Par Amour [Taekook ff]

By AfroArmyGirl

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TYPE: πŸ”² General Fiction | βœ”οΈ Taekook ff | πŸ”² Non-Fiction Date Started: 04.30.2023 Date Finished:... More

i | intro
ii | character descriptions
iii | Par Amour Playlist
1 | The Proposition
2 | The Documents
4 | Playing With Fire
5 | Rescue A Prince
6 | Christmas Candy
7 | White Wedding Cake
8 | A Day To Remember
9 | His Favorite Par Amour
10 | Happy New Year
11 | Moth to a Flame
12 | Friend and Friend
13 | Taken to Bed
14 | Is It Working?
15 | Collect Your Man
16 | Not of This World
17 | Total Bliss
18 | Now It's Over
19 | Clientele
20 | Taught Him to Love
21 | Screaming His Name
22 | The Real Deal
23 | A New Friendship
24 | Join Me
25 | Valentine's Day
26 | Together-Together
27 | Shacking Up
28 | Too Good To Be True
29 | Tears of Worry
30 | One of Her Shooters
31 | Room 128
32 | Time To Come Clean
33 | He Left
34 | Someone I'd Like You To Meet
35 | I Want You To Go
36 | March Has Come
37 | Good Night, Baby πŸ‘…
38 | A Little Baby Girl
39 | I Hate You Too, Baby
40 | Par Amour
iv | Final Author's Note
v | Character's Q & A
vii | Playlist Narrative

3 | When Do We Start?

2.4K 97 33
By AfroArmyGirl

Jungkook had never had to wait for anyone. He usually made demands and got whatever he wanted. He needed another personal escort and his choice was keeping him waiting by not responding to Jimin's texts.

His demands didn't seem to be too much. Not to him anyways. Maybe he came on too strong at the second interview? He knew he attacked Taehyung but there was a force driving him.


Yes, it was lust. But also he had to know if he would give him the -D on the spot when he wanted it. He found that he would. Jungkook could also tell that Taehyung was attracted to him. That would be key.

Was Taehyung being hesitant because he thought he was 50 shades? He was definitely not Grey, or so he thought. He had read the books and didn't see a resemblance in his behavior compared to the illustrious Christian Grey. Well except they both like to get sex in uncommon ways. He wanted sex without emotional attachment. But he was not a Christian Grey.

Having Taehyung as his new personal could only be beneficial. He kept replaying in his mind how fast Taehyung satisfied him. Check. He was good-looking. Check. He probably wouldn't mind spending a tiny amount of time with him as a public date. Check. Jungkook wanted Taehyung to be the one. His next personal. He hoped he would get with Jimin soon.

"No messages yet. Are you sure you guys hit it off the other night because he's taking an extra long time in getting back to you," Jimin stated as he slumped down into his office sectional. Jimin was interrupting his thought process by barging into his office.

"Well, I gave him until Friday which is tomorrow."

"But still, he hasn't called. He hasn't texted or emailed. You may have run him off with all that 'I don't do feelings shit.' And he's so young. At least he looks young. But his application did give his age. He may not understand how all of this works. Taehyung's only 22," he claimed as he looked down at his file.

"I know. You don't have to keep reminding me about how young he is. And don't give me that 'you're a cougar look.' I'm only 30. There's just an 8-year gap."

"Just saying, by now we should be hearing from your sugar baby. Maybe we should be looking for a backup."

"Ok fine. Contact the agency and have them send me pictures please," he said before leaving for the day. "Have them text me this time and not via email."

"Ok and don't forget about tonight. We are having drinkies at the club. Don't be late this time. I'll be hungry and ready to order food once I'm there," Jimin reminded him. If all guests were not present, the bar wouldn't seat them.

"Could you just pre-order me the egg and spinach dish we had last time and the roasted hummus dip? I'll need to go home and freshen up a bit."

"Ok Gotcha!" Jimin confirmed as he walked him out.

He made it home and took a quick shower. After getting dressed and putting his face on, he answered a few business emails while drinking a glass of wine. Though he loved hanging out with the group, it took a lot of emotional energy to engage with them and other people at the bar. In other words, he had to be drinking to get through it. Why they were doing this on a Thursday night, he had forgotten already.

The club VERS was a pristine gay bar on 9th Avenue where they served good food and played host to the fabulous Jimin and his friends from time to time. Jungkook had become a part of the friend group and hung out with them almost exclusively.

He took an Uber to 9th Avenue and found his friends waiting outside the bar. He was on time for a change.

