A Photographer's Viewpoint

By ItIsITheFreak

123K 5.4K 255

Isabella enjoys her life of being single and lives lavishly every passing day. She has absolutely no interest... More

Character Profile
I'm Fine, Couldn't Be Any Better
Called It
The Dreadful Day
The Photographer
A Proposal
It's Not That Much, Really
Meaningless Banter
Sweet Words And Trouble
Lessons, Friends And More Trouble
She's Unaware
It Was Nice
Missing You
A Bit Of Romance
A Normal Day
A Date
Hold Me
Not Like Before
The Old Routine
Talk, Don't Run
The True Opposite Of Love
Unknown Surprise
Author's Note

Do What Feels Right

3.4K 141 4
By ItIsITheFreak


"I mean, he is pretty cute..." Casper admitted, a pink hue overtaking her cheeks. She took the last swig of the can and placed it along with the others.

"Aww, look at you blushing." I point out and chuckle when she rolled her eyes at me.

Apparently she started getting interested in someone who was crushing on her. It took some time for her to realize that she liked the guy as well and was completely dumbfounded when she experienced certain things. Like how her heartbeat quickened whenever he was near, how she looked forward to seeing him, the way she felt comfortable around him and all of those other cheesy stuff. It was cute to see her blush at the mere thought of him. She didn't mention any of this while Luciel was awake as she she didn't want to get picked on by her. Luckily, Luciel was out cold and wouldn't even wake up to an earthquake according to Casper.

My focus than averted back to Luciel who was fast asleep with her head resting on my lap. I smiled as she wrapped an arm around my waist and let out soft snores. I continued running my fingers through her hair let out a content sigh.

"So, when are the two of you gonna start dating?"

I look up at her Casper and see her looking at Luciel's sleeping figure.

Dating... I haven't done that in a while.

Hearing no response from me, Casper continued, "Isabella, you do realize Luciel likes you right? Even a fool would notice."

"I know"

"And? How do you feel about her?"

"....I think we both know the answer to that." I murmured.

I didn't have to say it out loud or hint at it as it was obvious like day and night, even a stranger would see. Whenever I'm around her I feel like my worries instantly fade away and my only focus is her and nothing but her.

"Then tell me, what exactly is stopping you two from dating?" Casper asked, this time her eyes were on me.

"Seriously? Isn't it quite obvious?"


I nodded in response and finished the remainder of my drink and focused on the thick strands of hair running through my fingers.

Luciel had told me that her and Rose were in a relationship that only consisted of sex and nothing more. I've ran into Rose a couple of times before Luciel and I's relationship deepened and turned to what it is now. As time went by, I haven't heard about Rose or seen her at all. And because of that, I felt relieved but guilt settled alongside the feeling of peace.

"Just so you know, Luciel hasn't slept with Rose eversince she met you."

I paused as I took in Casper's words and look up to her.


"You heard me." Casper said with a smile, "Eversince she met you at that wedding she didn't even bother contacting Rose, even went as far as avoiding her at all costs-"

"Casper where exactly are you going with this?" I asked impatiently.

Casper's eyes lingered on me, holding a calculating gaze,"Let's just say I'm sick and tired of seeing the two of you playing the game cat-and-mouse."
With that, she got up with a hint of a smile, said a simple 'bye'. My eyes remained on her retreating figure till she was no longer in my view; the sound of the door opening and closing drifting down the corridor.

The game of cat-and-mouse...

I disagree with her.

Then again, the way we see things are differently. It's not like Luciel is chasing after me while I run away. Or maybe it would be better if the roles were switched? But even so, I don't believe the game would apply to the two of us. Although, I did feel a sense of relief. It was a fleeting moment, but when Casper mentioned that Luciel hadn't layed a finger on Rose since she met me, it made my heart skip a beat; it gave me hope. Maybe, just maybe me and Luciel could be official.

But would she want that?

For now, I could say yes but I'm not entirely sure. Yes, Luciel is like an open book but that doesn't mean she doesn't have any secrets of her own. And besides, I wasn't sure if Luciel had lingering feelings for Rose or not.

