princess >> n.s

By anonships

237K 13.9K 5.5K

"Are you medusa bc ur making me stone hard" "Leave" or the one where harry is constantly horny and niall is t... More

1. mum knows how naughty her little boy is
2. Let's get frick frackling, sunshine
3. Shower sex is the way to go
4. I rlly want ur cock
5. l'll stop myself in ur ass ayye ;)
*6. Oh so you're into sugar daddies?
7. them nudes
8. crusty with cum
9. 2010 justin bieber is my aesthetic
*10. Harry 2.0
*11. I wouldn't ride you but thanks
*12. throw your eggs at me, Styles
*13. Boyfriend material
14. Where's Zayn?
15. give me head
*16. Mondays
17. Harry motherfuckin Styles
*18. high voltage
*19. This is so ugly
*20. last night's events
*21. trade nudes
22. bad grades
*23. Daycare
*24. for Daddy
25. 206
Characters Ask
27. baby boy
28. I won't mind
29. feeling myself
Characters Answer
*30. those 6 words
31. Message 2109
*32. Third degree
Bromance Awards

*26. Embrace my body, tell me I'm yours

7.9K 356 471
By anonships

Written 5/30/15 and 6/7/15 {read note at the end}

It was Saturday, one o'clock, and I was in bed, scrolling through Tumblr. Usually kids my age would be out partying and drinking, but I rather stay home and enjoy the company of an empty house and my strong WiFi connection. Mom and Araceli left the house somewhere around ten to go to a birthday party of some sort and Louis was probably still asleep.

I was bored. I had switched from Tumblr to Twitter to Instagram and Snapchat six times, mastűrbated three times (only had one shitty orgasm), and cleaned my room. Yes, cleaned my room.

Harry hasn't texted me in ages (okay, maybe three hours but that's ages) with his stupid dirty pick up lines or called me so I was bored out of my mind. I was so close to inviting Harry over many times but stopped myself each time because maybe he's busy? Or just doesn't want to come over?

While I was scrolling through my stash of porn on my Tumblr, my phone decided to rudely interrupt me. With a dramatic sigh I swiped to answer it and brought it up to my ear.

"Yes Louis?"

"Come over. I'm bored and some hot guy just moved in next door." Louis said.

"On a scale from Austin Mohone to David Beckham what is he?"

"He's probably a 2014 Baby BBQ."

Baby BBQ
(bay•be b•b•que)

noun 1. Justin Bieber

2. An eight on the Austin Mohone (a one) to David Beckham (a ten) scale (only if it's 2014 baby bbq)

"I'll be rig-" I was cut off by Louis dramatically gasping loudly.

"Is that Zayn?!" Louis yelled over the phone. I could just picture him looking through the window, a hand over his chest.

"Oh, he looks like Zayn. I am going over." It only took like twenty seconds by car to get to Louis' house, and maybe 10 to get there by foot. If I run I'll probably get there in five - ha yeah right, like I run, pfft tf.

I was already outside of Louis' house and a moving truck was in the neighbors driveway. I figured no one was home, since there are no cars on the driveway, so I just slammed the door open and ran upstairs to Louis room. Louis was looking through the window, "hidding" behind the curtains.

"He doesn't have hair!" Louis screeched, pulling back from the window.

"Let me see." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the window. The guy had boxes in his arms and a white t-shirt on. He looked hot from up here but I'm pretty damn sure my pubes are longer than his hair.

"Move you slűt." Louis pushed me out of the way and opened the window, sticking his head out. "Zayn!"

The guys head snapped up to look at us. Louis made a dying whale noise before grabbing ahold of my wrist and dragging me outside. We walked over to the house next door and it was Zayn. Louis is a lucky bastard, Zayn Malik is living next door to him.

Zayn Malik
(Zaye•nn Ma•lick)

noun 1. undeniable sex god with a jawline crafted by actual angels

2. a real living person who might be a little cocky, but I would be too if I looked like Jesus sliding down a rainbow to get in possession of a magical pot of sexiness

3. a 22 on the Austin Mohone to David Beckham scale (any day, everyday)

"Oh, hey guys." Zayn set down the boxes in his hand and scratched the back of his head. I'm wearing jeans and a stained grey sweater and he's wearing pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt with paint stains, yet he looks like he could walk down the runway.

"Why did you cut your hair! It's ugly!" Louis exasperated, pointing at Zayn's head.

Zayn gasped jokingly. "Remember when you had a life and stopped making bįtchy comments about mine?

"Why are you here?" I asked a couple seconds later, trying so hard not to drool while I was making eye to eye contact with my saviour and father, Zayn Malik.

