An Eternal Oblivian

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Ch.12 An Eternal Oblivian

This Story is always in Third Person POV

This Ch is 4623 words long

Tanjiro and Inosuke found themselves before an imposing door. Its design was a fascinating spectacle, adorned with a sculpture depicting two dragons, one pristine white and the other pitch black; the creatures intertwined in a mesmerizing dance, their serpentine bodies locked in an eternal embrace. It was a symbol of yin and yang, the harmonious interplay of opposing forces.

Tanjiro couldn't help but be drawn to the beauty of the sculpture, finding himself entranced by the delicate details that brought the dragons to life. In contrast, Inosuke's impatience was palpable, his eyes flicking restlessly from the sculpture to the closed door.

"I am hungry" Inosuke muttered as his stomach speak with a grumbling sound, Tanjiro chuckled a little and said, "Inosuke once we defeat this demon, the treat is one me!" Inosuke looked at him with astonished eyes, as his determination grew even bigger. "The let's get this over with!" He shouted raising his hand to one of the handles of the door, Tanjiro smiled a little as he grabbed the other handle.

They gripped it firmly and exerted their strength, pushing the weighty door open, revealing a horrific sight. 

The door creaked slowly as if reluctant to unveil the scene that awaited them. As the gap widened, it revealed a space that transcended human comprehension. Through the opening, an awe-inspiring vista unfolded before their eyes, defying the limits of their understanding. The vast expanse of the labyrinth stretched out in all directions; its intricate passages and intricate architecture laid bare as if they were witnessing the labyrinth's inner workings.

Time seemed to stand still as Tanjiro and Inosuke took in the breathtaking sight. The labyrinth, once a perplexing maze, now lay exposed before them like a web spun by some unseen master weaver. They could see the intricate network of corridors, staircases, and chambers intertwining with one another, forming an intricate tapestry of chaos and design.

The sheer scale of the labyrinth was overwhelming, its complexity defying logic and reason. It was as if they were peering into the very essence of the labyrinth itself, its secrets and mysteries laid bare. In the epicentre of it all, hovered a magnificent throne, floating. Seated upon the floating throne was Meiro. His gaze piercing Tanjiro and Inosuke, with his fluctuating aura created an extremely uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Tsk.Tsk.Tsk" Meiro bite his tongue, looking at the two slayers as if disappointed with them. "Haa! What's with that look!?" Inosuke shouted at Meiro, constructing a grin at the twisted demon's face. "I am just...disappointed with you," Meiro said, his grin dropped. " Disappointed with your life. You two are so young, have a whole life in front of them, and yet you are here, in the mouth of death itself" He continued, his voice sounded saddened, completely opposite to his expression which looked amused, and excited.

"Hmm, how about this?" A sinister grin spread across Merio's face as he taunted them with his proposal. "You walk out of here, and we're done! Completely done! You go your way, I go mine. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?"

Tanjiro and Inosuke felt a surge of anger wash over them, fueled by Merio's audacity and his dismissive attitude. The very suggestion of allowing this wicked demon to walk away unscathed only intensified their eagerness to vanquish him on the spot.

"You really think we would accept it!" Inosuke shouted at Merio.

"But if you do...." Inosuke leaned forward with his swords around his body 

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