The bookworm on the team

By never_lost_

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MSBY is the furthest from normal out of all the V-league teams. The perfect example is Atsumu Miya, a loud, a... More

1. How about it?
2. The first page
4. The Gift
5. Victory...?
6. Crushes are the worst
7. Collectionner
8. Flowers
9. Hola hermoso
11. Screw up
12. Hide & (don't)Seek
13. Reader & Writer

10. ...Oh shit.

367 13 20
By never_lost_

Atsumu knew exacly where to go. It took them about an hour to get there, but they had a lot of fun just chatting. They were singing some classic duets and catching up. Oikawa put on, as they called it ,,their song" it was Ribs by Lorde. It was a little nostalgic, every time they met up, they put this song on. They sang their hearts out to their hair brushes, mimicing a microphones. They danced and jumped around Oikawa's room.

It was really hard on Atsumu, when Oikawa left to go to Argentina. Even if they called each other everyday. Sometimes he listened to this song and cried till morning, but he will never admit it. He stopped singing after that.

The brunette was his comfort person. Oikawa understood, the pressure, the stress to be the best, being underrated by your own teammates and some times wishing to... disapper.

The summer after his senior year, the first thing he did was book a plane to San Juan.


- Ahhh We are finally here - Kawa said walking out of the car and stretching his arms and legs.

- Yeah... Like in old times. - Atsumu said.

-  We aren't that old yet - the brunette said rolling his eyes.

The sun was shining brightly and the ocean was warm. It's wasn't windy or cloudy, it was over all perfect It was a really popular beach, beacuse it was the nearest to the local university.

Atsumu walked to the trunk of his car and opened it. He sat in it to comfortably change clothes.

- Tsumu babe... I don't think it's a good idea, what if someone recognises you... Then the whole day will be ruined. - Oikawa said scratching his arm.

- Pfffft. Okay Vouge Argentina - He scoffed at his friends concerns. Oikawa was much more popular than Atsumu, so he wasn't more worried.

- HEY! - Tooru turned to the other setter a bit offended.

- Ya looked great. - Atsumu said taking his pants off, revealing a pair of black swimming shorts.

- I thought so, but you still are more famous than me here. The best setter in Japan and of course Itazura. - Oikawa said taking off his t-shirt. Oikawa was in perfect shape to say the least, he looked great in everything, but only now you could see his toned and muscular body. And there it was. The ring he got on a little chain hanging around his neck. Since it is really painful playing with the ring on his finger, he put it on a chain.

- ShhhhhSHHhhh. I don't want anybody hearing you - Atsumu said shoving his hands onto the other setters mouth.

- Yeah yeah - the brunette said rolling his eyes.

Atsumu jumped off the trunk and closed it. He grabbed his towel walked to the beach. It wasn't too crawded, but you could see the students almost everywhere.

- Ya wanna go for a swim? - the blond asked looking at the friend behind him.

- Last to the water loses - the brunette yelled as he ran pass his friend.

- AYY! THAT'S NOT FAIR! - Atsumu yelled dropping all the stuff he was holding.

He run to the other male, but it was too late.

Oikawa put his hands in the water and as Atsumu was catching up to him, he splashed him with all the water he could.

- KAWA YA BITCH! - Atsumu yelled. His hair was soaked, he was mad about it. It was laying on his forehead and his eyes, so he couldn't see properly. The blond charged at the brunetted and tackeled him to the water.

- AAAAAAaaaaa. - Oikawa screamed before his whole body was underwater.

They both stood up and started to chuckle.

- GOD! You are a bitch. - Atsumu sighed.

- And you love it - Oikawa said sticking his toung out.

They both walked to their stuff and sat dow on the sand.

- So... what should I call ya now?... I think kawa babe is the best, but now ya will be Iwa babe. - Atsumu said a bit sadder.

- Oh COME ON! I'll always be Kawa babe for you - Oikawa said hugging the blond.

- You want we can buy ya ice cream, ya sulking baby - he added mocking his accent.

- Ya know I'll never say no to ice cream - Atsumu said standing up.

- Yeah... i know - the older said smiling gently as he stood up.


- WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE?! - Meian yelled.

- I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE, DO YOU KNOW WHERE WE ARE BARNES? HUH? - Inunaki yelled sarcasticlly.