"Well, I wasn't doing well at the other school so my mom let me come back and I'm gonna now live with my Nanna." He explained.

"So are you getting the room across from mine because I highly recommend you do. In the morning you have great lighting for shirtless selfies and a great view of a shirtless me." Could Louis be anymore obvious that he wants to fuc k the magical creature standing before us? But honestly who doesn't? Zayn is a beautiful creature who we should have a whole year of school/work off to celebrate his existence.

Zayn laughed a little and turned back to pick up the boxes. "Riiiiight." He bit his lip in the most unholy way ever, I probably need to jack off with holy water so I could fulfill my needs but still not be a sinner. Amen. "Imma gonna finish unpacking. See you guys later." We waved goodbye to him and sadly watched him disappear behind the door.

"He's so hot, I want to sit on his dick and do a 360." -Me

"He has a nose ring and it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." -Louis

Apparently Louis wasn't used to me being so sexual so he turned to me with wide eyes. "What did you say?!"

"Nothing!" I smiled at him.

"No, you said you wanted to sit on his dick, and that's okay because it would be wrong if you didn't want to sit on his dick."

Louis and I were now sat on his bed, talking about the most random shit ever.

"About eight inches." I said out of the blue, looking at Louis.

"Eight inches? For what?"

"Harry's dick." Louis gave me a creepy perverted look - you know what I'm talking about.

"Have you been sucking the dick or being fucke d by the dick?"

"Sucking the dick and maybe, probably very close to being fucke d by the dick if my little sister didn't walk in on Harry fingering me." Louis burst out laughing.

It was three when Harry called me. Louis was close by me, trying to hear our conversation, although it's nothing intresting.

"I was thinking of getting a hair cut." Harry said.

Great, Zayn left the #ManBunSquad now Harry is contemplating about leaving it too. This is why our society is crumbling.

"Cut your hair and I'll cut your head off, both of them."

Harry chortled. "Alright, chill out. I said I was thinking about it but then I realized that if I cut my hair, you wouldn't have anything to pull on."

"Now wouldn't that be depressing?" I hummed, giggling.

"You should come over. You can sit in my lap and we can color."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a child, Harold."

"You're three or four years younger than me, you are my child."

"Okay, but wouldn't that be incest?"

"Shut up. Are you going to come over?"

"Louis with me," I said. Louis pretended to flip his hair and knocked hinself back on his bed.

"Put him on speaker." He mouthed to me.

I took my phone away from the ear and the screen lit up and I pressed the speaker button.

"Louis can come to, Zayn can entertain him while we have a bit of fun for ourselves."

"Well yeah, but the thing is that I don't drive and neither does Louis."

"Zayn can pick you guys up, right Zayn? Yeah, Zayn said he'll pick you up in 10."

After I hung up I turned to look to Louis who was now on the floor, flopping like a dying seal.

"What the actual fuc k is wrong with you right now?"

"Zayn is so hot."

And honestly same.

"I look like a sack of potato compared to the beauty that is Zayn Malik."



"Hey Zayn." I greeted him, buckling myself in the front seat. Louis was sending me death glares from his seat in the back. We may or may have not screamed at each other for the longest time over who got to sit next to Zayn, I obviously won after I pushed Louis down the stairs.

Just because I already have a man doesn't mean I can't do a little (a lot) looking at his hot best friend.

"Hey guys." Zayn smiled and I almost threw myself out the window, because damn.

"Hey." Louis said, still giving me a icy glare.

Zayn turned down the radio which was playing some 2015 shit song. "So Halloween is tomorrow, you guys doing anything? How about you and Harry, Niall? No cliche couple costumes?"

"Ew, who does couple costumes? And no, I'll probably just stay home and give out candy while my sister gets candy for the both of us." I smiled at him. He chuckled lightly and licked his lips. Don't drool, don't drool. I swear he just does this to kill me.

No one talked the rest of the way, which wasn't really a long time.

"Princess!" Harry yelled once he saw me. He stood up from the couch to grab ahold of me and dragged me down his lap, his hands rubbing up and down on my thighs.

"I hate you. You're an absolute dįck head." But you goddamn know I leaned back to rest against his chest.

"You're so annoying, I'm to to impale you with my dįck." As soon as those words left Harry's mouth, both Louis and Zayn turned to us with a look of disgust and confusion.

"Why are you guys together? How are you guys together?" Zayn said.

"It just happened."


It was a few hours after Zayn and Louis left and I was sprawled out under Harry. His mouth was connected to my collar bone and his hands stroked the inside of my thighs. This time the door was locked.

