chapter six| 5 senses

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chapter six: 5 senses

aka: fight or flight and dumb decisions

The group was split up. Ethan, Chad, Mindy, Elaina, and Kirby were sat inside a van, tracking/tracing equipment all set up. Sam and Tara were outside, wondering the park like lost dogs. They were the bait, to ensure ghostface would call. Detective Bailey was undercover, sitting on a bench pretending to read the newspaper. And Gale? Kirby kicked Gale out, claiming no press was allowed. Kirby was a petty woman.

"So we're really doing the whole phone tracing thing that never works in the movies? It'll be all keep him talking Sam, I need two more minutes. Then he hangs up right before you get a location." Mindy questioned.

"I can trace a phone call in under 15 seconds." Kirby replied proudly.

"Yes Kirby!!" Elaina cheered.

"Well, you've got them out there as bait." Mindy sneered.

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby."

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight and we're in public?" Mindy asked.

"Look, I'm here. So is Bailey." Kirby said, trying not to be annoyed with the girl.

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight, public place. Got yanked into a van; stab, stab, stab. No more Randy!"

Elaina was fed up with Mindy always complaining. "Do you ever have  some actual insight or help? Or do you just complain with every single thing we do, but have no ideas of your own?"

Mindy was shocked. Ethan and Chad were trying not to laugh, and Kirby stayed quiet.

"Okay, I'm going to let that slide because you literally have brain damage and are on your period. And I love you, and I guess I've been a little bitchy." Mindy said, finally feeling guilt.

Ethan held his bag of cheetos towards Elaina, and she looked at him in disgust. "Cheetos are the worst kind of chips"

Ethan looked at her, not quite knowing what to say. After seeing her break out into a smile, he did the same.

Then he offered one to Chad, who was watching the whole thing. He declined.

"Hey Sam?" Kirby spoke to the headset. "Stay frosty out there, okay?"

"We're good." She replied.

"Yeah, please don't die." Elaina said, ending the conversation.

Through the device, they heard Sam's phone ring. It was time.

"You're gonna die you know." Sam said to the caller.

"No, you're gonna die, Samantha. Choking on your own blood, watching as I hack up your sister." The raspy masked voice replied.

"Unless we find you first."

Ghostface chuckled. "For a mastermind, you're not very bright. Waiting for me to call, hoping I'm nearby so the police can grab me?"

A long pause followed. How did he know their exact plan? Elaina took Ethan up on his offer, and took a few cheetos. Everyone inside the van looked at her.

"Sorry. Stress eating, you know?"

Ghostface began talking again. "But I'm not nearby. I'm one step ahead, like always. I'll be seeing you, Samantha." Then the call ended.

Elaina was the first to ask. "Did you get it?"

"Yup. Geolocation coming in now. He's on the upper west side. He's inside an apartment building half way across the city." Kirby informed.

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