The Summer Home

By PJLowry

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Peter loves taking his family up a cottage by the beach every summer. Yet with stressing deadlines and fate f... More

1. Driving Out
2. Settling In
3. The Accident
4. The Decision
6. Grand Theft Auto
7. I Fought The Law
8. Pancake Therapy
9. Community Service
10. Even More Service
11. Truth In Books
12. Back On The Wall
13. Out For Lunch
14. Browsing For Books
15. The Family Dinner
16. Back At The Bridge
17. Forgive And Forget
18. The New Family

5. The New Kid

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By PJLowry

     The flight back to the coast was relatively quiet. Nathan never said a single word to Peter despite the fact that his father went out of his way to book first class to make their trip back to the summer home as comfortable as possible. Rather than fight the silence, Peter decided to enjoy it while he could. To him this was like the calm before the storm, and there would be a time later in the summer when he was likely going to wish for times this quiet. When they landed, Ray was there to give them a police escort back to the house. Peter wasn't kidding and Nathan couldn't help but feel intimidated as Ray went out of his way to look as imposing as possible. Ray even took the time to wear his body armor, club, and sidearm just to go out of his way to scare Nathan and subtly remind him beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly who was in charge.

     "How was your flight?" Ray asked as he helped with Peter's bags.

     "Surprisingly quiet," Peter observed as he picked up Nathan's bags. "How are Sonya and the kids doing?"

     "They are ready for their new guest," Ray said with a warm smile. Nathan couldn't see Ray's eyes because they were hidden behind a pair of classic cliché sunglasses you would expect an actor to wear in a cheesy cop drama.

     "We're not going to get any trouble from you, are we boy?" Ray asked Nathan with an alpha male, chest beating tone.

     The look worked as Nathan was again greatly intimidated.

     "No, Sir." The young man quietly replied.

     "That's what I like to hear," Ray said, tossing the bags into the back of his truck and closing the door. "I just wanted to let you know that the house you're going to be staying at this summer to me. I rent it to your father, so try to be gentle with my home while you're there. We clear on that, son?"

     "Yes, Sir." Nathan repeated.

     "That's good," Ray growled, and Peter was doing whatever he could not to chuckle. "Because if you give this man any trouble that I don't much approve of, I will not hesitate to toss your ass into the slammer for a night or two."

     Ray spit out a toothpick that he was chewing on before getting into the truck.

     "Let's get going," Peter said, as he believe Nathan got the point. "I've got the impression that Sonya is making a nice dinner for everyone."

     "Alright, let's move." Ray said, getting into the driver's seat.

     Peter could see what Ray was doing and he couldn't help but feel proud that his friend was going to be there for him should Nathan get even a little out of control. Peter knew Nathan was going to be a handful but had no idea how bad things could get this summer. The fact that he had the backing of his best friend meant the world to Peter. Ray knew everything and was the one guy who had control of any situation and in his town, which was exactly how he preferred to keep it.

     It took about an hour, but Ray finally pulled into the long driveway just as it was sun was starting to set. Nathan was going to have to wait till morning to get a good idea of how big the house way and where it was situated. Peter had a feeling after a while Nathan might enjoy spending time out here and hopefully future summers as well. Ray put the truck into park, opened the doors, and went to the back to grab their bags.

     "Get over here boy," Ray called out, "Carry your own junk into the house."

     Before Ray had to ask Peter came over and grabbed his own bag and walked up to the house. Sonya was at the door to hold it open for the guys as they arrived. Once all the men walked into the house they could smell the feast that she had made for them all. It was a nice spread of Lasagna with more than enough garlic bread on the side for everyone to have a few pieces. Ray put one of Nathan's bags down on the pullout couch and gave Sonya a soft and friendly hug.

     "That smells great girl." He said with a smile.

     Sonya didn't return the smile. "Ray, we've talk about this before. Please put your gun and stick back into the truck."

     Ray could tell from the scowl on her face that she meant it and he had forgotten all about it.

     "Of course," Ray conceded, "I'll take them out right now."

     Ray left the house and started to walk back to the truck. Sonya turned to face the two men who had entered with Ray.

     "Dinner is ready so wash up," she informed the young man. "Grab whatever sea you like so we can all get started."

     They did as they were told and as Peter came out to take his seat, he realized that Nathan had instinctively taken the head chair, which Peter usually took himself. Nathan was unaware of that so he couldn't be faulted for it, for now. Peter was going to be okay taking one of the side seats and gave one of his daughters seated beside him a kiss on her forehead.

     "Wow that smells great." Peter said, smiling back at his wife.

