The Emperor of Arcadia

By Darkdecade97

94.7K 1.8K 3.9K

Jaune, is a "normal" student in Beacon, known as the Leader of Team JNPR to his friends and in Beacon, he is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

4.6K 111 134
By Darkdecade97

In the skies leading to Beacon Academy, Leonardo Lionheart is in a Bullhead heading for Beacon. It took a lot of convincing to even get him out of Haven Academy, with this new Emperor of Arcadia and the reveal of the Kingdom of Arcadia, one that is more powerful than any of the 4 Kingdoms combined. He is afraid that he may get compromised as a spy for Salem.

He even got a call from Salem, it seems she also found out about the Kingdom of Arcadia and demanded that he find any information about them, especially the Grimm Kingdom. Lionheart reluctantly agreed to it, knowing he does not want to face her wrath. But in reality, Lionheart has bigger things to worry about than Salem.

The Bullhead lands in the Landing Bay of Beacon Academy. Once Lionheart steps out, he was greeted by 2 Arcadian Shock Troopers.

Arcadian Shock Trooper: Emperor Jaune's been expecting you. This way.

The 2 Arcadian Shock Troopers led Lionheart to one of the Arcadian Aircrafts in the Landing Bay as they flew to the Arcadian Royal Cruiser. Lionheart can see outside of the window, multiple Arcadian Cruisers hovering around Beacon, even their Aircraft has an escort of 3 Fighter Jets. The Aircraft landed in the Hangar Bay of the Royal Cruiser, as the Shock Troopers escort Lionheart to the elevator.

They continue on in the hallway, the Shock Troopers we're quiet while Lionheart is sweating. They reached the door as the Shock Trooper presses a button on the console to open the door. He was met with a large conference room, a squad of Royal Guards are situated all around the room. With a large conference table where Jaune, Ozpin, Ironwood, and Theodore are all seated. They look to the entrance and see Lionheart enter.

Ozpin: You're late, Leo.

Lionheart: There we're matters that required my attention.

Ozpin and Ironwood just stare at Lionheart as he took his seat.

Jaune: Now that we're all finally here, we can begin.

Meanwhile in Beacon, numerous Arcadians continue to patrol the halls of the Academy. Ever since the attack on Vale by the Black Arms, security has been amped up. With the new security system and communications network being implemented, the Arcadians placed numerous towers all over Vale, a control center was built near the Academy to monitor all communications and channels.

Nora Valkyrie continues doing her daily patrols, Lie on the otherhand is in the Arcadian Royal Cruiser dealing with other matters involving Mistral. As Nora is walking around the premises of Beacon alongside her Squad, she is with all 13 of them. Out of all of the armors in the Arcadian Army, there's stand out the most.

They get a couple of glances from time to time, usually it's from the boys. Nora even pointed out the blue boy that was with Team RWBY kept looking at them as well. As they continue walking, she came across someone she didn't want to see right now. Pyrrha Nikos.

Pyrrha: Nora?

Nora: Pyrrha, what brings you here? Is your partner Alistair around?

Pyrrha: No, he told me he is hanging out with his friends. They're Students from Haven and we're his friends before he was transferred to our Team.

Nora: I see.

Nora made a small glance to her teammate, who is Nora's second in command of the Squad, Brunhilde. She nods and began to take note of this information.

Nora: And did he specify what he was doing?

Pyrrha: Why are you asking about this?

Nora: Just for security, can't have any of the Students mess around these parts. After what happened in the city, we need to take extreme caution.

Pyrrha: I see....

Nora: Why are you here, Pyrrha? You know that bond we used to have is gone, right? It went away the minute you replaced Jaune with Alistair.

Pyrrha: But at the time we all knew him as weak, if he told me this whole secret than none of this wouldn't happened.

Nora: 'I can't tell you the truth. You wouldn't believe me because of all the secrets and lies we have been telling you'

Nora just cringed, she can't reveal anything about the truth just yet. Even if Alistair is not here, his mind control powers can be used to get information out of Pyrrha and she can't risk that.

Nora: We had our reasons Pyrrha. This secret is bigger than anything the 4 Kingdoms has. If word of that spread, than Jaune would have been in big trouble. You saw what his Father has in his disposal, right? It would have been a major problem for all of us, since the Arcadian Army wasn't in Vale at the time.

Pyrrha: But we are a Team, Nora.

