Yugioh arc-V:The sacred dueli...

By Darkimator

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What if someone from our world was reborn into the Yugioh Arc-V anime and what if he had the sacred beast and... More

Chapter 1:the twin pendulums
Chapter 2:A dark hero
Chapter 3:fusion vs fusion
Chapter 4:the rebellion twins and the XYZ invasion
Chapter 5 LID vs you show part 1
Chapter 6:LID vs you show part 2
Chapter 7:LID vs you show part 3
Chapter 8:A dark truth
Chapter 10:Maiami championship begins
Chapter 11:The End?? Part 1
Chapter 12:The End?? Part 2
Chapter 13:The End?? Part 3
Chapter 14:The End?? Part 4
Chapter 15:The End?? Part 5
Chapter 16:The End?? Part 6

Chapter 9:Race to the championship

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By Darkimator

"So let me get this straight you two want me to teach you everything I know"Hao was wondering as after he woke up from going crazy with his sacred beasts and his family arriving both Fyuya and Yuzu had asked him to teach them everything he knows about duel monsters

"Yes please we want you to teach us how to fusion,synchro and xyz summon"yuzu asks bowing with her hands clasped together

"But haven't I already been teaching all of you at you show"

"Yes but it is better to learn through experience"Fyuya says as Hao justs scratches his head thinking about how normally Yuzu would ask sora and how now he either teaches them or suffer the pain of his father who told him to not say no to those who need help

Sigh "Fine I'll teach you what I know even though I mainly fusion summon I could probably teach you how to use synchro and xyz cards better than those in LDS"

At the office of LID

"Hmmm"Reiji is thinking of how his duel with Hao ended after he had return to his office he was told that those sacred beasts cards exuded a massive amount of summoning power so strong that their systems crashed

"Brother are you ok"reira asks her brother worried cause after that duel with Hao he has been working tirelessly

"Hao is much stronger than I first thought even though I sent out my strongest cards he was able to summon a monster that could instantly wipe me out"

Reira shakes a little as the aura that she felt from armityle and from Hao was terrifying as she thought that someone was trying to make her fear them for power

A few days then pass as Hao has been teaching Fyuya and Yuzu how to fusion,synchro and xyz summon and so far they have gotten good with fusion and synchro but are struggling with xyz as they also still haven't mastered fusion and synchro

Yuya found out he needed four more wins to enter the maiami championship but thanks to nico smiley he had already gotten three wins and Fyuya found out that she is one win short as now Hao helps her find an opponent

"Well Fyuya I found you an opponent"

"Wait seriously who is it we have only one week left and my brother fourth duel is tomorrow"

"Well follow me"Hao then takes Fyuya to a fancy hotel complex

"Wow who ever lives here is rich"

"Thanks I guess"


"Yep and your opponent well let's just say this is going to be a very difficult duel"

As both Hao and Fyuya enter his apartment room Lina could be seen talking to a man with brown hair and a long sleeveless coat that shows KC on it

"Fyuya I like for you to meet kaiba seto one of my three rivals"

"Okay first Kaiba as in the blue eyes master and secondly one of three who are the other two?!?!"

"Well another one is my brother and the last is a secret"

"Hao yuki you told me I would face your student if that's her then this will be a waste of time"

"Is it because I'm a girl"

"No because just one look at you I can tell you don't have the skills to best me"

"Settle down you two no fighting Kaiba you should know don't underestimate anyone before a duel"

"Hmph fine let's see if you have any skills"

Hao then takes them to a duel arena that's in the hotel complex as the two prepare to duel

"Is everything set"the two duelist nod as Hao then yells "I activate the action field dragons world"Hao then snaps as then the two duelist are surrounded by dragon statues and mountains and grassy plains


Kaiba seto (LP:4000) and Fyuya sakaki (LP:4000)

Turn 1

"I will go first so I will summon my maiden with eyes of blue"Maiden with Eyes of Blue (light/spellcaster/tuner/effect, LV:1, Atk/0, Def/0) "that's my turn"

"Wait that's it you summon a monster with 0 attack points and nothing else"

"And you think like a fourth rate duelist it's your turn"

Turn 2

"Hmmm fine draw I activate the field spell sky iris and your going to have to wait a bit for its effect now I use scale 1 odd eyes persona dragon and scale 8 odd eyes mirage dragon to set the pendulum now I can summon monsters from levels 2-7 at the same time Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear now odd eyes phantom dragon"Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (dark/dragon/pendulum/effect, LV:7, Atk/2500, Def/2000)

"So this is pendulum summoning it's not as impressive as I thought then again if someone like you could use it then it isn't impressive in the first place"

Sigh "no matter what universe you exist in kaiba you are still the same trash talker a lot like sawatari except sooo much better since you have the skills to back up the talk"Hao whispers to himself has then

"Odd eyes phantom dragon attack maiden with eyes of blue SPIRAL STRIKE OF FANTASY"as it fires azure flames head towards Maiden with eyes of blue

"I activate My maidens effect by switching her battle position I can negate your attack..."

