By peacelily0

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AELLA CAMERON is a pessimist,blunt and a tough girl. Aside from her convoluted past and bruised heart, she's... More

CHAPTER -2 'Memory Creates Hallucination '
CHAPTER -3 'Cook or Socerrer?'
CHAPTER-4 ' Great First Impression '

CHAPTER -1 ' Life Is A Quote '

33 3 0
By peacelily0


'Better three hours too soon than a minute too late '.I never took Shakespeare's quote seriously because I am one of those who keeps their watch ten minutes faster so that they never get late. But today, in my case, it's ten. I'm ten full minutes late for the most important lecture of my life. And now I'm running for my life, which in this case is in the hands of Professor Pattinson, who is the most punctual person I have ever known. I don't fear him because I'm one of his favorite students, but that is not going to help me with my final grades. Especially when he repeatedly told us how important this seminar was going to be. Today, one of the most renowned Architects is going to be our guest lecturer.
And the reason for my being late is behind me.

"Sky run fast, we are already late for the seminar. "

Skylar, my bestie, is the reason for this marathon we are now going through. I don't know why I thought it would be a great idea to listen to her and visit the library's latest architectural books collection, which is, by the way, at the furthermost corner of our university campus, and totally opposite to the auditorium.

"I'm not wearing running shoes like you, so have some mercy on me Ella"

"Is it my fault that you are wearing five-inch stiletto in college? " Like seriously sometimes
I get traumatized by Sky's fashion sense. She is my best friend, no offence, but her style is very loud.

"Oh please, not everyone is born beautiful and elegant, like you, and by just wearing a t-shirt, jeans and running shoes, you can still look like a runway princess, not, fair, and people like us have to do so much to elevate our fashion game to get attention."

Oh, not again this same topic I don't know why but Sky don't seems to know her own worth. God, she is beautiful with those pretty big blue eyes, long lustrous mahogany hair, and an attractive curvy figure. She is the epitome of beauty with brains. What else does she want? In fact, I myself envy her, but she herself, of all people, seems to be ignorant of her own beauty.

"I'm not going to argue, not in this particular Situation."

"See you are not even out of breath from this running and I'm panting like a dog."

She is definitely struggling to keep pace with me and I clearly see the beads of sweat in her face, but that's only because I exercise everyday, which doesn't make me flawless. But again, it's Sky's logic.

"Oh come on Sky, we are almost here."

I can see the auditorium door and beside that is Sarah. Seeing her standing there is such a relief. She completes our three musketeers group. But on a serious note, I'm glad I have got such great friends whom I can rely on. Long story short, we all met in our freshman year, and became besties right after that.

But why is she frowning at her phone? Even frowning, she can look elegant. In many ways, Sarah is an Egyptian goddess. With her perfectly black Cleopatra cut hair, tan skin and slender figure, she's undoubtedly an Egyptian goddess.
She is impatiently tapping her feet, which means something is bothering her. She only taps her feet when she is anxious or nervous. Just as I come close, she look up and wave her hand.

"Where the hell were you two? Professor Pattinson is drowning my phone with messages asking about you guys."

So that's why she is worried.

"Is he mad?" I ask, pausing beside her.

"Mad, huh? He is furious. Just because you are his favorite, he hasn't already failed you."

She say making an air quotation sign with her fingers.

"Now come on, sign here. And then let's go inside. The seminar has already started." Just then Sky screech to halt, breathing hardly. We both sign beside our name.
"You guys go inside. I'll have to submit these papers to Prof. Then I will meet you here, okay? "
She's on the organizing committee, that's why she's managing all this paperwork and also keeping track of students attending the seminar. And she will also be backstage with Professor Pattinson.

"Okay SA "Sky give her a thumbs up and we open the exit door slightly without causing any disturbance and step inside.