Not long after, Luciel stirred in her sleep.

"She leave?" Luciel asked groggily.

"Mm, she left not too long ago."

"Tsk, finally." She grumbled.

"How long were you awake for?"

"Just woke up,"

She sat up and stretched out with her arms above her head. Turning to me, she placed a kiss on my cheek,"Mainly because you stopped running your fingers through my hair"

"I must've been deep in thought, sorry 'bout that," I tell her and place a kiss on her lips in return,"mind if I sleep over? I don't really feel like going back to empty home."

"Allistor kidnap your cat?"

Luciel placed her hands on my waist and guided me to her lap. I straddled her while both my arms hung over her shoulders with her hands remaining on my waist.

"Mhm" I humm and close my eyes, when her lips came into contact with my neck.

"Good, 'cause I wasn't going to let you leave either way"

My lips found hers in the next second. I breathed out in satisfaction when our tongues collided in slow sensual rhythm. The alcoholic beverage of earlier wasn't bitter, and was rather sweet coating her tongue. The feel of her lips against mine had me deepening our kiss and bring her closer to me as much as I can.

Why does she have to taste so good?

She said I was a good kisser, but the more our tongues tangle, the more I realize that I'm not entirely in control. Her hands were roaming my back, making me crave her touch. A touch that was rough yet soft and warm; a touch never failing to hide what it desires.

"As much as I'd like to take you, I think it's best if we reschedule." She whispered in the crook of my neck, trailing kisses on my skin while her arms held me in place, "you have work tommorow and will most likely be bedridden by the time I'm finished with you"

I say nothing and only let her rest her head on my chest while my fingers run through her hair once more.

Going back to a empty house sounded amazing. Now, it just sounds out of the ordinary, as if I've always had someone waiting for me back at home. Allistor kidnapped Dobbie at times but I didn't mind, even with or without a cat or another presence it was all the same to me. But now, the thought of walking to a empty house just scares me.

Was I lonely?


But I didn't mind.

Work was my number one priority and living a certain lifestyle which I always dreamt of was my only goal. Hell, I even set a goal to live the rest of my life as a cat-lady and to be honest, the thought remains.

Old and retired, surrounded by a three or four felines while laying back with a glass of red wine and a book by my favorite author, it sounds delightful.

Yes, that's the future I should be looking forward to.

"Wanna shower or we just heading straight to bed?"

I look down at Luciel and see her eyes on the verge of closing,"I think it's best we head to bed, that nap you took barely did much."


Agreeing with me, Luciel carried me to the bedroom, my legs wrapped around her waist with her arms supporting me. She gave me one of her shirts to have me sleep in and only got rid of her hoodie and shoes before slumping down underneath the covers.

After I dressed, I slipped in as quietly as possible and let out a sigh of relief when I succeeded. Unfortunately, Luciel had other plans as she pulled me closer and allowed our legs to tangle while her head rested below my chin. Yet again, she encased me in her arms while I allowed myself hug her head.

Knowing she was already fast asleep, I still whispered a 'goodnight' in the crook of her head.


"You hear the news?"

I raise a questioning brow at Allistor.

"According to Eleanor, Mariah is actually starting to rethink the whole marriage thing"

"Why am I not even suprised..." I mutter.

"Well, you sure as hell don't look one bit suprised."

"Mariah is a total drama queen. I may not know her personally, but from my observation I can tell that she tends to overreact at times. Give it a couple of days and next thing you know she'll be bragging about how Fergus did something nice for her"

"Bet?" Allistor asks with a tilt of his head, a few strands of his hair falling out of place.

"Bet" I say with certainty.

Without another word, Allistor strolls off with a chuckle, blowing at the  steaming cup of coffee in hand.

Seeing as I don't have much to do, I decided to clear up the clutter on my desk. Old and crumpled paper lay all over with a few sweet wrappers and pens. Unsorted files and documents were stacked on each other that didn't need my attention until later. As I was attempting to clear everything up, someone came to stand in front of my desk. Assuming it was Allistor I asked:

"What? You having second thoughts on our bet?"


I drop the paper in suprise when I heard the voice I least expected.

