The Sun and the Moon

By IkiruMist

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"๐‘พ๐’‰๐’†๐’๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’‘๐’‘๐’Š๐’๐’†๐’”๐’” ๐’Š๐’” ๐’…๐’†๐’”๐’•๐’“๐’๐’š๐’†๐’…, ๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’“๐’† ๐’Š๐’” ๐’‚๐’๐’˜๐’‚๐’š๐’” ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’”๐’„๐’†๐’๐’•... More

Information (Read this!!!)
The Massacre
The Ghost of Sun and Moon
The Final Selection
New Friends & Result of the Final Selection
The Hashira Meeting & The New Year Party
Boys we did it!
Zenitsu and Inosuke
The New Year Party and The Sun and Moon Breathing
Hinokami Kagura
First Mission
An Eternal Oblivian
The Demon Doctor and her Assistant

Twisted Labyrinth

511 13 11
By IkiruMist

Ch. 11 Twisted Labyrinth

This Story is Always in Third Person P.O.V

This Ch is 2908 words, Long.

"Inosuke, how many years has it been..." Tanjiro, the resilient and compassionate redhead, asked with concern etched on his face. Inosuke, the fiercely independent and energetic warrior, lay on the ground looking weakened as if he had given up hope.

"It feels like forever, Monjiro," Inosuke replied weakly, his voice filled with exhaustion and frustration. Despite his tough exterior, he couldn't hide the weariness in his eyes. Tanjiro stood weakly and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "Don't lose hope, Inosuke. We will find a way out of here, no matter how long it takes,". Inosuke simply looked at him like he was an otherworldly creature.

They both were hungry.....really hungry....really, REALLY HUNGRY

"Monjiro, if I starved here, please tell Zenitsu he was a good friend.." Inosuke said, clutching his growling stomach, a pained expression on his face.

Tanjiro chuckled, his own stomach rumbling in agreement. "Don't worry, Inosuke, we'll get out of here and feast like kings! Zenitsu would be proud to see us conquering our hunger and that damn demon!"

Inosuke's eyes widened with excitement. "Yeah, we'll devour mountains of food, rivers of soup, and whole herds of boar! I can already taste it!"

Tanjiro firmly stood up and glanced at Inosuke, his eyes filled with determination. "We'll have to keep fighting, Inosuke. We'll find a way out of this twisted maze and put an end to this demon's reign," he declared, his resolve unwavering.

"And then we will feast upon our hard work. I will pay for the treat."

Inosuke nodded, his spirit rekindled by Tanjiro's words. "Yeah, let's show this demon what we're made of, Monjiro! We'll make him regret trapping us here," he exclaimed, his voice regaining its trademark enthusiasm.

"And we will have him cook us the biggest supper ever before killing him!" There was a moment of silence before both Tanjiro and Inosuke burst into laughter.

Suddenly Tanjiro caught the scent of something; upon close inception, it was the scent of Ramen. "Inosuke, do you smell some ramen in here?" Tanjiro asked, looking perplexed but somewhat pleasured. "Ramen, I sense a whole lot of tasty food nearby!" They both started walking in the direction of the food

As they navigated through the dimly lit corridors, the tantalizing aroma of food occasionally wafted through the air, teasing their senses. Their footsteps quickened, driven by a primal instinct to satisfy their insatiable appetites.

"Tanjiro, I can almost hear the sizzle of meat on the grill, the crackle of vegetables in a stir-fry!" Inosuke exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Tanjiro's mouth watered at the thought. "I can almost taste the tender, juicy steak, the warmth of freshly baked bread. Just a little longer, Inosuke and our feast awaits!"

Their hunger-fueled banter became a source of motivation, pushing them to overcome the challenges that lay before them. The promise of a satisfying meal propelled them forward, their growling stomachs driving their every step.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached a grand hall bathed in soft, inviting light. The sight before them was a feast for the eyes - tables adorned with platters of mouthwatering delicacies, the aroma of spices filling the air.

Inosuke's eyes widened with childlike wonder. "Is this heaven?!"

Tanjiro couldn't contain his excitement, a wide grin spreading across his face. "No, Inosuke, it's a banquet! Let's eat until we can't move!"

