The Greek Gods and the Apocal...

Von TheAnimalHouse

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Aurora is the protagonist of this tale. The story is told completely from her point of view. She is the leade... Mehr

A few words before you begin
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)


38 11 38
Von TheAnimalHouse

I awake before the sun has risen and lay in my bed trying to decide how I will address the note with Shimmer this morning. I sure hope we are both thinking what I am thinking. It feels like the time to open the envelope and address whatever is inside. We need to know who they are. Who so boldly entered Shimmers home and left the chest. Most importantly we need to determine what they may do next. What if we open the envelope but do not act on their message in the way they perceive to be correct? What if we do not take the path they have clearly chosen for us? I have a dozen 'what if's' and just do not see a way forward without more information.

The sun is rising, and I am starving. I guess all of this pondering has my stomach ready for breakfast a little early this morning. I guess that is a good thing because I just realized there is no one to wake me up if I sleep in. In the hunter's barracks that was never a problem because if I slept in Peter did not and vice versa. We made a really good tag team. I do not know why we never slept in on the same day, but we didn't. I will have to remember to ask Shimmer how she is always up and ready on time every morning. It is time to get out of this bed and get moving. I think I will wear a red shirt with black slacks and black flats today. It does feel odd to not just throw on a t-shirt, probably the same color as yesterday, and be done. To actually ponder over what I will wear is strange but not wearing a t-shirt is even stranger.

Breakfast is oats this morning and I am eating at a quick pace. I have so much on my mind I just want to fill my belly and move on with my day. I have chosen to sit alone this morning at an empty hunter's table in the back. Most people have not arrived yet so most of the back is empty really. I want no chance of questions or inquiries this morning. I have too much on my mind for small talk or to fend questions I am not prepared to answer. I do not wish to lie or hide the truth from anyone; however, a panic could ensue if people knew about the chest and Shimmer's wardrobe. As everyone arrives, I notice Shimmer is not here. I wonder why. She is at almost all meals. She always says it is important to stay connected with everyone as a family unit. Less misunderstandings and problems in general that way. So, it is odd but not unheard of. Maybe this is her way of avoiding the questions today. I think it is time to go find Shimmer. I walk to the dump station and dump my plate. Then I slip out the back way unseen.

I start at Shimmer's barracks but the door is locked which can only mean she is not here, because during the day the door is always unlocked if she is inside. I walk to the lake next but still no Shimmer. Where in the world could she be. She knew I was coming this morning. This makes no sense. Next, I decide to walk the perimeter of the dome. That will take a while, but I have no idea where to look next. I do not believe I have ever seen her in the orchards, gardens, or anywhere near the livestock. My perimeter walk is actually kind of therapeutic. It gives me time to mull over in my head what to say to Shimmer when I see her, as well as a little time to myself before the stressful work begins. As I come around the back of the pavilion there she is. Talking to the cooks and dumping her plate. I must have been so early this morning that I missed her. I suppose that is possible. Shimmer notices me and waves me over to join her. I walk at a quick pace to join her. "You must have been up bright and early this morning. When I arrived at the pavilion you were nowhere in sight and Berry said you had already left." "I was early this morning, but most everyone had arrived before I left. Most everyone except for you." "Let us take a walk Aurora. We have much to discuss." With that we left the pavilion and took the long way to Shimmer's barracks. We just walked on in silence until we were at her door. As we entered her barracks, she began addressing our situation.

"Ok Aurora now the real challenging work begins. We have several big decisions to make and not much time to do it in. I want us to have a plan before we meet with Einstein. That only gives us today and tomorrow because I set a meeting with Einstein in three days from yesterday as you are well aware." We walked to her desk and took our normal seats. "Shimmer before we begin the pressing tasks at hand I have a question." "What is your question, Aurora?" "I was wondering where you were this morning. I came to your cabin immediately after breakfast, but the door was locked." "Oh yes, I was aware you were coming I thought I left early enough this morning to meet with the creators, not Einstein, he is far too busy with the current task I gave him. Instead, I met with Marie and Albert about the progress being made on the patrol towers for the weapons masters. I feel it is important we are able to get a bird's eye view of our surroundings. I had no idea you would rise with the sun this morning. I hope you were not bothered too much by my absence." "Honestly, a little bit. Only because I was concerned something had happened to you. Which would have never been a thought if someone had not invaded your barracks just days ago" "I do see your point but I am fine and we have business to attend to." With that the conversation was over.

