Mighty Champion (Hero Academi...

By AtrayumX

43.7K 1.2K 1.1K

This is the story of (Y/n) (L/n), a young man from the real world. One fateful night he falls asleep and wake... More

1. Arrival
2. Arrival: Part 2
3. Here I Am
4. Interlude
5. The Protagonist
6. The One Who Arrived
7. What It Takes To Be A Hero
8. Izuku Midoriya: A Hero
9. One Wild Day
10. New Beginnings...
11. And Roaring Muscles!
13. Kickstart The Line
14. And These Guys
15. Quirk Apprehension Test
16. What We Can Do
17. Combat Training
18. Deku vs. Kacchan
19. Izuku and Katsuki
20. Team B vs. Team C
A/n: Look!
22. School Days

12. Just Fine

1.4K 45 30
By AtrayumX

No Pov

At U.A.'s exam hall, Midoriya ran through the entrance to find that he wasn't late, much to his relief.

Izuku: "I made it just in time!"
'I was so worried about not making it that I didn't have a chance to test out my new power.'
*putting hand to mouth* "I may have swallowed the hair, but I don't feel like I can do anything great yet."

Kacchan: "Deku."

Izuku: "Huh? Kacchan!"

Kacchan approached Midoriya, but he didn't say anything. He only looked around the boy before scowling and going into the building.

Izuku: "Uh..."

Student: "Hey, I think that's the kid who withstood the sludge villain."

Student 2: "His name's Bakugo, right?"

Student: "Yeah, he's the real deal."

Ever since the sludge man incident, Bakugou had been taking it easier on the freckled boy. But Izuku expected something else besides Deku, and was surprised he didn't get it.

Izuku: 'I was just scared out of habit. But I shouldn't be, because I'm not defenseless anymore. (Y/n) made sure I knew that! I have to remember all the work I've put in. And thanks to him and All Might... I'm actually going to be a Hero.'

Midoriya triumphantly strided towards the doors of U.A. and tripped over his own foot.

Izuku: 'Is this what he would call an Epic Fail?'

But before he hit the pavement, he stopped out of nowhere, and panicked before looking at a girl on his right.

Nice Girl: "Heh. Are you okay?"

Izuku: "Whaa?! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Nice Girl: *helping Izuku up*

"I stopped you with my Quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask first, but I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you."

Izuku: *blush* "T-thank you."

Nice Girl: "No problem. I'm just hoping it'll be enough for the big exam. Isn't this all, like, way nerve‐racking?"

Izuku: "U-um, yeah i-it is..."

Nice Girl: "But as long as we try our best, that's what counts! I'll see you inside. Bye!"

A/n: He did it.

Izuku: ... 'Holy whoa, I really talked to a girl!' "Haha! (Y/n), did you see-!"

Izuku hoped that (Y/n) had seen it, but remembered that his friend wasn't even there.

Izuku: 'Oh right. He needed to take care of something. But... he said he'd meet me here...'

Izuku Flashback

1 Month Into Training

Midoriya just finished a morning session with All Might and (Y/n) chose to walk with him to school.
Like normal days, they talked nearly the whole way about random things.

(Y/n): "... what I was saying about your former friend-bully or whatever the dynamic is supposed to be.
In this place, he fits the tough rebel-delinquent archetype perfectly, but the way he yells out of nowhere and jumps on the desks and stuff tells me that where I'm from, Katsuki's what we call a band kid."

Izuku: "Is that not a good thing?"

(Y/n): "From my personal experience, no. He's all cool and tough here, but that guy wouldn't last a day in my old school."

Izuku: "If Kacchan doesn't last a day... then where am I in your old school?"

(Y/n): "You'd be surrounded by people nobody wants to be around."

Izuku: "Huh?"

(Y/n): "Kidding. You would be... um... actually you both stand a fair chance. In a case like this, it's all about the kind of people you keep around."

Izuku: "... (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Yo."

Izuku: "Why do you keep me around? I've seen how you act and talk. You're the exact opposite of me...
Y-you could be friends with anybody..."

