The Dark Angel (REBOOTED)

By Dominic_Sparda

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Killa Queen! Dyson no Bakudan! BITES THE DUST!! 2,000 years ago, there was a war between the human world and... More

Trailer: Dark Slayer
Trailer: Redgrave
Trailer: Blue Reaper
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Themes of Team ODDS/ Team Theme
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Meet Team WARD
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Meet Team BZAR(Bizarre)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Team ODDS being odd
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Dark Knight Arc)

Chapter 30

20 2 4
By Dominic_Sparda

(Daaayum! 30 chapters of this schlock! Let's make 30 more!)

The Vytal Festival Tournament. An event where teams from academies all over Remnant come to compete for a shot at showing the entire world what they have learned from their time at their respective academies.

Currently, the two teams facing off against each other were team WARD of Haven and team ODDS of Beacon. For those who are barely tuning in, they're in for a fun time.

Prof. Port: Three...!

Dante: Come on guys..!

Prof. Port: Two..! One...!

Dante: Let's rock!

Prof. Port: Begin!

Both teams charges in to each other and all eight of them clash weapons with each other.

Warren: Form up on Alvin!

Team WARD nodded at the orders of their leader and they all pushes back from team ODDS before going to Alvin who began to glow dark purple.

Prof. Port: Uh oh! It looks like young Alvin is using his semblance to become a wall for his teammates to hide behind!

Obito: What?

A haze of bullets were fired from Alvin's gun as the rest of his team hid behind him with them also taking shots at team ODDS

Obito: Retreat!!

Dante and Dominic both stood side by side to block the bullets fired from team WARD as they slowly backed up towards a rock formation that they used as cover.

Dante: Okay, so he can basically become a human shield. There's gotta be a drawback to his semblance!

Sapphire: Look!

Sapphire points to the monitor displaying both teams on it as well as their aura levels and team ODDS notices that Alvin's was falling rapidly.

Diane: Alvin! Stop using your semblance you idiot!

Warren: No! Keep using it for a little bit longer! I'm gonna go provide covering fire from the tree line while you and Reagan flank from the sides!

Diane: Typical! We do all the fighting while you just sit on your ass in the back.

Warren: That's what a sniper does Diane.

Alvin: Can you two not argue for like five seconds? We're going with Warrens plan! Reagan, you ready?

Reagan: You know it.

Diane: Ugh! Fine! Let's just beat these losers!

Alvin's aura stops depleting as he kneels down and begins to reload his rifle as Reagan and Diane both flank the left and right sides of the rocks team ODDS were hiding behind as Warrens body glowed and he seemed to skate across the floor as he backed away towards the trees while firing off a few shots at the rocks where team ODDS was hiding behind.

Dante: I got these guys! Let's see how they like the taste of Agni and-!

Dominic: Are you daft?!

Dante: Huh?

Dominic: How are you supposed to explain how you have multiple weapons in your arsenal?

Dante: I'll just say it's my semblance. What's the big deal?

Obito: Dante, you and Dom can teleport and do all kinds of crazy stuff! Do you really want the world to find out you being half you know what?

Dante: Oh...then what do we do?

Sapphire: Leave that to Obito and I. You ready?

Obito: Yup!

Obito reaches into his pouch behind his back and pulls out two wrapped up balls and gives his team a thumbs up before throwing them over the rock they were hiding behind and the balls exploded and covered the arena in smoke.


Sapphire: Nice. Obito and I will take the girls while Dante, you deal with the dude with the machine gun.

Dante: Assault rifle.

Sapphire: I don't care. Dom, you got their sniper right?

Dominic: An easy target.

Obito: Okay! Ready? Break!!

The four boys jump out of cover as the smoke began to clear up and Warren fired off a few shots at Dante who was charging at Alvin but Dante would either dodge the shots, or shoot the bullets out of the air.

Warren: That's..impossible!

Prof. Port: Ho ho! It looks like young Dante is showing off his skills as a marksman!

