Delicate: Ethan Laundry

By Lakknnnn

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After the woodsboro murders, a small town group of friends Tara, Sam, Lakyn, Chad, and Mindy decide to move t... More



98 3 0
By Lakknnnn


The theatre was dimly lit and littered with tons of questionable collectibles. Things ranging anywhere from violent drawings, to blood covered knives. There were around three rows of glass casings, as well as larger items on display outside of the glass walls. On the stage of the theatre, there were nine black cloaks, which I'm assuming are the cloaks of past ghost faces, all lined up in a perfect semi circle.

It is rather grotesque, and I can tell that Lakyn's heart dropped at the sight due to the strained expression on her face, her brown eyebrows knitted together which were slightly curtained by her brunette bangs. The blue in her eyes seemingly turning darker from sadness, becoming glossed over, which means it's possible she's going to cry.

I take a few steps closer to her, she looks at me with sad eyes, but she's pulled herself together thus far. I hope she doesn't feel as if she has to hold back her tears, because I'd be glad to comfort her whenever she needs me to.

I want a relationship with this girl, I don't just want her body.

She snakes her dainty arms around my torso, nuzzling her head into my side and resting there, seemingly stuck in her thoughts. I reciprocate her affection, resting my arm across her shoulders. I use my free hand to tilt her chin upwards so she's facing me.

"It's okay," I mouth to her, "I'm right here with you."

She smiles, acknowledging my comfort and gives a slight nod of her head, tightening her grip around my waist, which sends butterflies straight to my stomach.

Mindy walks over to a blood stained shirt on display, "Chad, this was uncle Randy's," she exclaims, partially disgusted and partially interested.

"They've got everything," Mindy continues, walking down the isles upon isles of killer celluloid.

Lakyn begins walking down them as well, stopping occasionally to examine some of the items in more detail. I loved they way she lightly bites on her bottom lip when she's concentrating, the way her eyes light up at something that piques her interest, and the way she taps her fingers when in thought. With her, everything that any normal person would do is just enhanced, just.. better. More graceful, and alluring.

"Wait... is that?" Lakyn looks in the direction of Kirby with a knowing eye, cringing slightly.

"The knife I was stabbed with," Kirby winks at Lakyn, seemingly unbothered as she walks over to a half broken television, "The TV that killed Stu Macher." She states, putting her hands into her pockets.

"If you believe he's dead," Mindy yells from across the room.

I honestly don't know too much about what they're talking about, but Lakyn gave me a run down when we first met and got to know each other. The ghost face conversation got brought up one night during a little apartment get together, and everything sort of came out from there. She's gotten a lot better at talking about her trauma, at that time she could barely speak about what happened without crying, which I don't blame her for. Lakyn and her sisters are three of the strongest women I know.

"Wait what?" I look down at Lakyn, "I thought Stu was stabbed like 5 times, followed by the electrocution? How the hell would he still be alive." I furrow my brows, locking my eyes with her in utter confusion.

"Dewey literally survived repeated stab wounds at least four times." Mindy rolls her eyes in my direction, and I look over to her, "so did Chad. Only once, but he survived repeated stab wounds."

"A trooper," Lakyn giggles into my side, and I tighten the arm that was around her, "but hey! So did I!"

"Basically what she's saying," Chad states, stepping towards me, "is that if Dewey can survive that many times, it's a possibility that Stu didn't bite the dust like we all thought he did."

"Sam and Lakyn's dad though..." Gale yells from across the room, using her finger to make a slit motion across her neck playfully.

"We get it!" Sam and Lakyn say in unison, as Sam steps next to us beside the television.

"Our dad was shot in the head." Lakyn shrugs, "and yeah he deserved it, I have no problem admitting that."

"Exactly!" Sam agrees exasperatedly, "the only reason we told Tara the truth was because of what was happening. Do you seriously think the two of us wanted the world to know that our dad was a psychotic, nut-face serial killer?"

"...that we wanted the entire world to think the two of us orchestrated an entire murder spree?" Lakyn raises her voice, becoming frustrated with the conversation. I use the hand resting on her shoulder to rub the skin there, slowly massaging the muscles to try and relieve her stress.

"How the fuck did they get all of this anyways?" Tara cuts the tension in the room, preventing a conflict that was brewing, "Isn't this like, evidence?"

Gale walks up behind Tara, swaying as she moves before placing a hand on her shoulder, "cops like money, and evidence can get lost pretty easily." She beams, clearly enjoying her discovery.

