Par Amour [Taekook ff]

By AfroArmyGirl

137K 6.1K 1.9K

TYPE: πŸ”² General Fiction | βœ”οΈ Taekook ff | πŸ”² Non-Fiction Date Started: 04.30.2023 Date Finished:... More

i | intro
ii | character descriptions
iii | Par Amour Playlist
1 | The Proposition
3 | When Do We Start?
4 | Playing With Fire
5 | Rescue A Prince
6 | Christmas Candy
7 | White Wedding Cake
8 | A Day To Remember
9 | His Favorite Par Amour
10 | Happy New Year
11 | Moth to a Flame
12 | Friend and Friend
13 | Taken to Bed
14 | Is It Working?
15 | Collect Your Man
16 | Not of This World
17 | Total Bliss
18 | Now It's Over
19 | Clientele
20 | Taught Him to Love
21 | Screaming His Name
22 | The Real Deal
23 | A New Friendship
24 | Join Me
25 | Valentine's Day
26 | Together-Together
27 | Shacking Up
28 | Too Good To Be True
29 | Tears of Worry
30 | One of Her Shooters
31 | Room 128
32 | Time To Come Clean
33 | He Left
34 | Someone I'd Like You To Meet
35 | I Want You To Go
36 | March Has Come
37 | Good Night, Baby πŸ‘…
38 | A Little Baby Girl
39 | I Hate You Too, Baby
40 | Par Amour
iv | Final Author's Note
v | Character's Q & A
vii | Playlist Narrative

2 | The Documents

5K 210 59
By AfroArmyGirl

"How was the interview, bro?" Taehyung's friend Chris asked after he stepped into the living area.

"Not good. I think I weirded the guy out. But I'm still holding out hope that maybe my filming background will get me the gig. I mean to work for a major company like this would be clutch."

"Why do you think you weirded him out?" Chris asked.

"Remember the dude I texted you about with the salad from Michael's?"

"Yeah, the guy that was getting it from behind right?"

"Yeah. Well, he's the one who conducted the interview."

"Holy shit, Tae!"

"Yeah, and he didn't remember me. But I let him know I remembered him. And he asked some weird questions afterward. But then he abruptly ended the interview. So, I don't know how it's gonna turn out."

Chris and Taehyung were from the same hometown. He was currently crashing at his place that Chris shared with his boyfriend. The walls were super thin and so on their sexy nights it was awkward. The sounds haunted him in his sleep. This job would help him finally get a place of his own. At least that's the story he told. His fingers were crossed.

Meanwhile, at Jeon Entertainment, Jungkook called for Jimin.

"Hey boss how'd the interviews go? Anyone stuck out to you?" Jimin inquired.

"Yes, a few did actually. Two of them I'd like to place with Trial Date. And then there is a third that needs to replace Eden. I'd like him to be my new personal."

"Holy crap. Out of that homey bunch?"

"Yeah. One, in particular, stood out. The guy with the nice ass and the beautiful face. You know he had the crossbody bag and wore the gray suit?"

"Wow, you really must've gawked at him to get those details. But, yes I remember escorting him in now. He's the only one who wore gray. So you think you two would hit it off?"

"I'm just saying, I could give him a try. And my dad wants me to date, so I'm thinking of using this one for more reasons than the main obvious reason."

"So a 2-for-1? Should I just approach him as I do with the regulars? You want me to call him in and meet with him to discuss specifics?"

"No, call and see if he can meet me for a second interview, maybe tomorrow after work. But I want him to meet me at my apartment."

"Well, this is a first. I don't mind arranging and speaking with your prospects. I quite enjoy being a pimp. Wait better term is madam." He laughed.

"Shut up and make the damn call."

That next evening, he wanted everything to be just right. He lit a candle. He had beer, champagne, or anything he would want to drink. He may need them after he tells him what he really wants. Usually, he only dealt with professionals, but again, he needed more and thought he'd give this guy a try.

Jungkook was wearing his black slacks and black mock turtleneck that he wore to work that day. He refreshed his lipgloss and put on more cologne. And then he heard the ring.

He went to answer the door and his breath hitched as he saw the guy standing there. He thought he had gotten a good look at him before, but maybe not? Because this Kim Taehyung was smoking hot.

That beautiful face and sleek body were the cause of Jungkook choking on air. Damn. Kim was a total snacc. Taehyung interrupted his thoughts by clearing his throat.

"Hey," he began. "Thanks for coming at short notice and please come in. Not like you haven't been here before." He giggled a little.

"Right. I remember every detail of my first visit," he said jokingly as he entered the main living area.

