I'm your Angel | Pablo Gavi

By gwnrandompersoonnn

211K 3.5K 1.4K

Nina has a simple life, but everything changes when she suddenly moves to Spain to become a Victoria Secret m... More

Meeting Pedri's teammates
Movie night
Sea, Salt and Sunset
Being flirty?
Aurora Gavira :)
The not so secret spot
Show Time
The Night Club
Do you regret it?
Birthday Girl
Got caught...
New Rules
I hate Social Media
Living the dream
Stop worrying about boys!
Night adventures
Deja vu
"I thought you recognized fake-sleeping"
Those f*cking Spaniards
The Kiss
I still Love you
The right choice
The truth or lies?
Only 48 hours in Paris
Don't do it without a condom!
Jude Bellingham again...
Pure Panic
'For the record... I'm not gonna regret this at all' (18 +)
Lily's POV
Good news
If only we had one charger...
Pablo is... gone
During* rain comes sunshine
Us against the world
I'm Your Angel
A year later...


2.5K 30 47
By gwnrandompersoonnn

A/N: I've been gone for a while but here is a new chapter

Back in Barcelona me and Rickey immediately go to the specified location. The runway show starts in an hour and we have already loosened our hair in the airport toilet. Both of our hair is very beautiful, Rebecca did a great job. 

Once we arrive, we slip through the artist's entrance. As soon as we enter the building, our coats are taken and we are directed to the elevator. I catch a glimpse of a group of the audience waiting outside to enter. 

As soon as the elevator doors open, Rickey and I enter the huge dressing room. It can hardly be called a dressing room, because it looks more like a whole restaurant, because of its size.

I wonder if Selena Gomez is here too, because she's performing tonight. I don't have time to think about it, as an assistant immediately shoves me into a bathrobe and leads me to a changing cubicle. 

I lock the cubicle and look at the pink pajamas I have to wear. I've already practiced in a test version and it went pretty well, but I haven't even touched the thing when someone knocks hysterically on the door. 

I open, since I'm not naked, and then I see Lily. I suddenly feel a lot lighter and I want to hug her, but instead she takes my hand and pulls me out of the changing room. 'We have a problem.' is all she says and then she quickly walks away. 

I follow her. The dressing room is full of helpers, designers, models, makeup artists, stylists, everything! We squeeze through the crowd until I see Nicole standing there. 

She usually has her hair in a bun on top of her head and always looks sleek and well-groomed. But today she has her hair in a messybun and thick bags under her eyes. I hardly recognize her. 

'Thank God!' she says as I approach. 'We have a big problem.' she says. Lily nods. 'Arnold's gone.' Nicole says. I gasp. Arnold is gone?... As in...lost? 

'And Joshua isn't here either.' Nicole says. 'I'm trying to call him, but he's not responding and we really need him.' Lily nods. 'I'll get more people, maybe they know where he is.' she mutters and then walks away. 

'Nina, can you also spread this message?' Nicole asks. 'The more people who know, the better.'
I nod and have already turned around when I realize something. 'Nicole, I might know something.' Nicole looks at me hopefully. 

'I met Arnold's son today, so maybe I can ask him if he knows more.' Nicole suddenly seems wide awake. 'Why didn't you say so right away! Yes, go now!' she says. I nod quickly and then turn around. 

Nathan is probably already in the audience. I quickly walk through the large dressing room and then I go outside. As soon as I come out I'm backstage where I see some people lifting a lamp down the hall. I hear all the buzz of the audience as I walk to the stage. I walk over the dark part of the catwalk to the side and slide down the stage, which now puts me level with the audience seats. 

Everyone is talking and no one seems to really pay attention to me. I dive under the security tape and see a guard looking at me strangely. I'm still wearing my robe, of course, but I had to get here ASAP. 

I quickly walk to the audience seats and look around. Everywhere are people trying to find their seats. They are mainly influencers, relatives or friends of models and other celebrities. I look for Nathan, but I only see people I don't know. 

Then I feel someone patting my shoulder. I turn around and I face Lela, the girl I met at Christmas. She smiles. 'Hey! Nina... what are you doing in the audience... with a bathrobe.' she asks. 

