can I just call you later?

TAVON- are you at hospital?

Jaeden pauses for a minute.

JAEDEN- (voice cracking) My Dad he's.

TAVON- I'm on my way.


Taylor passes back and forth in the living room. Tony enters.

TONY- your sister is here.

Ashley enters.

ASHLEY- Hey Baby Sister.

TAYLOR- baby sister my ass...Ashley where the hell you been?

Ashley smiles and then holds out her hand showing a engagement ring.

ASHLEY- I'm getting married.

Ashley smiles. Taylor forced a smiles trying to hide her shock.


Tavon enters and spots Jaeden.

TAVON- Jaeden.

JAEDEN- Tavon...what are you doing here?

TAVON- Don't freak out this is not some boyfriend thing this is a friend thing....I just wanted to make sure you was okay....nobody wants to be alone. Especially with this.

Jaeden doesn't have it in her to even fight.

JAEDEN- They said he had a mild stroke....but he hasn't woken back up...and I can't see him like that....and my mom flight is delayed....I just I don't know what I'm gonna do.

TAVON- you got to go in there and you gotta sit by his side and you gotta talk to him.

JAEDEN- I'm not good at stuff like that. Don't you understand?

TAVON- Jaeden this your Dad. You can't do that stuff with him. You gotta go to talk to him...trust me I wish I was in your shoes right now and had a Dad worth fighting for.

Jaeden looks at him.


ASHLEY- so over the summer we went out of the country and we just traveled and spent time together and I didn't have much access to my phone.

TAYLOR- Ash I'm happy for you but shit went to hell. I needed you.

ASHLEY- no...what you need is to enjoy your life and not look after some kids that's on Toya and Nate.

TAYLOR- What? You're the one that installed in us that we're supposed to stick together that we're family.

ASHLEY- and I meant that and you guys are my family but I'm not stopping my life for kids I didn't give birth to  anymore T. I gotta put myself first and you should too. I did my part and I did more than enough. I'm done now.

Taylor looks at her.


Neal enters the house and Reggie is sitting in the living room.

REGGIE- How is Kent?

NEAL- he's okay, just a panic attack.  he's resting now.


NEAL- I'm about to shower and get to bed I'm exhausted Z

REGGIE- tryouts were tough?

NEAL- you have no idea.

Neal goes upstairs.


Neal pulls out his phone.

NEAL- Yo Troy...can you hook up one of those games tonight?

Neal feels his nose and it's bleeding again.


Kent and Taylor lay in bed. Kent's eyes are closed but Taylor holds him and rubs his shoulder.

KENT- I'm sorry if I scared you today.

TAYLOR- you have nothing to apologize for. You're not the first person in this relationship to have a panic attack.

Kent laughs a little.

KENT- that's kinda twisted.

TAYLOR- It is.

KENT- T I just wanna be okay I want both of us to be okay.

Taylor misses his shoulder.

TAYLOR- We're gonna be okay.

Kent turns around to her.

KENT- T I think you and Neal are the only things that's making me happy right now.

Taylor looks at him.


Tavon enters and Tavon sits in the living room and he walks in and sits next to her.

TAVON- I'm sorry about getting mad earlier.

LANDY- it's okay...I do owe you a conversation Tavon.

TAVON- not tonight. Today has been long enough I just want to forget about it.

LANDY- what's wrong?

TAVON- you were right....I do have real feelings for Jaeden.


Morgan walks into the school with a complete new attitude. She approaches her English class.

TEACHER- Good morning Morgan. I don't see you until next period.

MORGAN- I know and it's not Friday but here's my paper. Retyped with new sources and a more detailed response. I'm sorry about my attitude yesterday. After rereading it. I realized how complexed Atticus was. One side of him a loving and understanding father who lives with dignity, humility, courage, and honesty. And the other side where he is consistent with his beliefs and true to his conscience. I understand him more now.

The teacher smiles shocked but proud. Morgan leaves out and some of the cheerleaders approach her.

CHEERLEADER- Morgan did you see your email we're getting new uniforms and shoes.

CHEERLEADER TWO- travel bags. and they're gonna redo the redo the gym.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- Funny how things work out huh?

CHEERLEADER - come on let's go see who made cuts.

MORGAN- I'll be there in a second.

The cheerleaders walk off and Morgan looks at the sign up sheet for the class president election. She signs her name. She smiles proudly.

MORGAN-Let the new era begin.


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