New Friends & Result of the Final Selection

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CH.5 New Friends & Result of the Final Selection

This Story is always in Third Person P.O.V

This chapter is 2849 words long

[I have made a slight change so whatever happened in this Ch happened at the very last day of the final selection and not at the third day]

'What the hell...' There were three people walking in the forest, one was a guy with yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs. He was wearing a white-triangle patterned haori. He seems to be scolding his friend. His friend was a guy of with a boar mask, he wasn't wearing anything on his upper body rivaling his muscular body. Besides them was another guy with Mohawk hair, he was trying to calm both of them down.


'Is that yellow hair name Monitsu, that's a weird name' Muichiro thinks, "MY NAME IS NOT MONITSU YOU FUCKING BOARHEAD" The Yellow haired guy shouted, 'Oh' "BUT THAT IS YOUR NAME" The boarhead guy shouted again. "MY NAME IS ZENITSU" The yellow hair guy named "Zenitsu" shouted on his friend with every cell of his body telling him to kill the guy. "Can you two stop fighting" The mohawk hair guy said clearly annoyed with his friends.

Muichiro was enjoying their fight so he decided to follow them. It was nightfall and demons started roaming the land, fortunately for them Muichiro haven't sensed one yet. Muichiro also get to know their names, the yellow hair guys name was Zenitsu, the boarhead guys name is Inosuke and the mohawk hair guy name is Genya. But now he has started to get bored of them so he decided to leave and continue his killing spree of demons.

But just as he was about to leave he sensed something. Something powerful a very powerful demon. He looked down to the three boys which were in a defensive stance, Muichiro assumed that they have also sensed it. 'They have potential'  He thought then suddenly he felt that an attack was coming towards the yellow haired boy, he was about to jump in when...

"Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash" Zenitsu used the first form of Thunder Breathing to dodge the attack from the demon, while Inosuke and Genya jump to their opposite direction landing in a distance from there previous spot as they all got a clear look on the Demon. He was having Brown colour hair and was wearing the same colour Kimono.

Muichiro was taken back by their sudden dodging of the group he just wasn't expecting it. "That was.........Impressive" Muichiro's hand were on his sword he was about to jump down when "You three look pretty strong, dodging an attack like that, Unlike others you three seems like ones who can put a fight" The demon said with a evil grin. 'Can they' Muichiro sat down on the branch and decided to spectate but if things didn't go as intended he will jump into the battle.

"HAHAH A DEMON I THE GREAT LORD INOSUKE IS GOING TO KILL YOU" Inosuke shouted which makes demon grin wider. "OhH then LETS FIGHT" The Demon dashed towards Inosuke at blinding speed. "Beast Breathing: Second Fang Slice" Inosuke taking out his two chipped blades unleashes a double slash in an X-shaped cut. 'Beast Breathing never heard of it, did he make that? And what's up with those blades? they are looking chipped' Inosuke's attack cutting demons both arm but it made the demons grin wider.

Zenitsu saw this as the perfect opportunity and "Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap & Flash" Zenitsu dashed towards the demon aiming for his neck. While Genya takes out his short blade and a gun as he shot one of the legs with it while aiming for the other to cut it with his blade. Muichiro while was full of thoughts 'Again First form he could have used some other form, and why does that guy have a gun and such a short blade and unlike the two he doesn't used a breathing technique but WHY?' 

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