Dr. Oobleck: Yes Peter, it would seem that Mister Dante has an unnatural ability for using firearms! So much so that he can shoot young Warrens bullets out of the air with little effort!

Alvin: I'm still here you idiot!!

Alvin unloaded his rifle towards Dante but yet again, Dante shoots each bullet out of the air as he makes his way towards Alvin and Dante pulls Rebellion from his back and swings it downwards onto Alvin who activated his semblance in response to Dante's attack and Rebellion bounced off of the purple over shield around Alvin's body.

Alvin: Gotcha~

A cocky smirk grows on Alvin's face as he transforms his assault rifle into an axe that he used to strike Dante across the chest and the hit sends Dante back a couple of feet

Dante:*grunt* Okay..! So you can take a hit. Fine then. I guess I'll just have to hit you harder!!

Both boys swung their weapons at each other and clashed them together many times during their duel. Though Alvin's axe was lighter than the Rebellion, that doesn't mean Dante can't be fast with it. Every time Dante made contact with Alvin, he activated his semblance to take the force of the hit and all Dante did was push him back a tiny bit before he counters with a quick swing of his axe.

Sapphire and Obito were both dealing with their own problems as the two female members of team WARD were well versed in the art of teamwork as they both swapped opponents seemingly at random which threw off the young leader of team ODDS.

Blocking a heavy hit from Diane and her war hammer, Obito was sent flying back into a rock.

Obito: Guah!

Sapphire: Obito!

Diane: Pay attention idiot!!

Sapphire blocks and sidesteps a flurry of attacks from both Diane and Raegan by spinning Cerberus around his body before jumping back from the girls and thrusting the three heads of Cerberus into the ground which sent out a line of ice spikes at the girls which they dodged and ran beside the wall of ice towards Sapphire who then proceeded to slam the weapon to the ground, surrounding himself in a wall of ice that blocks away the attacks thrown at him by the girls before it shatters, sending ice shards everywhere.

Reagan slices one of the shards coming at her and was taken by surprise when Sapphire came right at her with a 5 piece combo (no biscuit) and hit her multiple times in the chest by wrapping the chains of Cerberus around his arm and punching forward with the chains spinning around his arm like a fan, hitting Reagan multiple times before finishing her off by slamming the three heads of Cerberus into the ground creating ice spikes that shoot out from underneath Reagan and send her flying up only for her to be wrapped up by a steel wire that came from Obito who channels his semblance through the wire which began to heat up as he pulls back on it and spins Reagan around before slamming her into the ground, creating an explosion on impact that damages her aura immensely.

The crowd Oooh's when they see Reagan face down in the dirt while team RWBY cheers for their friends.

Ruby: Woooh!! Go Obito!!

Weiss: You can do it Sapphire!

Diane growls and charges at Obito who tries to stop her by throwing shuriken at her but all they did was charge up her semblance and she grins in delight as she swings her war hammer down towards Obito who jumps up into the air, away from her but Diane switches her war hammer to an SMG and shoots Obito out of the air, causing him to fall down hard.

The hot headed girl then starts to charge at Obito again while shooting at him with a run and gun tactic which has Obito be on the defensive by dodging from side to side using his great speed and small body to his advantage.

Diane: Stand still you little runt!!

Obito: Little?!

Obito roars out in anger and speed blitzes Diane and began to hit her with a flurry of swift punches and kicks before hitting her into the air with an aura infused uppercut that he follows up by juggling her in the air with even more punches and kicks before he sends her back down to the floor with an overhead kick to the skull.

Diane rolls across the floor, her weapon flying out of her hand as he comes to a stop.

Obito:*panting* Had enough?!

Diane grunts and reaches behind her back and pulls from a pouch, a small dust crystal that she then crushed in her hand. Her body then began to spark with electricity as she gets up from the floor and grins at Obito before in the blink of an eye, appearing right in front of him and delivers a hard right hook that nearly knocks Obito out but she wasn't finished, and Diane digs her fist into Obito's sternum before punching him in the gut so much that he starts to catch air. Diane then hits him with a roundhouse kick that sends Obito flying across the ground and he was knocked into the forest section of the arena.

