Par Amour [Taekook ff]

By AfroArmyGirl

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TYPE: πŸ”² General Fiction | βœ”οΈ Taekook ff | πŸ”² Non-Fiction Date Started: 04.30.2023 Date Finished:... More

i | intro
ii | character descriptions
iii | Par Amour Playlist
1 | The Proposition
2 | The Documents
3 | When Do We Start?
4 | Playing With Fire
5 | Rescue A Prince
6 | Christmas Candy
7 | White Wedding Cake
8 | A Day To Remember
9 | His Favorite Par Amour
10 | Happy New Year
11 | Moth to a Flame
12 | Friend and Friend
14 | Is It Working?
15 | Collect Your Man
16 | Not of This World
17 | Total Bliss
18 | Now It's Over
19 | Clientele
20 | Taught Him to Love
21 | Screaming His Name
22 | The Real Deal
23 | A New Friendship
24 | Join Me
25 | Valentine's Day
26 | Together-Together
27 | Shacking Up
28 | Too Good To Be True
29 | Tears of Worry
30 | One of Her Shooters
31 | Room 128
32 | Time To Come Clean
33 | He Left
34 | Someone I'd Like You To Meet
35 | I Want You To Go
36 | March Has Come
37 | Good Night, Baby πŸ‘…
38 | A Little Baby Girl
39 | I Hate You Too, Baby
40 | Par Amour
iv | Final Author's Note
v | Character's Q & A
vii | Playlist Narrative

13 | Taken to Bed

1.6K 75 62
By AfroArmyGirl

"Oh. My. God." Jimin exclaimed.

"How did I know that those would be your first three words?" Jungkook asked.

"Kook. You mean to tell me that you and Mr. Handsome stayed together last night? Like together-together?" He asked. "This content you're feeding me is something serious right now. Like, I need some popcorn and a glass of wine."

"Stop being dramatic, Jimin."

"The word dramatic is the new word for 'fabulous.' That's like telling me to stop being me. I can't just turn all of this off. But back to the topic of the brown-eyed charmer. After he snatched you off that guy at VERS, you still hooked up?"

"Yes. We talked it out." He said while pecking at his computer.

"And now you're talking to men. And letting them spend the night. And texting them. What has this guy done to the real Jungkook?"

"He hasn't done anything to him. Don't give me that look. I'm still me," he said with a frown.

"Ok, I think I get it. He turned you on by yanking your grown ass off the dance floor and went in on you about a guy touching you, yada yada...."

"That's not what happened. I wasn't turned on by it. Well, maybe a little."

"Honey, you're not the only one. I stan a toxic king who will grab a bitch by his throat! I mean your throat because we're talking about you, not me," he explained and cleared his throat. "And this dude's duality got me shook. He can look so innocent. And then boom-pulling bitches out of the club and whatnot. It's giving whole daddy vibes."

"Well he is a whole daddy and I'm not telling you any more details. And don't mention this to anyone. Not even Baker in Payroll. I mean it."

"Come on. I have to tell Baker the biz or he'll stop serving me tea. Honestly, Jungkook do you not even know how tea works? I've tried taking you under my wing but I see I still have work to do. You don't even know the basics of tea. You have to give a little to get a lot." Jimin said and they both laughed.

Then the door opened and his scent reached Jimin's nostrils before he could even turn around. He had on that expensive cologne that Jungkook had bought him.

It was the bitch snatcher himself, Kim Taehyung.

"Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting. Jungkook, you texted to just come up and come in," Taehyung said as he waved at Jimin.

Both Jimin and Jungkook were stunned at Taehyung's visuals. That thick hair slicked down, a blue suit that was fitting his body perfectly. Jimin looked at Jungkook and mouthed silently "You lucky ass bitch."

"Yes, it's perfectly fine. You're not interrupting. Come in and have a seat," Jungkook said motioning for Jimin to leave. Jimin pretended not to see him.

"Hello, Taehyung. Long time no see. It's been a few days since I saw you at the club when you were dragging my boss out and-"

"You can go now Jimin, thanks," Jungkook interjected.

He left slowly looking back at Jungkook and pleading with him with his eyes to let him stay.

He didn't.

"So this is like deja vu. We've been here before," Kook said trying not to be awkward.

"Yes, we have," Tae added with that boxy smile Jungkook loved. He sat and crossed his legs.

"Well, the first thing we will need to do is go to HR and fill out a form disclosing our relationship. Or situationship. Most people have seen us out in the open so it won't be a big surprise. My dad is so happy you're taking the job. And he wanted us to visit his office before the day ends. But first and foremost, you'll stay in HR for about an hour filling out paperwork. Then finally, either Jimin or I will escort you down to filming and introduce you to your immediate supervisor. And I have to say I am happy you decided to join us."

