The Team

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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The Real Fun is off Camera! Kyle, Red, Alex and Steve, Four Youtubers, join together to create a Collab Chann... More

Meet The Team + First Season Animes
Chapter 1: Getting the Team Together
Chapter 2: Team's Day Off
Chapter 3: From Team to Cosplay
Chapter 4: Don't join the Team, Nagatoro
Chapter 5: Team-up Partners
Chapter 6: Nerfed Team
Chapter 7: Uzaki-Chan joins the Team
Chapter 8: Team Double Trouble
Chapter 9: Gym Team Members
Chapter 10: Komi(Kinda) Joins the Team
Chapter 11: The Team Leader at Itan High
Chapter 12: A Night at the Team
Chapter 13: Teaming Master Takagi-San
Chapter 15: Getting the Team Back Together
The Squad + Season 2 Animes
Chapter 16: The Squad
Chapter 17: What Style is Stile?
Chapter 18: To Leader to Manager
Chapter 19: Little Dagashi
Chapter 20: Red's Hot Sauce of Doom
Chapter 21: Battle of the Cosplayers
Chapter 22: Rise of a New Cosplayer
Chapter 23: The Quintessential Sextuplets
Chapter 24: One Among Us
Chapter 25: The Team and the Kamidere
Chapter 26: Itan's Got Talents
Chapter 27: The Red Head, the Pink Cutie and the Gym
Chapter 28: How Shikimori Met Red
Chapter 29: The Team Vs The Squad: Part 1
Chapter 30: The Team vs The Squad: Part 2
Season 3 Animes
Chapter 31: Cos-Played
Chapter 32: Tomo-Chan and The Team
Chapter 33: A Date with Misuzu
Chapter 34: The Tale of Two Tomo's
Chapter 35: Cosplay Shoot Out

Chapter 14: More to the Team

41 2 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

A/N: This will be the second to last before the next seasons Animes and Characters, which I'm kind of excited for, hoping you'll be excited also. This will also be a Two-Parter.

As everyone was preparing for the party and Sleepover for everyone they hired this far, Kyle was filming a short video, explaining what was going on.

Kyle: Hey guys, welcome to a short video. For one night only, we're doing a sleepover for everyone we hired this far, to show everyone what the Team actually is! And for this special occasion, we might do a video relating to the night!

He then shows everyone preparing for the night.

Kyle: As you might see or viewing, Alex is preparing some snacks for everyone, Red is preparing for the night and Steve is looking at the flowers that we grew just a few days ago, just to see if we have enough.

Steve: Is 30 Roses better for 14 people?

Alex: Maybe, but Takagi and Nishikata are not coming, due to them still being in middle school.

Kyle chuckled a little.

Kyle: So anyway, this night will be a big one, and soon, everyone will know the real truth of what the team actually is!

Once he turned off the camera, he decided to help out a little, that was until someone outside called through the doorbell outside, which Kyle answered.

Kyle: Wonder who's coming this early?

He heads to the door, finding Marin and Wakana both with some bags with some clothing.

Marin: Hey hey hey Team Leader!

Wakana: Hey Kyle.

Kyle: You both are early? The party doesn't start until 4?

Marin: Schools over for the day, since it's the weekend, why not come over early?

Kyle: And your Grandpa is fine with this, Gojo?

Wakana: He said it's fine, since your trusting to him.

Kyle smiled, knowing others parents trusted him and the others.

Kyle: Want to come in? I'll put your bags in the guest rooms.

They both then came inside as they helped out with the others.

*Insert Intro*

After a few hours, some of the others were coming over for the Slumber Party. Nagatoro, Naoto, Sakurai and Uzaki all arrived and waited for someone to answer the door.

Nagatoro: Pretty sweet for the Team to have a Slumber party with us!

Uzaki: Tell me about it! I was also thinking of what this thing was about anyway.

Nagatoro: You too?

Sakurai: To be honest, I did ask them, they didn't say.

Senpai: Kyle did tell me what it was about, but he only said it in riddle.

They all then looked at him.

Uzaki: What did he say?

Senpai: I have no idea. He only said it revolves a colour of a Flower?

Nagatoro: So that means you don't know, Senpai? Geez, what are you not good at?

Naoto huffed as someone answered the doorbell, being Red.

Red: Ah, more guests! Come in, come in! We'll handle bags for you!

As she said, they all came into the mansion, where they did find Kyle talking with Marin and Wakana, talking about Marin's first experience in the Shizuku Cosplay, only to when they were getting her measurements.

