Glader Girl

By PhillyReader

2.6K 36 5

*Points at Gally* I LOVE HIM, YOUR HONOR! Gally does NOT get enough love, I stg, SMH. Plot: The first girl w... More



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By PhillyReader

Narrator- Night had fallen, the fire burned bright as everyone sat under a large tent that stood above rows of wooden steps, almost like bleachers. The Gladers, along with Brenda, sat with one another, waiting for Venice to speak. They had all collectively agreed to get Safe Haven up and running as much as possible before having what Venice referred to as a welcoming party. Julia sat against Gally's legs, Thomas next to Brenda with Minho and Newt on the steps in front of them. After retrieving a knife and a drink for himself, Vince walked over to the fire and stood in front of the large boulder that would serve as the Memorial Rock. Everyone went silent. "We have come a long way together. So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible." "Your friends, your family. So, here's to the ones that couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you, it's for all of us." Everyone raised their glasses up, silently remembering their loved ones. The Gladers turned to each other, their faces blank, but they smiled softly. "Now this, this is for them," Vince continued, pointing at the rock. "So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace." He stuck the knife into a wooden pole, then turned to raise his glass. "Welcome to the Safe Haven!"

Everyone cheered. Some stood, or jumped up and down, the rest stayed seated; clapping and hugging anyone they knew. While everyone gathered around the fire, the Gladers walked away to be alone. Gally, Julia, Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Fry sat in silence, watching the dark waves, smiling. "This is going to be a good home for us," Minho said. Thomas and Newt looked at each other for a moment then slung their arms around their friends' shoulders. "We did it," Julia spoke softly, her voice was calm, yet disbelieving. Gally took her hand in his and smiled. They all went silent again until Julia started sniffling. The boys looked at her; she was smiling, crying tears of joy as they slowly slid down her face. "I love you guys so much!" she cried, letting out a sob. Thomas looked at her, his face hopeful, "Does that include me too?" Julia let out a tear-filled laugh before turning to look at him. "Yes, I love you too, you shucking idiot." Thomas jumped up and whooped in victory. Then he grabbed Julia and started spinning her around while she screamed and yelled at him. "She said it! She loves me!" The other boys started laughing, Newt was playfully scolding his boyfriend and Gally shook his head, still not used to seeing the two of them act like this. Thomas slung Julia onto his back, and he started running around while she screamed and laughed.

"I give up on those two," Newt said, watching them with the biggest smile on his face. "Minho, save me!" Julia screamed for her best friend, who doubled over and laughed before jumping up and chasing after Thomas. "Oh, god, there's three of them!" Gally groaned, watching as Minho scooped Julia up and bolted, Thomas giving chase as the three of them yelled and hurled playful insults at one another. "Okay, give me back my girlfriend, you two shucking morons," Gally yelled. Minho jogged over and plopped Julia on Gally's lap, then grabbed Thomas by the neck and began wrestling him to the ground. "For shucks sake, why!" Newt whined, but he had tears in his eyes from laughing. The two broke off and sat back down; Minho between Newt and Fry, Thomas at Gally and Julia's feet. Julia reached out and fluffed Thomas' hair, and he turned to smile at her. "Greenie, I don't think I thanked you for taking care of her. So, thanks for that, and for keeping her safe," Gally said to him. Thomas gave him a crooked smile and his eyes brightened when he looked at Julia. He nodded at Gally then rested his head on Newt's knee.

They all stayed there a few moments longer before walking over to the fire to join the others. Fry went over to his group of cooks to hand out food, while the others joined Vince, Jorge, the girls, and Aris. Thomas chose to sit between Brenda and Gally, Newt and Minho stood with Jorge and Aris. Thomas and Gally watched Harriet and Sonya play with Julia's hair while she spoke to them. "They love her; you should've seen Harriet when we stayed with them the past few months, practically worshiped Julia," Thomas told Gally. Gally snorted. "Doesn't surprise me; she's beautiful in every way, she's always had a big heart, and a kick-ass attitude. I don't know Harriet, but she and Sonya seem tough." Thomas nodded, then Gally turned to him, a serious look on his face. "Greenie, what happened to her after... after the Glade?" Thomas swallowed, sighing. "She was a mess. Sleep deprived, not eating, nightmares, all that stuff. You heard Newt say it took two months of caring for her? Yeah, it wasn't easy, but we pulled through."