He looked around and noticed there was a certain ambiance now he didn't notice the day before when he dropped off his lunch. It wasn't dark but the apartment wasn't totally lit up either. It was after all dark outside now and with the floor-to-ceiling windows with open curtains, it made the room a date night setup? A bottle of champagne was on the table.

He couldn't wait to talk to Rand, his boss, about this. This apartment was something serious. Stunning. Just like its owner.

Was this a second informal interview as Jimin called it when he reached out to him or was this something else?

Would he be down for something else?

Taehyung swallowed hard as he thought about it. Taehyung looked at Jungkook up and down and he was decked out in all black, tight-fitting top and slacks that accentuated his sleek body. His lips were the color of a pink flower.

All of a sudden Taehyung felt underdressed.

And also, he felt he was somehow walking into a lion's den. He could smell Jungkook's cologne from where he was standing. Or maybe the scent came from one of the few candles he had lit around the open living space. Either way, something was pulling him in. But into what, he had no clue.

"Here have a seat," Jungkook said while leading him to the couch." He seemed a bit less formal.

"Thank you. And I'm sorry if I'm too early. I just don't like to be late." Taehyung apologized.

That was great to hear since Jungkook always had a tight schedule.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about a job."

"I figured that when your assistant called this an informal second interview." He smiled.

Jungkook took a drink of his champagne and continued. "So how would you feel about NOT working in the filming industry at the mo?"

Where was this going?

"Well, I really needed the opportunity to showcase my talent and to be able to use your company for a future professional reference. But seeing as how I need a good-paying job, do you have any other openings in your department?" Taehyung watched him as he took a sip of his drink again. Tae seemed to get thirsty but not for champagne, as he watched Jungkook move.

Fuck Taehyung. What the hell are you doing? Just get the job and get out.

"Please have a drink, Taehyung. This interview is indeed informal. And if you don't like champagne I have beer and other drinks."

"Wow ok. I'll take something other than beer since you have it."

Taehyung turned and watched Jungkook walk to the fridge and damn. That ass. It was so round. It was the kind of ass that made you rethink your life choices. Taehyung knew at that moment he had been single for too long.

"Well, I don't have any openings in my department per se, but I need personal assistance," he responded while handing him a tequila bottle and a glass.

"Thanks," he began once he got the tequila. He popped the top and poured it into his glass and took a swig. "So what position do you need filling?"

Jungkook thought I need to be filled with your...

"Well, it's a hard request to ask and a hard job description to explain so I'll just come out with it. I need a professional escort."

Taehyung spits out his drink into the glass and choked a little bit.

This was definitely a lion's den. And the atmosphere was so charged.

"Um, sir, I don't know what I did to give you the impression that I was that type of a professional, but-"

"Oh no, you didn't. I was just high-key hoping that you would consider being one."

"What happened to your boyfriend from lunch?" He asked.

"He wasn't my boyfriend. He was an employee. Or better yet, a personal."

"A personal?"

"Yes, a high-scale professional escort," Jungkook clarified.

Taehyung was stunned. He couldn't think. He couldn't blink. His mouth got dry all of a sudden so he took the tequila and downed the rest of it all at once. He needed a quick buzz right now.

"Would you like another drink?"

"Yes, do you have something else that's strong?"

Jungkook brought him a bottle of Bourbon. And he took a sip.

"So I've made you nervous with my proposition?"

"Not nervous, just shocked. I know this type of thing goes on all the time, but I've never had anyone ask me to, you know."

"Well, that's the only way I get laid. I don't do the boyfriend stuff."

"So let me get this straight. Is this some kind of 50-shades shit but like you're a gay Grey instead of a straight Grey?"

"Uh, no. At least I don't think so." He chuckled.

"But you want to hire me to sleep with you?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. And pretend to date me in public," he clarified.

"You would rather pretend to date than actually date?"

"Yes. I have my reasons."

"Damn, who hurt you?"

He's funny.

He laughed. "No one hurt me. I'm just not into love and relationships. I don't have the emotional capacity or the physical time for it," Jungkook explained.

"But you have time and space for getting laid regularly and being seen in public with a guy."


"Wow." He took another drink and poured himself more Bourbon. He made a mental note to not have anymore after this last shot. He needed to be able to think straight.

"Yes. I know it's a lot to throw at you. So what do you think?"

"Is this shit even legal?"

"What shit?"


"This isn't prostitution. It's two consenting adults making a business transaction that happens to involve meaningless sex and fake dates."

"Yeah, prostitution." He deadpanned.