'Hi! I'm looking for a guy... brunette... light eyes...' I try to describe Nathan. Lela laughs. 'Sounds like my brother... and you definitely don't wanna find him.' she says. I smile. 'I didn't know you guys were coming.'
'We're all in town for a couple days, next week we're going back to Madrid.' she says. I nod.

Suddenly I see a blond girl and I recognize her immediately. 'Sorry I have to get back looking for him.' I answer. Lela nods. 'Good luck!' she says.

I run to her as fast as I can and she turns around. 'Nina!' she screams and she gives me the biggest hug ever. I haven't seen Mikky in a few days and she almost suffocating me with her arms. 

'I'm so glad to see you! But what are you doing here?' she says when she notices the bathrobe. 'I'm looking for someone...' I reply. Mikky looks at me confused. Then I see Frenkie, Ansu and Memphis and I also greet them. 

I can of course describe Nathan, but he was one of the most basic guys I've ever seen. Jude is probably with him and Mikky knows what Jude looks like. 

'I'm looking for Ju-' but I can't finish my sentence because suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around in shock when I see Pedri. I smile. 

'Hey! Shouldn't you be backstage?' Pedri asks. I give him a quick hug. 'How was London?' he adds quickly. 'Nice.' I say quickly. 

'Do you perhaps have seen Ju-' but again I can't finish my sentence. 

'Nina!' I turn around and I see Pablo. I let go of my sentence and run over to him. I throw my arms around his neck and almost kiss him when I realize where I am. And when I realize that a part of the team is literally watching us. I give him a hug and he chuckles. 

'Who are you looking for?' he asks. I sigh, this is going to be a hassle...

'I'm looking for Jude ... Bellingham.' I answer. Pedri raises his eyebrows and then I hear a new voice. 'Damn Nina, why are you looking for him?' Ferran arrives with two drinks. He keeps one for himself and gives the other to Pablo. 

'It's for the show.' I answer. Mikky sips her drink awkwardly, I can almost hear her thinking... 'Yeah right! For the show...' Pedri answers teasingly. Ferran also laughs. 'You could just tell us if you have a boyfriend.' he says. 'I don't have a boyfriend.' I say. 

I look to Pablo for one split second. Memphis laughs. 'You said that a little to fast.' he says.
'Jude Bellingham isn't that bad... and no I haven't seen him.' Ferran adds. 

'You and Jude would make a cute couple indeed.' Pedri says and he gives me a playful push. The other boys laugh. 

I catch Pablo's eyes for a second, he's the only one who isn't laughing. He doesn't look mad... I didn't know what to expect. I'm glad he's not angry or jealous. He just stands there and smiles a little. 

'Can you already imagine Jude and Nina together?' Memphis says. 'Jina...' Ferran says and everyone laughs again. 'Nude...' Pedri says. 

I sigh, I really need to find him. 'Guys leave her alone.' Pablo says. Ferran laughs even harder now. 'Guys it'll always be Ninablo.' he says. 'The love birds are back.' 

'Bro that's such a bad nickname.' Pedri says. 
'Y'all are very immature.' Pablo says and he rolls his eyes. 

'Aren't you like sixteen or something? You should be in high school.' Memphis says to Pablo and everyone laughs again. Now Mikky takes action. 

'And you look like you just dropped out of middle school.' she says to Memphis and now he stops. 'Can we drop this subject? I think I see Jude.' she says and she points into the crowd. There he is, and Nathan is right next to him! 

'Gotta go!' I quickly say and I give Mikky a last hug. When I walk past Pablo I really wanna say something to him, but I know that everyone will make jokes again, so I just squeeze myself through the crowd as far away from the group as possible. 

Finally I reach Jude and Nathan. When Jude sees me he immediately stands up and gives me a hug. I can feel the awkwardness spreading through my bones. 'Nathan I really need your help.' I say. Nathan nods. 'Sure what's the matter?'

'Where is your dad? He won't answer our calls and we need him before the show starts.' I say. Nathan nods and grabs his phone. 'I'll call him. Wait here.' he says and he walks away with his phone. I almost wanna scream. 'NO DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HIM!' But of course I won't do that.