Nora: Correction, Pyrrha. We were a Team. You need to remember that choices and actions always have consequences. I learned that many times back home, and let me tell you, it's not always pretty.

Nora just sighs in frustration at this.

Nora: You should have stood by with Jaune the minute we decided to disagree with the transfer. It was 3 against 1, Pyrrha. We were there for you in the beginning, we acted like this to you because you threw us away for a guy you barely even know. If you stood by us, then none of this would've happened. Just please think about what you did Pyrrha and try to understand why we did what we had to do.

But before Nora could go off to her daily patrol, she placed her hand on Pyrrha's shoulder.

Nora: Oh! Word of advice, Pyrrha. Please don't do anything rash during the Dance.

Pyrrha: What? Why?

Nora: Just don't. For your sake.

Pyrrha just watches Nora and her Squad leave as she began doing a lot of thinking about what Nora said.

Göll: Ma'am, do you think that can get her out of Alistair's control? Make her think she made the wrong choice of siding with him?

Nora: Let's hope so, cause us telling her about Alistair's true intentions won't help. The only option we have is for her to see his true colors firsthand for her to understand her mistake.

Hlökk: Which will be easy since we have that idiot in our control!!

Nora: For someone with a Mind Control Semblance, he doesn't realize that we have the entire game under our control.

As the squad continues their patrols in the Academy. Meanwhile, Jaune and the Headmasters continue their discussions.

Theodore: So you are saying that we should change the very foundations of Huntsmen and Huntresses entirely?

Ozpin: Or in other cases, remove them entirely.

Jaune: Yes, with the alliance between Arcadia and the 4 Kingdoms and with them being a part of the Kingdom in the coming months. The very memory of Huntsmen and Huntresses will disappear.

Lionheart: Are you sure this is wise? Many of them have been doing this job for years or maybe even their whole lives. If this happens, then there would be riots.

Ironwood: We already experienced that when the Huntsmen and Huntresses of Vale complained about the Arcadians taking their jobs and dealing with the Grimm when it should have been them.

Ozpin: But we explained to them that once the alliance has been set, their are other options for the Huntsmen and Huntresses to take.

Theodore: I know that, but majority of them won't take a life of Military service.

Ironwood: I speculated majority of those from Atlas Academy will join those branches. The rest would either be Adventurers or Mercenaries, considering there are a lot of PMC divisions in Arcadia.

Jaune: But you have to remember James, the PMCs and Adventurers also follow a set of rules, fail to follow said rules and there will be grave consequences.

Ozpin: Indeed, the Huntsmen and Huntresses in the 4 Kingdoms think they are above the law and that they have the right to do anything because they are our "Protectors", but once they step foot on Arcadian borders, that kind of attitude will not be tolerated.

Jaune: That's right, and we need to drill into them these rules whether they like it or not.

Theodore: What of the Huntsman Academies?

Ozpin: Our plan is to implement the type of training regiments and modules that Arcadia has, with the Council gone. We can finally make meaningful changes to the Academy that can actually help the Students. Arcadia has a vast supply of resources and they can be able to provide the Academies with said resources.

Jaune: Fortunately, we won't get them now as there are still problems within the Huntsmen community and we can't risk any of our technology falling into the wrong hands.

Ironwood: Indeed, it seems rumors of a Huntsmen Rebellion is happening all around the 4 Kingdoms. They do not like the Arcadians taking their jobs, their livelihoods. They won't go down without a fight.

Jaune: Then we need to make them understand that their are other methods for this, Arcadia has a lot of opportunities to offer and if they can't accept it. All that is waiting for them is a cell or their deaths.

Ozpin: That is correct your highness, I have stated numerous times to the Students and the Huntsmen of Vale that Arcadia can provide you with better means, yet they still refuse to listen.

Ironwood: The recruitment program you created has already been proven a success. The defense on Vale already showed us what they are capable of, the expelled student were able to bring out their full potential when we trained them.

Theodore: If that is already the proof we need, then why haven't they accepted it yet?

Jaune: Superiority complex. You all, let them have free reign of everything the minute they step out of these Academies, the fame and glory has gotten into their head.

Lionheart: Surely there are those in Arcadia that are the same?

Jaune: Oh there are but we instill discipline and respect towards the Soldiers and Warriors of Arcadia, something the 4 Kingdoms lack.