"Who cares if it's illegal? Who would I tell?" He asked, taking another sip.

"Do you do this all the time?" He asked. This is the interesting shit he'd like to know.

"I started a few years ago. And I liked it. It's my preferred lifestyle now."

"So do you have multiple partners?"

"I have before. Would that be a problem for you?"

"Well yes. I hate using condoms and I'd rather have sex with someone I could trust, you know in a physical sense." He answered as he drank his last shot of the night.

Taehyung, what the fuck are you doing? Are you even considering this?

"I could try that if you wanted. But that would mean I would need you here more often if you wanted me to be monogamous. I kind of have a high sex drive." He winked at him.

That wink.

Damn did I just cream my boxers?

"So, why did you pick me? And how do you even know I'm into guys?"

"Well, your looks are what drew my attention. You're really hot," Jungkook snickered. "And I was just going by the way you looked at me earlier in the office."

"Hmm." He was thinking about it.

Why the fuck am I still here? I should be walking out and telling this crazy bitch to fuck off.

"You're thinking," Jungkook stated.

"Yes. I mean I need a job and all but I'm just not sure this is what I need to do."

"Well if you don't take this job, I'll give you the job with Jeon Enterprises. So you don't have to say yes to my personal job offer."

"Job offer? Mr. Jeon, this is more like an indecent proposal. I'm Demi Moore and you're Robert Redford." He chortled.

"Call me Kook, and maybe so. But it comes with great pay and benefits."

"What's the pay?" Damn, he realized he asked that question so fast, it shocked even him.

"Two grand per week."

He choked on air.

"What the fuck? 2k every week?"

Why am I cursing at a job interview?

"Yes, every week."


"And I believe that's more than the filming job and more than what door dash pays," Kook added.

Kook was now smirking and all he kept thinking is he wanted to feel those pouted lips on his.

"Indeed. So you mentioned benefits?"

"Yes. You'd get the benefit of getting laid on the regular," he said matter-of-factly.

"I don't have a problem with getting laid Mr. Jeon- I mean Kook. I'm just in between relationships right now."

"So you do the relationship thing? How does that work out for you?" Kook had had plenty to drink and was now undressing Taehyung with his eyes.

"Besides the heartache, it's not that bad. I like to be emotionally attached to a person I have sex with. And being in a relationship is the best option. For me anyway."

"So you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend now?"

"No, I don't," Taehyung answered.

"So, will you give this some serious consideration?"

"Um, sure. To be honest I'm leaning more towards the filming job. That's what's best for my future."

And that's the one he intended on securing.

As Taehyung shot him that smile with those plump lips, he realized he couldn't hold back any longer.

Jungkook sat his drink down and got on his lap and straddled him. He dove in for a kiss and he lustfully pushed his tongue into his mouth and they were both tasting each other and already moaning.

They broke for air and he started grinding on him, moving his hips around and around.

Taehyung was staring at him mesmerized.

Was this a dream? Or nightmare?

"What can I do to make you consider doing this for me?" Kook asked while he was still grinding him.

Taehyung's dick was getting hard and he knew in a couple of minutes he will want to fuck him. So he pushed him off. They were both still panting looking at each other.

"Is this how you get your way? Using sex to get what you want?" Taehyung asked him.

"Well, yes and I use money."

"And this is how it will be between us? I would be at your becking call for sex. How often would that be exactly?"

Kook hadn't forgotten how good Taehyung felt under his ass as he was dry-humping him. The feeling had tied up all of his brain cells. He had to gather his wits.

"Well, I guess every other day? Or 3-4 times per week?"

"Now I see why you're paying so much. And you want personal dates to functions I assume?"

"Yes. Especially where I can get good photo ops."

"Wow. Pardon me but your life is fucked up."

"I know. And I pay good money to keep it that way." Kook got back onto his lap. "I felt your dick twitch by the way and before you leave and run away from me for good probably, could I please have a tiny sample? You came here looking like a snacc and it's your fault I didn't enjoy my sexcapade at lunch. So you low-key owe me pleasure, Taehyung." He kissed him again and started back dry-riding him.

Kook's cologne and his beauty were a heady combination and Taehyung felt himself falling into his preying.

"Please, Taehyung. I want to try you out. Please?" He begged. He had never begged. He had never invited a personal to an interview. Jungkook was definitely not being Jungkook.

Why do I want him so badly? His buzzed brain couldn't figure it out.


Taehyung kissed him back and started helping Kook get out of his shirt. He was still kissing him as he slid the turtleneck over his head, revealing his pecks and 6-pack. Taehyung started kissing down his neck and then licked down to his chest. He took both hands and massaged his nipples.

