Yugioh arc-V:The sacred dueli...

By Darkimator

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What if someone from our world was reborn into the Yugioh Arc-V anime and what if he had the sacred beast and... More

Chapter 1:the twin pendulums
Chapter 2:A dark hero
Chapter 3:fusion vs fusion
Chapter 4:the rebellion twins and the XYZ invasion
Chapter 5 LID vs you show part 1
Chapter 6:LID vs you show part 2
Chapter 7:LID vs you show part 3
Chapter 8:A dark truth
Chapter 9:Race to the championship
Chapter 11:The End?? Part 1
Chapter 12:The End?? Part 2
Chapter 13:The End?? Part 3
Chapter 14:The End?? Part 4
Chapter 15:The End?? Part 5
Chapter 16:The End?? Part 6

Chapter 10:Maiami championship begins

716 14 10
By Darkimator

A few days had passed since Hao duel with shay and Fyuya duel with Kaiba

In those few days Yuya had faced his last opponent Gong and qualified for the tournament now it was the day the tournament would begin

"Gosh where is he if Yuya doesn't get here soon all those duels he had to qualify would be for nothing"Allie said as everyone from you show is at LID for the maiami championship except for Yuya

"Don't worry about Yuya he'll be here soon"Hao said which didn't really help as zuzu just sigh at how Yuya did the same thing when it came to the duel with the sledgehammer

A few minutes pass as Yuya arrives and a person Hao really didn't like appeared

"Well well if it isn't Yuya sakaki son of the coward yusho sakaki"

"Grizzlepike!!"Yuya was shocked to see him and his sister old bully

"Heh I'm surprised you showed up or maybe you want be like your father and pull a disappearing act"grizzlepike laughed as Fyuya then try to walk up and punch him for insulting Yuya and her father but Hao stopped

"Grizzlepike right"Hao asked already knowing who Grizzlepike is and what he did in the anime

"Yeah what's it to you"

"Let me ask you something why are you insulting yusho sakaki when you are the coward here"

"What you say you little punk"

"All I'm saying is that those who pick on the weak are nothing more than pathetic cowards"

"Oh now you've done it"Grizzlepike then tries to punch Hao only for gong to arrive and stop him

"Tch you got lucky kid if we face of in the tournament I'll make sure to destroy you"

Grizzlepike then leaves as a announcement is said that the maiami championship is about to begin as then everyone then goes to prepare

At the stadium everyone from each school is introduced but the people in you show notice that Hao isn't with as nico smiley then announces

"Finally we have four pro duelist please give a warm welcome to SETO KAIBA who will be in the senior division,JOEY WHEELER who will be in the junior youth division,then GOLD YUKI in the youth division and finally the dark hero himself HAO YUKI in the junior youth division"everyone was cheering as they saw the pro duelist but even more excited when it was revealed that Hao was the dark hero the contestant who didn't know where shocked to know that Hao was the dark hero

The opening ceremony then ended as the duelist placed a card in their duel disk to see who they are dueling

"My duel is against Julia I guess I'm getting my rematch"zuzu said as most of them said the same duels they had in cannon except Allie

"Who are you facing Hao"Fyuya asks as then she sees Hao smirking at who he is facing

"Let's just say my duel is going to a bit violent"Hao said showing his duel disk as it shows his opponent is iggy Arlo who he didn't like cause he got to violent when it came to dueling

"Hey gold is the poor kid facing you"Hao asked confident that no one in the youth division could beat his little brother

"I'm facing Riley"

"Wait what!!!"

Then the tournament had started with Fredrick winning his duel with his doodle monster but then was a duel Hao didn't expect

"Now our next match here is Riley akaba from LID facing of against the second youngest pro to have appeared gold yuki"

"I hope to have a good match Riley"

"Same to you but you will be the first to face my new deck and fall"

"We'll see"as both duelist place there duel disk and activate it they both yell out and the action field called garden of peace activates surrounding them in a beautiful garden

Action duel!!!

Riley akaba (LP:4000) Gold yuki (LP:4000)

Turn 1

"I will go first I activate the spell card dark magical circle which will allow me to look at the top three cards of my deck and add either dark magician or a spell/trap that mentions dark magician and look at this I got dark magician then I place the remaining cards in any order I want"

As all of that happens Hao wonders what is Riley new deck he would think it is his C/C deck but he has a feeling it isn't

"Now I set two cards and end my turn your up"

Turn 2

"Well draw"Riley looks at her hand and smiles what she does though shocked Hao "I summon stack reviver" (ATK/100, Def/600, LV:2)


"Now I link the circuit using my stack reviver to link summon LINK DISCIPLE" (Atk/500 Link 1)

"She just linked summon but I thought those were only legends"Fyuya said to Hao shock now knowing that in this Version of arc-v link monsters exist

