Technically I was first ๐Ÿ™ƒ

By Mikey188

768 12 3

VERY UPDATED What if Kiara and Sarah weren't the first two girls in the group? What if there was one slightly... More

Well let's rewind...
A month before
Ep 1: Meet the Pogues
Ep 1
Ep 2: Lucky Compass
Ep 3: Forbidden Zone
Ep 4: Spy Games
Ep 5: Midsummers
Ep 6: Parcel 9
Ep 8: The Runaway
Ep 9: Bell Tower
Ep 10: The Phantom

Ep 7: Dead Calm

24 0 0
By Mikey188

"Nala this better work, we can't pawn it off if it has a giant wheat symbol"

"It's gonna work" I tell him holding up a blowtorch. I get and pot and place it on a rock and set the gold down inside. I use the blowtorch to start melting it and it works. We end up with a mid size gold chunk and we pack up and head down to the local pawnshop.

"Hell of a job welling it down Dr.Frankenstein"

"Thank you and I'm assuming you could do better"

"I've could have done much better I took a welding class"


"Hey chill chill out" John B says getting in between me and JJ

"Easy for you to say that your not the one who has to pawn this piece of shit off" JJ start to complain, "how did I get stuck with this job anyway"

"Cause your the best liar" Pope tell him

"Cause you got a big mouth" I tell him

"Last time I checked you liked my big mouth, thank you"

"Ew JJ come on" "gross" "didn't need to hear that" "omg"

We walked into the pawnshop casually going are separate ways as JJ starts to talk to the worker. She definitely wasn't impressed by JJ and his words. I round some old movies and games that I haven't see since middle school.

She goes behind a curtain to talk with her boss, I walked up to JJ and whispered, "nice job she definitely is starting to believe you" I laugh as he starts to glare at me but the lady comes back and starts to tell us how much she's willing to give us but JJ doesn't by it and argues with the lady.

But she told us she didn't have the money there and we have to go to the wear house which seems to suspicious but I didn't say anything. So we followed the address she gave us and headed on our way.


"So they keep money way out here?" Pope asked taking a look at our surroundings

"That's what she said. Ha that's what she said"


"I've never even hear of this road before"

"That's cause your rich"

"You haven't either babe" I told him rolling my eyes at him to which all he did was glare at me and bite the inside of his cheek.

"Thank you"

"There's nothing but weeds back here" Kie complains

"Just cause there weeds doesn't mean-

"JJ shut up" I tell him before he could say something back cop sirens started to go off and we pulled the van over sighing but we quickly hide the gold and make sure JJ didn't bring the gun and telling him to hide his weed as well. We hear a gun click and all turn to see someone pointing a gun to John B's head.

He starts to demand for John B to get out and for us to get out as well with our hands up. My breath starts to quicken and honestly I'm starting to fucking hate the people on this island.

I stand behind Pope and in front of John B as we slowly move backwards. JJ gets out saying something but the guy tells him to shut up and points the gun more into his face. My heart goes faster scared for my happen to be but more so JJ.

Narrater  POV:

"Lay down in the ditch! Lay down in the ditch!" He yells getting more aggressive at them. They all complied getting down onto the ground and in the position he tells them. Pope looks over at Nala noticing her quick breaths and shaking. He then goes and nudges JJ to look over at her.

Once JJ looks over his heart stops for a moment, he almost sheds tears at the sight. His girlfriend, the girl he's been in love with since 3rd grade was shackling and having a panic attack but he couldn't get up and comfort her, this broke him all of this broke him. He was tired of it all he didn't want this to be his life, on the run, guns being pulled out, fighting, putting his family and his lover at stake all the time.

"It's a set up guys"

"That old bash shanked us" JJ hits the ground with anger flowing through him. John B slowly got up and made his way to the perps car.

"John B don't be a hero man" Pope whispered shouted to him to which John B told him to hush. Once in the car, he took out the keys and laid down in the back seat waiting. The perp came out of the Twinkie telling them to keep still or else as he went back to his car.

Once he was in the car John B attacked him and grabbed the gun which the perp fought to get back but lost. John B tells them he got the gun and the came running over and started to attack him as well.

"You fucking bitch!"