Inside its dark and it's hard to adjust my eyes. All the lights are focused on the front stage, on the podium, where someone is giving a speech. The person's face is not visible from the end of the auditorium. So we settle on the last seats of the exit row. Because that's the only seat available. Disadvantage of joining late.
Once I'm seated, I try to focus on the figure speaking.

"Sky, do you know who this guest lecturer is?" I nudge Sky to grab her attention because she's already busy in checking her makeup in her compact mirror.

"Why topper don't you remember?" I roll my eyes, though she can't see my face in this dark.

"Dare say that name again and you won't see your makeup kit tomorrow. And no, I didn't check the circular. Now would you care to fill me in?"

"Me too, didn't check the circular. But from what Sarah told me. He is a multibillionaire business tycoon. He has been the architect of the year for the past two years. And the youngest to hold this record consecutively. Also, he holds many global rankings and numerous international awards, so basically, he is the GOAT."
Wow OK, so I can't believe that such a great architect is here with us. And I almost miss his oration.
"That's great, but what's his name?" so that I can search him later.

"Ella, you know that I'm not good with names. Maybe it was something like Avian Dawson probably." Yeah, I sometimes forget that Sky has Anomic aphasia. When we first met in our freshman year she didn't remember my name, so I told her to remember eel fish, and she laughed so hard. But after that she remembers my name, so our friendship started in Eel and here we are at Ella. And after that, we became besties.

"Never mind, Shakespeare said, what's in a name? " What's the matter with me today? I'm quoting Shakespeare too much. It's just his quotes fit perfectly into my current situation, especially today.

"Silly Eli, if Shakespeare didn't write his name beneath this quote would anyone know it's he who wrote it?"

I laugh a little bit loudly and the girl sitting in our front turn to give me a pointed look. Doesn't matter I can't see you, so keep your looks to yourself.
I whisper to Sky,

"Damn Sky, I never thought it that way."

Turning from Sky, I focus on the speech. He is saying something about working hard. I can't make it out what he is saying because I missed his earlier words, but I have to admit that Mr. Architecture of the year has a very attractive voice. In a weird way, I mean I am not listening to him directly but through the speakers. But still it's deep, husky in a sexy way. You are hopeless, like seriously girl. You are fangirling at your Lecturer's voice.

" Ella, is it me or do you also think his voice is extremely hot?"
Is it possible that Sky can read my mind? Nah, she's not a vampire. Not that I know. But I can't agree with her because, if I did, she's going to tease me for the rest of my life. Not gonna let that happen. So I choose to ignore it. But she's Sky she's not going to drop it until she gets a reaction.

" Hmm.... Maybe."

" Maybe?" Now she is whisper shouting,

"Gal, are you kidding me? Only by listening to his voice I got orgasm."

"Jeeez.. Sky, can't you just keep your fantasies to yourself?" Who says this about a complete stranger?

" What I'm serious about, it should be illegal to have such a hypnotic voice."

" But sadly it isn't a criminal offence, you know?" I tell her sarcastically.

" Do you think he is single? "She is insane.

" How in the hell will I know that Sky, I don't even know his name?" If I knew his name I would have typed it in Google to get his biography by now.

" Do you think a multibillionaire like him will be single? Maybe he has a girlfriend, or maybe he is engaged or, worse, he could be married."I tell her all the possibilities.

" Ella, you are such a pessimist." I know sue me for being a person who always thinks about the bad things first. It keeps me always prepared for the worst, and, when the worst. Doesn't happen, the joy is doubled. So it's a win-win.

" Your highness, if you give me permission now, can I pay attention to the speech?"

" As you wish Eeliii" Shaking my head, I try to tune in to his words.

"Simplicity and repose are the qualities that Measure the true value of any work of art."

Is he quoting Frank Lloyd Wright? Yeah it's one of his famous quote I can't miss it. Of course, he himself is an architect, so it's obvious he knows Frank Lloyd Wright. Not a big deal.