They sprinted towards the colossal feast that lay before them, their eyes filled with anticipation and their mouths watering. Inosuke's primal instincts took over as he prepared to pounce onto the table, ready to dive headfirst into the succulent, perfectly cooked turkey. 

POV: 🤤🤤🤤

However, in a swift and surprising move, Tanjiro snatched him by grabbing his boar mask and hurled him away, narrowly avoiding the impending catastrophe.

Inosuke landed with a bewildered thud against a nearby wall, his mind struggling to comprehend what had just happened. He looked back at the spectacle before him, only to realize that the room had transformed into a chaotic maze of giant meat saws emerging from every conceivable surface - walls, ceilings, floors - threatening to turn anyone in their path into a savory morsel.

A mix of relief and confusion washed over Inosuke's face as he realized the danger he had been saved from. "Tanjiro, you really know how to ruin my fun," he grumbled, his voice tinged with gratitude.

Tanjiro, catching his breath and flashing a lopsided grin, replied, "Sorry, Inosuke, but it seems this feast comes with a side of deadly traps. We wouldn't want you to become a main course, now would we?"

Inosuke huffed, dusting himself off and casting a wary glance at the menacing meat saws. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Thanks for saving my hide, Tanjiro. Next time, though, I'll be faster than those sneaky meat slicers!"

The two friends shared a brief moment of camaraderie amidst the chaos, their bond growing stronger as they faced yet another unexpected challenge. With their appetites temporarily set aside, they focused on navigating the treacherous labyrinth, knowing that their survival depended on their wits and teamwork.

And so, with Inosuke's hunger momentarily suppressed and Tanjiro's quick thinking, they continued their journey through the dimensional fortress, braving the dangers that lurked within, one hilarious and perilous step at a time.

"Hmm, Inosuke..." Tanjiro mused, placing a finger on his chin as his brows furrowed in concentration. His friend peered at him, puzzled by his contemplative expression. "I think I may have figured out the essence of this place," Tanjiro declared, pausing to observe their surroundings. Inosuke tilted his head, his face a canvas of confusion.

Tanjiro's hand gently landed on Inosuke's head as he spoke, his voice filled with conviction, "It's all in our minds, Inosuke. This entire labyrinth exists within our own minds!"

Inosuke blinked, his confusion deepening rather than dissipating. He scratched his head, his wild boar mask making a slight scraping noise. "What do you mean by that?" he asked his tone a mixture of curiosity and frustration.

Tanjiro let out a chuckle, realizing his explanation might have been a bit too abstract for his straightforward friend. "Well, you see, Inosuke, this dimensional fortress is like a mental construct. It's a manifestation of our thoughts, fears, and the challenges we must overcome," he explained, trying to simplify the concept.

Inosuke's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding crossing his face. "So, you're saying this whole crazy maze is like a puzzle in our heads? That's kinda messed up," he remarked, scratching his chin with a puzzled expression.

"Exactly!" Tanjiro exclaimed, his voice laced with a touch of sarcasm. "Remember that crazy supper we were both obsessing over? It's like our thoughts manifested into reality, and bam! A giant feast appeared, complete with all our favorite dishes. Of course, it had to come with a tricky trap, just to keep things interesting!" He chuckled, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.

Inosuke's eyes widened, the realization sinking in. "Wait a minute... you mean to tell me that the supper actually matched what we were imagining?!" He scratched his head, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. "It's like this place is reading our minds and twisting our thoughts into reality. No wonder it feels so familiar and impossible to escape!"

Tanjiro nodded enthusiastically, knowing that Insouke might be one that believes in brute force but he wasn't stupid either. "Exactly, Inosuke! Our minds have shaped this dimensional fortress, creating a complex maze filled with endless hallways, the fear of being trapped, and the desperate struggle for survival. It's like a nightmare brought to life, designed to challenge us at every turn."

Inosuke clenched his fists, his determination ignited. "Well, if this place is playing mind games, then I won't let it defeat me! I'll use my instincts and razor-sharp senses to navigate through this maze and find a way out!"