"Well, I'm happy too. Also, I feel a little overdressed. This is one of the outfits you purchased."

"It's ok for today. You look good in blue," he said winking at him.

"What's with the winking at work Mr. Jeon? Look who's unnerving who again!" Tae said jokingly.

"Blame it on the confidence I have when sitting at my work desk. It brings out the boss bitch in me." He chortled.

They walked out of his office to go down to HR. As soon as Jungkook stepped foot out of his door, the pecking on the keyboards started back. And it seemed that each person had their eyes on one person. Kim Taehyung.

In Jimin's mind, they were walking in slow-mo. Taehyung's hair looked to be flowing with the imaginary wind blowing. His eyes were a crisp brown as he walked confidently with his head up. When he could no longer see them, he finally woke up from his reverie and went back to his desk. Again, he mouthed to himself 'Jungkook, you lucky bitch.'

After their business at HR was completed, Jungkook had a few minutes before they needed to say hello to his dad. So he gave Taehyung a tour of the facility.

"Are you doing your best to walk behind me instead of next to me so you can see my ass?" Kook asked.

"And are you throwing it extra deliciously because you know I'm walking behind you so I can see your ass?" Tae replied.

"I asked you first."

"I'll never tell." He smiled and gave him a spank on his bottom. Kook jumped and squealed as they headed toward the top floor.

They finally made it up to his dad's office. Seojun was getting ready to leave early for the day to head to a meeting.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Jeon," Taehyung said.

"Great seeing you Taehyung. Please call me Seojun," he said shaking his hand.

He continued "Boy, it's all that we've been hearing since you arrived-is how gorgeous the guy in blue is. How handsome is the new film guy? How gorgeous is Jeon Jungkook's boyfriend? I'm telling ya, you'd think we run a human meat market out of this place!"

Human meat market?

"Oh, Mr.- I mean Seojun, they could be exaggerating a tad. Walking the halls with this man will make any other man look good."

Kook looked up at him and smiled.

"Perhaps so. But I've got a call from the modeling division a few stories down. And guess what? They want you!"

Jungkook's smile dropped.

Taehyung was confused.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I don't understand," Taehyung responded with a nervous chortle.

"Well, I've been told that they got a good look at you and since they want more fresh talent, they thought you could maybe become a model under the company's management, of course. They wanted me to let you know that if you wanted to be a model, our company would represent you. It is a lot more money than filming. I can guarantee you that."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook. He was just as stunned.

"And please take your time to think about it. You still have the job in Jungkook's department, filming one of our bands. Totally up to you and no pressure."

"Wow. Thanks for the opportunity and I'll get back to your company soon."

"Sure, just give Jungkook your answer and we will go from there. And it was nice seeing you again."

That was their cue to leave. They got into the elevator to go down to where the filming crews worked.

"Oh my God Taehyung! I'm not the only one who knows you're hot. Wow, a model! What are you thinking right now?"

"I'm overwhelmed, Jungkook. This is news I've never thought I'd get. I've never been inspired to work in that part of the entertainment industry. I'm just at a loss for words."

"Well, you don't have to make a decision today. And I don't want to push you. I'll try to remain neutral. If you do this, it needs to be because you want to. Not because I or my father want you to."

"I appreciate that. Look at you being all understanding and diplomatic," he said as he grabbed him and kissed him on the lips.

"You're really taking advantage of that little perk of kissing me when you want, aren't you?" He asked.

"Baby, I wanted to kiss you the minute I stepped into your office. And by the way, since we don't have to hide, from now on just expect me to kiss you whenever I see you. That way I don't take you by surprise." He winked and flicked his chin.

Fuck this man was pretty and sexy. No, pretty and sexy didn't fit this god in blue. What's the word? I'll come up with one later.

The elevator made it to its destination. This floor had a mechanical smell. Maybe it was because it was full of cameras and other equipment. After being introduced to his immediate supervisor, Jungkook waved goodbye and headed back upstairs.

Jungkook spent time in his office going through the mail. Jimin usually assisted but he was sure he was in Payroll with Baker.

None of the mail was significant but there was a large black envelope that had gold trimming. It was addressed to his new band Trial Date. He opened it with the anticipation that they had been nominated for an award already on their new single they had just released. He used his letter opener so as to not damage what could be inside. After looking inside, he only saw a folded piece of cardstock. He unfolded it and when he saw the heading, he almost fainted.

He stopped reading the note and called his dad.  It would be a few minutes before he could get there. Seojun called the detective.

Jungkook didn't want to be alone. Since his father was all the way in Brooklyn, he called Jimin and Taehyung. He knew Taehyung would still be in the building. And he came right up.