"It's not about the technique of designing and building, but it's about pleasure. When you feel good at creating a space which excites you, encourages you, sparks your passion. That's when a wonder happens. All these efforts that you are making today are the building blocks for creating a world of your dreams tomorrow."
Applause filled the room. So well said, creating a world of dreams. That's the one and only reason I fell in love with architecture, apart from the artistry and beauty of what has already been created.

"Five years ago from today, I was one of you sitting there in the back seat near the exit door".

The moment he said these words, all heads turned to see the back seat like they can still see Mr. Architecture of the year sitting here, but then he continues

" like you guys, I was also wondering what to do with my life once I got my degree, what to do, how to do, it was definitely terrifying, but one thing I know for sure, that architecture is not just something I'm studying, but it's my heart and soul. It's the only thing I want to spend the rest of my life doing. That was a day when I saw a dream and today here I'm in front of you living that dream of mine, under these hundreds of blinding lights, sharing my experience. It doesn't matter from where you started, but what actually counts is where you have made it. We architects not only build buildings but we lay a path that connects our past with the present, leading it to our future. It's a continuous process of breaking, building, creating, and recreating.
I know these lectures are very boring, you are all dying to run out of this room."

Everyone start laughing and clapping simultaneously. But I didn't know that he was a student of Columbia University. Now I definitely have to do some research on this anonymous alumni. But after hearing him, I'm seriously going to run, but not out of this room, but to him, I want to listen to him more about his experience. I want his autograph, no not only autograph but I want to frame him and keep him in my study room. His speech is worth recording and playing on repeat.

"But believe me, it's worth the pain. Any architectural work that does not express serenity is an error". It's not his words, I whisper to Sky.

"Sky, it's not his words." You can quote anyone that is totally fine but putting it under your name is wrong.

"What? "

"He is quoting Luis Barragán. Any architectural work that does not express serenity is an error. This line," He's one of the world famous Mexican architects.

"Sorry who? Who is this Luis Barragán?"

"Sky, are you kidding me, are you doing drugs? For god's sake tell me you are joking "I mean seriously, how can she? We are in our final year, and she doesn't know Luis Barragán.

"Oh yes, yes, I remember he's that Mexican architect. "
Thank goodness she remembers, otherwise I don't know what I would have done.

"Yeah he's quoting his quote"

"So what's the big deal about this? We all quote someone in our day-to-day life. So what? You also do that, don't you?"

"Yes I do. And there's nothing wrong in quoting someone, but everyone is thinking those are his words, which is not fair. Because he is taking credit for someone else's words. At least he should mention the names." I think I complimented him a little before. That's why there's this saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'.

"Ella, it doesn't matter who said what, you can't correct everyone and especially not our guest lecturer." Maybe Sky is right. I can't do anything other than hear Mr. Architecture of the year who is copying and pasting someone else's words.

"Someone said it so well that
'Artists do not need monuments
Erected for them because their work
Are their monuments.' And that's exactly what we should know." Not anymore, enough is enough, so what if he is some famous billionaire architect, it doesn't give him the right to detract us with his deceitful words.

"Gaudi" I shout with all my vocal strength. And in seconds there's a pin-drop silence, everyone is searching for the reason for this sudden interruption. I can do this. Sky is pulling me into the seat. I didn't realize I'm standing

"What are you doing, Ella? Sit down now, don't create a scene" she is whisper shouting at me.

"Excuse me, sorry what?" Here comes the sound of Mr. architect of the year.
"Antonio Gaudi" I said again.
"Sorry Miss, what are you saying about?" Oh, now he is going to act this innocent. Not happening Mr. Quote thief. He can't see me in the dark. I have this advantage of being incognito.
"That someone you quoted is the great Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí." I didn't pause there. I continue, now it's his turn to listen.
"And earlier you quoted Frank Lloyd Wright and Luis Barragán." I don't know what motivated me to stand up and shout like this, but now when the adrenaline rush is gone, panic is surging over me. The auditorium is ridiculously quiet, so freaking silent that I can hear my own heart beat.
Even my overzealous best friend is as still as a sculpture. Has someone stopped the time? Is it possible, or am I in the wrong time zone?
After what feels like eternity there is some movement, but actually maybe it's just a few seconds, the squeaking of the microphone from the podium draws everyone' s attention to the front. Mr. Quote Thief clears his throat and with that I'm hyper vigilant of my surroundings.