"I know this piece of shit! He's a face head" JJ tells them

"He probably knows my brother" Sarah adds

"He sells coke to my dad" He explains

"Listen I could hurt every single one of ya-

JJ glocks him in the head with the gun and everyone pushes him away. JJ goes to him and searches his pockets finding his wallet going through it before finding what he needed.

"We got one last stop" He tells them pushing John B off him and heading to the Twinkie


"Let's go see where son of a **** lives"

They head back to the Twinkie helping Nala off the ground and trying to calm her nerves and the managed to succeed.

"I'm gonna remember this shit!" Barry yells as he slowly stands, "You can't hide from me!! I know exactly who y'all are!"

"Your gonna see me again, you hear me!"


"Welcome to crackhead wasteland"

"I don't know about this man"

"Dude why are we at Barry's?" John B asked JJ

"This will only take a second" he said getting out and heading into the house saying something weird along the way

"Did hear any english in that?" Pope asked

"Someone should probably..."

"Yea yea I got it" John B followed him in


Sarah looks over and hands me a water, rubbing my back telling me it's okay and that whatever we are doing here is gonna blow over.

"Na-na look im sure he's fine, he just being JJ"

"Yeah but what if-

"Alright we're looking at 5 grand each for reparations for putting us through that bs. Sorry about that yall and I'm so sorry princess" JJ said counting the money and giving me a kiss on the forehead

"So that what we're doing now!?" Kie starts, "we're robbing drug dealers"

"This Barry guy is gonna find out and he's gonna come after us" Sarah chimes in

"Yes he will this isn't the time to start wild'n out" Pope adds

"How'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you" JJ says and John B tell him to chill but that just starts sparks into the fight.

"Look we got to go get the gold okay. Give me that shit" He told him reaching for the bag but JJ shoves him up against the van harshly

"JJ don't do that" I plead to him

"You feel like a tuff guy huh! What are we gonna do we he comes for us? Your girlfriend had a panic attack and your not even over there reasserting her"

"We punch him in the throat and I will beat his ass for making my girl feel like that" JJ simply said

"Good fucking idea JJ"

"I'm not putting it back" he tells us as he hops into the van waiting for us to get in but everyone just waits outside wanting him to get out.

I walk over to the van and look JJ dead in the eyes and whisper something to him and hold out my hand hoping he take it. He hops out going right past me and looks to the group, "what?"

"We're sick of your shit"

"My shit"

"Yes" "your pulling Gus on people shit"

"Your acting like a freaking maniac"

"Pope! I took the fall for you man. Do you know how much money I owe because of you"

"I'm gonna pay you back and I didn't even ask you to do that!!" Pope yells back

"I just did! Pay it back right here right now by myself" He looks at everyone avoiding eye contact with me mostly

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do go off by myself" He grabs the bag and puts it on

"JJ wait!" I grab him by his shoulders turning him to look at me and to which he could finally see the tears streaming down my face which makes his face sadden but he quickly wipes my tears away.

"I'm coming with you" I tell him putting my hands on his cheeks

"You can't I can't put you in any more harm" He tells me avoiding eye contact.

"Harm? JJ no don't think like that. I told you that I was yours since day one and no matter what I will be by your side throughout it all" I say with my heart breaking and tears coming down my face more

"I know but I can't keep putting you in harms way like this I won't be able to protect you"

"So I don't care with my dying breath I will come back to you remember" I say resting my head against his and tears started to leave his eyes as well before looking me in mine

"I know and my dying breath too but it can't be because of me tho" He give me one last kiss on the lips before heading off into the distance. Once he was out of sight. I broke down.

The air in my lungs going, my heart beat stopping and the tears kept flowing. My whole body just shut down knowing that the one person on this earth that was my everything just left and never wanted to see me again hurt. The group just watched in sadness as the realized that they just tossed the most important person in my life the curve.


"Look he'll come around okay he's doing a JJ thing"

"You think he'll go home?"