As Jaune began pressing a few buttons on the console on his chair. In the table, multiple screens pop up showing info about the proposal regarding the changes for the Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Jaune: Here are the full details regarding the proposal we have for the Huntsmen and Huntresses as well as the militarization of the 3 Kingdoms. Quite frankly I find it idiotic that the only Military in the 4 Kingdoms is Atlas. With us in the picture, the 3 Kingdoms, the Dragon Continent, and Menagerie will have their own Militaries, one that will rival Atlas.

Lionheart: Are you sure this is wise? Just by looking at this, it seems like a complete waste of resources. Why not use this for something else?

Jaune, Ironwood, and Ozpin just took a small glance at each other. Of course Lionheart will decline this proposal, it will cause problems and he knows Salem won't like this.

Ironwood: Leo, I have seen what Arcadia is capable of. Quite literally majority of their Kingdoms, Countries, and Sectors all across the Galaxy have their own standing Military and they are quite powerful. The 4 Kingdoms need this, with what Atlas may be planning, and the other threats in the Galaxy, the 3 Kingdoms need a defense against these threats.

Theodore: And this could help solve the problem in Vacuo. For too long, crime has been rampant in the Kingdom for years and with this, those that have no life or are struggling, will use this chance to make a change.

Jaune: And don't worry, there will be a huge screening selection to make sure they are eligible enough to join or to check if they aren't spies.

Theodore: I see, and when will this be announced?

Jaune: During the Vytal Festival. But by now, the recruitment posters should be placed all around the city. We will make a full announcement to the other 3 Kingdoms once the Vytal Festival begins.

Ironwood: Funny enough, the recruitment posters are working as I took a glimpse in the recruitment center and saw multiple civilians joining the army.

Ozpin: Well looks like this is heading to a great start.

Theodore: Indeed.

Jaune: Now then, on to more important matters concerning the Queen of Grimm.

The doors of the Conference Room opened, as a squad of 12 Arcadian Shock Troopers enter the room. They began to circle around the table, Lionheart is sweating hard, the windows of the Conference Room were also closed shut.

Jaune: I take it you all heard of our reveal of the Grimm Kingdom?

Theodore: Yes we have, and as expected. The people weren't too happy about it.

Lionheart: Indeed.

Jaune: Well, that is to be expected considering the 4 Kingdoms history when it comes to the Grimm.

Ozpin: But there will be talks with the Grimm Kingdom soon and from there, we will be able to come to an agreement regarding the Grimm population in the 4 Kingdoms.

Jaune: And I will bring representatives from all around Arcadia to help with the Grimm Kingdom and show that a peace treaty can work between them.

Theodore: That's good, but what of Salem? Since the Grimm Kingdom and Arcadia know about them, what are your plans regarding her?

Ozpin: The Grimm Kingdom plans to capture her and deliver punishment for her crimes against their people.

Lionheart: So you are planning to keep her alive?! Aren't we suppose to find a way to kill her?!

Jaune: Arcadia and the Grimm Kingdom already have the weapons and Magic to kill her, it is only a matter of time before she meets her end. But the Grimm Kingdom wishes to keep her alive and we will agree to their demands, no exceptions.

Theodore: Do we even have any updates on what Salem is up to?

Jaune: Of course we do. After all, Salem's pawns, Arthur Watts, Hazel Rainart, and Tyrian Callows are spies for Arcadia. These 3 have been giving us info regarding Salem's plans and we also have our other spy that we brought back, Mercury Black or Mercury Arc.

Jaune caught Lionheart sweating hard, he realizes that they might be on to him. Jaune tried his best not to show a smirk.

Theodore: And Salem does not know of this?

Jaune: Nope. Oh, and we have video footage of her pawn's next plan.

As the table now shows footage of the Warehouse where Cinder is at. Mercury placed cameras all around the place before he left, so even with him gone. They will still know what they are up to.

Alistair: So Cinder, what is this glorious plan you have come up?

Cinder: Be silent. Due to your pathetic attempts of leading this operation, we lost all of the Black Arms your Father gave us and we lost Mercury.

Alistair: Yes, I know. Stop reminding me of it.

Cinder: No, you need to listen. Because of you, we lost everything and I had to change all my plans due to your mess, so listen up or else I will do something far worse than what your Father will do, should you fail him.

Alistair: Heh, I like to see you try.

Cinder hits Alistair with a ball of fire, courtesy of the Fall Maiden's powers.