"Bitch you look hot!" Jimin exclaimed. He grew to learn that his boss and friend would never disappoint in the fashion department. As a matter of fact, some outfits he wore to work he could wear to the club and at a photo shoot.

"These old rags?" Jungkook said while laughing. He was thankful that the wine was working. It had loosened him up a bit. Now he needed to get inside and order from the bar.

Jimin, Jungkook, and the rest all made it to their reserved table. Jimin and Jungkook were joined by two married couples. One couple was Jisoo and Jin. Both of them were extremely beautiful and made the most gorgeous couple. Jisoo used to actually work at Joel Entertainment in the mail room with Jimin before his promotion and before Jisoo decided to have a baby. They were secretly called the baby couple. They're the ones who want to take up the whole night passing around their phones full of pictures and videos of their baby and their domestic life.


The other couple was Hyunjin and Felix. They were the youngest of the friend group. These two always looked like they came right from a photo shoot. They were both models but Felix was just starting to get roles as an actor.

Bingo! That's why we're here. Felix finally landed his first role. We're celebrating with him.

Then finally there was Hoseok. He was as chronically single as Jimin and Jungkook, except he wanted a relationship. Most girls found him too intense. And it's been rumored they couldn't handle his large penis. That's why Jungkook kept him in the friend zone- not the large penis rumor, but because Hoseok desired marriage. He was so into relationships and marriage that his good looks were not enough to even consider him to be one of Jungkook's personals. He would want love and touching and all that nonsense.

"Congratulations, Felix," Jungkook said as he took a sip of his beer.

"Yes, congrats my friend," Hoseok declared.

The rest went around giving him well wishes for his new role. They all had drinks and finally, their food came. They ate their delectables as they watched the people on the dance floor. It never ceased to amaze Jungkook how many clubs were packed on a Thursday night. But, that was New York.

"Ok guys we said we wouldn't, but these pictures are so cute. She took her first steps," Jisoo excitedly passed around her phone.


"Yeah, he's really growing up. This is totally a different photo and video than the few you emailed us all this morning," Jungkook said sarcastically.

"My god-niece is stunning. So proud of her," Hoseok exclaimed. His eyes were warm. He wanted kids and to be married so badly. He was living vicariously through Jisoo and Jin.

"So, Felix...I assume we can still call you Felix? I mean with your acting now, your clout has increased." Jimin joked. "Just wondering if there is a name change down the road?"

"It's still Felix, well unless I decide to change my name into one of those where there is only one name," Felix responded.

"Yeah like the name Jaxson with an x. That'd be so cool," Jungkook offered. "Like without the last name."

"We have been Hyunjin and Felix for so long now, I don't think I can go to being Hyunjin and Jaxson with an x," Hyunjin interjected.

Jungkook and Hoseok decided to go to the dance floor. The DJ was playing "Out Out" by Joel Corry. The dance floor was full and the bar was also. So it was odd that out of all of the people that were there, Taehyung could be spotted. Jungkook saw that he was with a couple of guys and a girl at a table.

Was he on a date?

Jungkook hurried off the dance floor and looked away. He had drank so many cocktails that he thought that maybe he was not seeing him, but a look-a-like. Could've been another tall good looking brunette at VERS tonight. But he was wrong. As soon as he made it to his table, Jungkook spotted him staring at him as he sat with his group.

Taehyung had been thinking of texting Jimin back for more info but he decided against it. Maybe he could talk to Jungkook directly? As the loud music was thumping in his ears, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful Jungkook looked in that tight body-wrapping black leather set and black Celine boots. His body was slight and muscular at the same time. This man was effortlessly gorgeous. So fucking hot. He tried to stop staring.

Does he know I'm here and that I'm gawking at him?

He didn't know him well enough to just walk up to his table while he was with friends so he decided he'd try to talk to him another time. Before midnight, tomorrow, that is. Taehyung needed to give him an answer before the day was out tomorrow and he was low-key interested. But a little nervous.

Also, to be truthful, his mind was on the sex. He had a little taste of it and loved it. He wanted more of him. That's one thing that was clear.

Taehyung was being a horrible clubmate. He was with his roommate Chris and his boyfriend Simon, along with one of Chris' coworkers. Taehyung assumed this was some type of setup. The girl was delightful but once he saw Jungkook on the dance floor, he didn't pay any of them at his table any attention. His mind was on Jungkook and the indecent proposal. And the fun they had in the living room chair. And that's exactly what all of this is, indecent.

But damn it would be good money. And great sex. He marveled at the idea that these types of relationships exist. But Yoongi knows the in and outs of this not-so-hidden business. He would definitely talk to him to get his advice.