Diane: "Had enough"~?! Little brat!

The chains of Cerberus suddenly wrap around Diane and she was pulled towards Sapphire who clotheslines her and she was sent spiraling through the air before landing with a thud on the ground.

Sapphire: You yell too much.

Diane slams her fist at the ground before getting up and runs at Sapphire with her war hammer in both of her hands. Sapphire smirks and waits for Diane to get close before he can counter her charge by spinning Cerberus above his head which creates a dome of ice around him that acts like a shield that protects him from Diane's wild swings.

Inside of the forest part of the arena, Warren dodges the quick slashes swung by Dominic while he tries to shoot him at any chance he got but every time he fired a bullet from his sniper, it was immediately cut in two by his blue clad opponent.

Warren then decides to change up his approach and switches his sniper to its glaive form and he begins to attack Dominic with quick and decisive blows to his arms and chest. Dominic clicks his tongue in annoyance and begins to attack Warren with multiple sword strikes that Warren couldn't even follow which caused him to use his semblance in conjunction to his attacks and he speeds behind Dominic, hitting him with a slice across the back before coming around in front of him and thrusting his glaive into his chest, switching the dust element of his weapon to electricity and shocking him until Dominic teleported away from Warren and he clutches his chest in pain.

Warren: You're a teleporter? I can work around that. All I have to do is wait for you to disappear and eventually you'll reappear somewhere for me to attack you. I just need to be faster than your semblance.

Dominic chuckles at Warrens hypothesis and looks at him with a confident grin on his face.

Dominic: You're a fool if you think you can outpace me.

The elder twin reaches to his side to Yamato but stops and decides instead to use the Force Edge on his back.

Warren: So what does that turn into?

Dominic: Please. I'm above using combination weapons. Just like how I'm above all of you.

Warren narrows his eyes slightly as Dominic swings the Force Edge to the side before his body was covered in a dark purple aura and he speeds towards Warren with a Stinger before jumping into the air and slamming the sword down onto Warren who uses his semblance to put some distance between the two of them. But that's exactly what Dominic wanted~

Dominic:*smirk* Stay where you are~!

Dominic throws the sword at Warren who gasps and bends backwards and watches as the sword spins overhead but as it passes by him, Dominic appears above Warren and slams his katana on his chest, hitting him into the ground. He then grabs Warren by his leg and throws him out of the forest and into the open field of the arena.

Grabbing the Force Edge from inside of a tree trunk, Dominic walks back out and looks around and sees his brother fighting Alvin who kept using his semblance to block Dante's heavy swings of Rebellion but he could also see that he was getting very tired.

Yang: Oh yeah! Dom's gonna kick some ass now!!

Dominic walks up behind Alvin and Dante smiles at his brother while he tries to overpower Alvin who looked back at Dominic scared as his aura was reaching dangerously low to where he would be automatically disqualified for having a low aura level.

Dominic: Mind if I cut in brother?

Dante: Be my guest. I could use a new dance partner anyways~

Dante turns over to Reagan who had finally pulled herself out of the ground and shake the dirt off her head. The girl then noticed a shadow had been cast over her and she looks up to see Dante with his sword over his shoulder. He was grinning at her and she could see the semblance of fangs in his mouth.

Dante: Hey there.

Reagan: U-Uh..hey.

Dante: You okay?

Confused, Reagan decides to continue the conversation in the hopes he'll let his guard down and she can attack him or at least get away with her semblance.

Reagan: I'm..I'm good.

Dante: Good good. So on a scale of one to ten, how absolutely screwed are you?

Reagan: wouldn't hit a girl would you?

Dante: Oh baby you expect way too much of me.

Dante then hits Reagan up with an upwards swing from Rebellion and holds her in the air by spinning his sword in between his fingers before he starts showing off and he lets the sword spin in the air while he calls for the crowd to cheer him on and they do, amazed at his performance.