"Harry," I groaned when his tongue ran over the dark mark he made where my neck met my shoulder.

He blew cold air on one of the narks, making me gasp and shudder. I weaved my fingers in his long hair and knocked my head back. Harry smirked against my skin. A long finger trailed down to my hipbone, caressing the skin.

"So pretty, so very pretty." He cooed. I gently removed my grip from his hair as he went down to my bottom half. His hands unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them half way down my thighs, leaving me in my white boxer briefs. He discarded my sweater a long time ago. I probably would have been insecure about my body if my mind wasn't blank.

I looked down and he was pressing his lips to my hipbones. It was so fuckįng hot, so fuckįng hot. His wavy hair fell over his eyes and tickled my skin. His hair is so soft and silky.

Harry traced the outline of my bulge with his index fingers. "Wish you could see yourself right now." He hummed. He finished pulling down the rest of my pants and kicked them off the bed.


I enjoy art. I love seeing water colors blend together to make a picture. I love how each stroke of the brush is an important part in creating it. And right now, the masterpiece beneath me is the only art piece I want to see. Niall's skin was scattered in love bites and his cheeks a lovely shade of red. His skin was hot under my fingertips. He laid so beautifully on the bed with his head tipped back and his eyes hooded.

I wanted to devour him. If I could, I would freeze this moment and put it in a frame. He looked so pretty under me, gasping at my touch. My dįck was caged back in these goddamn jeans and it was a nightmare.

Niall lifted his hips up a tiny bit, his legs spread apart. I drank in the sight before me with glazed eyes. "Please," He panted. "do something."

I chuckled at how needy he sounded but started to leave open mouth kisses on his covered member, leaving behind visable wet marks.

"Fűck." Niall whimpered, his hands found my hair once again and have an aggressive pull on it.

"Don't get kinky on me now, princess."

"Piss off and suck me off." He grumbled with a glare.

I tsked at him. "I don't take ordered from you, baby. It's the other way around." With that I peeled off his boxers and set them down next to his pants. His dįck was a burning red and oozing with precum.

I took his member in my hand a pressed a kiss to his left inner thigh. "No one," I moved to his right inner thigh. "can see you," I moved kiss the head of dįck. "like this." I moved myself up to his lips. "except for me."

Niall frantically nodded and rutted his hips up into my thigh. "It's not fair that I'm the only one naked." His hands already started to unbutton my shirt. "Why does your shirt have sperms on it?" He laughed, finishing unbuttoning it and tossing it on the floor as well.

"It's not sperm," I pouted. "It's a very sophisticated design."

"Yeah, okay. Take your pants off."

Once I was out of all my clothing, I was back on the bed. I laid on my back and pulled Niall on top of me. He squeaked and rested his hands on my chest. He looked so pretty straddling me with blotchy skin and messy hair. Our skin stuck together, it was gross but equally lovely, too.

"Go on." I encouraged him to do something. I even set my hands in his hips and pushed him down onto me.

"I-I don't know what to do."

"Just let it happen, baby. Just do whatever makes you feel good." I wrapped an arm around his waist and moved back so I was rested against the headboard, Niall's and I's members still pressed together.

Niall bit his lip and pushed his hips down. Both of us released loud moans at the delicious friction caused by the simple movement.

"Is that okay?" Niall asked, his skin getting hotter by the minute.

"Yeah," I breathed out an answer "more than okay. Keep doing that." Niall continued to rut his hips down into mine.

"Oh god!" Niall yelped, grinding down harder. My teeth were clenched, head resting back on the headboard, and my hands gripped onto his sinful hips. I felt Niall's precum trickle down on my thigh and I could've released right there at that moment. He looked so beautiful, grinding his dick against mine, desperately trying to reach his orgasm. His hands had a vice grip on my shoulders as he continued to rut his hips down, I just now started to grind up into him.

"Oh my fucking god, you're doing so - fuck." I connected out lips in a heated kiss with teeth clashing. Niall let out a whine and dug his finger nails into my shoulders. His nails were cut perfectly but they still left moon cresent shapes behind. My fingers pressed down into the skin of his hips but not hard enough to leave any harsh marks. Our tongues moved sloppily against each other and the we weren't even kissing anynore, just breathing and moaning into each others mouths.

"Harry, 'm gonna cum!" His hips starting grinding down even faster.

I quickly moved so he was once under me again. He let out a high pitched whine from the lack of friction. "You asshole!" He looked like he was on the verge of tears, and in some sickening way that turned me on even more?

"Shh, baby. I wanna be inside you when you cum, yeah?"

"I-I don't know. I'm nervous." He responded, chewing on his bottom lip.