When Midoriya looked away from (Y/n) in sadness, the taller male turned so that his body faced Izuku, placed a hand on his shoulder, and answered his question with true sincerity.

(Y/n): "I hang out with you for the same reason you hang out with me. Pity and zero self-worth."

Izuku: ...

(Y/n): "I'm kidding, relax! But I meant that first thing. It doesn't matter if we're different.
Whatever you think about me, the feeling's mutual."

Izuku: "Y-you think I'm c-cool?!"

(Y/n): ... *puts hand to chest* "You think I'm cool?"

Izuku: *blushes* "T-there's no way! I mean, you're you and I'm nobody, I j-just-"

(Y/n): "Dude, listen. If you don't believe me fine. But I've seen the way all those other kids are, and they aren't my kind of crowd. You are."

Izuku: *quiet gasp*

(Y/n): "You and me, we have very different ideas of what 'cool' is."

(Y/n) continued in the direction he memorized, and left Midoriya momentarily stunned, looking at (Y/n)'s back before he caught up with the taller male.

End of Flashback

Izuku: 'What am I thinking about?! He's probably just running late...'

Midoriya had a solemn look on his face before shaking away his thoughts and somewhat regaining his confidence.

When he entered the building, the students were still finding their assigned seats, and Izuku found that he would be next to Katsuki.
He reluctantly took his seat and pouted in disappointment.

Katsuki only glanced in his direction, almost like he was looking for something else, and promptly went back to skulking.

Izuku: "Hmph." 'I have to be right next to Kacchan of all people?
I wanted to sit next to (Y/n), but our seats are assigned by number. He's probably far away...'

On the top row, (L/n) already had his assigned seat, but when he recognized a green head of hair a few heads to the left and below him, the (H/c) male began to climb over the other applicants.

(Y/n): *burp* "There he is. Just gonna make my way down there..."

Applicant: "Ow! Hey what are you doing?!"

Other Applicant: "These seats are assigned!"

(Y/n): "My bad. It's an emergency. Code Green, ya feel me? Here we go!"

When he was directly on top of the empty seat to Izuku's left, he leapt and plopped down loudly onto it, startling Izuku, Katsuki, and the kids around them.


Izuku: *turns over* "(Y/n)!"


Izuku: "You're here!"

(Y/n): "I said I would be, didn't I?"

Izuku: "I-I'm sorry! I was worried when I didn't see you outside, but I didn't think our seats would be right next to each other!"

(Y/n): "Actually they aren't, but nobody cares about that right?"

Another applicant walked up to them and was about to tell (Y/n) that the seat belonged to him, but before Izuku noticed, (Y/n) touched the applicant on his temple. With lifeless eyes, the random kid went to go sit in the taller male's seat and snapped back to reality a moment later.

Katsuki: "... (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Katsuki."

Katsuki: "... Glad you're here, I guess."

(Y/n): "Thanks! I knew you'd be here, but I can't say I'm happy about that."

Katsuki: *small smile* "Hmph."

With a dopey grin, (L/n) saluted Bakugou, then leaned back, yawned, stretched his arms, crossed his harms, and glanced over to the center of the room.

Katsuki turned away shaking his head and Izuku's eyes darted back and forth between his friend and Kacchan.

Izuku: "(Y/n)? How do you know-"

Suddenly, all of the lights in the room shut off, a generic rock piece started playing, and a few spotlights shone onto the center of the stage, where a blonde man in shades, a leather jacket, and electronic music gear started speaking to everyone.

D.J. Man: "What's up, U.A. candidates? Thanks for tuning in to me, your school D.J.!"

(Y/n): *genuinely excited* "Oh man, ok! This looks like it's gonna be good!"




He knows Izuku is shy and junk, but (Y/n) was a little offended on the D.J. Man's behalf since nobody else in the audience shared his excitement, and in a last ditch effort he looked around the auditorium for backup that didn't come.

D.J. Man: *points (Y/n)'s direction*
"HA! MY MAN!! But if everyone else wants to keep it mellow, that's fine! I'll skip straight to the main show! Let's talk about how this practical exam's gonna go down, okay!"