Sapphire:~That idiot is gonna give himself away!~

Sapphires thoughts were cut short by Diane trying to slam her war hammer onto him but he blocks it with a sword he creates from ice and Diane was then the victim of Obito jumping onto her back and he pulled her away from Sapphire.

Diane: Ahh!!!

Diane throws Obito off of her and he lands beside Sapphire. The two nod at each other and Sapphire creates multiple ice shuriken in his hands that he throws at Diane with Obito following them. Diane guards herself with her arms in conjunction with her semblance that takes the brunt of the attack and once Obito got close enough, she turns her SMG into its war hammer mode and she goes for a full powered swing towards his mid-section. Obito dodges her swing by sliding in between her legs and he hits her with a flying kick to the back of the head before using her body as a platform to jump off of. He takes in a deep breath and blows out a volley of multiple fireballs towards Diane as Sapphire runs towards her while he spun Cerberus in his hand.

Obito lifts up his goggles and his eyes turn from solid black to blood red, signaling the activation of his Sharingan. Both teammates then cut past Diane and they stand on opposing sides as Diane was hit by the volley of fireballs Obito had shot out at her and she falls to the ground out of aura.

The crowd cheers for the two as Port and Oobleck both comment on their teamwork as Dante tosses Reagan over to Warren who catches her in his arms but that only leaves the two of them open for Dante to hit them with a Stinger and then to hit them both with multiple thrusting stabs before knocking them away by using Rebellion like a baseball bat with both of them landing nearby Alvin who was trying to keep his distance from Dominic by shooting at him with his assault rifle but it proved useless as Dominic would just spin Yamato in front of him, deflecting every bullet that was shot at him until he ran out of ammo and his eyes went wide open upon realizing how screwed he was.

Dominic slices Alvin upwards into the air and he goes flying down towards Dante, landing in front of the red clad twin who stomps on Alvin's head and shoots his body full of fire dust rounds before he kicks him back over to Dominic who kicks Alvin in the chest and sends him back over to Dante. The twins then go back and forth with juggling Alvin until Sapphire shouts at them to stop playing around so they can relax.

Sapphire: Hey! Stop fucking around! This is getting boring!

Dante: Ah fine!

Dante hits Alvin with a roundhouse kick that sends him over to Warren and Reagan who had just recovered from Dante's Stinger attack.

Obito: I say we end this the right way. Don't you agree?

Sapphire: Yeah. You two wanna start for us?

Dante: It would be our pleasure~

Dante bows sarcastically at Sapphire before he and Dominic both attack the three remaining members of team WARD.

It begins with Dante hitting them all with multiple thrusts from Rebellion before Sapphire slams Cerberus into the floor and a large ice glacier shoots out from under the three which sends them all flying into the air. The twins then appear in the air and slice the trio many times which keep themselves and their opponents in the air. Everyone in the stands grows crazy with excitement as they watch team ODDS begin to finish off team WARD.

Yang: Yeah!! Do it to 'em guys!!

Ruby: Show them who's boss!!

Weiss: Go Sapphire!

Blake: Win Dante!

Dante spins above the three remaining members of team WARD and fires a hailstorm of bullets while Dominic keeps them in the air by having Force Edge spin under them to hit them back up to Dante's bullets if they fell.

Sapphire and Obito then joined in on the assault by hitting their opponents with a combination of fire and ice attacks before finishing them off by blowing out balls of fire and ice that sends team WARD crashing down.

Smirking, Dante passes Ebony over to Dominic and team RWBY instantly knew what that meant.

Ruby:*gasp* They're gonna do the thing! Yang! Yang! They're gonna do it!!

Yang: I know! I know!

Dominic: I suppose it can't be helped..

Putting the two handguns together, the twins share a smirk while Sapphire and Obito join in by performing their own finishing attack's with Obito weaving hand signs while Sapphire spun Cerberus until it started to create a small vortex of frozen air.