Taehyung had questions and needed answers. Not from Jimin, but from his own 50 shades, questions that Yoongi couldn't help him out with.

Jungkook left the club with a light buzz. He had the Uber guy stop so that he could pick up a smoothie. This company made the best smoothies with lavender, vanilla, and other ingredients to help to relax before bed. He sipped it as he headed towards his apartment.

After getting off the elevator in his building, he saw him.

It was Taehyung, leaning against his door waiting for him to eventually make it home.

"Fuck you scared me just hanging out here like this." He said while unlocking his door. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I know you weren't. I saw you leave the club and figured you were coming straight home. Since you didn't give me your number to call, I decided to come straight here and wait for you. We need to talk about these documents."

"You could've messaged Jimin."

"No, I'll deal with him when it comes to scheduling but there are a few things we need to discuss-things sexual in nature."

He took his shoes off and motioned for him to sit. Jungkook just realized how stunning Taehyung looked in his ripped jeans and white button-down.


Taehyung took a seat near him and that unnerved him. He was not used to being that close to a guy unless they planned to sleep together. Taehyung was not respecting his boundaries. The smell of his cologne with the help of his chest being slightly exposed killed his buzz.

He swallowed hard.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Jungkook asked him.

"First of all, I want you to know that I've given this some serious thought. I have more questions so that I can make a better-informed decision."

"Ok shoot." He said before reaching for his smoothie. He got the smoothie because he didn't plan on having company. He had originally planned to just get in pajamas and go to bed after the meet-up at the club.

"Ok, first of all, I don't see how I will have enough time to go back and forth to school and come screw you that many times per week. I'm a man and I love sex but I'll get busy with studies sometimes. I'm getting ready to graduate and so I have educational goals that I need to meet. And I do work full-time. With flexible hours but it's still work."

"Alright so maybe during those times we will change the schedule," he suggested.

"And what would you do if you're super horny and I can't get here?" Even he was shocked at his question.

"I'll think of something." He winked.

"I can't have any type, let alone a totally sexual relationship with you if you're going to be sleeping with other people. So at this point, my answer is no. I'll take the filming position if it's still available."

Oh no.

"No, I meant there are other things people do to get themselves off. I didn't mean calling someone else up. We covered this already. Now, do you understand?"

"Oh sure ok. Next, I see that I leave right after sex. I'm ok with that. But you also said that we may go for more than one round. What if I get sleepy?"

"I'll call for you a car and get you home. You'll sleep there," Jungkook replied matter-of-factly.

"Wow, you've got this all figured out."

"I've done this before." Jungkook seemed a little smug in his response.

"But with an agency?"

"Yes. With professionals." He took another sip of his smoothie.

"Yeah right. Next, I also don't want to have kids right now, so I'm assuming you take care of birth control right?"

"Absolutely." Jungkook laughed.

"What's so funny?" He asked, feeling slightly insulted.

"This is a serious contractual obligation. But I'm laughing at how serious you are about napping and birth control. It's obvious that you've really been racking your brain over this. But tell me, what's really stopping you from telling me yes?"

"I don't like contracts like this one." He was showing him the email he got from Jimin. "What if I change my mind or you piss me off and I want to bolt? Now the non-disclosure- I get it because of who you are I know I don't need to go blabbing. But you want me to commit for months at a time and I don't even know you."

"You have these questions because you're not a professional. I get it. And as far as the contract goes, if you agree to sign the non-disclosure agreement, I'll waive the service contract. We will try on a trial basis, for like three months. But I'd still like to go by the list of wants, needs, and rules of it."

50 shades.

He looked like he was satisfied with his answer.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"One more thing."


"I want to film you."

"What the fuck? Hell, no!"

"Not filming as in sex filming I mean like a reality life film. I have a major project due and have to submit it before next May. And since I'd be around you sometimes, I wanted to use you as my muse."


"Well, take your time to think about it," he suggested.

"Yes, I'm considering it actually. But I would need to see the final film before you submit it. It wouldn't be posted online or anything right?"

"No. Professor eyes only. Some films will get chosen for a film festival. But I don't have to enter mine since you'd be uncomfortable with that."

"Oh ok, good. I'll agree to it only if we do sign an agreement that the video would not be played publicly or without my consent. I can have Jimin email you a new contract. Now, if that's it, do you want to at least try this?" He asked.

"Yes, I believe so. Here, I'll sign this right now." He had a copy of the non-disclosure agreement.

Taehyung continued, "Now, when do we start?"

Next | Playing With Fire

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