"Aurora I was curious what you thought we should do about whatever is inside the envelope that came with the chest. I assume that is what had you up so early this morning after the way we left things yesterday." "Honestly Shimmer I have thought a lot about that, and I believe we should open it. I am actually quite sure we need to open it in order to determine who left it, why they left it, and what they might do next if our course of action does not line up with their plans or intentions." "Okay Aurora so let's discuss our options because I believe this is our most pressing issue that needs handled today. Our options are as follows: open the envelope and assess what is inside or do not open the envelope and just ignore it." We both sat silent for a moment and then Shimmer said "I agree with you Aurora. We need to at the very least assess the contents of the envelope in order to determine the right course of action." With that said Shimmer rose from her chair and disappeared into her room. When she returned, she had the envelope and the chest. She sat them both on her desk and took her seat.

Shimmer glanced at me and then opened the mysterious envelope. Inside the envelope was a smaller slightly bulging envelope and a note. Shimmer set the note aside on her desk and proceeded to open the interior envelope and dump the contents out. On her desk lay several chains with charms hanging from them. Fourteen sets in all. A bow and arrow, spear, sheaf of wheat, blacksmithing hammer, a lit hearth, winged shoes, needle and thread, scepter, trident, an open eye, rod of Asclepios, lightning bolt, gold crown and a scroll all hanging from chains. Shimmer and I looked at each other bewildered. She then opened the note that was included in the envelope with the charms. The note read 'I assume if you have opened the envelope that you are prepared to change the way in which humanity existed prior to the apocalypse. That you are ready to right the wrongs that were made that led to the near annihilation of every species on Earth. Others survived and they are coming for you. They are coming for anyone who will not blindly follow them into a new war and another complete destruction event. You, our children, have proven you are different than this version of humanity. You have risen to the challenge together. The challenge to rebuild this world by only consuming what you need and not just destroying everything you touch for modern convenience. It has been a hundred years since the world-wide destruction and there are still areas of the world that are nearly uninhabitable. We can no longer be silent when we believe you are ready for the truth of who you are. We just hope that you are ready to accept our guidance once again. Without our guidance we believe you are doomed to fail. Everyone forgot about us and only focused on what was in this world for them. Not just other people but them and their heirs. So, we fell silent and allowed humanity to focus on greed and self-serving agendas. Do know that when the end came, we guided all of our children who would listen to safety and provided the technology for the dome to keep them safe from harm. Enclosed you will find the symbols of who we are which intern will tell you who you are. Think of them as clues for you to unravel. We believe you must figure this out alone or you will be pre-programmed to disbelieve who we are. We expect to hear from you soon. Work quickly children. There is not much time.' I look at Shimmer, but words will not flow from my mouth. She must be having the same problem because she says nothing either. I am not sure how long we sat in silence. The lunch bell begins to ring, and our awkward moment is broken. Shimmer speaks first "Go to lunch Aurora and then meet me back here after." I say nothing. I just nod and leave. I still do not have words. I have a lot of thoughts but no words.

Lunch was fine but I didn't eat much. I am just not hungry today. The note has such an ominous vibe. I just cannot think of anything else. Not even food and believe me I like food. I think I will just spend the rest of lunch by the lake trying to figure out the best approach to deciphering the note. I walk to the lake and have a seat at the water's edge. As I peer into the water the reflection of the dome peers back at me. The dome, I want to be safe, but I miss seeing the sky. I just sit pondering for a while when I determine the only good plan to decipher the note would be to start at the beginning and solve the puzzle one line at a time. With this decision made I will head back to see Shimmer and discuss our next move.

When I arrive back at Shimmer's barracks I knock on her door. A few moments later she opened her door and let me in. "Hello Aurora," she says smiling slightly. "Shall we begin figuring out what this note is trying to tell us." Apparently, she had her lunch delivered because the remnants were still on her desk. She places what is left of lunch in the trash and begins lining up all of the chains with charms side by side in front of her. Although I am looking at them upside down it is still very easy to tell what they are. "While you were gone, I began trying to figure out what these pendants are trying to tell us. What message they were intended to relay. Have you figured out anything while you were gone Aurora?" "The only thing I have concluded is in order to solve the mystery we need to decode the message one line at a time and then put all of our conclusions together to find our answer." "That is a good approach, Aurora. I believe the best place to work on this is the library where all of our known history is stored. This clearly predates our existence. In fact, everyone's existence who currently resides in Community. Go ahead of me and ask everyone to leave the library for the rest of the day. Have them take whatever they are using back to their barracks. This is the only way to make our research private." I leave and head for the library as requested.