"Tch it won't matter in the end"

Kaiba smirks as he says "I'm not finished she also allows me to special summon this to my field come now dragon who causes fear to all who stand before it the legendary white dragon BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON"Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Light/dragon/normal, LV:8, Atk/3000, Def/2500)

A ray of light appears behind kaiba as wings appear from it as the light disappears to show the full body of a white dragon with blue eyes

As then odd eyes phantom dragon roars at blue eyes then blue eyes roars louder

"So this is the legendary blue eyes white dragon just it's presences alone gives me goosebumps"

"Yes this is my dragon who is far more powerful than that feeble dragon of yours"


"Fyuya calm down"

"Tch I set two cards and end my turn"

Turn 3

"Draw now then by revealing the blue eyes I have in my hand I can Summon this BLUE EYES ALTERNATIVE WHITE DRAGON"Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon (Light/dragon/effect, LV:8, Atk/3000, Def/2500)

"hehe I'm in danger"

"Now with alternative effect you can say goodbye to your dragon"

"No odd eyes"

"Now blue eyes white dragon attack her directly WHITE LIGHTNING"

Fyuya sakaki LP:4000-3000=1000

"Ugh now that hurt but at least I still have life points"

"I switch my Maiden to attack mode and set one card and end my turn

Turn 4

Fyuya struggles to get up after taking the full blast of blue eyes attack "ugh well now I know why he is one of the greatest duelist well then draw"Fyuya looks at the card and smiles knowing things are about to get interesting

"I activate pendulum fusion with this I can fusion summon using my two dragon in my pendulum zones so now dichromatic eyes dragon that is nothing but a mirage fuse with the masked dragon with dichromatic eyes come together to create a vortex of destruction fusion summon ODD EYES VORTEX DRAGON"Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon (wind/dragon/fusion/effect, LV:7, Atk/2500, Def/3000)

"So this is your fusion summon I have seen better"

"I may not be Hao but I can definitely be better!!!"

Hao then feels like he was just stabbed as he thinks "Fyuya what the hell that my heart also you still need a few ways to go so don't jump the gun"

"Now with vortex dragon effect I can return attack position monster you control back to your hand so say good by to your alternative white dragon VORTEX HOWLING"

As Fyuya says that vortex dragon causes furious winds to envelope blue eyes alternative white dragon back to Kaiba hand

"So what my dragon will just return unless there is more and if so show me why Hao wastes his time on you"

"I'M NOT A WASTE OF TIME!!!"then Fyuya runs towards one of the dragon statues grabbing a action card

"Now I activate the action spell dragon fury with this my dragon attack points double till the end of my turn and with my face down card which one of them was a bluff I can end this duel cause I activate the equip spell Megamorph which doubles my dragon original attack meaning...."

"Meaning your dragon will have 10,000 attack points not bad"Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon (Atk/2500*2=5000, 5000*2=10,000)

As Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon attack points increase the winds it produces gets stronger as then "now vortex dragon attack blue eyes white dragon WIND OF DESTRUCTION"as then blue eyes turns to Kaiba as he sighs knowing what it wants him to do as he takes the attack full on

Kaiba seto LP:4000-10,000=-6000

Winner:Fyuya sakaki

As the field disappears kaiba gets up and dusts himself off as Fyuya wonders "wait did I actually just win against kaiba"

"Don't let it go over your head blue eyes didn't want me to show you my full strength"

"So you..held..back"Fyuya was furious about this as she feels cheated

"But don't worry if we meet in the championship I will not hold anything back"

"Wait your also joining the maiami championship"

"Yeah he is as well as my first friend that I made has kaiba likes to say we will be having a monkey join us"

"A monkey???"

"Don't worry about but hey at least you qualified for the championship"

After that Fyuya and Kaiba left as Hao thought "ok it's time"

Hao then leaves and heads to the same warehouse he met Fyuto again as he arrives he sees yuto, Fyuto and finally shun kurosaki who was his secret rival

"What took you so long Hao you know we don't have all day"shun asks Hao as he arrives late

"Well technically we do have all day"Fyuto corrects then Hao asks "What are you guys doing here there's no reason for you to come here after all Ruri is safe right?"