"Mariah, can I help you with something?"

The first thing I took note of when my gaze fell on her was the way her hands were at a front that were awfully fidgety. The exterior of make-up and hair that had been done with absolute precision failed to hide her nervousness.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you in private"

Confused, I only raise a brow at her retreating figure. I adjusted my shirt and followed her out to the smoking area. As I was walking behind her, I wrecked my mind on finding any possible reasons as to why she wanted to talk to me. We barely talked to each other at work so I couldn't understand what she needed to discuss with me, in private no less.

Was it something personal?

No, if it was then she would talked to Eleanor about it. The two were close and would often sit together during lunch or just talk about whenever they had free time.

I was sure that it wasn't work related. If so, she wouldn't have asked to talk to me in private.

Deciding not to give myself a headache, I decided the best solution would be to hear what she has to say.

I simply watched as she placed a ciggarette between her lips, the lighter in hand flaring with a small flame as it lit it up the tobacco. Mariah took a long drag, her cheeks slightly hollowing as a result. As she let the smoke out, her shoulders visibly lost some of their tension.

"You know, I've always wondered why you and Allistor seemed so close. He's always so...outgoing when it comes to you"

Her eyes remained trained on the smoke wafting from her ciggarette. I walked next to her and leaned on the railing while observing the cars driving by.

"I think we both know the reason behind that" I tell her.

"Well, I'd like to hear it from you. Why is that whenever Eleanor approaches him he always gives her the cold shoulder?"

I glance at her and see her already looking at me. Again, I tried wrecking my brain on where this was going. What's the sudden interest in Allistor? And why does she want to hear something from me that she's already aware about?

I simply let out a chuckle in response and looked back at the cars.

"Well, it isn't any of my concern anyways."

I say nothing and wait for her to continue.

"Thing is, I wanted to talk to you about something. I can't exactly confide in Eleanor as she is the one I'm speaking about"

She leaned down on the railing alongside me and took another drag of her ciggarette, slowly blowing it out.

"A few days ago the two of us decided to hangout for a bit. One thing led to another, and well, Eleanor was on top of me with her tongue down my throat"

"I'm sorry I think I heard that wrong, come again?"

"You heard me loud and clear"

"Quick question, why exactly are you telling me?" I ask and point to myself for emphasis,"I mean, I don't mind but I'm sure you have other friends to talk-"

"I get it, we're not close but you're the only person I could think of. If I told  anyone else, the whole damn firm would know in a matter of minutes"

"And how can you be so sure I won't do the same?" I ask with genuine curiousity.

"Cause I know you wouldn't step that low. I've known you long enough to be sure, anyways, what do you think I should do?"

It suprised that she thought so highly of me and that she somehow trusted me. But I'll admit, what she said was true. For one, I'm not necessarily interested in people's personal lives. The only reason why I decided to make a bet with Allistor in the first place was for his sake, the guy does love any source of entertainment, even if it is a bit of gossip.

"I'll be blunt." I state, "What you did was messed up but I can't exactly act as a Saint and say 'do what's right and tell him'."

"So what do I do?" She murmured.

"Do what feels right. If you decide to tell him and it fucks up your marriage, well, it fucks up your marriage. And if you decide to keep it to yourself, be prepared to live with the guilt"

There wasn't exactly an easy way out of it. She either tells the guy or she doesn't, both options leaving her with messed up consequences. And besides, I don't want to feel like shit if I told her what to do and then things end up going south, for all I know he might be a softie and forgive her, or, Mariah might realize that what she did with Eleanor was just her being curious. There could be a number of outcomes so I wasn't exactly sure.

"I'll think about it."

She spritzed on some perfume and slipped the small bottle back into her blazer's inner pocket, then headed back inside.

"Talk about being blunt..." I murmured to myself.

I've realized that Mariah and I are similar in a few aspects. Yes, the conversation was short but compared to her wedding day, she seemed more...cold. She didn't say how she felt and kept the conversation short. Her facial expression remained the same, almost as if we were conversating over a mundane topic.

Deciding that I've had enough of looking at cars, I headed back inside.

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