I turn my face towards Jude and he smiles. 'Can't wait to see you walking up there.' Jude says and he points at the catwalk. I nod slowly. 'I made sure I'd sat first row so I can recognize you properly.' he says. 

I smile. 'Well I probably won't see you because of the lights, but I'll know you're here, thank you.' I say. Jude smiles. 

'Where are your friends actually?' he asks. 'Ooh... my friends...' I say. 'I think they're on row three or something.' I respond. Jude nods. 'Okay, yeah maybe I'll also talk to them.' he says and he looks behind him.' 

I gasp. 'Is there something wrong?' Jude asks. 'No... ehm... just... why do you wanna meet with my friends?' I ask. 

'Well, they're your friends and... you are... you're just very important to me...' I see him thinking about what he's gonna say, but then Nathan returns. 'Yes, my dad is on his way. He got into a traffic jam and his phone was on silent.'

I catch myself sighing in relief. I'm glad nothing happened to him. And maybe I'm also glad Nathan returned and I don't have to talk to Jude anymore...

Then I hear a loud voice.
'Nina Cortés, back to the dressing room. Nina Cortés, please return with or without information.'

I don't recognize the voice, but I know it's time to leave. 'Thanks for your help!' I say to Nathan. He smiles. 'No problem.' I start walking away when I suddenly feel someone grabbing my hand. I turn around and I see Jude. 'Nina... ehm...' 

Please don't ask me anything.... please let me go... please say you like me as A FRIEND.

'Would you maybe like to... go on a date with me after the show?' he asks. I look in his eyes a few seconds. I don't deserve him... at all.
'We could just ditch everyone... just... us?' I swallow not knowing what to say and then I hear the intercom again.

'NINA COME BACK NOW!' I recognize Nicole's voice. The intercom never gets used unless there's absolute stress. 'I really gotta go.' I say and Jude lets me go while I run away as fast as I can.


30 Minutes later...

We're all standing in the dressing room waiting until it's our turn. Arnold and Joshua got here a few minutes ago and they just gave me and Rickey some advice. Joshua is still with us while Arnold instructs Julia and Lily.

Joshua looks at Arnold. 'That bitch is getting old...' he whispers into my ear.

'Did you just call your own boss a bitch?' I ask and I giggle. 'Yup. But he knows I love him.' Joshua says. 

'Are you excited to go back to America?' he suddenly asks. I look at him for a few seconds. 'I mean... not really.' I say. Joshua giggles. 'It's because of Gavi isn't it.' I look at him in shock.

'How the hell did you know that?' I ask. Joshua smiles. 'Nina I know everything.'
'I can't blame you for falling for him...' he adds. 'I mean he's fucking hot!'

I giggle. 'You know you can't tell anyone right?' I say.

Joshua smirks. 'I know since the first time you kissed him... it was literally in my street.' Joshua says. 'My mouth is shut.' he says. I nod. 'Thanks...'

'So... have you guys already fucked?' Joshua asks. I look at him in shock. What did he just asked me?
'Ooh... was it that bad?' he asks looking at my shocked face. 

'No, we didn't do that yet. We're... not there yet.' I say. Joshua smirks again. 'Trust me, he definitely is.' 

'How do you know that?' I ask. Joshua shrugs. 'Because you're gorgeous and men are gross.' he says. 'Except for gay men, we're respectful as fuck.' I smile. 'Well maybe I'll start thinking about getting ready...' (A/N: Ok so just a random question. Do y'all want smut? Like idk I've never wrote it and idk if people wanna read it. Just say yes or no I really want an honest opnion because i really don't know if I should add it to this book. )

I wanna ask Joshua about his love life when Rickey taps my shoulder. 'There is someone here for you... named...' she thinks for a second. 'I think her name was Amila.' Rickey says.

The sound of that name makes me shiver. Amila? The last time I saw her was at Christmas, and that didn't end well for her. I sigh. Let's see what she wants to tell me.

