A Venomous Attraction [Arrowv...

By DudeWorkAlready

15.7K 760 213

What happens when Kara Danvers first ever crush since high-school, Flash Thompson joins the DEO but alas he w... More

➖️🌑1.Looking For A New Recruit🌑➖️
➖️🌑2.A Reunion Well Met🌑➖️
➖️🌑4.A Kylntar Vs A Daxamite🌑➖️
➖️🌑5.A Certain Memorable Past🌑➖️
➖️🌑6.One Moment To Another🌑➖️
➖️🌑7.A Proper Scolding🌑➖️
➖️🌑8.A Whole New World..Literally🌑➖️
➖️🌑9.A Lashed Out Friend🌑➖️
➖️🌑10.Venturing In🌑➖️

➖️🌑3.Catching Up With A Friend🌑➖️

2K 93 15
By DudeWorkAlready

Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Flash and Kara walk through some doors as she sees a whole bunch of aliens walking around and talking to each other, she remembered going to one near the DEO but this one was completely new to her

"I found this place better than the one you and your friends go to plus the alcohol is better and cheaper"

They both walk over to an empty table and pull up some chairs as they sit across from each other, Flash holds his hand up as one of the alien waitresses walks over to them as they both order their drinks and patiently wait for her to come back with them

Kara unable to wait any longer just immediately starts to ask Flash the first question that came to her mind

Kara:Why did you punch Mon-El? What did he do to?

Flash leans in from his chair and puts both of his hands on the table

"He didn't do anything to me..it's what he did to you that pissed me off, Kara"

Kara looked a bit confused for a couple of seconds until it dawned on her, J'onn must've told Flash who Mon-El truly was and his secret that he hid from everyone including her

"He lied to you for months, he made you think he was just some guard back on Daxam when in reality..he was the self-centered egotistical Prince"

Kara wanted to say that Mon-El had changed but in a way, Flash did have a point granted the Daxamite had changed but Mon-El broke her trust and she hated herself for not figuring it out sooner

After all Mon-El gave off his these hints about the Prince of Daxam not being as bad as everyone thought and the way he would constantly talk about the Prince seemed too good to be true; so at least she was able to get one of her many questions answered

The waitress from before comes back with their drinks as Flash grabs his beer that secretly was filled a good amount of strong alcohol; he puts the beer bottle in between his arm and twists the cap off like it's nothing

Venom:'(Okay, I'll admit it..that was pretty cool!)'

He sees Kara looking at him with a pretty impressed look as he raises his beer up

Kara:Did you just--how is that even possible?

Flash just takes a long sip of his beer and puts the bottle back on the table as Kara focuses back on her questions

Kara:Okay not that wasn't cool but I need to know..how are you walking? Your file said you had to get both of your legs amputated..

Venom:'(Ooooh shit..can I finally talk to her!? Please, please, pleaseee!!)'

He knew that he'd have to eventually tell Kara but he just didn't think it'd be this soon; but if she trusted him with her secret then he could surely do the same for her

"Alright..I think it's time that you meet who helped me walk again, just don't freak out.."

Kara looked around thinking that someone else was going to join them but she turned back to Flash and saw a dark sludge come out of his left shoulder as Venom starred back at her; the Girl of Steel practically fell backwards landing on the ground

Both Flash and Venom looked up from their chair seeing Kara on the ground as she readjusted her glasses and got back up

Kara:W-What is that thing doing on you, Flash!?

Venom looked almost offended by Kara's tone and look she was giving it as Flash stood up and reassured Kara

"I know Krypton has a history with the symbiotes but I promise you, Venom isn't trying to take over the planet or anything"

Kara was very skeptical about the alien race known as the Kylntar; she remembered being told stories about how they were once a peaceful race but one day they just began to wreak havoc and destruction all over the universe

Kara:I don't know how you infected Flash but im getting it out of you!

She reaches out to pull Venom out but Flash stops her and by grabbing her by her shoulders and sitting her back down

"Kara just stop! Okay? Listen to what I have to say and then maybe you'll understand why Venom isn't hostile like you think!"

Flash stepped back and sat back down in front of Kara alas the Girl of Steel remained on guard as he began to explain how this all went down for him and Venom

-[Flashback/Seven Months Ago]-

Flash had been contacted by a man called Hank Henshaw, he was offered something that would've seemed impossible for any human being..the chance to actually walk without any prosthetical help

He was mostly skeptical about this new treatment he had been offered but if there was any the small chance that he could walk then he'd take it; a metal door slides open as Flash puts his hands on the side of his wheelchair and rolls into the room with a large panel of glass where Hank Henshaw is starring back at him as Hank presses a button that goes through the intercom

Hank:Mr Thompson, thank you for answering my call as you can see we are ready for you..