"Now then I activate double summon so now say hello to cyberse gadget" (Atk/1400, Def/300, LV:4) "now I activate cyberse gadget effect to special summon back my stack reviver and now I set stack reviver, link disciple and cyberse gadget to link summon ENCODE TALKER" (Atk/2300, Link 3)

(Now I'm not so sure if my little brother can win he has no idea what he's facing but I do the cyberse code talker deck as some of the greatest links with it having every summoning method except pendulum this will definitely be difficult for my little brother)Hao thought to himself with a surprise look on his face

"Now I activate cyberse gadget effect to summon a gadget token but then with stack reviver I summon back cyberse gadget and link itself with my token to link summon FLAME ADMINISTRATOR" (Atk/1200, Link 2) "now with his effect all my gain 800 attack points"encode talker (2300+800=3100) flame administrator (1200+800=2000)

"Now then I..."

"Hold that thought I activate eternal soul and use its effect to special summon dark magician from my hand come my ever fateful companion DARK MAGICIAN" (Atk/2500, Def/2100, LV:7)

"That's the monster that stoped Hao armityle"gong said as everyone also noticed it

"Now with dark magical circle I can banish a card on your field if my dark magician is summoned to my field so say goodbye to encode talker"

"Dang it I set one card and end my turn"

Turn 3

"Ok then draw"gold stares at his hand and finds the perfect combo "first I summon magician's rod" (Atk/1600, Def/100, LV:3 "with its effect I will add my eye of timaeus then with my eternal soul I special summon a second dark magician activating my dark magical circle again so say goodbye to your flame administrator"

Riley then starts looking for an action card when she then finds one a flower leaf and grabs it before gold can try and stop her "I activate the action spell invisibility with it you can't target flame administrator with effects"

"Doesn't matter cause now I build the overlay network with my two dark magician's now illusion master come to this field and make all who stand before you disappear I xyz summon EBON ILLUSION MAGICIAN" (Atk/2500, Def/2100, Rank:7)

"Welp this is going to be a big problem for Riley"

"Why is that Hao I mean gold just got rid of two monsters for a monster with exact same attack and defense points"Allie asked as Hao doesn't answer and just focuses on the duel

"Now I activate ebon illusion magician effect by using one overlay unit I can special summon my final dark magician that's in my deck and with this it's over I activate the eye of timaeus to fuse with my dark magician now then Legendary dragon fuse together with the all powerful master magician of darkness come together to create the dragon the holds a sacred item fusion summon AMULET DRAGON" (Atk/2900, Def/2500, LV:8)

Everyone stared at awe at amulet dragon as runes seem to be going around the dragon in bright lights

"Now time for battle ebon illusion magician attack flame administrator ILLUSION STRIKE"

"Nope not Happening I activate my trap negate attack with this your attack ends and so does the battle phase"

"Dang it I end my turn"

"So close he almost had her"Yuya said making Hao start thinking of what else is Riley going to do

Turn 4

"My turn now draw I activate monster reborn to summon back my encode talker but now I summon Lady debug" (Atk/1700, Def/1400, LV:4) "with her effect I can add a level 3 or lower cyberse to my hand so I'll add micro coder and now if I try to link summon a code talker I can use micro coder in my hand so now I use Lady debug and my micro coder to link summon CODE TALKER" (Atk/1300, Link 2)

"My brother better hope she doesn't summon that monster or he's doomed"Hao said to everyone confusion

"Gong don't understand do you know how Riley cards work"

"Let's just say this isn't my first time seeing this deck"

"With micro coder effect I can add a cynet spell or trap card to my hand Now I use flame administrator and code talker to link summon dragon who destroys the most dangerous viruses come forth FIREWALL DRAGON" (Atk/2500, Link 4)

As firewall dragon appears a great amount of wind stormed around it as it roars to only few understood what was really going on

"Now my firewall dragon and encode talker are what is known as a co link which is when the arrows of the link monsters point to each other and because of this firewall dragon's effect activates so I can return monster from the field or graveyard and return them to the hand or for amulet dragon sake back to the extra deck"

"Uh oh this doesn't seem good"

"Trust me gold it gets worse I now activate the the field spell cynet storm"

As Riley activates the field spell a tornado forms behind her as the winds from it are moving Gold to it

"Now with this my link monsters gain 500 Atk and Def"Firewall dragon (Atk/2500+500=3000) Encode talker (Atk/2300+500=2800)

"Now encode talker attack ebon illusion magician"

"I activate my eternal soul to special summon my dark magician and with its effect I can banish your cynet storm so your monsters attack return to normal so say goodbye"

Riley akaba LP:4000-200=3800

"After four turns we finally have the first damage"

"I end my turn"

