Never Let Go ✔️

By flicker_shawn

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Sophia Hemmings is 14 years old. She is living with her brother, Luke, and his girlfriend, Sierra. They are b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Checking in- A/N
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 51

708 19 5
By flicker_shawn

Date: Tuesday, June 6th

Sophia could not sleep at all last night. Despite the talk with Hunter, it didn't ease her worry. She started to think about what if Dr. Amber doesn't get found guilty. Is she going to try and kill her again?

"Sophia, it's time to get up," Luke said walking into her room.

"I don't want to go. Please don't make me. I already went on the stand. Please, Luke, don't make me," Sophia said with tears falling down her face.

"Soph, you know if it wasn't required I wouldn't make you go," He said walking over to sit next to her.

"I know but I can't handle it anymore. When is this going to be over?" She said putting her head on Luke's shoulder.

"Hopefully tomorrow. Dr. Amber and Sierra are on the stand today and tomorrow they should be announcing the verdict. It's going to be ok, Soph. I promise," Luke said.


Sophia was sitting in between Michael and Luke with Calum and Ashton behind her. Sierra just did her testimony and now it's Dr. Amber's turn. Sophia saw something white near Dr. Amber.

Sophia leaned over to Michael and whispered, "Mikey is she snorting something?"

Michael looked over at her and whispered, "What Sophia? No. She wouldn't do that in court."

Calum overheard and leaned forward to whisper between Luke and Sophia, "Kiddo don't listen to him she most definitely is. Like girl it's not 4/20."

Michael and Luke both looked back at Calum with annoyed looks.

"Calum shut the fuck up," Ashton said.

"Whatever," Calum said leaning back.

"No, I was not obsessed with Luke. He was obsessed with me. He told me to kill his Sister and wife. He wants to be with me. Luke Hemmings said he loves me," Dr. Amber said.

Everyone in the courtroom was shocked by her statement.

"What the fuck. No, you keep my husband's name out of your fucking mouth you crazy bitch," Sierra yelled, getting up from her seat.

"Sierra calm down please just sit down," Luke said trying to calm her down.

"No this bitch deserves to be beat up," Sierra said

While everyone was busy focusing on Sierra no one noticed that Sophia got up. She walked over to the stand. She somehow got confident to talk to her.

"Miss Hemmings, you need to get back to your seat," The judge said.

Sophia ignored her and instead looked at Dr. Amber, "Don't talk about my brother like that. He doesn't love you. He never will. Just let it go. You are just a sad lonely woman. I don't know why I ever let you get into my head. You are a pathetic waste of a person."

A cop came over and said, "Miss you need to go back to your seat or we will have to take you out of here."

Dr. Amber started to smirk, "I bet you don't know that I also killed your mother."

Sophia lost her breath. "What? No, she died from cancer."

"That's correct but she died faster since I changed out her meds. Luke told me to," She said laughing.

Tears welled up in Sophia's eyes as she struggled to process the magnitude of Dr. Amber's claim. It felt like her entire reality was crumbling around her. She glanced over at Luke, who didn't even notice she wasn't next to him so she also knew he didn't just hear what Dr. Amber said.

Sophia's voice trembled as she turned back to Dr. Amber, her anger starting to overcome the shock. "You're lying! How dare you make such horrible accusations? My brother would never have been involved in something like that," Sophia's voice cracked as she continued to yell at Dr. Amber, "You're just trying to manipulate me. But I won't let you get away with it."

At that moment Michael, Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Sierra stopped what they were doing as they heard Sophia yelling. It then dawned on them that Sophia wasn't near them anymore. Luke started to get worried. He looked up and saw that she was near Dr. Amber. He didn't like that Sophia was near her and by the looks of Sophia's face he had no idea what Dr. Amber said to her but whatever it was wasn't good.

"Sophia Rose Hemming's, get over here right now," Luke yelled but she didn't even hear him.

Dr. Amber's smirk widened, relishing in Sophia's torment. "Believe what you want, dear, but the truth remains. Luke is not the saint you think he is."

Sophia was consumed by a mix of anger, pain, and sadness. Ignoring Luke's pleas, she lunged forward and delivered a powerful punch to Dr. Amber's face.

Luke's heart sank as he watched Sophia unleash her fury on Dr. Amber. He understood her pain, but he also knew that resorting to violence wouldn't solve anything. Panic and concern consumed him as he witnessed his sister being forcefully removed from the courtroom by the police. Michael, Ashton, and Calum exchanged worried glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of shock, concern, and helplessness.

"Luke, you and Michael go after Sophia. I will be fine with Ashton and Calum," Sierra said.

"You sure?"

"Yes go."

Luke and Michael took off running. When they got outside they saw Sophia in handcuffs. Luke took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. He knew that panicking wouldn't help the situation. Michael stood beside him, offering support.

"We need to stay calm, Luke," Michael said, his voice steady. "Let's assess the situation and figure out what we can do to help Sophia."

Luke nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of how to handle this unexpected turn of events. He approached one of the officers near Sophia and spoke in a determined yet composed tone.

"Officer, please, can you tell us what happened? Why is my sister being handcuffed?" Luke asked, his voice tinged with worry.

The officer sighed, clearly caught off guard by the sudden outburst in the courtroom. "Your sister assaulted the defendant, Dr. Amber, during the trial. We had to intervene to maintain order. She will be taken into custody for now."

Luke's heart sank further, but he knew he had to stay focused. "I understand that Officer, but Sophia's actions were driven by extreme emotional distress. Is there any way we can resolve this without her being arrested?"

The officer stood there for a few seconds thinking and then said, "I will have to take her down to the station and consult with my chief."

Luke nodded, grateful that the officer was willing to consider an alternative. He glanced at Sophia, who still looked distraught and angry, her hands cuffed behind her back. Luke's protective instincts kicked in, and he knew he needed to advocate for his sister.

"Thank you, Officer. I understand the need to maintain order, but Sophia's emotional state is fragile right now. Is it possible for us to accompany her to the station and be present during any discussions with your chief?" Luke asked, his voice pleading.

The officer hesitated for a moment, observing Luke's genuine concern for his sister. After a brief pause, he nodded. "Given the circumstances and your cooperation, I can allow you and Michael to come with us. But please understand, the final decision will rest with my chief."

Relief washed over Luke, and he expressed his gratitude to the officer. "Thank you so much. We'll cooperate fully and do everything we can to ensure that Sophia's actions are addressed appropriately."

Luke turned to Michael, who had been silently supporting him throughout the conversation. "Michael, let's go with Sophia to the station. We need to be there for her and help navigate this situation as best we can."

Michael nodded, his concern mirrored in his eyes. "Absolutely, Luke. We'll stay by her side and do whatever it takes to support her."

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