Gally sighed then looked at Julia. The fire was bright in her eyes, she was laughing with the girls, she looked peaceful. Thomas frowned, then placed a hand on Gally's shoulder. "Hey, it's not your fault. You were scared, Gally, then you got stung, Wicked was controlling you... we were all messed up that day. Just be thankful you're both here and you're together again, okay?" Gally looked at Thomas, his face blank. This was uncertain territory for them both, more so for Gally, but he smiled slightly at the other boy. Neither of them said anything, they didn't need to. Then Julia came over and sat between them, planted a kiss on Gally's cheeks, then laid her head on Thomas' shoulder. "Hey," Minho said, looking somber. "We're going to put the names down now... if you three are up for it." Julia inhaled sharply, clutching Thomas' and Gally's hands in each of hers. Newt smiled imploring at Thomas, then at Julia. The Gladers made their way to the Memorial Rock, some names already carved onto it. Fry had just finished Winston's name and held the knife out. "Who wants to go first?" No one moved. Julia stepped back, wrapping her arms around herself. Minho pulled her into a hug, whispering to her. Newt stepped forward, took the Knife, then spelled out Alby's name. He handed the knife to Minho and took Julia into his arms while Minho carved out "Ben." Then he handed Gally the knife. Gally froze, looking at it like it brought him pain.

"Give it time," Thomas said. The Gladers looked at him, and Gally turned away from Thomas, unable to look at him, knowing whose name he needed to carve. Slowly, painfully, he approached the rock, and exhaled heavily. Julia came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him, burring her face into his back. It felt like hours had gone by when Gally had finished. He brushed away some dust and stared at the name, Chuck. Julia let out a pained whine and Thomas immediately wrapped her in his arms. Both were crying softly. Everyone looked away, except Gally. Seeing this, Thomas slowly reached out his hand, afraid of Gally's reaction, but when Gally didn't move, Thomas set an arm around him while the other held Julia. "I don't know how you can..." Gally began, but Thomas shushed him. "It hurts, it'll always hurt, but I can look at you and not want to rip you apart." He sighed, then continued, "I won't forget what you said back in the city Gally; I can forgive you, even though I know you think you don't deserve it, but you earned it." Suddenly, Julia's arms wrapped around the two boys, pulling them close to her as she sobbed. Thomas gently removed her grip from himself, and pulled her away from the rock, sitting her down by the fire.

Gally took one last look at the name, the name of a kid he loved and killed, then stepped back. He turned and found Vince and handed him the knife, then he was pulled into another hug by his Gladers, his friends, his brothers. He chuckled softly at the feeling of being smothered, then smiled at them all. Minho said he'd put down the rest of the Gladers and told everyone else to go back to the fire and have fun. Fry, Newt, and Gally sat back down and watched as Julia cuddled into Thomas' arms. He was whispering to her while she messed with the ring Ava gave her. Julia looked up at him and he nodded, seemingly giving her approval for something. Thomas picked her up and placed her in Gally's arms before cuddling with Newt. "Everyone okay?" the blonde boy asked his friends. Everyone turned to smile at Newt, answering him in turn. While the others talked amongst themselves, Newt bent his head to whisper in Thomas' ear, "Tommy, I want you to know Alby would be proud of you. And I'm proud of you." Thomas smiled sadly and craned his neck to kiss Newt. The two of them watch their friends; Fry laughing loud enough it would boom through the sand, Brenda and Minho flirting secretly, Aris talking with Jorge and Vince, and Gally and Julia curled around each other while holding conversation with the girls.

After everyone had eaten their fill, laughed, and smiled till it hurt, and the fire had reached low flames, Vince announced it was time for bed. Most went to sleep instantly, but Thomas and Julia looked at one another, their eyes held a silent conversation no one else would know. They smiled at the sight of each other wrapped in their lover's arms, then Thomas held out a finger for Julia to take. Just like back in the Scorch, they intwined their fingers, locked in a promise-like way, and slept.