Turn 5

"My turn draw I activate my eternal soul and revive my other dark magician In my graveyard then I activate dark magical circle say goodbye to firewall dragon now I activate polymerization to fuse dark magician girl from my hand and my magician's rod together now apprentice of dark magic fuse with the staff of darkness to form a duo of magicians I fusion summon THE DARK MAGICIANS" (Atk/2800, Def/2300, LV:8)

"Well this duel is over for Riley"Hao said with Fredrick being confused

"But why"

"Because she has nothing to defend herself with you see she knew that if she didn't finish Gold on her last turn she would lose cause of his dark magical circle"

"Now my two dark magicians attack her directly and finish this DARK MAGIC ATTACK" as the attacks hit Riley is sent bouncing back

Riley akaba LP:3800-5000=-1200

Winner:Gold yuki

The field then disappears as Riley then starts to get up as Gold walks up to her wanting to shake hands "that was an amazing duel hope we can duel again Riley"as Gold then smiles also making Riley blush she then shakes his hand and says "me too This duel was fun"

After that Zuzu duels Julia, Gong duels Grizzlepike with Hao helping Yuya to get his sash with then Yuya dueling Sylvio and finally Hao's duel comes up as he walks up to the duel field were his opponent Iggy arlo stands there ready to duel

"You know you could smile more then this duel will get less boring"

"...."Iggy says nothing

"That's what I thought "Sigh" guess if you want I serious duel I should give you it but trust by the end of this duel you'll wish you were never my opponent"as Hao says this a dark aura could be seen surrounding him as the action field Land of fiends which is a dessert wasteland with many ruined fiend statues all around

Action duel!!!

Iggy Arlo (LP:4000) Hao yuki (LP:4000)

Turn 1

"I will start this turn I summon Ika the sacred star" (Atk/0, Def/0, LV:1) "with his effect I can normal summon again so I summon Hayate the earth star" (Atk/2100, Def/0, LV:5) "now with him I special summon Kaiki the unity star" (Atk/1000, Def/2100, LV:5) "I set one card and that's the end"

Turn 2

"And that was your only turn because to be completely honest I hate people like you who use power to get what you want and treat others like garbage so now with my turn THIS DUEL ENDS DRAW"as he draws a dark aura could be seen bursting out with everyone from you show and Hao family watching with gold noticing something


"What do you means Gold"Fyuya asks sounding both confused and worried

"My brother using his sacred beast deck"with gold saying this all those from you show start to get shivers and stare at the duel like a massacre is about to happen

"Now I summon dark beckoning beast" (Atk/0, Def/0, LV:2) "now I add to my hand raviel lord of phantasm to my hand then thanks to my beckoning beast I normal summon chaos summoning beast" (Atk/0, Def/0, LV:1) "and now your done for"a dark aura surrounds Hao as a shadow of armityle is seen manifesting behind him

"Son why are you doing this"Roa says worried for his son


As raviel appears the crowd starts to get scared as it fully manifest with a chilling dark aura

"Now I'm not done by banishing chaos summoning beast I get to add the field spell fallen paradise and I'll immediately activate it"as Hao says this a tree starts to grow with no leaves at all "now thanks to it I get to draw 2 new cards and now I activate the spell card double summon and now I tribute dark beckoning beast to summon my dark summoning beast and now with its effect by tributing it I can special summon from my deck THE RULER OF LIGHTNING AND THUNDER HAMON LORD OF STRIKING THUNDER" (Atk/4000, Def/4000, LV:10)

Iggy can only stare in horror as hamon appears roaring with lightning striking around it

"Now then I activate the spell card cerulean skyfire and finally now raviel attack Ika the sacred star SHIMMERING SCRAPER"

"I activate my trap negate attack"

"Sorry but that won't work thanks to cerulean skyfire once per turn by switching Hamon to defense mode your trap is negated"

Iggy starts running for a action as he finds it he says "I activate the action spell fiend gift with this my Ika gains 2000 attack points"


As raviels attack hit Hao family notices normally in the past Hao sacred beast did real damage to his opponents but they saw Iggy flying back and falling down on his back with no cuts or any sort of injury

Iggy Arlo LP:4000-6000=-2000

Winner:Hao yuki

The entire stadium is speechless as Hao sacred beast disappear to most people eyes except for a small few who saw them as duel spirits

"Our winner is Hao yuki!!!"

Some time later before Sora duel with shay

"How did raviel not deal real damage"Lina asks her son

"Well you see...."

A/N:ok first things first I change the characters names to their English names and changed how the stats for the monster were cause I'm more familiar with their English names and for the stats to simplify things now I gave Riley a cyberse code talker deck cause I wanted her to be even better than Declan now I will say it the next part is going to be the start of the end of the standard arc hope you enjoyed this chapter

Ika the sacred star
(Earth/warrior/effect, LV:1, Atk/0, Def/0)

Effect:you can conduct one extra normal summon after summoning this card.all warrior type fusion monsters on the field gain 1000 attack while this card is on the field.

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