Tanjiro grinned, appreciating his friend's unwavering spirit. "That's the spirit, Inosuke! We won't let this mental labyrinth break us. We'll rely on our instincts, trust in each other, and outsmart whatever illusions or traps this place throws our way!"

With their minds attuned to the bizarre nature of the dimensional fortress, Tanjiro and Inosuke forged ahead. Each step is fueled by their determination, their personalities shining through in their unique approaches. Tanjiro's analytical mind and empathy guided their path, while Inosuke's raw instincts and fearless nature added a touch of unpredictability to their journey.

Together they forged their thoughts into one. 
Where is he?


"Seems like they have figured it out!" Meiro, the demon lurking in the shadows, hissed quietly to himself, a tinge of annoyance evident in his voice. He clenched his teeth, realizing that the demon slayers were proving to be more of a challenge than he had anticipated. "These slayers can be quite a pain. I can't let this situation escalate any further. I need to take action before they become a real threat."

Meiro's eyes narrowed as he contemplated his next move. He knew he couldn't underestimate the resourcefulness and determination of these skilled demon slayers. If he didn't act swiftly, their understanding of the dimensional fortress could potentially become their key to escape. He couldn't allow that to happen.

With a calculated smirk, Meiro formulated a plan. He would manipulate the labyrinth, using its illusory nature to his advantage. He would create traps and challenges specifically tailored to exploit the slayers' weaknesses and fears. He would test their resolve and push them to their limits, hoping to break their spirits and turn their own minds against them.

"They may have grasped the concept of this place, but I'll show them that the mind can be a double-edged sword," Meiro muttered, his voice filled with a dark determination. "I will twist their thoughts, distort their reality, and make them question everything they believe in. They won't know what's real and what's an illusion. It will be their downfall."

With his plan set in motion, Meiro vanished into the shadows, blending seamlessly with the labyrinth itself. He knew the real battle had just begun. As he moved through the maze, his presence felt like a sinister presence lurking in every corner, ready to strike when least expected.

Tanjiro and Inosuke, unaware of the lurking danger, continued their journey with a mix of caution and determination. Little did they know that Meiro, the master manipulator of this dimensional fortress, had set his sights on them. The battle between their wits and Meiro's malevolence was about to unfold, each side striving to outsmart and outmaneuver the other in this twisted game of survival.


As Tanjiro and Inosuke ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the air grew heavier, the corridors more twisted. Every step they took seemed to lead them further into the depths of their own minds, where illusions and traps awaited.

Tanjiro remained vigilant, his senses heightened as he scanned their surroundings. Inosuke, on the other hand, charged forward with his usual reckless abandon, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead head-on.

Suddenly, the walls of the corridor began to shift and morph, taking on grotesque shapes and eerie colors. Tanjiro quickly realized they were caught in an illusion, a manifestation of Meiro's wicked influence. He called out to Inosuke, "Inosuke, don't trust your eyes! It's all just a trick! Stay focused!"

Inosuke caught up in the illusion, swung wildly at the deformed figures that seemed to materialize out of thin air. But his attacks passed through them harmlessly, as if they were mere mirages. Tanjiro swiftly grabbed his friend's arm, pulling him back from the illusory onslaught.

"Inosuke, we can't let these illusions control us. We have to rely on our instincts and training," Tanjiro urged, his voice resolute. "Remember, This place manifests based on one's fear and thoughts they so desire. I doubt it wouldn't be able to do the same with that Demon's thought too! "

Inosuke grumbled, his face covered with a mixture of frustration and determination. "You're right, Monjiro! I won't let some stupid tricks get the better of me!" He tightened his grip on his blades, ready to face whatever twisted illusions the dimensional fortress threw at them.

Together, they pressed on, navigating through the labyrinth with a mix of caution and intuition. Meiro's traps became increasingly elaborate and devious, testing their resolve at every turn. But Tanjiro's analytical mind and Inosuke's unwavering spirit complemented each other perfectly, allowing them to unravel the illusions and overcome the challenges they faced.

As they reached a particularly treacherous section of the labyrinth, a voice echoed through the corridors, dripping with malicious delight. "You may have found your way this far, but can you escape the clutches of your own fears?" Meiro's taunting voice reverberated through the walls, sending shivers down their spines.

