RED || ethan landry

By milfalertt

10.1K 221 61

"The red means I love you" Elaina Cooper moved to New York with her friends for a new start. They didn't want... More

one| cute
three| cute boy saves the day
four| my sisters
five| a fucking creepy movie theater
chapter six| 5 senses
chapter seven| how'd you sleep?
chapter eight| i love you
chapter nine| all too well
chapter ten| ethan kirsh
chapter eleven| i need you
twelve| dead
thirteen| answer me

two| have you learned nothing?

748 16 3
By milfalertt

chapter two: have you learned nothing?
aka sometimes it's okay to stfu

The following day, the group of friends found themselves on campus, receiving a lecture from Mindy.  It was quite obvious she's related to Randy Meeks. Though never meeting each other, the uncle and niece were exactly alike, two peas in a pod. They both gave their friends all the rules to survive the killings, unknowingly to the killer as well. Stu Macher was present while a drunk Randy told everyone the rules, and two of the killers were present as Mindy was doing the same thing. Luck just didn't seem to run in the Meeks blood.

"So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Tara asked.

"That is one possibility. Heroes now in college, check. Suspicious characters brought in to round out the suspect list, check." Mandy said, hands guestering to Ethan and Quinn.

Lain nudged her friend, whose shoulders she was leaning on. "Ignore her."

Ethan replied with a soft smile.

"But it can't just be about Stab 2." Mindy continued.

"Why not?" Tara asked.

"It would make sense if this were just a sequel. But we're not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore. We're in a franchise! And there are certain rules that follow;
Rule one: Everything is bigger than last time. Bigger cast, bigger budget, longer chases, shootouts, beheadings. You gotta top what came before to keep people coming back."

Damn, she's good, Ethan thought. He stole a glance to his sister, but she looked away, as if to say 'keep your mouth shut and stop acknowledging me'

"Rule two." Mindy listed. "Expect the opposite of what happened last time. That's how franchises survive, by changing expectations. If the killers last time were whiny snowflake nerds with letterbox accounts, then expect the opposite. Lastly, rule three. No one is safe. Legacy characters? Basically cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back to be killed in some lame attempt at nostalgia. Not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. Just look what happened to Dewey."

Elaina suddenly started to care about what Mindy was saying. "Wait, Kirby? Kirby's here?"

"Yeah, she's working the case, you know, FBI stuff." Sam informed.

"And you guys didn't think to tell me?" Elaina asked, slightly hurt.

Elaina and Kirby had a past. Elaina grew up around Kirby, the latter being a mom/sister figure to the younger girl. Elaina Cooper didn't have the world's best parents, seeing as they pretty much abandoned her, just supplying her with money to keep her out of their hair. Kirby was first introduced as Elaina's babysitter, when Elaina was just a baby. As years went on, the two grew close, and Elaina felt as if she was loved. Kirby was just what the girl needed. Parental love. However, after Elaina went through the killings last year, she shut everybody out. Including Kirby. Fuck, it was hard for her friends to get her to talk to them. Months on end, Elaina didn't leave her room. At first, her friends would just go sit with her, both needing the company. As more time passed, they started getting better, started moving on. Elaina didn't. The girl couldn't, she didn't have it in her system to get better. They slowly started visiting less and less, besides Chad. Chad barely left the girls side, even when everyone else did. Their bond was so strong, and nothing could ever break it. So, when Kirby stopped hearing from her kid, and no phone calls were answered, Chad is the first person she called. The boy informed Kirby what was happening.

"Oh my god. Is she okay?"

"Clearly not, that's what I just told you. I think she just needs more time. She lost Wes. She lost Amber. And she didn't have anyone to help her through it. I mean, you know. Her parents only came home for the hospital, because she was still a minor and her parents don't want CPS up their ass."

"My poor girl. Tell her I love her, and I wish I could be there with her. I love her so so much. Make sure she knows that you guys love her too. She needs it."

"Sorry. But that isn't even the worst part!" Mindy continued.

"This is where she tells us the worst part." Chad says, not looking up from his notebook.

"Thanks, Chad. What would we ever do without you?" Elaina joked.

"Probably die, to be honest."

"Let's hope we don't end up dying next to each other. Last time was too close of a call." Elaina said.

Or let's hope you don't die at all?

Mindy ignored their comments. "The worst part? Franchises are just continuing installments, designed to boost an IP. Which means, main characters are completely expendable now too. Not just the friend group, but any of us could go at anytime."

Ethan's face had worry written all over it. "Wait, am I in the friend group? Like am I a target? Am I gonna die a virgin?"