- The tracker says he is an hour away, you have to be patient OKAY! BOKUTO STOP KICKING MY SEAT, I SWEAR TO GOD. - Barnes yelled.

Sakusa was sat in the front seat, but it still bothered him very much. He was getting stressed and anxious. He didn't want to meet Atsumu's boyfriend, but he realised it too late.


- Yeah and then I was like ,,WHat THe HEll!"? - Atsumu was telling Oikawa a story of his first day in MSBY dorm, when he heard someone whistle.

- Uuuuu, who do we have here. Hey there sweety pie. What brought you here? -  A guy chatted up to Oikawa.

- His car. - he responded pointing at Atsumu next to him.

- Who is this beauty you got there my friend - Another guy said walking to him

- my name is Shin and this is Toka. I thought you looked really pretty today ... - The guy said waiting for Oikawa's name.

- This is Iwaizumi and I am Osamu, nice to meet ya guys - Atsumu said covering his friends mouth, before he could do anything.

- It's great to meet you two - the Toka guy said, he kneeled and kissed Atsumu's hand and winked.

- You know... I'd really love if you two cuties joined us for a game of beach volleyball game - the Toka guy said looking at both setters.

Atsumu looked at Oikawa with a smirk, who looked back at him, also smirking.

- I don't know... I didn't play since middle school... I don't even remember the rules - Oikawa said swinging his hand.

- It's easy. We can teach you. So come on, the court is over there. Our friends are waiting. - Shin said pointing at the net few meters behind him. There were also few other guys sitting there chatting and laughing.

- I guess it won't hurt to try - Atsumu said lookinga at Oikawa, who was useing all his might not to laugh.

- That's GREAT! - Toka yelled .

- We are going to grab our bottles and we will be right there with ya - Atsumu said grabbing Oikawa's elbow and dragging him away. They run to their things and laughed at their evil plan.

- I think we can fool them a bit. - The blond said to which the brunette giggled.

- We will surly try. - Oikawa replyed.

They walked back to the random guys and I am damned if I won't say that all eyes were on them (main character moment)

- So what are the teams - Atsumu asked.

- OH I want to be with you Osamu - Oikawa said.

- You sure can, but won't it be better if we mix up the teams, like me with Zumi and Toka with Samu - Shin asked raising his brow.

- NO! I want to be with Samu!  - Oikawa yelled in his childish tone and puffed up his cheeks.

- Sure, but don't complain, when you lose - the Toka guy said as if he was sure he had won.

- Could you guys play something up beat please - Oikawa asked with big puppy dog eyes.

- Yeah sure. - Someone said and few seconds later Starships by Nicki Minaj started playing. Atsumu grabbed the ball and smiled.

- Oh god. Do you think I still know how to serv - He said looking at ,,Iwaizumi".

- You ain't a pro, it doesn't have to be perfect - Toka said giving him thumbs up from the other side of the net. Oikawa scoffed at that.

Atsumu took few steps back, tossed the ball into the air, jumped and spiked it with all his force. The ball landed inbetween two guys, whose eyes were wider than humanly possible. The people around had their mouth wide agape.

- Oooo! Nice one! - Oikawa yelled and high fived his friend.

- It's nothing really, I bet you guys have better ones - Atsumu said waving the comment off.

The opposing side threw them the ball. And once again it was their time to serve. But this time it was the brunettes turn.

He took few steps back, threw the ball, ran forward, jumped and spiked the ball with a little flick of the wrist. The object started to spin and it's path looked like an arch.

- Wow! That was great Iwa! - the blond ran to him and jumped on his best friends back.

They started to serve one by one. They gathered a small crawd and everybody looked on in aww, the other side gave up after the 10th point. The game ended with a score 25 to 0, with only the serves.

- GREAT GAME YOU GUYS! HOPE TO PLAY AGAIN SOMEDAY! - Oikawa said with his thumbs up to mock the guys.

- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? - One of the guys asked with his face full of resignation.

- It will remain a mystery - the blond said with a little hand gesture.

Suddeny someone yelled. A really loud yell. And a really recognisable voice.


- Shit.- the younger setter mumbled.

- WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND! - Inunaki yelled running towrds them with the whole team few meters behind him.

- YOU ARE ATSUMU MIYA?! - the guys yelled in shock. They were playing with the setter of the best team in Japan and didn't even notice.

- YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?! - Oikawa yelled looking at his friend. He felt betrayed.

- I HAVE A BOYFRIEND? - Atsumu yelled confused, which calmed down his angry best friend.

- YES. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GUY THAT CALLED YOU BABE TODAY? - Inunaki said taking a glance at the crowd.

Atsumu waited stunned a bit.

- What the fuck is he talking about? Nobody called me babe today, unless... OIKAWA! - He thought to himself.

- No I really don't have a boyfriend. - Atsumu insisted.

-Miya. You don't have to lie. I overheard you calling him hermoso - Meian said dramaticy.

- WHERE IS THAT HERMOSO GUY? I NEED TO TALK TO HIM. - Bokuto said grabbing Atsumu by the shoulders and shaking him violently.

- Bokuto-san hermoso means beautiful - Hinata said walking closer to them.

- I DON'T CARE IF HE IS BEAUTIFUL! I NEED TO MEET HIM! - bouto turned to the ginger.

- WHERE IS HE ? - Inunaki asked as Meian nodded.

- Buahahahahhahaha....Hahahahahahahahahah.... ha...ha - Somene laughed.

- It's not funny babe - Atsumu said glaring at the guy behind him.

- SEE! WHERE THE FUCK IS HE - Bokuto yelled as he picked up the blond and moved him out of the way.

- Hello there! - Oikawa said with a slight bow to the team.

- OIKAWA! You are Tsumu's boyfriend... I need a second - Bokuto said as he turned around and faited.

- NO of course no. Ewwwww. That's my best friend. - Oikawa said shuddering a bit.

- WHAT ABOUT IWAIZUMI-SAN?! ISN'T HE YOUR BEST FRIEND?! - Hinata yelled running closer.

- OIKAWA! TOORU! - someone yelled.

Everybodys heads turned to to source of the noise. It was a really pissed Iwaizumi Hajime.

- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE - He shouted as he got closer.

- Hi Iwa-chan~ They thought I was Miya's boyfriend, so now I just watch all this go down. - He said as he waved to his fiance.

- I was worried SICK cause of you. You aren't going to mandle with their buisness any more. I am takeing you home. - the spiky haired male said as he lifted his lover up and started walking away.

- ATSUMU CALL ME LATER! AND CHIBI-CHAN THAT'S MY FIANCE! - the setter yelled. He grabbed the ring and pointed at it with his other hand.

- THAT'S AMAIZING OIKAWA-SAN! - the ginger yelled.

The rest of MSBY looked on confused.

- So what exacly is going on here? - Barnes asked looking for an anwser on either Sakusa's or Adriah's face, who both just shrugged.

- I was celebrating, with my best friend, his engament. And what are you guys doing here? - Atsumu asked.

- We were...- Barnes said looking around for any clue for an excuse.

- These idiots tried spying on you - Adriah said as the rest of the team looked at him offended.

- THOMAS! I thought you were better than this! Betraying your teammates, the audacity! - Meian yelled.

- I CAN'T BELIVE YOU. - Atsumu yelled inraged.

- Tsumu we- Boukto said a bit worried.

Nobody ever saw Atsumu getting this mad. There were some close calls, but never ever something like this. There was this one time, when Meian got frustrated and started to insult everybody and when he got to Atsumu...oh man. Their setter was scary AS HELL.

- NO! You just HAD TO be so nosy. MY personal life is none of your concerns. I am DISAPPOINTED in you guys - the blond said. He turned away and walked to his best friend.

His team got the shock of their lives. The setter was always the one, who always motivates them to do better and the words that he is disappointed felt worse than a puch to the testicles.

The setter walked to a car and got in. Kiyoomi ran to the car and got to the driver's window.

- Where are you going Miya? - Sakusa asked looking at him.

- I am going to my dorm to get my stuff then I am going home. - He said as he looked at his friend who was really stressed about the whole situation.

- I am disappointed in you Sakusa. - He said as he closed his window and drove off.

His eyes widen in shock, Sakusa felt as if his heart was pierce with an ice pick. His heart started to beat faster, he knew he fucked up. Then he felt a tear drippin from his face. Atsumu never called him his full name. It was always Omi-kun this and Omi-kun that, at first he hated the nickname, but now... Not hearing it felt even worse.

- I need to do something. - he muttered.

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