"It's you're first time, right?" I asked him, running the back of my hand over his hot cheeks.

"No," Oh? "I've been nervous before." Oh...

"No, Niall." I laughed a little. "Your first time."

"Oh, um, yeah."

"It's okay if you don't want to, I don't want to force you into anything." I already feel like we're going to fast, I just want to make sure if it's okay with him.

"No, no." He shook his head. "I want to."

I smiled down at him and kissed his nose. I stood up from the bed and walked over to my dresser to bring out a bottle of stawberry lube an a condom. I badly wanted to get out the hand cuffs and blindfold but that would've been taking it too far. I sat back down on the bed infront of Niall's spread legs. He looked at me with so much and trust and innocence, it didn't feel right doing this but it does feel right.

"I need you to get on all fours and spread your thighs apart, okay? I need to stretch you." I watched Niall scramble up to get in the position I told him to with no question. His legs weren't far apart so I tapped his lightly smacked his thigh. "Spread your legs, darling."

I took a deep breath and turned away from the sight infront of me to cover two of my fingers in the translucent pink lube. "We only got to two fingers last time, but this time I gotta fit in three and it's going to be a pain in the ass." Ha. Pain in the ass.

Niall nodded wiggled his bum a little bit making his balls lightly swing side to side.

I took in a breathe and moved my middle finger to circle around his puckered rim. The coldness of the lube causing him to squeak to shiver. I ran a hand over the small of his back and pushed in one finger to the second knuckle.

"Oh fuck, Harry. Your rings." He gasped and clutched onto the sheets.

"Crap, sorry I forgot. Do you want me to take them off?" I was already going to pull out my finger but Niall greedily pushed back onto them.

"No, no, no!" He repeated like a mantra. "Feels nice."

I pushed in my finger all the way and made a come hither motion. The gesture made Niall quiver and let out a moan that could out any porn star to shame. Slowly I added in my index finger next to my middle, pushing them in and out of my pretty princess at a reasonable pace.

Niall's head dropped down in between his shoulders and next his whole upper body plopped down onto the mattress. I twisted my fingers and made a scissoring action. Niall yelled out profanities and scrunched his face up in the most beautiful way possible.

"Can I add a third?" Before Niall could respond, I added in a third, twisting them in and out.

"Oh fuc.k! Oh my god, Harry!" Niall yelled, pushing back into my fingers. I had found his prostate and had made sure to leave a mental note of where it was at. After I thought Niall was stretched enough, I removed my fingers and cleaned them on the bed sheets. Niall waited on the bed for me as I rolled on the condom and put a generous am out of lube on my cock. I was now again behind Niall, the head of dick was slowly pushing into him, trying not to cause him any pain. I would move in an inch and stop to make sure he was okay. He looked so cute wrapped around me and flushed pinked.

It was a few minutes before I was finally bottomed out in Niall. I had to wipe away a couple of tears, but once we had gotten past the pain stage, it was full bliss. I slowly rocked my hips into him, trying to hit his prostate once again. I had an arm wrapped around his torso to keep him from falling back down on the bed. His pretty moans and my grunts filled the room and bounced back off the wall.

Our bodies moved against each other very easily due to the sweat. I sped up and snapped my hips into him even harder. "Harry!" He cried out, gasping. He took the sheet into his mouth, bitting onto it as a way to quiet himself down but that didn't seem to be working because I could still perfectly hear his beautiful, high pitched moans through the thin fabric of the linen.

"So close." Niall breathed out. His walls started to tighten on me and I bit my lip and started pounding into his abused prostate even faster with more force. My hand traveled down to grab ahold of his red, ignored dick and pumped it with the rythem of my thrust. His moans became a whole lot louder as we got closer and closer to our release.

Niall came first, shooting hot, translucent cum all over my hand and the bed sheets. His face scrunched up adorably and his eyes rolled to the back of his head while his mouth made an 'O' shape. Seconds later, I came. I dumped my dirty load in the condom with a load moan, digging my fingers into his hips.

After I had discarded the condom, we both laid on the bed with our bodies perfectly entwined like branches in a tree. Niall was absolutely spent, panting into my neck and letting out cute whines. My hand stroked the back of his thigh gently. Both of us were too lazy to pull the blanket over us, thank God the door was locked.

I couldn't help but look over at our discarded clothes on the floor and crack smile because goddamn, this is all I've ever wanted.


#(((((: thus is 3656 words. I said it would be around 6k but I lied.##

-Harry's sperm shirt up there or over there to the side

-Harry's POV aww aew awee. He's a pervert with a romantic side


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