ODDS: Jackpot!

The twins shoot out a charged up bullet towards team WARD as Sapphire fires out a torrent of chilling wind as Obito combines his attack with his that creates a fire and ice vortex.

Alvin: I really hate these guys..

The three remaining members of team WARD were hit by the team combo attack and were thrown off the edge of the arena and the horns blare, signaling team ODDS victory.

Dominic passes Ebony back over to Dante who puts his guns behind his back and the team takes in the sounds of the crowd cheering them on.

Obito: We've come a long way from being laughed at for our dumb name you know?

Sapphire: Yeah. Now listen to that.




Prof. Port: Your winners by knockout, team ODDS!

The boys wave towards the crowd and to their friends in the stands as the cameras take their pictures to commemorate their first of many victories in the tournament.

Inside of a bar called "Crow Bar", a man with messy black hair sat at the table at the bar downing a shot of alcohol before his attention was grabbed by the tournament being shown on the TV.

Bartender: Huh. Those kids were pretty good right?

The man looks at the TV, his eyes narrowing at the image. Most notably, at Dominic. He lets out out low grunt before drinking his beer.

Ruby: That...was...awesome!! They were so cool! With the juggling and the combos!

Yang: Don't forget that Jackpot thing they did again!

Weiss: I will admit, it was an enjoyable experience to see them all fight as one instead of against each other for once.

Blake: Yeah. It's nice seeing Dante and Dominic be brotherly for once.

Dante sees Blake looking at him and she gave him a tiny wave along with a smile so he returns her gesture by blowing her a kiss. A blush grows on her face and she looks down bashfully but catches the kiss in her hand.

Yang: Aww~! How sweet!

Blake's face goes even redder than Ruby's hood and she turns away from her friends smiling faces as team ODDS leaves the arena.

Yang: Come on, let's go congratulate them before the next fight. Maybe Blake can get an actual kiss this time~

Weiss:*scoff* As if you have anything to say about any of our relationships.

Yang: And what's that supposed to mean?

Weiss:*stands up* I think you know what I mean.

Weiss walks away with Blake soon joining her.

Yang: He's just waiting for the right time!


Yang: What? He is!

Ruby: Suuure he is~

Ruby leaves Yang sitting there feeling like an idiot before she gets up and follows the rest of her teammates down the stairs and they all meet up with team ODDS who they congratulate with praises and hugs from their girlfriends.

Dante picks up Blake and spins her around before trapping her in a bear hug that she never wants to leave while Sapphire just wraps an arm around Weiss and gives her a soft but heartfelt smile. Obito on the other hand, holds hands with Ruby and the two jump for joy over the excitement of the match.

Dominic leans up against a wall and watches his teammates being congratulated by their significant others and feels kind of left out. Though his pride wouldn't allow him to reveal that to any of them.

Yang walks over to Dominic and flashes him a smile to which he returns with a tiny one of his own.

Yang: You were..pretty cool out there.

Dominic: Was I?

Yang: Yeah. But I know you guys weren't going all out. If you did, you might've—

Dominic: Killed them?

Yang: Yeah. But it was still fun to watch.

Dominic: Well as long as you enjoyed it. Though this is going to sound very arrogant of me, it was all too easy for me. I hope one of these teams can give me a challenge.

Yang: Well...maybe you and I can do some sparring later on?

Dominic: Hm...I think that's a swell idea.

Yang: Really?!

Dominic: Yes. Maybe you can finally get your revenge for when I dropped you on your ass when we first met~

Yang: Oh ho~! Don't think I forgot about that devil boy! I'm gonna make you regret that!

Dominic: I look forward to it.

As the two make plans to spar later, their friends watched while they whispered to each other about them.

Dante: Look at them. Why don't they just say "fuck it" and kiss?

Sapphire: Because you and him are idiots. You just managed to get a girlfriend first.

Weiss: It'd be nice for them to finally tie the knot so Nora can stop asking if they finally got together.