"What's going on sweetheart? I came right up," he said as he waltzed toward him. Jimin was sitting in front of his desk. Taehyung saw Kook was shaken up. He wouldn't talk.

He turned to Jimin and asked, "What happened?"

"He got another threat from the crazy person again. It's this letter here-" Jimin was interrupted.

"No, don't touch it with your bare hands. It'll collect your fingerprints. Are there any gloves here in the office?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, I have some still at my desk from when COVID was at its worst. I'll go get some," Jimin informed and rushed to his desk.

Meanwhile, Taehyung bent down to be at eye level with Jungkook.

"Hey, it going to be okay. This person will be found eventually. It's ok to be shaken up. But just know if I'm around I won't let anyone hurt you. He grabbed his chin and planted a swift kiss on his lips.

Jungkook's tension decreased, feeling his touch and the kiss. He was relaxing again and coming back to himself from the shock.

Jimin came back in with the box of gloves. After putting the gloves on, Taehyung reached for the letter, picked it up, and read it to himself as he didn't want to rehearse anything threatening for Jungkook to hear. The letter read:

Taehyung was deeply alarmed. He started asking questions.

"Jungkook, sweetie, did you get this with your regular mail? Or was this delivered as an in-house piece of communication?" He asked hoping he was relaxed now enough to answer him.

" came in that." He pointed at the black envelope.

Taehyung grabbed it and examined it. It had a stamp on it. So he determined that it didn't come from someone within.

Finally, the detective arrived and went straight to Jungkook and asked for the letter. Taehyung reached and gave him some gloves and the detective took them and grabbed the letter and read it.

Taehyung said to the detective, "It looks like this threat has escalated. I'm hoping there are fingerprints somewhere on any of this. However, they mailed the letter so that it would collect other fingerprints. That tells me this person is clever and had the time to come up with an elaborate scheme."

"Well, you could be right. You sound like a detective," the official detective said.

"No, just a wanna-be," Taehyung responded.

"So I assume you all, besides this gentleman in blue, have touched the letter and envelope right? He looked at Jimin and Jimin shook his head yes.

At that time Jeon Seojun walked in. He went right to his son to console him. Jimin had never seen them interact that way in the office. It was touching to see.

They rehearsed what was in the letter and what they would do to try to find out who sent it. Taehyung joined in on the conversation.

"Sir, if I may," Taehyung started, talking to Seojun, "could I suggest you guys hire a professional to go through all of his future mail, at work and home. Whoever this is will try to use mail to intimidate him since he has security at his apartment. Could I also suggest that there be added detail outside this building and at the front desks. This person's plan is coming to a close. That means they are frustrated but determined as ever to finalize their intentions." He didn't want to say that the guilty party was ready to physically harm or kill Jungkook. He was listening and he didn't want to scare him any further.

Taehyung continued, "And in reading the note, I'm assuming that this person is connected to one of the two professional escort businesses that Jungkook has used. If you could take a look at their roster? See if there are irregularities. Like one of the escorts recently deceased or missing? The person who sent this note has lost a loved one. This letter, the wedding cake, and the underwear, all suggest that this person believes that Jungkook is the cause of losing their partner. And the only quote-unquote partners that Jungkook has had came from those agencies. And I would cross reference those names with newspaper wedding announcements. It looks like this person was about to get married."

Jimin thought damn, Jungkook told him about all the other personals?

Jeon Seojun agreed and so did the detective.

"You'd make a great detective sir. You pay a lot of attention to details," the detective said. Then he turned to Seojun, "Sir I will head back and we will let you know of any other findings."

"Thanks a lot for coming by," Seojun said.

"It's my job sir." And with that said, he left with the letter and envelope.

"Taehyung, thank you for your input and I'm glad you were able to be here with Jungkook."

Seojun then said to Jungkook, "Have no worries, Kook. We will find this person. And you're in great hands with your security and even with Taehyung here. We won't let anything happen to you. Please don't tell your mother about this. It would worry her to death." He said goodbye to his son and left.

Jimin decided that he would give Jungkook and Taehyung some privacy.

"Come here, Taehyung said while grabbing his hand and leading him to the adjacent side of his desk. He urged him to sit on his lap.

"Hey. I understand you're still nervous. But your dad is right. We got you Jungkook." He was looking into his eyes in that intense way. He gave him another peck on the lips.

Tae continued, "Why don't you let me take you home and make you a bath? I'll light some candles for you and serve you some wine. Maybe you can relax. Then we will order out. How's that sound?"

Jungkook smiled and just nodded yes.

Taehyung took him home, but none of his plan was enacted. Because Jungkook decided he'd rather be taken to bed.

Next | Is It Working?

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