Cinder: Let me make it clear to you, despite your Father training you and equipping you with the best gear that Atlas could dream of. There is one missing factor that makes you weak, you do not possess the magic of Arcadia.

His eyes widen when he heard that information and Cinder just smiles.

Cinder: Yes, I know about that. I overheard your Father talking about how you don't even have the Magic that these Arcadians are in possession of, and yet you claim you are the strongest of them all. But the way I see it, you are merely just an ant to them. Now why don't you be a good boy and stay quiet.

Alistair reluctantly nods as Cinder went back to explaining her plan.

Cinder: Now then, as you all know. Due to the Arcadians coming here, they dismantled the CCTS and implemented a new communication system to all of the 4 Kingdoms, specifically Vale. Neo was able to grab the schematics of the Control Center that the Arcadians built near Beacon and with the USB that Nicolas gave us, we can use that to hack into one of their terminals and gather any information about them.

Alistair: And what kind of information do you even need? Cause News flash, if you're sticking to the original plan, it won't work. The Arcadians barely use robots and even if they did, they can't be hacked using one central computer. You will have to hack them individually.

Cinder: I have no use of that plan anymore. All that matters is getting information that can get us an advantage over Arcadia. They have the numbers and I need to know where they are and how they work. Considering we already failed in acquiring the Fall Maiden's powers due to your negligence. We have no choice but to return to Salem.

Alistair: So you are willing to get punished for not bringing the Maiden?

Cinder: Not if I bring this info to her, she would want to know what this Arcadia is about and if I get the info in their terminals than I won't be at the end of her wrath.

Alistair: And what will I be even doing in this infiltration?

Cinder: You will be a distraction while I head inside. I have Neo on overwatch to provide us info about Arcadian patrols and will use the equipment your father gave her to control the security system. She already hacked into their Security System but she cannot use it freely in fear she will get track.

Alistair: And the Arcadians can easily tell if something is wrong. They ain't like Atlas where they will ignore the problem.

Cinder: Indeed, we both know this will happen during the Dance. Since we are labeled as Haven Students, it can be easy for us to sneak in undetected. Once the Dance has already started, I want to you to have an excuse with your date so you easily slip past the Guards. After all, they would think you are going somewhere to have fun.

Alistair: It's true, I can easily persuade Pyrrha and Team RWBY, but I need to make it fast before Arc and his friends notice.

Cinder: Well that's not my problem, Alistair. So you deal with it.

Alistair: Tch, fine. You better have a plan incase this backfires Cinder.

Cinder: Of course, Alistair. I do. I will send you the details on your Scroll. Make sure you don't screw this up, understand?

Alistair: Yes. I do.

As he began taking his leave, once Cinder saw he was out of sight. She looks to Emerald.

Cinder: Emerald, make sure your illusions are ready once we are spotted. Alistair does not believe they are onto his plans, when in actuality they already are. He takes me for a fool when in reality he is the fool. It's best we get rid of him as soon as possible. He has no use for us and this infiltration will be the perfect opportunity to do so. Do not fail me

Emerald: Yes Cinder, I won't.

As the video ends and Jaune began standing up, walking around the Conference Room.

Jaune: It seems we now know the identities of Salem's Agents and it appears they took identities as Haven Students.

Lionheart notices Jaune walking around him.

Ozpin: Indeed, this is grave news. With what they just said, they were able to get identities as Haven Students and somehow, they haven't been caught by the Faculty.

Ironwood: This speculates that someone in your Faculty is a traitor, Lionheart and they were able to get past your radar undetected.

Ozpin: And they must be the ones responsible for Amber's injuries and half of the Fall Maiden's powers being stolen.

Lionheart: I assure you all, I will get to the bottom of this. Once I return, I will make sure to rid of this threat once and for all. Count on it.

Jaune: Oh I'm sure you will, dear Headmaster of Haven.

Jaune walks behind Lionheart and has a smirk on his face and immediately points in front of him in shock.

Jaune: Lionheart look their's Salem!!!

Lionheart: WHERE?!

As Lionheart began to panic and Jaune just laughs his ass off, pointing his finger at Lionheart for looking like an idiot and literally falling to the floor for laughing so much.

Lionheart: Y-y-you!!! Do you think is funny? A joke?!

Jaune: Of course it is, but you are the biggest joke here.

Lionheart: What do you mean by that?!

Jaune: What I mean is, we know you are the traitor. How would I know? Well.