Obito: She calls you too huh?

Ruby: Every night! She calls us every night saying "Did they get together? Why haven't they gotten together? Tell them to hurry up so my fanfic can become real!"

Sapphire: Give them time. Love makes you stupid. They're both just too scared to make the first move. But it'll happen eventually.

Dante: By the way, who's going up next?

Blake: Sun and Neptune's team.

Dante: Well why are we still standing here?! Come on, I wanna watch them win!

Dante was the first to go back to the stands and he grabs Dominic by the collar of his coat, pulling him away from Yang.

Dominic: Hey! Dante what the heck?!

Dante: Come on Romeo! Let's find some good seats so we can catch all the action!

Yang sighs and waves at Dominic who waves back to her as he and Dante disappear into the crowd.

Sapphire: So, how'd it go?

Yang: Good. Great even. After this fight, we're gonna go spar together.

Obito: Like a fighting date?

Yang: No! Just..a friendly sparring match!

Weiss: Uh huh. Tell us how your little "excursion" ends when you return.

Ruby: Come on guys! I think the match is about to begin!

Dr. Oobleck: Ah, well, Mistral fans are sure to be hurting after that one.

An image of team WARD being launched out of the arena by team ODDS team Jackpot comes on screen beside Oobleck as he and Port were recapping the events of the previous match before the next one begins.

Dr. Oobleck: But this next round will have them on the edge of their seats~!

Prof. Port: Team NDGO (indigo) of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite.

The image of the all female team NDGO shows up next to Port while he monologues about them

Prof. Port: But these lovely ladies are going to be going against some of the toughest l, testosterone filled, teammates we've seen so far. I'm of course talking about, team SSSN (Sun)!

A group of fans consisting of three girls and one guy hold up signs that have images of team SSSN's faces with one having Suns abs as the picture as the team walks out into the middle of the arena waving to the crowd.

Prof. Port: Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with. And although he'll be representing the Mistral academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along.

Dante whistles for team SSSN as they too cheer them on in their own ways.

Weiss: Good luck, Neptune!

Upon seeing how pretty the girls making up team NDGO were, Neptune decides to shoot his shot at them.

Neptune:*flirting* Ladies~

Dominic:*whispers to Sapphire* It's like having TWO Dante's existing. It's a nightmare.

Sapphire:*whisper* There ARE two Dante's. And you're one of them.

Dominic:*whisper* What?! How am I- Oh. You mean because I'm his twin.

Sapphire:*whisper* See? Now you're learning.

Neptune: Alright girls, try and remember. Hands....above the waist~

Sun: Ignore him, for he....Yeah he's dumb.

Neptune winks at team NDGO who all scoff and give various looks of disgust to Neptunes attempt at flirting.

Sapphire: Ah, so he is like Dante. He has awful manners when it comes to women.

Dante: Sitting right here you know?

Sapphire: I do. I just don't care.

Dominic: Trust me, I wish I could tune out his idiocy.

Dante: Hey!

The holograms behind team NDGO cycle through various stages until it stops at one where their half of the arena lowers down and was replaced by a rocky desert biome with an artificial sun that causes many of the crowd members to put on sunglasses.

Dante:*applying sunscreen*

RWBY:*squinting at him*

Dante: What? I burn easily. You want some Dom?

Dominic:*noticeably tan* No thanks.

Nebula: Alright, home field advantage!

Sun: Don't get too cocky, that's my turf too!

Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptune: Be cool, man.

The holograms on team SSSN's side stops and Gwen from team NDGO shouts out the biome chosen for team SSSN.

Gwen: Hey! The ocean!

Neptune: Huh?

Neptune turns around and his face turns into one of sheer horror as his teams side of the arena turns into one with little sand islands surrounded by lots of water with a wrecked pirate ship being on most of the land masses of the biome.

Ruby: Uh...what's wrong with Neptune?

Blake:*facepalms* Oh no...