At the library there are only a handful of people, so it only takes about ten minutes to clear everyone out. While I wait for Shimmer to arrive, I begin browsing the bookshelves. I have no idea what I am looking for. I guess if I see something helpful it will stand out to me. I browse for about twenty minutes but not a single book catches my eye. 

Shimmer comes through the library door with a satchel and a ring of keys in her hand. We look at each other and she motions for me to follow her. "Aurora follow me." I nod and follow Shimmer to a closed door at the far side of the library. The door has a sign hanging at eye level that says, 'Do Not Enter'. Shimmer reaches down and tries to turn the handle. The door is locked. For the next several minutes Shimmer tries each key on the keyring she brought with her. Finally, one of the keys works. The door unlocks and we enter the room. The light switch is on the wall next to the door we just entered so I flip the light on. 

Instead of rows of shelves full of books like the rest of the library this room is organized by time period in history. There is nothing but historical archives on shelves against all four walls. Each shelving unit covers a period of our history. The center of the room is occupied by tables and chairs. 

Shimmer takes a seat and opens the satchel she came in with. She dumps the contents on the table in front of her and proceeds to line the pendants with chains up, side by side. The same way they were on her desk earlier. "Aurora, I want you to take the note and search the archives for any clues that will help you decipher it. Use any method you like. You mentioned line by line earlier. That will do fine."

With that I walk over to Shimmer and take the note that she is handing me. I read through the note as a reminder of its contents. The first few lines read 'I assume if you have opened the envelope that you are prepared to change the way in which humanity existed prior to the apocalypse. That you are ready to right the wrongs that were made that led to the near annihilation of every species on Earth.' I believe we have already succeeded in doing what is written here. In community we only take from the planet what we need to survive. We have all heard horror stories in our history lessons of the time prior to the apocalypse and we have strived to be better. To work together as a team. Our society is not consumed by individual triumphs, we are dedicated to succeeding together.

The next lines are 'Others survived, and they are coming for you. They are coming for anyone who will not blindly follow them into a new war and another complete destruction event.' The first line here substantiates what we already suspected because of the prints we found in the woods. There are other people. The second line, however, is frightening. Why would someone come for us? We are not a threat to anyone. As I look at the second line closer it comes to me. They are not coming for us because we are a threat. They are the threat. They are coming for us because the choice they will put to us is follow them or die. I do not believe the archives will help me here. With no idea who survived I would have no way of figuring out who 'they' are.

I have another look at the note. 'You our children have proven you are different than this version of humanity. You have risen to the challenge together. The challenge to rebuild this world by only consuming what you need and not just destroying everything you touch for modern convenience. It has been a hundred years since the world-wide destruction and there are still areas of the world that are nearly uninhabitable. We can no longer be silent when we believe you are ready for the truth of who you are. We just hope that you are ready to accept our guidance once again. Without our guidance we believe you are doomed to fail. Everyone forgot about us and only focused on what was in this world for them. Not just other people but them and their heirs. So, we fell silent and allowed humanity to focus on greed and self-serving agendas. Do know that when the end came, we guided all of our children who would listen to safety and provided the technology for the dome to keep them safe from harm. Enclosed you will find the symbols of who we are which intern will tell you who you are. Think of them as clues for you to unravel. We believe you must figure this out alone or you will be pre-programmed to disbelieve who we are. We expect to hear from you soon. Work quickly children. There is not much time.'

The rest of the note focusses on who we are and who our parents are. It begins with praise. It speaks about our success in taking only what we need and using what we take. The first line also refers to us as their children. This is intriguing because I do not believe anyone in Community knows who their parents are. We all just assume our parents perished during the apocalypse. We have no memories of parents.

Then there is the most unbelievable line. If it has been one-hundred years since the apocalypse, then we are all over one-hundred years old. Humans do not generally live that long. When they do they do not appear as we do. We are all fairly young looking and fit. We do not have the bodies of one-hundred-year-old humans. Nobody really knows how old they are, however.