"All of this stuff is making me uneasy," Lakyn looks up at me, her blue eyes burning into mine, "I want to leave."

I sigh, tightening my arm around her and bringing her back into a hug. The way I am able to fully engulf her with my arms, pressing her into my body, makes my heart palpitate, she is so goddamn cute I don't know if I can handle it, "if they're not done here in another fifteen minutes, you and I will leave on our own, sound good?" I ask, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head.

"Sounds great actually," she giggles, placing a hand on my neck to pull me closer to her, "I'm rather eager to get you alone." She whispers into my ear, smirking as she returns to her original position, arms around my torso at my side. I feel that feeling of heat rising to my cheeks again, a light blush forming there as I lower my hand from Lakyn's upper waist, to her hip.

God fucking damnit, this girl is making me crazy.

"They must've found this place before they killed Jason and Greg," Gale states, shrugging her shoulders, "took all the masks from Billy and Stu to Amber and Richie."

Mindy raises a finger, grinning, "If this were a normal stab movie, we'd be in the killers lair right now."

"Meaning," Kirby cuts in, connecting her eyes with Mindy's, "we're not in a normal stab movie."

"So somebody killed these chucklefucks and took over?" Chad asks, which causes a giggle to erupt from Tara's mouth as the two of them examine a rope across the room... which I think is the one that Billy used to hand Casey Becker from her front-yard tree.

"Someone who thinks Lakyn and Sam are next." My dad speaks up, after sitting here silently for god knows how long. He looks at me briefly, with those same disappointed eyes burning into mine. It had barley been twenty-four hours, and he was already starting to take out his grief on me; I love my sister, but it was always about Quinn. They practically went on a trip and left me home alone every single weekend, even after the death of my mother, just to go and do god-knows-what. Part of me thought maybe he would appreciate me more after losing her, but one look from him tells me exactly the opposite... he's going to appreciate me even less. Blame me for being the survivor.

"Next for what?" Tara asks, looking between her two sisters.

I know she's been through a lot, and I feel for her, but I have even more empathy for Lakyn and Sam right now. Nobody can relate to what they're going through, and I can't imagine how horrible it is for them. At least they have each other. It can't be easy to be accused of executing mass murder, let alone being accused of murdering their own mother in cold blood, all for what... to avenge their father that they never stood up for in the first place? It makes no sense, whoever started these fucking rumors needs to have their head examined.

"The next killers." Sam mutters, briefly looking at Lakyn who begins rolling her eyes at the mere mention of that.

"Who knows..." Kirby jokes, "it could be true."

"Okay, what the fuck?" Sam takes a step towards her, cocking her head in disapproval.

"I mean you hacked up Richie," Kirby shrugs, and I see my dad shudder out of the corner of my eye. The reasoning behind this, I have no idea.

The dude was stabbed around twenty-two times, before getting his throat slit, and finally being shot in the head for good measure. Lakyn had ended up stabbing Amber about the same amount as Richie, but the difference between their executions was that after Sidney had smashed a hand sanitizer bottle over Amber's head, that later worked in Lakyn's favor when she turned on the stove and pushed her into it, lighting the bitch on fire. A shot was fired into her head too, for good measure. Nobody can blame them either, I know people have a field day saying that they got their "murderous tendencies" from their father, but if I had been tormented like they were, I would have done the same thing.

"Not to mention what Lakyn did to Amber was even-" Kirby is thankfully cut off.

"Shut the fuck up!" Lakyn steps out of my grasp, closer to Kirby, raising her arms in the air frustratedly.

I stay close, but keep my distance at the same time. Lakyn is tiny, and very cute, but she is also extremely feisty. She's slow to anger, but quick to fight back, which is one of the things I admired most about her. She's able to defend herself, and it puts me at ease to know that.

Kirby takes a step towards Lakyn, removing her hands from her pockets and holding them out in front of her, "Lakyn, all I'm saying is that some of those rumors online make some... intriguing points."

"Okay bitch," Sam begins approaching Kirby, but Lakyn steps in front of her. She looks to Sam, signaling that they weren't going to fight with violence, but they were going to fight with words.

The two of them have a niche way of communicating with each other through glances, sometimes I think they might even have some secret way of getting into each others thoughts based on how much they're able to understand each other without even speaking.

Kirby looks back and fourth between the girls, her eyebrows cocked as if daring them to try her, "you can't fight me Sam, no matter how psycho the two of you may be, I'm the one here with a gun and I am not afraid to use it."