"Not really"

"There's about a 0% chance of JJ going home"

"I need to go I can't be around y'all right now" I tell them finally snapping out of my trance. I stand up front he table and gather my things

"Woah hold on Na-na"

"You can't just go"

"And why not y'all didn't have a problem with kicking JJ to the curb" I point out, "I can't breathe when he's not around okay since coming back and having him around again anytime when he's not around my mind goes straight to him. He's my lifeline and I rather go search the heavens and earth to find him than sit her with y'all right now" I say angrily as I make my way out and back home.



I head out to the back porch knowing that's were he would be at. I struggle for a minute getting the door open. Dad looks up at me while I open the door then puts his head back down. I walk up to him slowly chills start to run through my spine as I talk.

"I've been staying at John Bs" I tell him

"I didn't ask you were you've been staying and don't care" He says, "knew you get hungry"

"That's not why I came back dad"

"I got the money"

"Yea I'll believe that when I see it" he tells me focusing on his work, I toss the bag onto the table which makes him look at me suspiciously but opens it anyway.

"It's all there 25k"

"I don't know how you got this and I don't even wanna know" He said looking at me proud which made me smile to myself

"You did it" he keeps looking so happy that I was able to get all the money needed and honestly this is the most proud I've see him.

"There's beer in the cooler" He tell me and I go to get one out

"I think there's still a sale on practically giving them away" He gets up and starts walking over to the paper

"Dad that's for the restitution"

"We're gonna tap that and put-"

"Dad, dad can you please just do the right thing for once okay" I start to beg him

"Do you know how much you cost me you little shit. This nut ain't going to the cops" He starts to put into a canister, "I'm gonna take it south and triple it"


"You got something to say!" He starts yelling, "after everything you've done you wanna get into it!?" He asked but I just stood there quietly not wanting to anger him anymore. "I didn't think so" he sits back down working on the motor.

"Now why don't you go and get 25k from that rich black girl you always with huh" He says

"Because I'm not gonna steal from her" I tell him and I can't believe he has the audacity to even speak about her like that.

"I don't see why not you basically live at there house get some coin while you're there"

"Look dad we aren't together anymore okey"

"Tch, it's about time you finally realize that you she was out of you league and that she could do way better than some piece of shit kid from the cut" He told me laughing at me but I looked at him in sadness

"Let me guess she dumped you when she found out you was poor? Owed money, oh let me guess when she realized that you got a small cock and no balls!" He just kept laughing at me but I ignored the hurt and guilt eating up at me for realizing that I gave up the one girl in life who loved me at my lowest and let me tell you that was most of the time.

I make a dash for the money only for my dad to grab me and push me up against the wall and start to bash me in. I fall to the ground blood bleeding out of my mouth.

"Boy you stay down there" I get up and punch him the jaw but he slaps me and I stumble onto the floor. Dad gets on top of me and starts to choke me out but I try move him away with my which is no use since the air in my lungs were going out, I knee him in the crotched and make a break for it but he trips me and I fall again.

He kicks me in the gut which hurt like hell. He grabs my by the hair pulling me up and placing me up on the wall punching me wherever he can but I lay one to his gut and face and then tackled him to the ground breaking the screen. I quickly get up and start to kick and hit him letting my anger and sadness out.

"I ain't scared of you anymore" I tell him getting up walking onto the porch and grabbing the money and letting whatever tears are there fall off my face.


"We got John B and JJ inside the well, me and Nala up top and you and Sarah on transportation"

"Sounds like a good plan"

"Yeah we got this"

"Cool oh I got a wench"

"It can 200 to 300 pounds right"



"What for?"

"For stranding us so we make up"

"Can't say it was us we just helped out" I tell her but suddenly lights turned on and we heard some weird noise.

"What the hell is this?" I asked them

"Who the hell is that?"

We head straight to the noise how we aren't dead yet by doing this is beyond me. But as we make our way over we see different color light and party supplies then our eyes lands on a hot tub with JJ inside it. I'm not gonna lie he looks really hot like but I push that thought to the back of my mind.

"What did you do JJ?"

"I got a jet going straight in my butt right now"

"JJ this..."

"Y'all should get in immediately. Ya hear me" He was clearly drunk but not too drunk that he doesn't know what's happening around him.

"How much did this cost JJ?" I asked him

"Huh well with the generator and other stuff pretty much all of it. yeah" that's when we lose it

"All of it?"