Sun pokes Neptune who was frozen stiff with fear which confused everyone who didn't know what was going on with him.

Blake: Neptunes....afraid of the water.

Obito: But his name is Neptune. How?!

Dr. Oobleck: Three, two, one, begin!

As soon as those words leave Oobleck's mouth, Neptune zips off through team NDGO and scales the large mountain behind the girls in under two seconds.

Sage: Neptune! What are you doing?!

Neptune: Oh, you know, just, uh, getting higher ground.

Sun: On the enemy's side!?

Neptune: They would never expect it!

Dew: He's not wrong.

Nebula: Open fire!

Team NDGO and SSSN both charge at each other and battle on the desert side of the arena where Octavia jumps over an incline and slides past Scarlet swings his cutlass at her but she ducks under it and skates across the sand past Scarlet as well as Sage and Dew who were just about to fight it out.

Sage holds onto his massive sword with both hands and goes for an overhead swing at Dew who spins her spear and blocks the swing which pushes them both back from each other. Sage looks up in confusion as to how she did that but he didn't have time to think about it as Dew uses her spear to create cyclones using the wind dust in the tip of the spear that kick up sand in Sages eyes, blinding him. The cyclones then surround him before merging into one massive cyclone that tosses Sage out of the arena and making him the first player to be eliminated from the match.

Dr. Oobleck: And NDGO gains the advantage!

Octavia slides up to Scarlet and Sun who both get ready to fight the girl but she uses her dagger to throw fire dust at the ground which sends a wave of sand that blinds Scarlet while Sun turns tail and runs away.

Sun: Neptune!

Neptune jumps off of his "vantage point" and lands in front of Octavia who tries to blind Neptune with the same move but he just slides on his goggles and shoots her. She however blocks the shot but Neptune was only the distraction and Sun comes flying in using the artificial sun as cover. He hits her with a flying kick that knocks her back but she catches herself from falling and goes to attack Sun who pulls out his staff and parries her dagger and he hits her with multiple fast hits with his staff before finishing her off with a precise hit to the chest that knocks her aura down to the lower levels and takes her out of the match.

Prof. Port: Oh! And we're down to 3-on-3!

Sun turns around just in time to see Scarlet get swept up by another cyclone that Dew had created and it tosses him over to the ocean side of the arena. Thankfully, he opens his body outward and flies like a bird across the sky towards the wrecked ship with Nebula and Gwen jumping over to the small land masses to follow him.

Scarlet grabs onto the mast of the ship and flips up to it so he can have a place to stand. Though it was a little awkward, he got both feet onto something flat. Nebula fires off a bolt at the mast while Gwen throws a dagger up at Scarlet to distract him while Nebula jumps up to Scarlet using the arrow imbedded into the ships mast as a platform. She jumps up in front of Scarlet and switches her crossbow to a sword and duels with Scarlet on the ships mast.

Both combatants get a good hit on each other until Nebula has Scarlet pinned with a sword clash that she was winning until he grabs the part of we weapon that wasn't a sword and trips her footing which allows him to knock her off the mast and she falls down to the floor.

Looking down, Scarlet sees Sun fighting Gwen and Dew by himself as Dew creates another cyclone that circles around him while Gwen tosses throwing daggers at Sun.

Smirking, Scarlet draws his flintlock pistol and the hand guard shoots out and wraps around her leg and pulls her up towards him and he jumps down to the floor underneath Gwen who holds her skirt up which causes her daggers to fall out of the holding spots on her skirt and they all fall towards Scarlet who gets in an awkward position so the daggers don't hit him.

Scarlet:*sighs in relief* Phew..!

Dew jumps closer to Sun with a malicious grin on her face and the quick thinking Sun sees that he was standing next to a coconut tree and he catches two coconuts before flinging them at Dew who hits them back and they both catch fire. Sun gasps and dodges the flaming coconuts but that causes them to hit Scarlet in the face and groin, knocking him out of the match and leaving just Sun and Neptune as the only members of team SSSN left.