As for our memories, if we all predate the apocalypse why do we not remember our parents or life before the apocalypse. Our reality is getting stranger and stranger. Why would those memories fade away? Why have we forgotten? How young were we during the apocalypse? If we are one-hundred years old and we were just children during the destruction that could explain it. Children do not retain as well as adults and they block out traumatic experiences from their youth. A hundred years would give plenty of time for forgetting all on its own I suppose.

Come to think of it no one has ever died in Community. That is odd in itself. The note continues by talking about us being ready for the truth. What does that mean 'ready for the truth'? Have we been living a lie for as long as I can remember; or have we been taking one big test our whole lives? Of course, we want the truth.

Now the note shifts to who our parents are. About them being willing to guide us but we have to be willing to listen and if we do not listen now, we are doomed. I am thinking this means we are doomed to endure another apocalyptic event.

Like the stories we heard of humanity in the past, the note talks of humans being greedy and self-serving. We already know this is true. No research is needed here. The message ends by saying they gave up on us and watched us destroy ourselves, but in the end they helped the children that would listen. So why does no one living in Community have memories of being helped. How do we only remember surviving the catastrophe and finding others who survived.

If this is right the dome was used in my lifetime unlike what Shimmer stated. Was the dome used and forgotten about? I just do not understand. I would not forget about living in a dome one-hundred years ago. I need to see if I can find anything about the dome being used long ago.

According to Shimmer we have not added anything to the archives ourselves. We have the archives as a catalog of our past. A kind of museum of humankind. Normally, the records are not allowed to be viewed by anyone but Shimmer. Hence the keep out sign and locked door. I began by looking for books, scrolls, letters, anything that really references a dome. Since I have no idea of a time frame I just start at the newest documents and work backwards. I found a note about a dome being seen from miles around before the end of days. I do not know how long ago this is but something tells me its one-hundred years ago give or take. There is nothing more than the spotting of the dome on this note, so I continue looking back in time for more dome references.

Next, I come across a dome that was discovered by a witch hunting party several hundred years before our time. They were hunting witches and found a dome in which they could not enter. However, they could see several hundred people inside. It was determined the witches had cast a spell of protection to keep them out. After several days the dome disappeared and so did its inhabitants.

The only other reference to a dome I can find is a story of sorts, folklore maybe, from thousands of years ago. A dome was seen encapsulating an island several days before it sank completely out of site into the ocean. There are very few details. Only that once the dome was in place no one could arrive or leave the island. This is not a lot of information to go on. It only makes me wonder if the dome has been around for a thousand years how would the people of that time have had the technology unless it was given to them from a more advanced society or entity than themselves. I decide it is time to talk with Shimmer.

As I approach Shimmer she is reading a book about symbols, best I can tell upside down. Shimmer notices me and asks me what I have discovered. "After a great deal of time I have determined the note is full of praise, warnings, and an offering of assistance. The note starts by praising us for our success with Community. The writer of the note appears proud of us for living a more sustainable life for ourselves and the planet. They then go on to warn us that others who would see the planet destroyed if they cannot have their way are looking for us. Why I am unsure, maybe greed. Finally, they speak of a way out of this mess that has required the activation of the dome by accepting them as our parents and following their guidance the way humanity used to long ago. These messages are pretty straightforward. The part I cannot wrap my head around is we are over one-hundred years old." At this point Shimmer looks up from her book. "One-hundred years old. How in the world is that possible?" No idea is all I say.

I continue to tell Shimmer about the dome entries I have found and that I am really not sure what they mean in the grand scheme of things. Shimmer replies "We have worked hard enough for one day. You will find the dinner I sent to your barracks on your desk when you arrive. Meet me back here tomorrow first thing. We will spend all day in the library. Good night, Aurora." I say goodnight to Shimmer as I leave the room.

As promised my dinner is on my desk when I arrive at my barracks. In fact, my entire barracks smells of potatoes and ham. I did not even realize I was hungry before arriving, but now I feel as if I am starving. I take a seat and dig right in, delicious as always. While eating I cannot get out of my mind the idea of being one-hundred years old and someone's daughter who I do not remember ever meeting. Tomorrow, I need to figure out what the symbols mean. They must truly be the key as the note suggests. For now, it is off to bed for me. Now that my belly is full, I can barely keep my eyes open.


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