Suddenly hundreds of walls started attacking Tanjiro and Inosuke, separating them from each other and trapping both the slayers, confining them.

As the walls closed in around them, Tanjiro and Inosuke found themselves separated, each trapped in their own confined space. Panic surged through their veins, but they knew they had to stay focused and find a way to break free.

Tanjiro assessed his surroundings, his keen eyes scanning every inch of the enclosed space. The walls seemed impenetrable, devoid of any weaknesses or openings. But he refused to give in to despair. With a determined expression, he unsheathed his sword and took a deep breath, channeling his Breath of Sun.

Inosuke, on the other hand, thrashed against the walls, his brute strength futile against the unyielding confinement. Frustration burned in his eyes, but he refused to let it consume him. Instead, he turned his attention inward, tapping into the primal instincts that guided his every move.

Tanjiro's voice resonated through the confined space as he called out to his companion. "Inosuke! Stay calm and focus on your breathing! We'll find a way out of this together!"

Inosuke, though initially resistant to Tanjiro's guidance, begrudgingly followed his advice. He closed his eyes, taking deep, deliberate breaths, and centered himself amidst the chaos surrounding him. As he did, a newfound clarity washed over him, sharpening his senses and heightening his awareness.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro's sword enveloped in bright red flames

"Sun Breathing: 12th from Flame Dance"

He used the 12th form of the Sun Breathing technique and struck the walls with precision and finesse, utilizing his trained skills to search for weak points. Each strike sends a shiver in the walls through the solid surface hints at the possibility of a breakthrough.

With every strike, Tanjiro's determination grew, his belief in their ability to overcome this challenge unwavering. "Inosuke, we can do this! Keep pushing, keep fighting!"

Inosuke, now attuned to his instincts, felt a surge of power within him. His body moved with newfound agility, his senses heightened to detect even the slightest change in the environment. He unsheathed both his swords and took a stance 

"Beast Breathing: Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice"

He launched himself at the walls, delivering multiple diagonal double slashes with both his swords.

As they continued to assault the walls, a faint crack appeared, spreading like a spider's web. Tanjiro's eyes widened with hope, and he increased the intensity of his strikes, exploiting the newfound weakness. Inosuke, too, noticed the crack and focused his attacks on the same spot.

With one final powerful strike, the weakened wall gave way, crumbling before them. Tanjiro and Inosuke emerged from their confinements, their eyes meeting with a mix of relief and triumph. They had broken free from the walls that had sought to confine them, proving their indomitable spirit and unyielding resolve

Together, they pressed forward, united in their determination to confront Meiro and put an end to his wicked game. The challenges they faced had only strengthened their bond and resolve, and they were ready to face whatever awaited them in the heart of the dimensional fortress.

As they advanced, the corridors twisted and shifted, presenting new obstacles and illusions designed to test their resolve. But Tanjiro and Inosuke, now more in sync than ever, moved with unwavering determination, their friendship and unwavering spirits guiding them through the labyrinthine maze.

Their journey was far from over, but with their unwavering resolve and unbreakable bond, they were prepared to overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious. 

The battle against Meiro was reaching its climax, and Tanjiro and Inosuke were ready to claim their hard-earned victory as true demon slayers.


















End of Ch.

Author Note:

I know a short chapter, but you see, my vacations have started today so I will now have more time to write newer chapters hence you could probably get more than one in the upcoming weeks.

 Also I really, really need to know what you think about the dimensional fortress. Different dimensional fortresses would have different properties making them distant from each other. 

But seriously do you like this idea, let me know in the comments, and also give me some more ideas for your own dimensional fortress for any of your fav demons but note that the demon must match the power level in accordance with the scaling I have done in the previous chapter i.e. class D1 or D2 or Tweleve Kizukis (No Yahaba and Sasumaru, I won't give them the Dimensional fortress.)

Also, sorry i couldn't accept any of your names that were given for this demon, reason for that is that they didn't match the twisting nature of this demon, which is kinda something I want, like the name having a meaning closely resembling the demon. So sorry about that!

So yeah that's it for this one, See ya in the next chapter

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