A Ragnarasson Lady - Vikings

By Falenwritting

16K 190 10

" You were never on my side " More

𝟶𝟶𝟶 A Ragnarasson Lady
002 Wrong decision comes with consequences
003 The Yol
004 Rise and fight
005 The years that had passed
006 The children's worst day
007 The worst thing that could happen
008 One mistake causes everything
009 lies will start here
010 The viking's plan
011 The christian and heathen
012 Blood and war
013 The day the music died
014 The damn night
015 The blood spoil
016 A Son
017 The Blood Bath
018 Power Is Power
019 Is This Really Where Everything Started?
020 Fun Family

001 Where everything started

2.3K 26 0
By Falenwritting

A young ubbe and hvitserk were running down the crowded streets of kattegat laughing, sigurd was running after them while a four year old ivar and a one year old solaine were in the cart, ivars twin adeline was besides Sigurd running after the cart ivar squeal while solaine was laughing

"Is it fun ivar?"

Hvitserk asked his young brother while continuing to drag the cart

"Out of the way!"

Ubbe yelled while running with hvitserk with the cart

"Becareful not to break my bones!"

Ivar yelled out to his older brother, his twin adeline laughed, solaine on the other hand was laughing and giggling at ivar, all of them run into the great hall giggling and laughter, freyja one of adeline's friend run next to adeline tapping to her shoulder

"What are you guys doing"

Adeline signed back while running


Once they reached the great hall ivar giggled

"He likes it!"

"Do you want to go again?"

Ubbe asked

"Faster! Faster!"

Bjorn walked in looking at his half siblings

"Now where are the little boys and girls!"

Ubbe and hvitserk ran to him hugging him


They both yelled, adeline smiled at his older half brother, both ubbe and hvitserk let go of the cart to hug Bjorn

"Come here!"

Bjorn picked up sigurd looking at him

"Let me see, ubbe, hvitserk, sigurd, ivar, adelle and solaine"


Ivar whispered in a deep and playful voice, bjorn laughed at his expression and picked up solaine in the cart, she was giggling and looked at bjorn before turning to sigurd smiling, bjorn placed sigurd down still holding solaine in his arms, he then placed his hand behind hvitserk neck

"Ah you are all so big"

Bjorn smiled at his half siblings before turning to the queen

"Queen aslaug"

Aslaug smiled slightly, solaine was in the great hall floor playing with some wooden craved toys, she was unbother by her brothers laughing, adeline crouched next to her holding a small basket on her waist, adeline smiled softly at solaine pushing some of her dark hair back, some men had walked in carrying boxes with full of gold and rich

"Uh there"

Bjorn jester to a spot, ubbe and hvitserk were sitting in a log, adeline stared at the men before picking up solaine and sitting next to ivar placing solaine in her lap, aslaug looked amused seeing all the gold and silver, ubbe walked to one of the boxes picking up a silver

"And something for ivar! Oh what is that"

Bjorn gave ivar a cup, aslaug smiled at the show in front of her, adelind walked to one of the boxes taking out a circlet, she looked at it before placing solaine in the floor, she then placed the circlet in solaine head, it fit her perfectly aslaug turned to solaine and adeline smiling

"So paris was everything althelstan said it would be?"

Aslaug asked her stepson holding a golden necklace

"Yes and everything ragnar dreamed and more beside"

Bjorn was in a cliff yelling stuff, adeline was calming the little solaine in her arms while watching her half brother

"Therefore... I order the arrest of floki for the murder of althelstan"

Adeline eyes widen and the crowd was shouting, helga looked at her husband in worry

"No no floki don-"

Floki took his axe out and went to the center yelling, helga was pushed away by some man, floki turned to bjorn holding the axe

"What i did, i did for the common good for the sake of all of us! I have nothing to answer for."

Floki threw the axe to the ground putting his arms out, he turned to bjorn while some men took him away, adeline looked at ubbe before walking away holding solaine close to her

In the center of kattegat kids were laughing while throwing mud at floki, helga was trying to stop them adeline and freyja watched in hour as freyja held adeline's hand to comfort her

"Get out of here!"

Bjorn yelled running to the kids, the kids then runned off in fear, helga turned to him shock

"Come along adeline"

Freyja whispered to adeline walking away with her, she held adeline's hand tightly

"Bjorn's teaching me to fight"

Hvitserk happily said, adeline was feeding solaine some little pieces of the food while listening to them

"Good but remember your grandfather, my father was the greatest warrior of all time, he slayed the dragon fanir and is spoke of in the saga surely you will inherit his warlike gifts"

Bjorn leaned in to ubbe to whisper into his ear, ragnar limped into the crowded hall holding his wound

"All of you will be great warriors or shield maiden or a princess"

Adeline raised an eyebrow while eating at a piece of meat, aslaug leaned to the chair next to her where ivar sat

"Even you ivar"

Ivar smiled at his mother's comment, bjorn turned to his father


The men started to cheer, ubbe and hvitserk went to him embracing him bjorn watched


Adeline walked next to them holding solaine in her arms, solaine giggled seeing ragnar

"Sit come on"

He whispered to them, they all pulled away, adeline walked back to her spot which was next to bjorn's other side

"Please everyone continue! Forget about poor little me"

The men and woman laughed at his comment, ragnar picked up ivar from his chair sitting down and placing ivar on his lap, he groaned in pain aslaug turned to him

"Everyone's so happy to see you ragnar"

"Perhaps some more then others hmm?. Ah look at my children! Huh?"

Ragnar smiled before turning to thrall next to him, a new thrall, she walked away holding the jug, ragnar then turned to ivar

"What have i missed?"

"You tell him"

Ivar jester to hvitserk next to ragnar

"Bjorn had arrested floki"

Ragnar pulled away looking at his oldest son


Hvitserk continue to chew and realised what he had said, he turned to adeline who shrugged while eating

"Why? Hm"

"Floki needed to be dealt with"

Adeline looked at her father then her half brother before looking at solaine feeding her

"Did you also think that if i wanted him arrested i would have done it long time ago?"

Like bjorn adeline stopped her movement looking at her father

"But now you have made it public and left me with no opinion, now i am forced to deal with my errant friend"


Adeline whispered trying to comfort her older brother she held his hand under the table, she looked at him with sorry eyes, bjorn cracked a smile and held her hand under the table, the smile disappear when ragnar spoke

"Whose stupid idea was it to leave rollo behind in paris?"

Bjorn slammed his hand onto the plate letting go of adeline's hand

"He is my uncle!"

"He is my brother and i know him better"

Adeline grabbed bjorn's hand hoping for him to stop and he did, he continued to eat for the young girls sake adeline then continued to eat as solaine mumbled muffled up words

"Come on! Come here fight me!"

Adeline laughed as she held solaine in her arms, ubbe was holding the cart while ivar and hvitserk were playing swords while running, floki's older daughter frigg watched ragnar torment her father, she was horrified that she ran off

Bjorn hugged his half brother and crouched down to his level

"Children look after ragnar yes?"


"He is not strong as he would like to think"

Bjorn continued to smile standing up he then walked to the twins

"See you in the spring ivar and adeline"

"See you then"

Bjorn kissed solaine forehead before turning to ragnar, he walked over to his father

"watch for fresh snow drifts and what's for pissing in front of you as well as behind you"

Bjorn chuckled under his breathe

"I'll try to remember that"

"Prove me wrong"

Bjorn stayed silent before walking off leaving ragnar standing there, adeline placed solaine in the cart before walking off with her siblings


Words: 1351

Hey guys! Hoped you like this chapter and dw I'll try and post the new chapter very soon

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