"She is we came here because even if Ruri is safe that doesn't mean they won't try to capture her again"yuto answers as Hao then says "so let me guess you want to use the president of LID to bribe the professor correct"

"Yes by doing this we can make sure he never tries anything again"shun says as Hao then retorts

"YOU IDIOTS you were suppose to stay at xyz and try to deal with the problem there and not involve the standard dimension by doing this you are risking the lives of others"

"But Hao if we don't do this..."

"Shut it Fyuto I thought I told you to stop them if they try this now by coming here your going to cause this dimension to be in danger"

"So it seems you know about the dimensions"a voice says as Hao turns to it as he sees Reiji Akaba standing there

"Reiji why are you here"

"I have been surveying this warehouse ever since what happened to sawatari so it seems that you know about the dimensional war going on"

"A lot more then you think"

"So your Reiji akaba with you I will be able to stop the invasion on xyz's"shun then walks up but is then stopped as Hao moves in front of him

"Stop this shun he has nothing to do with the professor so leave"

"Like hell he does Hao he is the professor son if we use him as a bargaining chip we can..."

"Do nothing that's what if you want Reiji your going to have to duel me"Hao says as he activates his duel disk

"Tch fine as your rival I accept this challenge"Shun then activates his duel disk as the two yell


Shun kurosaki (LP:4000) Hao yuki (LP:4000)

Turn 1

"I will go first I summon Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius"Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius (dark/winged beast/effect, LV:4, Atk/1300, Def/1600) "but why stop at one with vanishing lanius effect I summon another vanishing lanius and I think I will do it again"

"Three level 4 monsters are you sure you want to play that card"

"Against you Hao as your rival I know to never hold back now I overlay my three vanishing lanius Obscured falcon, raise your sharpened talons in front of adversity, spread your wings of rebellion! Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 4 RAIDRAPTOR RISE FALCON"Raidraptor - Rise Falcon (dark/winged beast/xyz/effect, rank:4, Atk/100, Def/2000)

"I set two cards and end my turn"

"He never holds back when it comes to Hao"yuto says as Fyuto adds "well for the little time Hao was with us in xyz shun dueled him again and again with the result being the same which was him losing cause of that they became rivals"

Turn 2

"My turn draw you still make the same mistake summoning rise falcon when it's the first turn of the duel but anyways I summon elemental hero blazeman"Elemental HERO Blazeman (fire/warrior/effect, LV:4, Atk/1200, Def/1800)

"Now with its effect I'll add polymerization to my hand and now I activate the field spell supreme king's castle" then a castle in the shape of a spiral comes up behind Hao as he stands in front of the gates as if he is a king

"So you plan on going straight to them huh"

"Yep now I activate blazeman other effect now I send my elemental hero woodsman to the grave so blazeman will now have the same attribute and attack/defense of woodsman but that is so then I can do this for you see normally I would have to use dark fusion to summon my evil hero's but with my field spell I don't have to now with polymerization I fuse blazeman treated as a earth monster and my evil hero adusted gold so now hero of the blaze who has now become one with the earth fuse with the golden hero fiend to create a dark force of nature I dark fusion summon let me introduce EVIL HERO NATURAL VENOM"evil hero natural venom (dark/fiend/fusion/effect, LV:7, Atk/2700, Def/2000)

"Now this is interesting I had never seen him use this"Reiji questions as to were this new card came from

"Now then when natural venom is summoned onto the field he destroys all cards on my opponent's field and deals 500 points of damage for each one oh and don't think of activating those cards for you see when using this effect you can't do anything in response so now VENOMOUS SPREAD"then all of shun's cards are then destroyed as some of the venom that was launched also hits his arm making him wince as he takes damage

Shun kurosaki LP:4000-1500=2500

"Now finish this Natural venom VENOMOUS FIST"

Shun kurosaki LP:2500-2700=-200

Winner:Hao yuki

"A one turn kill geese he really wanted to end it quick"Fyuto says as shun gets up and says "I won't try anything to endanger your dimension Hao"

"Good but since your here why don't you enter the maiami championship"


A/N:I hoped you enjoyed this chapter it is basically everything before the maiami championship with a few changes but I am going to say this now the maiami championship isn't going to be like in the anime after a specific duel a big change is coming.

Evil hero natural venom
(dark/fiend/fusion/effect, LV:7, Atk/2700, Def/2000)
Materials:one earth attribute monster + one evil hero
Effect:This card can only be summoned with dark fusion.If this card is summoned destroy all cards on your opponents field and deal 500 points of damage for each card your opponent can't activate any cards in response to this effect.When this card is destroyed summon to the field the materials used to summon it from the banish zone or graveyard.

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