The bookworm on the team

By never_lost_

4.2K 174 264

MSBY is the furthest from normal out of all the V-league teams. The perfect example is Atsumu Miya, a loud, a... More

1. How about it?
2. The first page
4. The Gift
5. Victory...?
6. Crushes are the worst
7. Collectionner
8. Flowers
10. ...Oh shit.
11. Screw up
12. Hide & (don't)Seek
13. Reader & Writer

9. Hola hermoso

267 14 26
By never_lost_

Atsumu stood up from his bed and walked down stairs, but his head was pounding like crazy. 

- Welcome to the world of living Atsumu. It's almost 2 pm. Did you at least rest well? - Meian said looking at the blond man. He was comming down the stairs, while scrolling on his phone.

- I'm not talking to you Meian - the setter said while doing a gesture to zipp it.

He scrolled further on his phone and clicked on a contact, that his teammate couldn't clearly see. As he walked to the kitchen he put the phone on his shouler and put his ear to it, holding it in place.

- HI BABE! - Someone on the other line yelled

Meian did a whiplash turn to see the setter quieting down his phone. His eyes wide and his coffe mug on the floor.

- WHAT DID HE SAY? - He thought to himself. He wanted to hear more.

- Hola hermoso. Sorry for calling you so late, but I need to know your magic hang over cure.... WHY?! Whatdo you mean WHY?! I had too much to drink last night...

Yes yes I know... WAIT! WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!!!... Are you KIDDING ME?!! WE GOTTA CELEBRATE!!!... No buts! I'll text you the address, meet me there... Wear something cute... hasta pronto hermoso. - Atsumu yelled to the phone. He ran up stairsin a hurry.

Meian knew what he had to do.

User Meian added you and 5 others to the LISTEN UP!


Barnes - If it's another cat meme or you were bitten by a wasp again count me out.

Adriah - ^

Meian - It's not THAT!

Hinata - then what?


Sakusa - Can I leave now?

Inunaki - What's up babe?

Barnes - go flirting somewhere else


At that exact moment Sakusa's heart fell. It was broken into thousend pieces. He was too late. Atsum already had someone.

Adriah - ...Well that was unexpected



Meian - Someone yelled ,,HI BABE" thru the phone to Atsumu. I think that's enough to start assuming.

Barnes - Well... So do you know anything more about them? @ Meian

Meian - I think it's a girl from that voice. I think her name is Hermoso (he called her that). He said they will meet up today and I quote ,, Wear something nice ".

Bokuto - WHAT?!

Inunaki - I didn't think he was the type, but hey...

Inunaki - Did you get the address?

Hinata - What did he say next to her name, do you remember @ Meian?

Meian - Hola Hermoso. I think that's her nickname.

Hinata - It's not a girl.

Barnes - How can you be so sure?

Hinata - He was speaking Spanish. Hermoso means beautiful to something male. It was a guy 100% ( At least if Meain heard correct).

Meian - Oh damn. I didn't think that idiot knew Spanish. Do you think his boyfriend is from Spain?


Sakusa closed his phone. Tear gathered in his eyes, he felt like crying is now the only option. He missed his chance and it was too late now. He was sad and angry at himself.

- Hey... you good there? - A voice asked. He looked up to see  Adriah looking at him with warm eyes.

- I don't think so... I lost my only chance... I shouldn't be so mad. Atsumu has the right to be happy with who ever he wants... But why do I feel so... so... bitter that it wasn't me, who makes him the happiest - Sakusa ended his little speach. He was now crying like never before. His musceles cramping and his jaw shaking. He hugged his knees and hid his face in them

- Oh god. - Adriah said walking closer.

The older male grabbed a blanket from Sakusa's couch and threw it on the crying man, but right now in Adriah's eyes Sakusa was just a boy, who desperatly needed a hug. And Adriah gave it to him.

- Shhhhh...shhhhh.... It's going to be okay... Let all your emotions out... - He whispered to Sakusa.

They were like that for a moment, until Atsumu walked thru the hallway with a gigant bag. He didn't notice them, but the ravenetts' eyes were focoused on him.

- Hey guys! I am going out! - Atsumu yelled and the main door closed.

- So what do you say about going and finding the guy who stole Atsumu from you? - Adriah said looking at the other male. Sakusa nodded and stood up.

- GATHER UP! WE  ARE GOING AFTER HIM! - Barnes yelled, while walking thru the hallway.

- How do you know where to go Barnes-san? - Hinata asked walking towards him.

- I have a GPS tracker on his car. - Barnes said like it was the most obvious anwser

- Wait! Do you have trackers on all of our cars? - Inunaki asked.

- Yes - Adriah butted in

- WHY?! - Meian yelled

- Remember that one time ended up driving out of the district and in a random forest? Yeah. I wouldn't like doing that again, now do I? I won't be suprised if you four end up dead in some random ditch. - Barnes said grabbing the keys to their mini van.


He ran to his car. He couldn't wait to meet his best friend after all this time.He turned the car on and took of as fast as he could.

He saw the brunette and jumped out of his car in excitement.

- TOORU! YOU BITCH! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARILER - Atsumu said stomping towards Oikawa. Yes the setter from Argentina, who just came back to Japan.

- Sorry, Sorry. It was only yester day, so don't be so dramatic - Oikawa waved him off

- YOU WERE PROPOSED TO! AND YOU ARE TELLING ME IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL! SHOW ME THE RING! - Atsumu yelled grabbing the other setters hand.

And there it was. Sitting on Oikawa's hand was a golden band with blue diamond.

- It's gorgeous...-  Atsumu said as if hypnotized.

- Oh, It's no big deal. - Oikawa tried to brush the comment off.

- For you maybe... I am and was an Iwaoi shipper since  DAY 1 and I had to listen to all the pining. IwA-cHaN this and IwA-cHaN that. I was almost sick of you. - the blond said

Oikawa gasped offended.

- You could never be sick of me! - He loudly exclaimed.

- So where are we going now? - the brunette asked.

- To the beach! - Atsumu anwsered.

- Fine... but I get to choose the music -

- Sure future Iwaizumi Tooru - Atsumu said with a teasing wink and hopping into the car. To which the other setter was left red in embarassment. He didn't think he would be an Iwa-chan too.

Oikawa jumped into the passanger seat and connected his phone to the car.

He looked thru spotify and found the perfect song.

- i'll put our song - Oikawa said clicking the screen. The bittersweet sympthony by the Verve played.

- Kawa really? -

- What? It's a classic? You know what? I know a better one. - He said scrolling for a while and clicked on More than you know by Axwell /\ Ingrosso.

- Better? - the brunette said sarcasticlly.

- Yes much better -

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