Queen of the Night | d.Hale

By fantasysteph

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"𝙳𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚔 𝚐𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚗𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚑𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚊 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐�... More

part 1
1. playing catch-up
2. amnesia in the body
3. trusting strangers
4. stories with grilled cheese
5. difficult answers, simple questions
6. first full moon
7. dark clothing equals safety
9. hospital sleeps
10. midnight things
11. list update
12. promises sealed with a kiss

8. two can keep a secret

1.3K 45 1
By fantasysteph

In learning that Satomi was the alpha they were to be looking for Derek needed help, and while he had Lulu's help she thought it'd be best to ask someone else as well considering she'd never been in the Beacon Hills woods.

That's how Derek and Lulu ended up at the High School once again, only this time during day time. That is after they had a talk at the loft; 

"This has gotten too dangerous, you should leave soon" Derek tries to get her to listen but all Lulu does is tie her sneakers - she'd preferred them to combat boots considering the boots restricted her ankles when running

"I said I was going to stay to help you get answers." Lulu answers before looking up at him "I am not leaving"

"There is a supernatural Deadpool Lulu, you are a supernatural being!" Derek sternly states arms crossed but he should know better by now that his best glares didn't work on her 

"Who is not on the list!" Lulu stands up arms resting on her hips suddenly feeling like a little kid arguing for what she thought was right

"You don't know that"

"That is just it. I do not have to know if I am or not on the list, I said I was going to stay and I will. I help my friends. I am not going to leave you." Lulu stands her ground while her last words run through her head. Did it sound too intimate?

Luckily her pink cheeks had long vanished once they'd arrived at the school whose halls were empty.

While Lulu wanted to go to the office to sign Malia out Derek decided to call her name in a whisper and make her skip. It'd worked because the girl walked towards them annoyed, "What are you doing here?"

"Brett's still out of it. I need to find his pack and warn them about the Deadpool." Derek answers her question while holding one of Brett's shirts

Malia looks between the two not knowing why they needed her, "So, what do you need me for?"

"I know a little something about this pack..." Derek vaguely shares walking towards the girl "They have a kind-of secret meeting place in the woods. No one's spent more time in the woods of Beacon Hills than you. This is Brett's."

"You are going to want to breathe it in," Lulu nods encouragingly looking down at the shirt tossed at Malia

"I-I'm not good at that yet" Malia shakes her head

Lulu steps forward and takes the girl's hand, "Malia, it is okay, we're here to teach you"

Hesitantly Malia raises the shirt up to her nose while Derek walked her through what she should be sensing for, "Focus on the different scents. Some are tied to identity... others give off an emotion."

It takes a minute but Malia looks up at the two adults having picked up on something.

The drive to the preserve was silent for the most part, Lulu tried to make conversation but Malia and Derek were both people who replied in short one-letter sentences.

Arriving at the forest and getting out of the parked car Derek explains more of what he knows, "Their Alpha is a woman called Satomi. She's one of the oldest Werewolves alive, and she's learned a lot."

"What does that mean?"

"She's a bitten Werewolf." Derek answers Malia's question as they trek through the forest path "Learning control wasn't easy for her- she did something a long time ago that changed her. The quote is a mantra. It helps them with control"

"Do you have something like that?" Malia asks Lulu, who from what she'd gathered and heard the woman was a bitten werewolf

"No." Lulu shrugs following Malia's lead while also being aware of their surroundings for Derek's sake "I am just always mad. I learned accepting that was the quickest way to control my emotions. If you can not name what you feel it just leads to confusion"

Malia had been listening but stopped at the sudden change in the air. Derek was the first to ask, "What is it?"


"No..." Lulu whispers knowing gunpowder would mean they could be out of time but being able to smell it meant it wasn't a rescue mission anymore

Malia walks forward and stops where a few bullet casings had fallen making Derek kneel down and pick one up, "If Brett's pack is out here, I don't think they're meeting... They're hiding."