Marin: And after we got to the part to measure my feet, he got a bit chicken and refused. That changed until I put my feet on his legs, as I fine with him doing it.

(Don't think it'll be like that!)

Kyle was thinking of what she just told him, if it was him.

Kyle: 'Do it.'? That won't make me want to measure them, it'll make me want to tickle them!

Marin was then surprised at something.

Marin: How did you know I have ticklish feet?

Kyle: Force of habit!

Red: Dude, the others are here!

Kyle: Right! 'Scuse me!

He then left them and greeted the other, as Wakana wondered one thing from Marin.

Wakana: Ticklish feet?

Marin then blushed after he said that.

Once Kyle greeted the others, they were all then hanging out in the living area, until Komi and Tadano came. As they were talking, Uzaki and Naoto wanted to ask Kyle something about the Video from Itan High he did.

Senpai: Hey Kyle, I did watch the Video about you going to Itan High.

Uzaki: And was it true that you actually got in for free?

Kyle: Yep. Apparently they watched the video, saw the prank, and as they guessed, I was leading it all. They saw my leader skills to be a good thing, even though I graduated from my old one, they thought I could be a good canidate and be the image for future students that would go to that High School.

Uzaki: Tell me about it. Me and Sakurai are almost finished with College and our relationship is going... somewhere.

Both boys didn't want to answer her Question as they continued their talk. Uzaki looked at Nagatoro and then her Senpai, thinking of how much one tease can fluster him. She then got close to him, which then made him fluster.

Senpai: U-Uzaki?

Uzaki: If you have the time without Nagatoro, wanna draw me? I'll even do it without the shirt on if you like?

Senpai: U-Uzaki?

Nagatoro saw what she was doing and got jealous. She then headed towards her and pulled her away from him.

Nagatoro: And just what do you think your doing with my Senpai? Better not be, because I'm the only one to make him Fluster!

Naoto saw she was still overprotective of him, in a teasing way. Once that was done, the doorbell rang again, meaning the final guests came. Kyle rushed towards the door, finding Komi and Tadano waiting.

Tadano: Didn't think you'll be that quick.

Kyle: Just before the Pizza we ordered would arrive. Come on in, since you didn't wait for us that long.

They all then headed inside, as everyone the Team hired all arrived in one place. Komi brought out her notebook, wrote something in it and showed Kyle and Tadano.

Komi: 'Didn't think the Team would be this small?'

Kyle: It's a start, you know. Now then, for the introduction!

Just then, Kyle announced to everyone in the Slumber party as Steve turned on the Camera.

Kyle: Welcome everyone to the first Ever Team's Slumber Party, mostly for the Team members we hired this far!

Everyone was watching him do a speech for them all, still wondering what it's all about.

Kyle: Now I know all of you are wondering what this things all about?

Uzaki: As we were guessing when we first arrived, and maybe when we were coming over.

Kyle chuckled as he went back to the speech.

Kyle: To this, we'll give you a Symbol of what the Team actually is about!

Nagatoro: If this is about 'Flowers', then I'm not interested in it.

Sakurai gave her a little slap on the head, that she then huffed at him.

Sakurai: Just be glad I did it to Uzaki first.

Nagatoro looked at Uzaki, who was looking at Sakurai huffing.

Kyle: W-Well, anyway, if you want to do anything for this Slumber Party, all house access is free, Pizza will arrive soon and... have Fun!

Since Kyle and the others put everyones bags in the Guest rooms, they all then decided to hang out a little. It was going good for a while, until everyone got a bit bored.

Uzaki: Does this place have anything else?

Red: What? Our Video games aren't enough for you?

Nagatoro: Nah, we did a little compertion on who gets the first slice of Pizza, but it ended in a tie after the rounds we betted on.

Everyone was then confused.

Sakurai: How many rounds did you two bet on?

Uzaki: 4?

Sakurai just face palmed, thinking of what she just said.

Sakurai: No idea how I'm stuck with her.

Red shrugged as she had an idea.

Red: Well, if anyone wants to play something else, why not something real life?

Kyle: Play some Pool or Table Tennis?

Sakurai: You guys have Table Tennis?

Kyle and Red stayed quiet, that was until the doorbell rang again.

Marin: Did you guys invite others?

Alex: No... Your the only ones here. I did want to invite some kids I'm tutoring, but it's kind of a School night for them.

Marin: She tutors kids?