"Okay Kirby, first of all, that was a fucking threat," Lakyn's voice is calm, but condescending as it echos throughout the theatre, I took note of the way she was able to control her anger, "nobody is wasting their time trying to fight you."

"Secondly," Sam speaks up through gritted teeth, her anger under lesser control, "we are not fucking psychos. May I remind you that Chad, Mindy, and Tara all fucking backed up our story; not to mention Sidney fucking Prescott. If we were the real killers, Sid would've made sure we ended up in the ground."

Kirby goes to open her mouth, but Lakyn cuts her off, stepping towards her with her finger in the air, "and also, I would never  have willingly done that to Amber if she hadn't pushed me to that point." Lakyn takes a breath, and I fight the urge to approach her and wrap her in a hug as I see the tears begin to well in her eyes, "I loved Amber with everything I had. We had been best friends for about as long as I can remember."

Sam puts her hand onto Lakyn's shoulder, and Tara moves from her spot across the room next to Chad, to stand with her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it supportively, knowing that this was extremely hard for Lakyn to talk about.

"Amber stabbed me repeatedly in the stomach, twisting the knife in my gut, and she even got my chest good too... all while she taunted me for being so stupid," Lakyn throws her free hand up in the air dramatically, and I feel my stomach twist when I see the tears start to fall down her face, "I still hear her fucking voice, Kirby..." Lakyn seethes, "you're so stupid Lakyn, so stupid for trusting me, so stupid for not seeing what was right in front of your dumb little eyes the entire time! " She mocks, sobbing as she finishes her sentence.

"So I did what I had to fucking do. Did I get carried away? Yeah, sure. Did I go a little overkill? Definitely, but if you were being attacked by someone trying to literally butcher you, I can guarantee you'd make sure they're more than dead." Lakyn gasps for air, shaking as she grasps Tara's hand tighter.

Tara moves to wrap her arms around Lakyn, bringing her into a tight hug as she attempted to pull herself together. Lakyn retaliates, wrapping her arms gently around her sister, Tara moving to smooth the hair on the top of her head, whispering to Lakyn in hushed words of comfort that I can't exactly make out.

Sam steps in front of the two, looking at Kirby with darkened, angry eyes.

"Thanks for making my sister cry, asshole." She mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose before she finishes this with a final thought, "I also think you've somehow forgotten that our mother died as a result of these attacks..." She pauses, hesitant to speak.

"Brutally." Tara finishes, as Lakyn pulls herself out of the hug, wiping mascara from underneath her eyes.

"If there is one thing about us," Sam takes a few steps back to stand next to her sisters, "it's that we loved our fucking mother."

"So thanks Kirby," Lakyn remarks with sarcasm, "for accusing my sister and I of orchestrating a murder spree that resulted in my mom's death."

With that final thought, Lakyn ran out of the theatre unexpectedly, exiting the same way we came in, and making sure to pull the doors shut with a slam. She left so quickly that nobody could stop her, even though everyone should have tried to.

"Fuck," I mutter as I connect my eyes with Sam's, "It's getting late... dark, I don't want her out there alone!"

I feel the panic beginning to overtake me, my heart begins to palpitate and my head begins to spin. There's a psychotic murderer around, and Lakyn is one of their main fucking targets. I can't lose her.

"I know." She sighs, "I understand she wants space right now, after little miss FBI over here," she side eyes Kirby, looking her up and down with shame, "overstepped her fucking boundaries... but we can't just let her run the streets in the dark right now. She's alone and vulnerable."

"Shit you're right." Chad mutters as he steps beside Tara, grabbing onto her hand and pulling her towards the exit.

"Yeah, we need to go find her," Mindy and Sam follow closely behind Tara and Chad. I make my way through them, pushing to the front of the group and moving quickly on my feet as I run a hand through my curls, I am stressed the fuck out.

"Lakyn?" I pick up my pace, jogging through the alleyway, "Lakyn!" I raise my voice frantically, breaking out into a sprint until I reach the busy sidewalk, looking from side to side.

Bustling crowds pass, the sounds of drunken teenagers, and regular conversation can be heard as well as the lovely sounds of car horns, but I couldn't lay my eyes upon the feisty little brunette girl who has stolen my fucking heart... and who is giving me a fucking heart attack right now.

"Holy shit." Sam mutters as she stops her run beside me on the sidewalk, her voice laced with worry for the same reason as me.

Lakyn is nowhere in sight.

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