one| cute

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chapter one: cute
aka i need another drink

"Anika!! Mindy!! My favs!" Elaina slurred.

The group of friends were at a frat party, and Elaina was loving it. The naturally gorgeous brunette was a huge partier. She was never caught at a party without a drink in her hands or the subtle scent of weed on her clothes. Boys always tried to get with her, because hey- she is Elaina Cooper. Who wouldn't want to be with her? 

"Hey Lain." The girls on the couch replied.

"You're drunk already? We've been here for like 20 minutes?" Anika exclaimed.

"No, it's been like an hour or more. Keep up, girly." Elaina replied. "I'm gonna go get another drink. Love you guys!"

Anika sighed, looking between her girlfriend and best friend. "Love you too. We'll be right here if you need anything."

Elaina was definitely a sweet drunk. The second alcohol entered her system, she let her guard down, and everyone was amazing and lovable.

"Lain!" She heard a voice shout, then spotted Chad and Ethan, making her way over to them.

"Chad!" Elaina smiled, pulling her best friend into a hug.

The two were always close, but the events of last year made them inseparable. They loved each other. Chad was like the brother Elaina never had.

"Ethan, interesting costume." Elaina joked.

"Uhh, yeah. Last minute knight thing." Ethan explained.

"No, no, it's not bad. I like it, it's cute." Elaina replied, making the boys face turn red.

He couldn't believe she called him cute. Well, his costume. Basically the same thing. The girl who he has been obsessed with ever since meeting her thinks he is cute.

The Cooper girl and Landry boy were not the closest, but they did talk quite a lot. They were in the beginning stages of friendship, but both secretly longed for more.

"Hey, Lain. What do you think of him? Isn't he a snack?" Chad asked, trying to be a wingman for his roommate.

"Hmmm." She pretended to think. "I think Mr. Ethan Landry is a very sweet, cute person. With great hair, of course."

The boy's face turned red instantly. "How drunk are you right now?"

"Ummm probably like a lot. Well maybe not a lot, just a little. Wait, actually, I have no idea. Chad, do I seem drunk?" She rambled.

"Yes, very." He answered, taking the drink out of her hands.

"Hey! I wasn't done with that!" Elaina complained.

"Sucks to suck. You don't need anymore, Lain. Give it a break, please." Chad said.

"Fine, whatever, Dad. I'm going to go get some water." She replied, walking away.

As soon as she stepped away from her two friends,  and into the kitchen, she found herself face to face with another guy.

"Hey, Elaina, right?" He asked, looking down to her.

"Yup, that's me!" She replied, smile on her face.

"Thought so. Would you like to go get a drink with me?" He asked.

"We're already both in the kitchen, so I guess I have no choice. Sorry, I was just joking, of course."

They made small talk, mostly Elaina rambling on about whatever came to her mind. The guy, Jack, seemed to be enjoying himself, feeding the girl drink after drink.

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