     Ray returned back into the house, and it only took him a moment to realize what the seating order was. Unlike Peter, he was having none of it.

     "You," Ray called out, pointing to Nathan who looked back up at same tough guy who had been harassing him all day long. "That seat's reserved. Grab that one over there beside Jacob."

     Nathan took a deep breath but said nothing as he got up out of the seat and moved to another spot that Ray had ordered him to occupy. Ray then looked back at Peter and gestured for him to take back his seat. Peter could tell what Ray was doing but he was unsure if it was going to work or not. By being a royal pain in the ass, Ray was content to play the bad cop, trying to make Peter the lesser of two evils. It was Ray's hope that that Nathan would prefer to work with Peter and thus avoid getting Ray's boot firmly planted in his ass.

     "This looks great," He said, sitting down beside Sonya. You've outdone yourself again, little lady."

     "Thank you," Sonya said, "Everyone dig in before it gets cold."

     "You heard her," Ray echoed, "Move it or lose it."

     Everyone dug in and enjoyed their food and chattered about trivial stuff while enjoying every succulent bite. Peter didn't eat very much but managed to finish half his plate before excusing himself and retreating back to his room. The rest of the family was used to this already and didn't say anything as Peter left the room. Before anyone could say anything about it, one of the girls, Fiona said something first.

     "Are you my brother?" she calmly asked.

     Nathan could tell she was talking to him. He took a moment to finish what he had in his mouth before replying. He could also see three pairs of eyes on him as Jacob, Sonya and especially Ray were watching to see what his answer would be.

     "Yes," Nathan replied, "I'm afraid you're stuck with me, squirt."

     The two girls seemed excited to have another brother in the house, since they got along with Jacob most of the time. Nathan was also six years older than the two girls, so they had a new big brother and were still the babies of the family, which suited them both just fine.

     Sonya started to clear the table after everyone had finished. "We'll have dessert later tonight, give your meal a chance to digest."

     With that everyone parted from the table and went their separate ways. She usually left dessert for later if the main course was very filling. Better to use it as a pre-bedtime snack to give their bellies time to make room. Ray helped with the table and stayed in the kitchen to speak with Sonya. As he was helping out, Sonya stopped to ask a question.

     "How did Peter do out there?" she asked.

     "Considering the situation, I think he did well." Ray said as he passed a few plates over. "I've been married a few times, but I haven't had to go through what he had to endure this week. I can see he's not eating much. When did that start?"

     "A few months ago," Sonya said as she started to pour water into the sink. "He's been trying but he doesn't pack it away like he used to."

     "It was bound to happen," Ray checked his watch. "I'm on duty tonight so if you guys need anything at all, you know how to reach me."

     "Thanks, Ray." Sonya said without turning back.

     Ray was already halfway to the door. "No problem Sonya. Thanks for the grub. It was fantastic."

     With that the Sheriff stepped out of the house and was gone. He walked back to his truck and pulled back out to town to take care of everyone else. Sonya watched as the truck pulled away and disappeared into the night. When she turned around, she could see Nathan in the living room looking around for something, so she walked over from the kitchen.

     "Do you need any help settling in?" She asked him.

     "I'm okay, thank you." Nathan said, surprising her with his manners. Yet she could tell there was something on his mind.

     "Something bothering you?" Sonya inquired.

     "What was with Dad at the table?" Nathan asked, "He barely ate anything. I remember when he used to eat seven full plates at the Chinese buffet. Yet tonight he could barely finish his first. What gives?"

     Sonya took a deep breath. "He's getting older Nathan. I'm afraid this is what happens when time creeps up on us. As we age, things are bound to change, sometimes not for better."

     "I guess," Nathan said as he was rifling through one of his bags.

     Sonya went back to the kitchen to resume doing the dishes but watched Nathan as he tried to settle himself in. Sonya had lost her parents at a young age so she kind of understood what the young man was going through. But she couldn't force her views on him, well aware that she would have to wait for him to come to her first. That's how she was until she was willing to hear people out, and believed that Nathan would be no different. Sonya instead decided it would be best to let Nathan settle in and see how things worked out from there. She would keep an eye on him but only give him enough space to get used to his new surroundings.

     She could tell by the young man's posture and demeanor that he wasn't a happy camper. Most teens have their rebellious phases, but Nathan looked like he was going to spend the majority of his teens going through his. The loss of his mother wasn't going to make things any easier as well. Ray could tell that too which is probably why he was in Nathan's face so much today. It was clear Ray was using fear to make sure Nathan knew his place and didn't challenge his father as much as they both knew he was going to. She worried about Peter, and the pressure he was under this summer to work on his new project, among other things that were stressing him out. A family crisis was the last thing he needed on his plate, but here they were. After she finished up with the dishes, Sonya grabbed some blankets and pillows that she had earlier unearthed from the linen closet and brought them into the living room for Nathan.