Night had fallen and they came up short, so they headed back to the car having no other plan. Feeling like it was her fault Malia closes the car door and apologizes, "I'm sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry about. If they don't want to be found, then we're not going to find them. Some Werewolves have an ability... a kind of mastery over their bodies, where they can actually inhibit their scent." Derek explains knowing trying to find Satomi's pack was a long shot and to relieve some of the pressure they'd put on the teen girl he says "Just like Lulu did the first time we met"

Malia turns to look at Lulu, "You can hide from other Werewolves?"

"From anyone who is trying to find me," Lulu shrugs as she'd learned about her masking one day when traveling and getting chills to run down her back only to realize she'd been in the presence of a werewolf but they did not once look her way

Malia understanding that the ability was more common than not made things click, "So that's why nobody knew about Brett..."

"Same with Demarco." Derek makes sure to mention

"Maybe we need to try something different." Malia trails off before a light bulb goes off "Maybe we need to think like Stiles!"

"...Like a hyperactive spaz?" Derek questions not understanding the supposed brilliant and only idea being shared

Lulu lets a smile curl her lips and asks, "How does Stiles think?"

"Like a detective." Malia states getting into detective thinking state "If they're really Buddhists, then maybe, instead of asking where Werewolves hide, we should be asking..."

"Where would Buddhists hide..." Derek trails off being the one who knows most about Buddhism leaving the two girls to look at each other "When Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree, he looked to the east for enlightenment."

"Is there some kind of eastern point in Beacon Hills?" Malia asks still not having visited every area in Beacon Hills in her human form

"Yeah... at Lookout Point..."

At the answer, Lulu looks at Derek, "So is that like the town's makeout spot?"

"Something like that," Derek states looking at Lulu who didn't believe where they were going was anything but a makeout spot for teens

Lookout Point was just what the name said it would be, giving anyone who stood on the cliff an overview of the city. It would have been prettier if they were looking for a pack before assassins do.

Lulu takes Derek's hand knowing he wasn't as aware of his surroundings as the two werewolves. The hand on his makes Derek look over and see how frozen both girls were, "Lulu..."

"You don't smell that?" Malia asks before Lulu can covertly tell him that something bad happened a few feet away from them that was obscured by the trees

"Wait for me... Right here..." Derek tells them both while walking past them

Derek walks to where Malia and Lulu had been facing and behind a few trees he meets a sight that freezes him. There were bodies upon bodies of people - Sotami's pack - all dead.
Malia, not being a fan of following orders, walks in Derek's direction with Lulu, who didn't want to be alone, following and regretting it.

At the sight Lulu quickly turns away never seeing so many dead bodies, and being a werewolf was working against her. The smell the dead bodies were emitting was enough to make her want to gag. Lulu curls her fingers into her palm being able to feel her nails pierce her skin - she needed some form of control to not run away from the sight.

Out of the three supernatural being Lulu was the only one who still had golden eyes. So to her someone doing such a thing to people made no sense, she was out of her comfort zone to the max. Lulu was finally understanding why Derek kept telling her it was dangerous to stay, was keeping her word worth the risk?

Malia couldn't help but ask at the sight of the bodies, "What happened?"

"I think they might have been poisoned." Derek answers as the people all had black goo coming out of their eyes, mouth, noses and ears

"That's great... If assassins with guns don't get you, then the ones with wolfsbane poison will. Or maybe one with no mouth." Malia looks at the mass bodies as if it was an everyday sight "Maybe we should all be running from Beacon Hills... Running for our lives, as fast as we can."

Malia turns to leave knowing there was nothing they could do. Derek was willing to follow while Lulu stays standing her eyes moving from one dead person to the next

"Wait..." Lulu looks around being able to hear a faint heart beat within all the bodies

Lulu starts to move and runs towards where Braeden laid on the ground away from the pack, raising a hand drenched in blood and black goo so they could notice her.

a/n: it's been a while i know.

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