Dominic:*eating peanuts*

Sapphire: Dude are you eating those with the shell?

Dominic: Yes.

Sapphire: You really are half demon aren't you?

Sun:*groan* Nuts..

Sun looks over to Dew who grins and creates a cyclone using the water of the ocean biome and Sun jumps away while calling for Neptune to help him.

Sun: Uh, Neptune?! Could use some help buddy!

Sun shouts as he side flips away from another cyclone that was thrown at him by Dew.

Neptune: Uh, ya know, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah! I can guard this...sector! We're in lockdown mode!

Sun: What the heck are you talking about?! There's nothing to lockdown!

Neptune: Lockdown! Right! You got it!

Sapphire: You gotta admit, he is tenacious when it comes to avoiding problems.

Gwen and Nebula both jump off the ship while Dew comes in from above to stab Sun with her spear but he jumps away, evading her attack.

Sun: Dude, I know you're afraid of water but you gotta-!

As Dew goes in for another flying stab, Neptune shoots her out of the air and she falls into the water behind Sun.

Dante: And he's a pretty good shot.

Dominic: Dante stop being kind. You could hit her with your eyes closed.

Dante: I'm just saying it was a good shot.

Neptune: There, I helped! Are you happy now?! Also, I am not afraid of water and I have no idea what YOU are talking about!

While Neptune was obviously lying about his aqua-phobia, the three remaining members of team NDGO join up together to take on Sun and Neptune.

Sun:*frustrated* NEPTUNE!!!

Neptune: Okay, fine! Just..get out of the water!

Sun hops out of the water next to Neptune who turns his rifle into its glaive form and he creeps his way over to the edge of the water where he shoves his glaive into water and it sends an electric current through it and shocks the remaining members of NDGO who were eliminated by low aura levels.

The buzzer sounds out and the crowd cheers for Sun and Neptune who bump chests in victory.

Prof. Port: And with that, team SSSN moves on to the doubles round! You know what I call that victory?

Dr. Oobleck: "Shocking"?

Prof. Port: No. Well earned. What you said is stupid.

Back at the Crow Bar, the bartender whistles in surprise while he cleans a glass.

Bartender:*whistles* Now that was a match!

???: Pff! That was a mess.

Bartender: Come on man. You didn't like them, the Vale kids, or any of the rounds before that. What fight are you here for?

An Atlas airship flies over the ocean behind the man and he turns his head slightly to it.

???: That one..

The man drinks the rest of his drink as he stands up. Obviously he has had a little too much since he was wobbling and his words were slurred.

???: Whoa~ Ehehe~ Happy Vytal Festival~

He leaves his owed amount of money on the table before he stumbles out of the bar

The crowd cheers as music plays after team SSSN's victory. Ruby sighs and sits back in her seat, exhausted from the excitement of the match.

Ruby: Uuuh, that was so close.

Obito: I'll say. Thankfully Neptune came in clutch at the end.

Yang: Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!

Sun and Neptune were dancing together from their victory and assent to the next round.

Dominic: Emphasis on dork.

Dr. Oobleck's voice comes on over the loudspeakers in the stadium.

Dr. Oobleck: That concludes todays matches. Please leave the Colosseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!!

Yang: Come on, let's go congratulate 'em.

Dante: So, what did you think gruesome? Was it up to your standards of a fight?

Dominic: I'll ignore that nickname and say yes it was a good fight.

Everyone gets up to leave their seats as the Atlas airship flies over the Colosseum grabbing people's attention. Weiss especially as she stops in her tracks causing Ruby to bump into her.

Ruby: Huggh, uhh....What...are you doing?

A smile crawls onto Weiss' face as she watches the air ship fly above the Colosseum.

Weiss: She's here~

Sapphire sees Weiss has her attention on something and he looks to see the airship and a tiny smile grows on his face to.

Sapphire: Looks like we meet again~

To be continued...

(Also, I did not know that in the lore team NDGO were a bunch of jerks.)

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