I walk away from Rickey and Joshua and I make my way to the door. I walk outside and close it behind me when I see Amila standing into the hallway. She looks confident, by the way she leans to the wall casually. In her hand she has an envelope. She stands there as if she has control over everything right now. I approach her until I'm right in front of her.

'What do you want?' I ask. Amila smirks. 'Also Hello to you Nina. Long time no see.' she says. 
'Just say what you want. I have a show in a few minutes.' I say

Amila smiles. 'I think you might want to take your time to see this...' Amila says. And she hands me something out of the envelope. It's a picture. My heart drops.

(Idk why the picture is so small so just zoom in or something... :))

My heart gets back into the moment of the picture...

Our foreheads touch and I finally press my lips against his. The kiss starts with our mouths closed, but soon he takes charge and opens his mouth. In no time my bottom lip is between his lips. We go on like this for a while, kissing each other. My hands go in his hair and his hands go all over my back and shoulders. I hear him groan a little and I smile through he kiss. It's fantastic, as if everything is finally right. Me, in the sea, at the most beautiful sunset ever, with him. As soon as our lips touched it felt good. As if we fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces: made for each other. Everything is perfect...

'Where... where did you get this...?' Amila smiles. 'I was literally at the beach a few minutes before Pedri, Mikky, Ansu... it's a public beach Nina. Everyone could have seen you there with him.' she says. 

For a second I'm speechless. 'What do you want?' I ask her and I hear my voice is shaking. Amila smiles. 'I wanna make a deal.' she says. 'These pictures can stay between us. I won't show them to anyone and this will be our little secret.' she says. 'But, I want you to stay away from Pablo.'

'Are you insane?' I ask her. 'You can't just blackmail me.' I say. Amila chuckles. 'Yes I can. I don't like you Nina. I never did. This is your payback for taking him from me.' she says.

'He was never yours.' I respond. 'Watch out Nina. One wrong word and everyone will see this.' she says and she smiles. I can't believe this bitch really thinks she's getting away with this so easily.

'I don't care. Nobody will recognize our faces on this picture.' I say. 'You have nothing.'
Amila smiles. 'I don't care about "the public". Pedri will recognize you guys.' she says. 'He knows you two. Pablo is his best friend.' 

Again I'm to stunned to speak. She wants to show this to Pedri? 'what would he think when he finds out his best friend and his little roommate were dating...?' Amila smiles, clearly liking her power. 'And if he doesn't recognize it. Then he'll recognize this one.' she says and hands me another picture.

It's the picture from Lily's phone... 'How did you get this?' I ask her. 

She chuckles. 'Lily is not very careful you know. She just left her phone on the kitchen island at Christmas eve.' Amila says and her smile is evil. 'It was unlocked and I was just looking around when I saw the picture. It's so cute by the way.' Amila says. I feel my hands are shaking.

'Don't bother ripping it apart. I have copies.' she says. I stay silent. I don't know how to react at this. 'So? What's your answer?' she asks. 'Are you taking the deal...?' 

Did she really thinks she's getting away with this? I'm not a puppet in her fucked up little game. 'Amila... I really really like hi-'
'I don't give a fuck. I like him as well.' Amila answers and she rolls her eyes.
'But he doesn't like you back.' I answer. 'If you'd really like him, then you'd want him to be with the girl he loves as well.' 

Amila sighs. 'You're boring me Nina. I want an answer.' she says. Then I hear another voice behind us. 'Nina, we gotta go.' I turn around and see Rickey. 'One second.' I yell back.

'As soon as you see Pablo, I want you to end things with him. For good. If you won't I'll show Pedri the picture's.' Amila says and she grabs them out of my hands. 'Tonight. And don't think I'll hold back. I'm capable of anything.' she says.

'Good luck.' she says and then she turns around and walks away.


Hey guys. It has been forever since I've posted and I'm sorry. I was just busy and I honestly was just lazy. So my apologies. Please answer the question about the smut thing because I just don't know if you guys want that or not. 

Btw, Nina is having a hard time again. What would you guys do? Stay with Pablo, but Pedri will find out. Or dump Pablo... maybe go for Jude?

Thanks for reading. Next chapter will be faster!!!


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