Julia- Thomas followed me over to the Memorial Rock and watched silently as I carved in the name of a man I no longer remembered. When I finished, I touched it, sighing. I looked over to the other side and my heart clenched at seeing Mary's name. Thomas nudged me gently, silently asking if I was okay. "You know what the worst part of being sent to the Maze is? Knowing what I know?" Thomas frowned but waited for me to continue. "That she sent me as a variable, as a test. That's it. She sent me to a group of boys to see if they'd accept me or hate me." Thomas grabbed my hand and squeezed it but stayed silent. "The only thing that kept me there was Gally's love for me. If we weren't together, Ava would've brought me back. I'd have bonded with the boys only for her to snatch me back." I looked out at the ocean and sighed. "And shuck knows what would've happened to me." Slowly, Thomas wrapped his arms around me and rocked me gently. "Don't think about it, okay?" I frowned and turned to look at him.

"But that's just it; ever since that bitch told us about it, I've had nightmares of being sent back to Wicked. I have nightmares of being sent home while you all got harvested back in the Scorch, not ever knowing what really happened to you all. I have nightmares of them taking me instead of Minho." I felt tears form, but I held them back. "Julia, it was one thing when they took Minho, but do you have any idea what would've happened if they took you from us?" I shook my head. "It would've been a war. Newt would've died inside; Minho would be enraged every second of the day. He'd have been out for blood if they took you. Jorge and Vince would've killed for you. Wicked wouldn't stand a chance if they touched you." I smiled sadly. "Have you talked to Gally about this?" I sighed. "I've been dealing with his nightmares; his are Hell compared to mine." Thomas gave me a stern look and shook his head. "No, you're not allowed to be a hypocrite when it comes to your trauma. Talk to him." I laughed softly and nodded.

"Hey!" We turned our heads to see Gally and the boys heading over to us. I was still in Thomas' arms when Gally reached us, so he let go so Gally could take me. "What are you guys doing?" Newt asked. I looked at the rock. "I put my dad's name down." The boys looked at the rock and smiled sadly. "He'd be proud of you, Princess. And Mary," Newt told me, reaching out to stroke my cheek. I looked back at the rock, seeing the names of our lost Gladers, my heart twisting when I saw Alby and Chuck's names. "It's my turn to look after you boys. I have to be in charge always, and not out of respect, as an actual leader." Minho snorted and punched my arm. "Hey, it's on both of us, remember? You got me." I laughed softly. "Yeah, I know. I just... I want to make Alby proud." Gally cupped my chin and turned my face towards his. "You already have baby. I doubt anyone here would disagree." The boys threw out their approval, and my heart almost burst. I snuggled closer in Gally's arms and looked back out on the ocean. The boys all flung their arms around one another and stood, watching silently, with smiles on their faces. The wind blew gently, wafting the smell of sea-salt in our faces, and I felt at peace. I could tell everyone else felt the same way.

It's going to take time to make this place a fully functioning home, but we have the time. No more threats or worries. No more monsters or mazes. No more Wicked. No one and nothing can hurt us, not anymore. We're safe. We're home.


A large fire burned as the sun nearly reached setting on the ocean. Everyone was spread out along the beach or sitting around the fire. Laughter boomed, people were dancing or just having fun. Cups are constantly refilled with Special Brew, the strong alcohol bringing out the best in people. Wrestling matches taking place whenever anyone was brave enough to take on Gally, who is still the one to beat. Some join Fry in singing loudly at the top of their lungs. Tonight's party is in full swing, and no one is holding back their joy. A year. They had all made it a year in Safe Haven. Huts stood tall around the beach, their Mess-Hall an actual building, not just tarp and poles. They're still building their home, there's a lot to do, but they've made so much progress that no one cares how long it takes. The Safe Haven is run smoothly by Julia and by Minho. They work together like they're in sync, even when they don't know what they're doing, they support one another, and they figure it out. Everyone thrives under Julia's love and care; the therapy sessions work like a charm. Everyone still has bad days; people still have nightmares of Wicked or the Mazes. But even if they don't talk about it, it's still nice to have someone to hold them and let them cry or just be comforted.