" Thank you Miss "he pause for a while, waiting for me to say my name. It's not happening Mr. Thief.

"To remind me of Antonio Gaudi, someone I forgot to mention in my speech. I appreciate your insight." Is he seriously acknowledging my interruption?

" But I would like to know exactly when I quoted Frank Lloyd Wright and Luis Barragán. Not that I remember. It would be very kind of you to point out, Miss"

Oh! So he is saying all this with sarcasm. Is he really thinking I'm bluffing with him, but I'm not, because if he wants a reality check of his poor memory, I will be glad to remind him. He's a fool if he thinks he's intimidating me with his authoritative tone.

"The pleasure is totally mine.' Simplicity and repose are the qualities that measure the true value of any work of art.' You said these lines if you recall." I stop and wait for him to confirm.

" Yes, " here comes the most anticipated answer of my life. So I continue

" Great. This is one of Frank Lloyd Wright's famous quotes. And second, 'Any architectural work that does not express serenity is an error'. It is by Luis Barragán. I hope you are well acquainted with these names."

In between our conversation the whole auditorium is moving back and forth. Like a pendulum. Due to the lack of light in the back, it's easy for me to hide. But I also wish I could see Mr. Arrogant Architect's expression, from here all I can see is a human standing in the middle of the podium, shining with all the lights above his head. It's like the sun. You can't see directly without becoming blind. Maybe he is hideous. That's why the university staff have put all the lights above him so that no one can see him and get frightened. Or worse, they want to protect us from cardiac arrest, which seeing his face can cause. Don't be so absurd, the students sitting in front can see him clearly. So what it doesn't prove that he is handsome? Does It?

" My apology, that I quoted someone else without their permission. But is it so offensive to not mention their names?"
He really wants to know.

" Tell me your opinion about why it is so valuable to you."

What should I do? Should I say what I'm thinking? I don't think there's any other way. It's one way I have to drive myself through these. You should have listened to Sky, and stayed quiet. I hope, but it's too late.

Just as I am about to open my mouth to speak, he moved the microphone from the podium and move from the spotlight. Is he coming here? Am I going to get caught red-handed? Shut up, you are not a criminal and having an opinion about something isn't a crime. He is still standing. That means he is not coming to hand cuff me. That's good, maybe he is trying to find me. Whatever it is, I summon all my courage and speak.

" It is offensive not to mention their names, because they are some of the greatest Architects of all times. They are the stanchion of the architecture world, and you only said that we architects not only build buildings but we lay a path that connects our past with the present, leading it to our future, so if we don't treasure the jewels of our past, then what future are we going to build? If we don't learn from our past, how are we going to learn for our future and not mentioning them is kind of like insulting them. Particularly when you are quoting them. Everyone will think those were your words, which basically is not, so you are misleading the students by not providing them with the full facts. You know there's a saying that 'Half-truth is more dangerous than Falsehood.'"
I took a moment to fill my lungs, because suddenly I am out of air. But I have to finish what I started.
" You yourself are an architect. Imagine if people didn't remember who you are."

" My work should define my identity, not my name. And I don't even care if anyone knows my name or not. My creations should leave an imprint on people's hearts. That's what matters to me."
Wow, I didn't expect a comeback, so quick. But how hard my mind wants to oppose his words, but my heart is already congratulating him for our like-mindedness. Because I always want to create something that will be marked on the pages forever.

" Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not a Quodophile. I am an architect. I believe in innovation and creation. And architecture is not just remembering stuff from books, it's not about retaining every word written in books, but it's about exploring, it's about being inspired by nature, learning from your surroundings, it's about creating a balance, harmony between nature and us, it's about excavating the unfabricated emotions and relations. It's nature's mystery that inspires artistry."

He should have said these words in his speech instead of replicating someone else's words. Now I'm doubting that speech was not his words. Maybe someone had written it for him. But that doesn't change anything.

"Mr., I admire reading quotes, because that motivates me, but that doesn't make me a Quodophile. And I only remember them because they are said by some of the people whom I personally idealize, that their work, their creations, are a driving force that keeps me focused. And I'm not disappointed, because we are all different, have different life experiences, different journeys. Neither am I judging you. I'm just sharing my point of view. I'm not superimposing my point of view, but you can at least try to view things from a different angle."

I don't want to argue with him for two reasons. First, he is our guest lecturer, along with being a renowned architect, and I should respect him. Second, I don't even know his name, and the consequences I am going to face after this mess I have got myself into.

" Hilarious you don't even know my name" he say this with a sarcastic laugh and I don't know why I get goosebumps.

" You said you didn't care if someone knew your name or not. So why does it matter now?"

See it matters, I feel like doing a victory dance but I resist.

" You know if you have so many problems with me and my speech, I guess you should leave. Because you are creating disturbance for other students who are willing to listen to my falsehoods, without any interruption. The door is right beside you."
Is he indirectly saying to me get the hell out of here?. Yes he is. I should be happy that I don't have to listen to his fakeism. So why am I feeling angry instead of being relieved? But my pride won't let me stay here anymore. So I pick up my bag and walk to the door, but before walking out I have one more thing to say

" It was nice meeting you, Mr. Arrogant Quote thief, Architect cum Guest lecturer. It was so pleasant meeting you that I hope we never ever cross paths again. Have a great day!"
With that I open the door and close it with all the strength I have in my body. The door close with a loud bang behind me. The corridor is devoid of any human beings so I take a moment to compose myself. And head towards the parking area.
Once I'm outside in the fresh air, I feel a little bit better.
But not for long because I hear Sky shouting my name from behind. And I'm not in a mood to recap what happened inside.

" Ella wait." But I keep walking to my car.

" Aella Cameron stop right there. Otherwise, you know the consequences you are going to face." I pause midstep, because on any normal day she's a harmless petite woman, but when she is angry, she becomes sister of Godzilla, so it's better to stop and listen to whatever she's going to chide me. She stop right behind me, and I slowly turn to face her.

" What was that?" She ask sternly.

" I don't know." It's the truth I myself don't know what possessed me to do all that I have done inside.

" You don't know? Girl you don't know seriously?"
She is pacing near my car. Is it so bad? But I didn't say anything, waiting for her to complete.

" Ella, you were like an untamed Ostrich out there, slaughtering our guest lecturer with your words. And you are saying you don't know." I should have known what was coming. But an ostrich seriously.

" Sa just texted me that the discipline committee is going to take action about this misconduct, and you know that news like this travels faster than fire. It won't take much longer for them to know who this mystery girl is." Shit, what should I do now? It's my final year of my undergrad, I can't let any of these affect my grades.

All is going to be vain. Wait a second. Sarah knows how? She wasn't even there. Does this mean everyone else knows?

" Sky, you said Sarah texted you but she wasn't there." I trail off because I didn't know what to say.

" She was backstage during this chaos. But she listened to some pieces of the conversation and she put it together. But don't worry, apart from us, no one else knows that it was you. All thanks to the lack of light in the back." some of my anxiety subsided. But then cold wash over me, when a fresh terror hit me like a truck.

" Sky, it won't take them very long to find it was me." A crushing pain seared through my chest, at the realization that my career ended before even starting. All my dreams are crushed beneath my one mistake.

" Calm down, Ella, we are here. We won't let anything happen to you."