"Babe you spent all that money in one day?"

"Yeah burned a hole right through my pocket but come on guys look at this" He was clearly happy about this and I couldn't take that away but seriously is he crazy!?

"Nala what! Can't a man have a little luxury life baby all this scrimping and scraping...."

"JJ what's wrong are you okay?" I asked him getting a bit closer to the tub

"Guys we only live once enough with this emotion shit and get in the cats ass come on"

"In the what?" Kie asked him

"The cats ass, that's what I named her" He said patting the side of the tub

"Hey yo I almost forgot" He clicked a button and a disco came out with lights and shit

"I know right Disco mode! that's right baby, yo princess we can have a fun time in here~"

"Are you kidding me! You could have paid for restitution!" Pope yells at him

"Or literally given it to any charity!" Kie chimes in

"Or better yet you could have helped up buy supplies for getting the rest of the gold out!" Pope starts again

"Guys cut that out!" I yell at both of them honestly for some friends they can't see when someone they love is hurt.

"Okay you know what I didn't do that!" Jj yells and he finally stands up showing us the bruises on his stomach. I just looked at them scanning over each one taking them in.

"I got a hot tub! For my friends..I got a hot tub for my know what screw friends, I got a hot tub for my family" He finally tells us showing more emotions than normal

"JJ what the hell..." Kie says in pure shock. I was about to start crying again.

"Guys look what I did for you. Look at this look at this!"

"JJ..." I start

"Stop stop being emotional it's fine... ok" He starts but I could tell he wanted to cry so I get into the hot tub and wrap my arms around him. Just holding him as he lets it all out I just let him. My heart hurt seeing him like this, like how could anyone possibly wanna treat him or anyone like this.

"I was gonna do it" He said softly through his tears his arms wrapped around me more bringing me closer to him as he sobbed.

"I can't take him anymore" he said through his sobs I  keep holding onto him not wanting to let him slip away again. I whisper sweet nothings in his ear as to
relax him. I rub his back and play with his hair knowing that always work when he's stressed.

He pulls me in tighter saying how sorry he was from earlier and that he didn't want to leave me at all but I cut him off tell him that it was all okay. Pope and Kie come over and we get into a group hug. Showing him that we are here for him.

"I just wanna do the right thing"

"I know I know I know" I tell him understanding. An hour later Kie and Pope both take off back home while me and JJ head inside the Château, so I could get him cleaned up and more relaxed.

"You don't have to stay I will be fine Na-na" JJ tells me but I don't believe it

"Look I wouldn't be a good girlfriend if I left my boyfriend when he needed me the most" I tell him grabbing the first aid kit and 4 beers out the fridge

"Woah what do you need with all of those?" He asked pointing to the drinks

"Well I'm gonna give you one and down the other 3 later" I tell him as I sat down on the floor in between his legs so I could patch up his stomach. But he grabs a beer and leans back into the couch.

"J sit up so I can finish your bandages"

"Nuh uh"

⚠️Warning: Slight Mature Content Coming⚠️

"Fine" I start to stand up but he pushes me back down and I let out a heavy sigh.

"You know now that I think about it I never did get to punish you for being a brat earlier today" He says sitting up and placing the beer onto the coffee table behind me. I was hoping he would have forgotten that but I guess not.

"Baby your hurt I'm not doing anything while your in pain" I tell him blankly as I down my first beer of the night

"Oh no you see slut the only thing your gonna be doing is begging me to let you release" He told me grabbing my chin making me look up at him. I felt myself get wet just by his words alone.

"but your in pain" I point out

"Oh, this times 5 will equal you" He said pulling me onto his lap connecting our lips in a passionate and loving kiss.

"I'm sorry about earlier today I shouldn't have pushed you away like that" He tells me through a ray of kisses on my lips

"It's okay JJ I was never gonna leave you in the first place"

"Man I really do love you"

"I love you too"

"How long ago has it been since I had you" He asks me while placing kisses on my jaw line and down my neck.

"Like 3-4 days ago tops" I tell him in shakey breaths as he continues down my neck and taking my shirt off in progress

"Too fucking long" He states as he picked me up my legs and arms wrapped around his body as we head to the back.

Word Count: 3796

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