Izuku: *whispering and shaking
(Y/n)'s arm* "(Y/n)! That's the Voice Hero, Present Mic. I listen to his radio show every day of the week! He's so cool!"

(Y/n): "Honestly, that does seem to be the case. Isn't he gonna be one of the teachers?"

Izuku: "He is! All of U.A.'s teachers are Pro Heroes! I almost can't believe it!"

Katsuki: "Would you just-"

Present Mic: "Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be conducting ten-minute mock battles in super‐hip urban settings! Gird your loins, my friends! After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center!"

Katsuki: "I see. They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends." *looking over to (Y/n)*

Izuku: "You're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other, but we're assigned different battle centers."

(Y/n): "Right, but how do they know who's friends are- not... nevermind.
Lemme see, Katman you're in battle place A. Izuku you're B. And I'm all the way in G?! *clicks tounge* Man, all the cool kids got into A and B and I'm probably stuck with the losers..."

Izuku: *nervous laughter* "... There you go again.... Wait! Then that means we'll be separated, a-and-"

(Y/n): "I know that look. Remember your training, grasshopper, and you'll be just fine."

Izuku: "... O-okay."

Izuku was reasurred by his friend's confident words, but something immediately clicked in his head.

Izuku: ...'Katman'?

Present Mic: "Okay, okay, let's check out your targets.
There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirks to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid‐song guitar solo!"

(Y/n): *grabs random kid's paper*

Random Kid: "H-hey!"

(Y/n): *frantic hushed whisper* 'Robots? Is he talking about robots?! So they're- fuck! They're real then?! Like, DEADASS REAL ROBOTS?!?! FUCK!! HE IS!! IT'S 2118!! OH MY GOD!!!'


Izuku: *giggling* "(Y/n), I've never seen you get this excited over anything besides our training!"

(Y/n): *clutching head* "Aw jeez, I'm sorry man! Everyone has their weakness, and this one's mine. I thought all those books and posters were satire. I didn't think this was for real, but we're gonna fight robots!"

Present Mic: "But, check it! Make sure you're keeping things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a U.A. no‐no, ya dig?"

Examinee: "Excuse me sir, but I have a question!"

Present Mic: "Hit me!"

Examinee: "On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful.
We are exemplary students; we expect the best from Japan's most notable school! A mistake such as this won't do!

Additionally, you two! You with the unkempt hair and you in the wrong seat!"

Izuku: "Huh?"

(Y/n): *awkward cough*

Glasses Kid: "You've been goofing off with each other this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, you shouldn't be here. You're both distracting the rest of us!"

Izuku: "S-sorry..."

(Y/n): "Real quick, one: you had no question, or anything that anyone needed. And two: we were being quiet, bro. If you'd relax and let these guys worry about themselves, that'd be great. We're not trying to be each other's heroes yet."

Glasses Kid: "I- what?!"

The kids around them... agreed as if the two friends had been completely silent, and snickered at the blue haired male as he sputtered at (Y/n)'s remark. He had to look around himself for confirmation.

Glasses Kid: 'Did nobody hear them talking but me?...'

Katsuki: *smirk*

Present Mic: "Applicant number 7‐1‐1‐1. Thanks for calling in with your request! The fourth villain type is worth zero points! He's only an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. Watch out, cuz there's one in every battle center. Simply put: try to avoid it. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's kinda no point!"

Glasses Kid: "D-didn't you all... Thank you."

Present Mic: "That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present. A sample of our school motto!
As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down: 'A true hero is one who
overcomes life's misfortunes'.
Mm‐hm. Now that's a tasty soundbite!"

Present Mic: "You ready to go beyond?


(Y/n): "Plus Ultra? That's... something else... *pumps fist* PLUS ULTRA!!"

Present Mic: "YEEAAHH! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"

Battle Center B

Izuku POV

Well. This is it.

It's time for me to put ten months of training with All Might to the test.
Time to give it my all!

I will become a Hero! Just like I always dreamed. I won't let myself down!

And with (Y/n) in another battle center, I'm all alone. But like he said, I'll be just fine!


Battle Center G

(Y/n) Pov

Robots, huh?

(Y/n): *sighs* "I'm finna bust."

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