" You are listening "she shake me. I just nod

" Give me your car keys, I'll drive. Can't let you drive in this mindset."
I just hand her the keys. I don't have the energy to argue with her, so I let her drive. I'm glad I have friends like Sky and Sarah in my life. How would I have survived without them? I can't even imagine. I rest my head on the window. And see the city passing in a blur. It's not the road to my home.

" Sky, Where are we going?" I ask her when she took the next left from the Signal. I got the answer. She doesn't have to answer me. Because I know it's our place.

" Serafina, I have texted Sa, she's coming as soon as possible and Noah is already there." I'm not that emotional kind but right now I feel like crying. My friends know exactly what I need right now. And they are doing all this for me.

" Sky" I pause, composing my jumbling feelings.

" Thanks, you know you guys don't need to do this." I tell her.

" Of course, we have to." She park the car and we get out. Serafina is an authentic French Café cum pastry shop. I can see the cheerful and brilliant lighting of the shop as I walk across the vast parking lot. There were tables outside the shop, each with a brown vintage-style umbrella. This particular café is not just any coffee shop, it's our place. We come here when we are happy and need to celebrate, when we are sad and need to cry, when we are angry and need to let out our frustration. This café is Noah's family shop. His great grandma handed it to his grandma and now it's run by his mom. And he sometimes works here.

As I made my way through the transparent glass door, a blanket of warm air hit me and the rich aroma of coffee is delectable. The noise the customers made is immense, which reminds me how popular a place this is .It also has a book corner in the left-hand side of the shop where we can read.

Noah peak from the coffee bar and rush towards us.

" Belle!!" He said in his French accent and wrap me in his bear hug.

" Hey No." I say under his strong grip.

" So you know what happened already?" I ask him.

" Hmm... Belle, Sky texted. It's an emergency.

So I called Sarah to find out what happened and she told me everything."

" But don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm with you. But girl, what you did is savage. I want to know every detail." I laugh. This is typical Noah. Only he can light the mood with his jokes.

" You really think that's savage then , you should see it with your eyes." Sky say Interrupting Noah. Noah release me from his death grip, and turn to face Sky.
" How can I see it, Sky? I wasn't there ." Obviously, how can he see it .

" You are lucky dude, because your 'Belle's' savage act is going viral in social media."

What no no no, this can't be happening. Tell me this is a nightmare . I'm dreaming. This can't be real. Noah look from me to Sky. Now I'm feeling dizzy.

"Ella, you are looking pale, are you OK" Noah hold me and pull me to the corner seat beside the book shelf. We usually sit on this plus antique sofa. He make me sit and hurry behind the counter. While Sky sits across from me . After a while, Noah comes with plates full of sugary delights and a jumbo mug of warm hot chocolate. And place all these in front of me.

" Eat, you will feel better. You need sugar in your system to process all these." I nod and take a sip of the hot chocolate and god it's divine, taking a bit of croissant, I moan. And both of them burst out laughing. I say with mouth full

"What? It's delicious." I say devouring them. Sky reach for the plate but Noah slap her hand.

" No it's only for Ella, Sky. Don't dare. Let her eat."

" Noah, it's not fair, my sugar level is also decreasing, and if Ella eats all these alone she's going to put on weight."

" I'm OK with sharing." I say taking a bite of macaroon. I slid the plate to Sky. And give a pretzel to Noah. Sky give her phone to Noah, showing him the mess I have created. But I zone out and continue to savor my hot chocolate.
I didn't notice when Sarah joined us. But she looks exhausted.

" Don't worry, I have done it. They are going to delete this video. And for now there's no threat." With that, weariness, get a hold of me or maybe it's the excess sugar flowing in my blood. I don't care, I put my head on the side

" Mr. E......

Before I can catch the last words of Sarah, I'm already drifting into unconsciousness, with the music in background ' count on me' and I exactly know that I can always count on my friends, like four, three, two and they will be there. The satisfaction that I have these people who are going to stand with me, even through the apocalypse, is enough to calm me.

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