     "Here you go," She said, passing them over. "Some sheets and pillows for you. It's not the most comfortable bed we have here, but it beats sleeping on the floor."

     "Thank you," Nathan grumbled as he accepted the sheets and pillows.

     "This isn't going to be your spot for a little while," Sonya filled in, trying to make the teen more comfortable. "Your father and I are going to get a new bed in town later this week. We're going to put it in Jacob's room and you two will be roomies for the remainder of the summer. The room is on this floor and closer to the back, so it's a bit more private than the rest of the bedrooms. I hope that's alright with you."

     Nathan sighed, "That will be fine, thank you."

     "Nathan," Sonya started, as she tried to find the words. "I'm very sorry about what happened to your mother. If you ever want to talk about it, I'll be here if you need someone to listen."

     "Thank you," Nathan said again, as he pulled out the bed from the couch and started to put the sheets out.

     Sonya decided not to push her luck any further. "Good night."

     "Night," Nathan said back to her.

     Sonya knew the heartbreak the poor boy was going through but, it was too early for him to open up. She went back to her bedroom, and there sitting on their bed was Peter. Glasses on and laptop on his legs, he was typing and working on the new project, probably for the first time in forever.

     "How goes the work?" she asked as she walked into the room.

     "Slow," Peter said as he took his glasses off to rub his eyes. "I thought the few days off would help me get back on track, but it didn't. This is going to be a slow and very painful process."

     "I know you can do it. You've never missed a deadline yet." Sonya said as she leaned over and gave her husband a small peck on the cheek.

     She could tell he was frustrated but was still trying none the less. His latest work was a sequel to an earlier novel he had written that he swore he would never write a sequel to. His publishers and agents had been dying and begging him to write one because it would be a guaranteed bestseller. Peter gave in and was doing his best to make something work, but it was hard for him. Usually, he liked to work on newer stories yet this one was proving to be a chore rather than a labor of love. While he wasn't in this book as much as he liked to be, Peter still worked hard to make sure he gave out a quality product. He closed the laptop and put it on the night table beside the bed.

     "How's Nathan doing down there?" Peter asked.

     "So far so good." Sonya called out from the master bathroom.

     "The calm before the storm," Peter said as he got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. He only had to pee, and Sonya didn't mind sharing as long as it wasn't the other duty people do in the bathroom.

     She took a look at Peter's face as he passed by the mirror on his way to the can. "Did your razors go on strike?"

     "I'm trying to look creative, get into that whole writer groove." Peter said with a smile as he lifted the seats to do his thing.

     "Well rugged writers don't get any action around here, mister." Sonya replied, as she promptly left the bathroom.

"Noted." Peter said as he concentrated on what he was doing. After he was done he quickly scooted back to bed and put the laptop back in front of him.

     "Do you think I'm being selfish?" he asked her.

     "What do you mean?" Sonya said, countering with a question of her own.

     "Well, I mean dragging Nathan out here when clearly he doesn't want to be." Peter started to explain, "I could just tell this wasn't exactly his preferred option. I just feel like I'm pushing things for my own benefit, rather than his."

     "Peter, that's not fair." Sonya firmly replied, "If you and Ray didn't drag him here, there is a good chance many years from now he'll beat himself for not being here with you for the summer. I'd rather see him whimper and whine now than put himself through that kind of heartache later."

     "Fair enough," Peter replied, knowing better not to argue.

     He already knew she was right. Regardless of how either of them felt, they needed to work through things now rather than later. Peter didn't have a damn clue how he was going to do that, but he would have to think of something soon. If his new book were any indication of how his thought process was going, it wasn't a good sign of things to come. Tossing another monkey named Nathan on his back, and Peter had the feeling summer was going to be more exhausting and stressful for Peter. He wanted peace and quiet so that he could try to complete this book for his agent and publisher. Most of all he wanted to finish it for Sonya because this book was a guaranteed jackpot payday. Fans had been screaming for a sequel for years since he wrote one of his better selling books. It also meant that Sonya and the kids would be financially set for many, many years with or without Peter. After what happened to Christina, Peter was more determined than ever to use his current works to create a nest egg so he wouldn't have to worry about college fees, house payments or anything else should something expected occur. It was not the message he wanted to walk away from the week with, but he couldn't help but wonder how his own family would survive should he suddenly pass on without warning. While the added stress wasn't needed, Peter wasn't going to back out on his son when the kind really needed him. They would make things work out, one way or another.

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