Kyle headed to the main door and opened the door, revealing it to be a young girl with Light Blue Hair that was in large pig tails. She was in a Pizza Delivery outfit.

Delivery Girl: Pizza!

Kyle and now Red took the Pizza and tipped the girl.

Kyle: Thanks.

Delivery Girl: Call again.

Once she left, Kyle and Red looked at each other.

Red: She had very large Pig Tails.

Kyle: No kidding.

They both then headed back inside of the living area with the Pizzas.

Red: Pizzas here!

She put the pizzas on the table, as everyone got a slice. After having a Few Slices, Komi wanted to say something, but whispered it to Kyle.

Kyle: O-Ok guys, Komi here has something to say, but because of her muteness, I'll be speaking it out for her.

Everyone then wanted to listen to what he said for her.

Kyle: Ok, she says 'Even though we met each other from one night, which would be Marin and the others, I just want to say to The Team Member Kyle, Alex, Steve... The Red one? You all are like your part of Itan High, only when we're out of School.'

Alex: Thanks Komi.

Steve: Honered.

Red: The Red one?

Nagatoro and Uzaki giggled after she said and thought of that.

Once everyone was finished with the Pizza, Red taken out the boxes as some of them headed into the Gaming room, which wasn't large, but big enough.

Inside, Kyle, Sakurai and Tadano were playing a bit of Pool table.

Kyle: So last time when we went to the Gym, Uzaki's Dad really wants you and Hana to date.

Sakurai: Which one?

Kyle laughed a little as it was Sakurai's turn.

Sakurai: And what about you Tadano? Are you and Komi something?

Tadano: W-Well, I mean I'm only helping her achieve a dream she's been having for a while.

Kyle: She's trying to make a Hundred friends.

Sakurai slap a little after hearing that, which also made him knock a ball into one of the holes.

Sakurai: Sorry, but her dream is kinda random.

Kyle: Thought that too, but we can't mess with others dreams.

Sakurai: ... Yeah, you have a point there.

After Sakurai, Kyle decided to have one, as he was lining up to a ball.

Sakurai: What about Marin? She has to like you?

Kyle stopped, hearing what he said.

Kyle: Well, it's not that. Where did you get that idea?

Sakurai: Saw Uzaki looking at Cosplayers, and weirdly, she saw the Shizuku couple being you and her.

Kyle: That was a one time gig! Nothing more, nothing less!

Tadano: So her kissing you wasn't part of the gig?

Kyle then jumped after he said that.

Kyle: N-No! When we were changing out of our Costumes, I don't know what happened and she just wanted to make out with me!

Sakurai laughed a little after he said that.

Kyle: Oh geez.

Meanwhile with some of the girls, they were hanging out in the guest room they'll all be sleeping in.

Nagatoro: Maybe we can trick our Senpais into here so we can give them a make over!

Marin then did a smirk after thinking of that, Uzaki was into all of it and Komi wasn't too sure on doing that to a friend.

Nagatoro: Hey Marin, which Senpai will you do? Wakana or Kyle?

Marin then blushed, wondering why she thought she would do Wakana or Kyle.

Uzaki: Wait, do you like Kyle?

Marin then deeply blushed.

Marin: W-Well, I mean I like Kyle... A-As a friend! I mean not as a Boyfriend since he's a boy, but I mean... Just shut it!

Nagatoro and Uzaki both giggled, as Komi shared a little giggle also.

Nagatoro: I mean if we all like someone as a friend, just keep it like that.

They all then looked at her, surprised how she did tease about anyone.

Komi: 'Never thought to hear you say something that wise?'

Nagatoro: Well, a Broken Clock is right Twice a day, right?

They didn't know what she was explaining, but agreeded to her.

As it was getting close to Midnight, everyone thought of going to sleep. Kyle was talking to the girls about if they needed anything.

Kyle: Ok, if anyone needs anything from any of us, please knock. We'll be in our respected rooms.

Marin: You got it.

Uzaki: Sure.

Komi gave him a slight nod.

Kyle: Right, good night.

All: Night!

He then closed the door as everyone slept.

Once everyone was asleep, the girls then woke up and decided to have a little fun, but Komi was still asleep. They saw she was fast asleep and decided to have a little fun.

Nagatoro: Damn, she's asleep!

Marin snapped her fingers next to her ear, seeing she was fast asleep.

Marin: Yep, fully tired.

Uzaki then had a funny idea as she brought out Duck tape she brought with her. Marin was then filming a little funny video.