Jaune had Ozpin press a button on his seat as footage from their Drone that was placed in Haven, can see Lionheart talking with Salem.

Ozpin: To think you would betray us Leo. Such a shame. Truly, your name should be the Cowardly Lion.

Ironwood: Indeed, and we already have numerous ways to defeat Salem. Oh, and don't try bullshitting your way out of this. After all, Hazel and Tyrian have the evidence we need to prove you are working for Salem.

Jaune: And the evidence regarding the transcripts of Cinder, Emerald, and Alistair, that are graciously provided by Mercury. All pinpoint back to you.

Lionheart: So what if I'm the traitor. Despite you capturing all her pawns, Salem's still here.

Jaune: And we will deal with her swiftly and accordingly.

Ozpin: Indeed, the Grimm Kingdom will have her head.

Lionheart: And are you certain they can even stop her?! You tried Ozpin and failed miserably!

Ozpin: We can Leo. Arcadia has the means to stop her and Salem can't do anything about it. We made an agreement with Jaune's family to keep Salem's Grimm in the 4 Kingdoms due to the Huntsmen and Huntresses. Without the Grimm, they will be nothing.

Ironwood: And Salem has nothing left at her disposal, majority of her forces are dead. The Grimm Kingdom and their spies eliminated them all.

Lionheart: Then why didn't you tell us about this?!

Ozpin: So what, you can tell Salem all of this? Face it Leo, you're not the same person we once knew. You are nothing but a coward. All those people you led to their deaths all for the sake of keeping your ass alive.

Lionheart: I did what I had to do! Salem can not be stopped!!

Jaune: Oh for fuck's sake, do I need this? Guards, take him away!

The Arcadian Shock Troopers nod and began placing Lionheart in cuffs. They even placed a mouth piece on him to keep him shut. After that, Lionheart was led out of the room. 

Jaune: Now that's done. I believe we can finish up this meeting.

Ozpin: Indeed. Theodore, James and I have already approved of the proposal Jaune is making, what is your final verdict on this?

Theodore: (Sighs) With the coming changes, I believe I agree with what you have planned, your highness. Times are changing and we must change with it.

Jaune: Good. With this, we'll make the big announcement during the start of the Vytal Festival. As for Lionheart, he'll remain in a Cell until we sort this thing out, Ozpin I expect you will deal with this?

Ozpin: Of course, your highness.

Jaune: Good, this meeting is over, gentlemen.

Everyone starts to head out of the Conference Room as Ozpin said one last thing to Jaune.

Ozpin: Oh, and Jaune. The Beacon Dance is happening tonight, I suggest you take your fiancée to the Dance. You could use this to spend time with her you know.

Jaune watches Ozpin leave as he is the only one left in the room besides his Guards.

Jaune: Right.....the Dance...


In the City of Vale, a large Recruitment Center was built due to the coming announcement of the creation of the Vale Military Army. Dozens of Military Posters and Flyers are placed all around the building and in the streets, the signs telling people that they want you to join this new cause and serve Remnant for a better and brighter future.

Hundreds of Citizens all flock to the Recruitment Center to join the cause, ever since they saw what the Arcadian Army is capable of, many of them are eager to join. The entire Building has a long line that reaches towards the street with many citizens waiting to sign up.

In one of the lines, a group of young teenagers can be seen falling in line waiting to sign up when one of their Fathers went up to them in anger.

Father: What do you think you are doing?!

Everyone looks to see what the commotion is about, the Soldiers protecting this area are Crocea Mors Legion Soldiers as they went up to see what is going on.

Son: What I wanted to do for so long, choosing what I want to do and not what you want!

Father: And by doing so, you discard the very thing that made our family strong and joining these Arcadians?!

The Father said Arcadians in disgust.

Son: It's a better choice as Huntsmen and Huntresses will soon disappear from all of the 4 Kingdoms.

Father: Please, that bullshit they are spouting out ain't true. Huntsmen and Huntresses will still be here, and it's a better choice son. Going to Beacon is a better option and not some military center. Come on, let's go.

He went to grab his arm but the Son smacks it away and stood firm alongside his friends.

Son: No! I will not let you choose my life anymore! This! This Military the Arcadians are building for us, is a much better cause than what the Huntsmen and Huntresses have to offer! We can be something more and fight for a cause bigger than anything Remnant has ever seen, and I will not let you take that away from me! 

