To Be Afraid (a story of abus...

By ecameronx

7.7K 99 27


To Be Afraid (a story of abuse)
To Be Afraid Chapter 2
To Be Afraid chapter three
TBA chapter 5
TBA chapter 6

To Be Afraid chapter 4

1K 10 4
By ecameronx

I felt Joey's arms go around me as i put my face into his chest. I heard the doctor mumble" I'm 90% sure that her parents broke her ankle. I'll call a gang of EMS to bring her and her sister to the hospital I don't want to examine the older one further until we check her ankle." I looked up at him with a scowl on my face " I have a name GodDamnit! It's Kailyn. KAILYN. Not the 'older one'!" I screamed at him while he stood there with a shock face. Joey whispered to me to calm down and i sunk back into my seat. I looked over at AnnaBeth and she was in tears from my fiasco. " AnnaBeth, i'm  so sorry. Come here sis." I opened my arms for her and she got down from Joey's mom's arms and ran over to me. I picked her up and put her on my lap. Holding her close, I looked around seeing everyone look at me. I gave them all a confused look except for the doctors, who hadn't even looked over since he was on his phone. We sat for a few minuites until we heard the doctor's phone snap shut. " Okay Kailyn you and AnnaBeth are going to go to the hospital to finish getting checked out. You're ankle cant really be checked anymore until  we get it x-rayed and AnnaBeth needs some stiches for some of her cuts." I nodded back at him as AnnaBeth snuggled into my shoulder, exhausted.

We waited in semi uncomfortable silence until the EMS showed up. They rolled in a streacher and motioned for me to get on it. I groaned, dreading  the attention it'll bring. Hamilton was never a very big city but Joey lived on a street where nothing ever happened. I knew that by the time we got into the ambulance, practically the whole neighbourhood would be on their porches watching. Reluctantly, Joey helped me onto the streacher and placed the now sleeping AnnaBeth on my lap. While we were pushed out the door, I scanned the area seeing that everyone was either on their porch or not home just like I thought.  I sighed, this is gonna be a long night.


filler chapter i know! im sorry ive gotten grounded, and what not!

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