A scientist walks behind Flash and slowly pushes him to the center of the room and out of the corner of the formal Corporal's eye he sees a container with a some black sludge inside moving around as Flash hears go on

Hank:Remember that if you wish for this to stop at anytime, all you have to do is say the word

But Flash had come too far to back out now, he was more determined more than ever to be given a chance to actually walk; the scientist rolls Flash's wheelchair over to the container as he just stares at it

He reaches his hand out and touches the glass as the dark sludge stops moving as it touches the other side of the glass

"I don't know if you're alive or what you've been through to get to this point in your life, but if this works..I hope we can find a way to coexist with each other.."

Flash could've sworn he saw a small head come out of the dark sludge and stare back at him as the scientist stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, a couple of seconds later the container opens as the dark sludge comes out

It crawls it's way up Flash's wheelchair and slides up to his chest and slowly dissolves into his body as Flash closes his eyes and hears a faint voice in the back of his head speak to him

?:'(Hello, Flash. I am Venom..and I accept the deal..)'

He opens his eyes again as he feels something beginning to form under him; he looks down to where his legs once resided only to find that they have been replaced with the same dark sludge in the form of legs as Flash slowly sets his left foot down feeling the ground followed by his right foot

"Holy shit..*laughs*..it worked, it actually worked!!"

On the other side of the glass that divides the room Hank smiles a bit seeing the look of absolute joy in Flash's eyes

-[End Of Flashback]-

"And that's how I am able to walk.."

Kara didn't know how to even react to hearing Flash's story for one she did believe it but on the other hand; she didn't except for Venom to just stay true to the deal that had been made as Venom moved a little bit closer to Kara

Venom:Yes, I know that my people have a violent history but we did not choose to become violent. My brother and sisters seek out hosts from to bond with but in doing so they inherit the hosts thoughts and emotions..

Venom bowed his head feeling some shame for his brother and sisters being forced to given into what their hosts want

"When Venom arrived on Earth and was found by the DEO, he hadn't bonded with anyone at the time..that was until he found me"

Venom leaned back to Flash's side as Kara glanced between Flash and Venom

Kara:So it's not trying to take over your body or anything like that?

Flash leans back in his chair and holds his hands out showing no sign of being controlled whatsoever

"I'm in full control, that's the deal I made with Venom and in return I have to eat a good amount of chocolate.."

Kara wanted to ask about eating chocolate part but she trusted Flash with this alas her mind drifted back to Mon-El as she turned and asked Venom

Kara:Is that why you had Flash punch Mon-El? Or was that on his own free will?

Venom:Ahhh yes that bitch boy Daxamite, my brother and sisters were experimented on when they first arrived to help improve the planet..even before Daxam was destroyed that bitch Queen Rhea murdered them without even caring for their lives..

Kara could see the anger in Venom's eyes as she felt bad for it; all the Kylntar wanted to do was help but instead they were either killed or forced to endure what the hosts wanted them to do and fall into madness

Venom retreats back into Flash's body as he gets up from his chair and pulls out his wallet and pays for his drink

"I don't know Mon-El like you do, Kara. But what he did to you wasn't right..it took you nearly dying for him to finally man up and be the hero"

Kara hears the door to the entrance of the bar as the two see Mon-El storm in and stare Flash down

Venom:'(He's pissed..careful Flash..)'

'(Yeah I know, just be ready if this ends with a fight..)'

Kara gets up from her chair and goes to ask what Mon-El is doing here but he walks past and sucker punches Flash across the face making him stumble back

Kara:Mon-El what the hell are you doing!?

Kara gets in Mon-El's way but the Daxamite is too focused on Flash as he yells at him

Mon-El:I know what you are! I know what that parasite truly is!!

Venom comes out of Flash's left shoulder and yells back at Mon-El for calling it such a name

Venom:PARASITE!? You Daxamites tortured my people!! Your no better than that bitch you call a mother!!!

Mon-El grits his teeth and pushes Kara aside as he uses his super speed to take Flash by surprise and tackle him out of the bar and onto the streets of National City; Flash pushes Mon-El off of him and sends him flying into a lamppost

"Alright you self-centered piece of shit..you wanna fight?"

Flash holds out his hands as the Venom symbiote covers him and turns him into Agent Venom as Mon-El gets back up and clenches his fists

"Then you got one you dumbass!!"

Agent Venom and Mon-El both glare at each other one last time before Agent Venom rushes in and jumps up into the air and reels back his fist; it was about time someone put Mon-El in his place and Agent Venom was going to be the one person to do so

To be continued...

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