Father: Why you-

Crocea Mors Soldier: Sir, I suggest you leave and not cause a seen any further.

Father: Don't tell me what to do! Do you know who I am?! I'm a famous Huntsman around here!!

Crocea Mors Soldier: Quite frankly, sir. I don't care, now leave.

Crocea Mors Soldier: Failure to do so, and we will resort to force.

Father: Ha! Like a bunch of wannabe soldiers can take a Huntsman down!

As the Father brought out his weapon and aims it at the Crocea Mors Soldiers who are standing there without a care for the world. This angered the man as he lunged at them but failed as he falls to the ground. They all look and see another Crocea Mors Soldier use their Stun gun on him.

Crocea Mors Soldier: Take him with the other Huntsmen.

The two Crocea Mors Soldiers nod and brought the stunned Huntsmen to the Cell where other Huntsmen decided to interfere with the recruitment.

Meanwhile, both Ironwood and Clover are watching the scene. With Ironwood sighing in frustration at this.

Clover: You can't help it James, there will always be those that are against this and there is nothing we can do about it.

Ironwood: I know, I just hope it won't get worse from here.

Clover: Now you just jinxed it.

Ironwood: But Qrow isn't here.

They were interrupted when they heard footsteps behind them, they turned to see a Company of Atlas Soldiers.

Ironwood: Captain, is there anything I can help you with?

Atlas Captain: There is sir, everyone in the company wishes to resign from the Atlas Military and join the Arcadian Military.

Ironwood: Then by all means, be my guest. The front door is waiting for you.

The Atlas Soldiers were shocked by this, they didn't expect Ironwood to approve of this. Unlike the other Atlas Officers that refused the Soldiers from even leaving the Flagship.

Atlas Captain: Sir, are you-

Ironwood: Yes I am. After all, I take it you all read about the Treaty regarding the 4 Kingdoms?

After the removal of the Vale Council, Jaune had them release the Treaty for everyone to see and understand where the Arcadians take part in acquiring the Kingdoms. It states that it is only needed if the leadership is unfit to their standards and the people as well. Many of the citizens understood where they are coming from and approved of the removal of the Vale Council.

Mistral and Vacuo on the otherhand are trying their best to maintain a good standing in this, in fear they will get removed from power. But they will be, sooner or later. While the people of Mantle approved of this, the people of Atlas didn't as they are claimed to be an illegal Kingdom and the Kingdom of Mantle isn't. The Atlas Council refused to tolerate with this nonsense and will have a discussion about this with Jaune to prove that they are counted as a real Kingdom and not a fake one.

Atlas Captain: Yes sir, we have. All of us came from Mantle and we saw that Arcadia is willing to help them after Atlas neglected us for so long. We decided to take the opportunity.

Ironwood: I see. Well, you already heard the rumors about the 3 Kingdoms getting militarized as the same can be said for Mantle, Menagerie, and the Dragon Continent. Then by all means, take it Captain. Atlas will be gone in a matter of months, I suggest you take this opportunity and go with the flow. Things are changing and it seems Atlas will be left behind and forgotten if they continue down this path.

Atlas Captain: I see, sir. Thank you.

The Atlas Soldiers began moving to the Recruitment Center but what Ironwood and Clover saw shocked them. After they marched forward dozens of Atlas Platoons and Companies began heading to the Recruitment Center, ready to sign up for the Arcadian Military.

Clover: Well this is a surprise and a welcomed one.

Ironwood: Indeed, I can see these are the Soldiers that came from Mantle. It doesn't surprise me that those who originate from Atlas stayed.

Clover: Eh, does it really matter? They'll all be gone and the same goes for everyone in Atlas. Once the announcement comes, Atlas won't be too happy that all the other Kingdoms and the ones that aren't, are getting their own Military supported by us.

Ironwood: No doubt, the Atlas Council would demand we hand over Arcadia's resources to them, they will say it is some kind of joint-operation.

Clover: When in reality, they will only use it to strengthen the "mighty" Atlas Army.

Ironwood: Yes, but with Vale and soon the other Kingdoms on our side. Atlas won't stand a chance.

Clover: You got that right, at least now we are a step closer to making the 4 Kingdoms a better place.

Ironwood: Indeed Clover.

As the two continue to oversee the recruitment process. Later tonight, the Queen of Grimm will have another one of her pawns removed from the chess board.

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