Elaina tried to hide a laugh.

Chad saw his opportunity and took it. "I don't know, is he, Elaina?" There was nothing more that Chad loved than embarrassing Elaina. It was his brotherly duties.

"Chad Meeks-Martin!" Elaina exclaimed.

Ethan just looked at the girl, smirks on both their faces.

"Weird overshare, and Elaina, no. You know my uncle's rules. Including no sex. We don't need you being murdered. Which brings us to our first suspect, Ethan. The shy dorky kid that no one suspects, because of how shy and dorky he is." Mindy accused.

Ethan's body rose with panic. "Whoa, why am I a suspect? Just because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?"

"And apparently now a love interest. Two for one, Ethan. Besides, roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed to room with him." Mindy accused.

"Yeah, sorry Mindy, but I think he's safe." Elaina said, trying to clear her friend's name.

Ethan smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

"Lain, have you learned nothing from last time? Use your brain." Mindy asks.

Elaina's face drops. "The fuck does that mean?"

Mindy immediately regrets her words. "Wait, that's not what I meant."

"No, I think it is." Elaina says, standing up. "I gotta go. Sorry guys."

"Elaina!" They all shouted, but came to no avail.

Not one of her friends followed her, so Ethan took matters into his own hands.

Running to catch up with her, he asks, "What was that about? I mean, if you wanna tell me. You don't have to."

He already knew damn well what that was about.

"No, it's okay. Last year, before act 3, when Richie and Amber revealed themselves, I defended Amber. I defended her with my whole life, screaming at everyone. No way she was the killer, she was my best friend. The girl who showed up to my house when I didn't leave my room for days. The girl who helped me whenever my parents broke me. I started accusing everyone else. I didn't know who to trust, I was scared. So I stuck right by Amber's side. Right until I went outside to look for Chad. Then, well I got stabbed. And Amber killed Liv. The one person who I defended the most was the killer, and it's my fault." Elaina explained.

Ethan's face fell. "I'm sorry. It isn't your fault. I wasn't there, so I cant really offer much, but I know you did nothing wrong."

"No, it isn't a big deal. Even after, I still couldn't believe it. Richie seemed like a good guy too, I liked him. He bought me food when I complained I was hungry. He was a good guy. Amber too. I know they hurt me and others, but I can't help but feel bad for them. You should've seen her, Ethan. Sydney and Gale were so brutal to her. Her whole body was burnt. I don't think she deserved it." Elaina admitted.

Ethan's heart broke. Elaina feels bad for murderers! Yeah, he was happy she wasn't shittalking his brother, but at the same time, his brother tried to kill her. His brother stabbed her, over and over again. His brother left Elaina to die in Amber's yard. She didn't deserve that at all. In fact, she didn't deserve to be caught in the middle of this. Ethan's family wants to avenge Richie, and kill anyone who had anything to do with his death. Elaina had nothing to do with it, she was bleeding out in the lawn! For christ's sake, she felt bad for him!

Ethan brought the girl into a hug. "I can't even imagine what you went through, Lain. I don't know what that feels like, to be betrayed by people you trust, by someone you loved. But whatever you're feeling, that's okay. But never, ever, think it's your fault. Maybe Richie and Amber got what they deserved. They hurt you, Lain. They could've killed you."

Maybe I should stop. Back out. Ethan loved Richie, but they were never that close. Ethan was the least favorite, and no one tried hiding it. Ethan loved Elaina more than he ever loved Richie. Elaina cared about him. Richie didn't. Quinn doesn't. His dad doesn't.

"Yeah, I know they could've. But they're both dead now. They had a life before! They had friends and family who loved them. Who still do love them, even after what they did. I still love her, Ethan. I just miss my best friend." Elaina sobbed.

Yup. They definitely have family who still love them. Richie was Ethan's brother, of course Ethan loved him. But not like most siblings. The two were never close, and the elder never tried to fix that. Richie was a killer, a murderer. And their dad still loved him. More than he ever loved Ethan. Maybe Ethan had to kill in order to finally gain his father's love. But, Ethan didn't know if he had it in him. It's a tough choice the boy has to make; family or friends. Gain the love that he so desperately craved from his family?  Or stay with his new group of friends and gain the love of Elaina Cooper? 

"Do you want to go somewhere? We could go get food, or just go back to my dorm for a while." Ethan suggested.

Elaina smiled.  "Yeah, I would love that. I haven't eaten all day."

Ethan nodded, taking the girls hand. "Food it is."

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