The boys care for their Princess too. When Julia isn't delegating, she's with Thomas and Newt, walking along the beach between them, holding their hands. When she's not doing that, she's laughing and singing with Fry while they cook, and sometimes when she needs him to, Fry listens as she rants or talks about her bad days. He always gives her something sweet and a bone-crushing hug to go along with it. Sometimes, when she needs to just be coddled, she goes to Aris, Harriet, and Sonya. She sits as they play with her hair, styling it and giving her self-boosting compliments. When she needs to get out any anger or needs to just let it all out, she goes to Minho and Brenda, who are happily together, thanks to her. They dish out threats and tease one another. Everyone stays clear when these little fights go on, but it helps.

Jorge and Vince became fathers to Julia. Vince tells Julia all about Mary, about the stories Mary told him about her. Jorge provides a link to her father, who she'll never remember, but with every Spanish word that comes out of their mouths, she can almost sense her father with her. But when all is said and done, when she needs comfort and care that no one else can give, she goes to her lover. Gally and Julia get each other though the nights, whether it's taming the nightmares, or loving one another, they get through it. Julia told Gally about her nightmares, and he's always there to remind her where they are, and that she's his, forever.

Thomas and Newt have thrived in their new home. Newt's happiness is genuine; it's no longer a smile that hides pain, it's bright and infectious. But Newt still has a job, caring for his boyfriend. Thomas has bad nights where he remembers Chuck or anything else Wicked put them through, and he screams in the night. Sometimes it's reversed, and it's Thomas holding Newt when he cries, remembering trying to end his life. When he remembers losing Alby and almost losing Minho. But Newt's pain is just that, bad memories. His pain is no longer from wanting to give up, he has so many reasons to live now.

Minho and Brenda strengthen one another. Minho has nightmares of his time at Wicked, but he talks about it when the sun is bright, and he's surrounded by people. Brenda sits with him under a tree while she works and listens to his pain. Sometimes, Minho has to remind Brenda that she's not in the Scorch, that she doesn't have to worry about Cranks popping out of no where and killing them. She doesn't have to worry about seeing anyone she cares about get infected and chaining them up because she can't bear to end their lives.

Fry is the same as he always was, but he's lost people too. Julia and Gally are with him whenever they can, hanging out in his kitchen, sitting with him at mealtimes. Julia likes to hug his arm while they sit at the tables, her way of reminding him that he's loved and safe. Thomas always takes the time to have lunch with him, talking about anything his mind can think of. Everyone loves Fry, and everyone always takes the time to show that he's appreciated.

Gally and Thomas are friends; much to the shock of those who know them. They take small breaks up on a cliff, appreciating nature and silence. And even when Thomas breaks that silence with his chatter, Gally doesn't tell him to slim it, he smiles and joins the conversation when he can. Sometimes, if the pain of Chuck hits one of them too hard, they sit on the beach with Julia, laying in her arms as she strokes their heads. They don't speak much when this happens, and it still takes effort on Gally's part to share emotional stuff with someone that isn't Julia, but he tries. Thomas appreciates when Gally tries; he learned to read Gally, knows when not to pry, knows when to stay silent and listen, or not speak at all.

They all know that they'll never be okay. Somedays that's hard to hear, that their pain will never go away, only become manageable or lessen with time. But they all take the comfort in those they still have and love. They're all a community, a family, friends. No one is alone here. They make it one day at a time. And every night when they're all by the fire, go to sleep in beds, and wake up to the rising sun above the ocean, they breathe in relief that they've made it another day. Tonight, they raise their glasses and toast to one another, they toast to their first year in their home, they toast to everything they have. To life. To freedom.


And so it is written! We've reached the end of this story, and I'm so happy with it! I'm so glad that so many people have read this story; thanks for the kudos and comments!
Side note: I had a Thomally reader reach out to me, asking if I'd write a one-shot or even a whole new story of my OC, Gally and Thomas as a poly-couple. I, too, am a Thomally lover, and I do like the idea, don't really know if I'd do it though. I'd love people's opinions.

Thanks again to everyone that's read this story. Hope you all enjoyed it!

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