The Next day, Kyle, Wakana, Sakurai and Red were the first ones to wake up. They decided to check on the girls to see if they were ok.

Kyle: Are you guys sure they're fine?

Sakurai: Dout it, when there's Hana around!

Red: I just hope they didn't do anything rash in there.

Komi: EEP!

The they heard Komi's screech inside the room. Panicing, Kyle headed inside finding Komi duck taped to the cealing.

Kyle: How did they get her on the cealing?

They gave him a shrug. Not long, The Tape keeping Komi up was starting to peel off, making her fall from the cealing. Kyle quickly grabbed her. He felt her shaking from what happened.

Kyle: Are you ok?

Komi was still shaking, giving a slight nod.

Komi: T-Thank you.

Just then, everyone woke up, finding Kyle holding Komi.

Uzaki: Huh? Guess a lot of Girls are interested in him?

After what happened, the girls explained what happened and didn't think of what would happened.

Sakurai: And you think it would be funny to duck tape her on the cealing, not thinking of the consequences?

Nagatoro: Oh give us a break, Mr. Worry! She was fast asleep when we were doing it!

Tadano was keeping Komi comfy, as she was still shaken from what happened.

Senpai: W-Well, I know I'm not that timided, but you should be more careful of what would happen, Nagatoro.

Uzaki: Oh, quit your whining, Senpai!

Nagatoro: Hey! Only I get to call him that!

As both girls were about to argue, Komi wanted to bring out her Friend notes, but decided not to ask for their names yet. Wakana was telling Marin to be more careful also, which she did promise.

Marin: Maybe I should tell someone about the safety of pranking someone. Maybe next time.

Wakana: At least your a quick learner.

Marin: This is kind of my second Sleepover with friends and a large group.

Just then, Kyle and the others came in from the backyard, holding a bouque of Yellow Roses.

Kyle: Ok, from a bit of a morning and wake up call from... heh... others, This is what we wanted to give to you guys in honer of what the Team actually is.

They then each gave them a Rose, which made them confused.

Nagatoro: A Flower? All of this, and you guys gave us a Flower?!

Alex: W-Well, Flowers mean something else to their Colours!

Senpai: She's right. Apparently, Yellow roses are a Sigh of...

Nagatoro: Guess what, don't care Senpai! Flowers are dumb anyway!

She then dropped it onto the ground and stomped on it.

Alex: W-Well, if you let him explain more, then you would know what that mean...

Uzaki: Yeah, get listening, tan.

Nagatoro: Tan?! I mean, sure that's what I got, but you started it!

Uzaki was then discusted of what she just said.

Uzaki: Started it? Started what?

Nagatoro then slapped the rose from her hand, which started an arguement between them both.

Uzaki: Well, if it's come to this, this friendship between us is OVER!

Nagatoro: Fine by me! C'mon Senpai! Let's ditch this wannabe before her melons intrance you even thurther!

Uzaki then huffed and started to tear up as she got her stuff and left, not caring about getting another rose. Once she left, Nagatoro huffed also and walked out.

Sakurai: I better check on her.

Senpai: Me too. Thank you all for the Rose. I'll put it in a Vase, give it plenty of water and put it near good light.

Once they both left, Komi started tearing up.

Tadano: Komi, are you ok?

Komi didn't want to say anything, but wrote into her notebook, but it was hard to say out, but he did read most of it.

Tadano: I think we should leave also. Komi should have some space.

Kyle: You do that...

Once they both left, it was then just Kyle, Red, Alex, Steve, Marin and Wakana. Kyle didn't know what happened and just sat down on the couch.

Marin: Kyle, I'm so sorry for what just happened.

Alex looked down and picked up a rose stem.

Alex: What happened to the Team? Our Friends?

Kyle looked around the room.

Kyle: What Team? What Friends?

They all looked around the room, to knowing what just happened, only to find out they lost a lot of their friends.

*Insert Outro*

A/N: I know this is kind of a Bad ending type of Deal, but this is a Two Parter and Second to last of the first Season.

I was thinking of how much this series has gotten too, but not a lot. Like from Nagatoro and Uzaki's Animes, it almost ended up in a Break up deal, but until the End of their first Animes, they came back together, which is what this is kind of based on.

Next up is where everyone gets back together and finds a way to save the Team's Channel and also discovering what the Yellow Roses actually Mean to them all.

Also, for the Pizza Delivery girl, it's defiantly a Hatsune Miku Easter Egg, just for the laughs.

Up Next: Getting the Team Back Together

Word Count: 3042

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