They were looking into each other's eyes as Taehyung went in to suck one of his breasts. He used his tongue to make circles around his nipple and then pulled it and sucked on it. He did the same to the other nipple. The pleasure was causing Jungkook to throw his head back and grind on him even harder.

Kook felt his hardened dick under his ass and wanted to at least take a look at it. He stood up and finished taking off his pants and shoes. Kook knelt to undress Taehyung. He was taking off his jacket and shirt while Kook was undoing his pants. He raised his ass just enough for him to pull them down and off of him with his boots coming off too.

Taehyung still had on his boxers but Kook saw his dick underneath the silk fabric. He gripped it, while it was still in his boxers. While looking up at him, he started to rub it and pump it with his hand. He was breathing hard and moaning at this point. He bent down and took his penis out of the restraints of the fabric and marveled at his size.


He was wide and long. It made him thirsty.

Holy cow...

He then went down and licked his slit while holding him up with his hand. He helped him to remove the boxers, giving him full access to this huge dick. Then Kook's tongue swirled around his tip twice before actually taking him in. He wasted no time as he started bobbing up and down on his huge length, not being able to get it all in his mouth.

Taehyung was enjoying the sensations and started fucking him in the mouth. Before he could cum, Kook stopped sucking him and led him to an armless chair on the other side of the living area.

Taehyung sat down and before Kook could straddle him, Kook reached over to a side table and pulled out lube. He gave it to Taehyung and he applied a generous amount to his fingers and long length. He fingered Kook's hole to get him open. After he took three fingers, Kook was begging for Taehyung to fuck him.

Holding his size grande penis, Kook pointed it towards his opening and slid down on him, slowly. The feeling of having such a big cock inside him made him groan, wince at the burn, and smile at the same time.

"Fuck, you are so big." He was already breathing heavily and trying to adjust to his anus being so full.

After he adjusted, Kook started riding him.

Taehyung thought he would cum as soon as he was inside of him. He was so tight and warm. Kook was bouncing off his legs as he rode him. Then he stopped bouncing and started grinding. Just the sight of Kook riding him and looking into his eyes like that made him want to explode.

Kook started back kissing him as he was losing his mind riding him. He started fucking him faster.

"Oh fuck, Taehyung. I'm gonna cum!"

His size and their positioning helped his dick slide deliciously over his prostate and after a short while his legs were already shaking and tightening. His stomach muscles seemed to tense up. Taehyung had started sliding his hands gently back and forth over his nipples. He was moaning as he was letting out a few expletives.

That's when Tae grabbed his ass and started thrusting up into him. And a minute later Kook was cumming extremely hard on both their stomachs. Taehyung felt Kook's wall muscles tighten around him and that pushed him over the edge as he came into him, screaming his name, surprised he even remembered it.


"Holy shit. That was so good," Kook barely breathed out.

"Hell yeah." Taehyung went in to kiss him and he moved his face back. "What?" He asked confused.

"We shouldn't kiss unless we are having sex," Kook replied. He got off of him and put his underwear back on. Taehyung started getting dressed as well following his cue.

"That's fucked up."

"I know. But it's what I like ok?"


"So you'll think about the proposition?"

Back to business.

"Yeah, sure. How long do I have to think about it?"

"How about getting with Jimin by Friday?"

"Jimin? Why can't I just tell you? Give me your number."

"I don't operate that way. Jimin handles all of my scheduling and personal business, sorry."

"Wow, you are a piece of work. A beautiful, hot, and sexy one but you're definitely fucked up."

Taehyung kissed him with a small peck on the lips as he said goodbye.

"Holy shit, I'm sorry. Just a habit," he said.

"Ok but don't let it happen again. And also, I forgot, make sure you check your email and answer his texts. He will send over the agreement and the rules."

"Fuck, there's more?" Taehyung asked.

"Not more, just more thorough explanations."

"Ok fine." He left.

Jungkook exhaled as if he had been holding his breath. Taehyung was gone. He could think semi-clearly now. That cologne he was wearing and that beautiful face had messed with his head. He was breathtaking. And that huge ass dick! He's never slept with a hired hand like that without their agreement to rules. But he couldn't help it.

All of his personals were good looking but this guy...he had something else. And then and there is where he was craving more of him. He wanted to fuck him again.

He texted Jimin and told him to make sure to message Taehyung the next day and send over the documents.

⬆️Tae's 'Just woke up hair & face'🥰⬆️

Next | When Do We Start?

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