By avesspot_

4.2K 80 127

She's back, but not alone. After Khole escaped from the hospital, things started getting weird around Sofia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

370 6 8
By avesspot_

Sofia's POV

After Khole left my room, no matter how afraid I am, I open the doors of my room dashing into Amber's room. Her room is the closet to mine, it's the quickest way to find help. I slam her door behind me, making Amber sit up in horror. 

"Who's there!" Amber shouts from her bed. I could spot her shadow moves when she lift her covers up, covering them above her body.

"It's me, Sofia." How can I possibly sleep after what happened in my room. I slowly walk towards her and turn on her night lamp, placing my weight on her bed. After hearing my voice, Amber slowly push her covers aside, giving me a loud groan as she flop back onto her bed.

"What is it?" she ask, not even bothering to look in my direction. After all, I did disturb her in the middle of the night. "It's the middle of the night, what do you-?"

I did not wait for her to finish her sentence. Who knows what might happen if I waste more time. "Khole was here. She was in my room." Amber sits up immediately  with a shock expression plaster all over her face.

"Are you hurt? Where is she now?" Amber starts to inspect my face and my hands for bruises. Confirming that I am fine, she stand up and put on her robe. "We have to tell daddy. Don't just sit there!"

We hurriedly make our way down the hallways, my grip tightens on my wooden sword in my palm. "She disappeared, I don't know where she went." I explain to Amber,  

Amber's pace fasten with every step she takes with me tailing behind her. The walk to our parents' room felt like an eternity and this isn't the best time to have our rooms with such distance. To our reassurance, there are castle guards patrolling within the castle. Once we reach one of the grand staircases of the castle, Amber call up to one of the guards.

"Your majesties, what are Your Royal Highnesses doing this late at night?" a female guard ask respectfully with a bow. Her long brown hair were tied neatly in a high ponytail and when her gaze meets ours, her eyes sparkled beautifully under the moonlight. 

"Maliha, please send all guards on duty to search for Khole. She had entered the castle and had already disappeared. Send more guards to protect my family, immediately." Amber command, her voice strong and determine. It's a reminder that she is our future Queen of Enchancia.

Maliha understood the situation then she bow respectfully and swiftly pass down the new orders from the crown princess, dispatching them to their new duty. She make sure that the message are  clear and concise. That once quiet corridor, is now fill with footsteps of the guards walking around hastily.

Before we proceed our journey towards our parents' room, I abruptly stop Amber by gripping her arm. "Amber, I need your help to relay this message to Mom and Dad." I say, slowly releasing her hand from my grip

Amber turn around, her eyes meets mine with determination " You could tell them yourself later." She states firmly. Then taking a step forward towards our parents' room. 

The reason I stopped her was because I suddenly remembered about Hugo. I have to find Hugo. Khole could be anywhere, she could even be in Hugo's palace. I'm worried about him. "Hugo might be in trouble, I have to go to him." I reply. It doesn't matter what Amber's answers are going to be, I would go to Hugo's anyway.

"Hugo can protect himself. Besides if he needs help he has his guards." Amber says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the direction we were suppose to go. Amber is persistent on not letting me go, but I have to go. "And it's dangerous out there, Khole is unpredictable." she adds.

"I'm sorry." I mutter, pushing her grip off my hand and setting it free. Amber's voice calls out to me but I keep running down the stairs, heedless of her frustration and anger. I'm willing to face the aftermath, rather than regretting if something bad happens to Hugo. 

As I'm sprinting down the hallway, I suddenly came face-to-face with Maliha. The royal guard I've encountered earlier. "Your majesty, please find a safe place. Our guards will take care of the rest." She reassure me, thinking I needed reassurance.

"Prepare my horse, immediately." I command. Maliha's eyes widen after hearing my statement, she tries to stop me, but I don't have the time to explain. "This is an order." I fix my gaze onto her, piercing through any objections. Maliha doesn't argue and moves to fulfill my command.

Once Minimus is ready, I hop onto his saddle. And before leaving the castle I remind Maliha once again, "Please send in a report afterwards but to me." 

Maliha bow her head, as a sign of understanding. With that I take off into the sky with Minimus towards Colston, Hugo's place. My heart pounds louder and louder every second, fear of the worse, I couldn't help but feeling all negative.

I clench my grip tighter on Minimus's rein, insisting we should go faster. What felt like forever, Minimus finally says something I've been dying to hear from the beginning. "We're here."

"To his room window, I'll lead." I say, directing Minimus to fly lower, surrounding the castle's window to find Hugo's window. When I finally find it, my eyes peak through his window, hoping he is still here, somewhere in his room. To my relive, he is soundly asleep.

I knock my knuckle on his glass tainted window, it took him quite some time to wake up and slowly sway his way to the window. He reach out for his messy black hair, rubbing it slowly, eyes half open. Hugo's stares at me from the inside, without opening the window he turns around walking back towards his bed.

"Hugo, open up." I yell, knocking on his window once again. Yet again, I catch his attention. This time he turns around in shock, instead of opening up the window, his hands reach out for the nearest sword in the room.

"How? Go away!" Hugo demand, pointing his long sword at me. Before I could give him a reply, he has already call for his guards.

"It's me Sofia. Hold on!" I yell again, hoping that it's loud enough for him to hear and on the other hand I have to think of something that only we share. When guards starts to swarm in his room, I panic and blurt out any thing that comes to mind. "You were so rude when I first met you, you tend to look down on 'female' racers, you hated me and I hated you until you had decided to put down your pride. Even though you're such a jerk, I have no idea how do you have a fan base-"

"Alright, alright. You can stop now." Hugo says, lowering his sword, walking forward to open his window. "You don't have to say your actual thoughts." he whispers, then he turns around to send the guards out. "Why are you here? What are you even doing outside of my window this late at night?" 

I take his hand and step into his room. "I can see that you're fine, thank goodness." I say with relief. Hugo tilt his head to the side, curiosity perks through him which I have decided to explain everything to him- What I've gathered and what had happened tonight.

"With all that had happened, you still flew here?" Hugo asks, sounding displease with my actions. Hearing his comment, I really want to tell him how scared I was for him, I want to tell him that my actions were driven by fear. 

"But at least you're safe," He pulls me in for a tight embrace, fill with reliefs. In his arms, I find comfort, the tensions that were built inside of me are finally going away. I feel a wave of stress leaving my body, and my heart warms with reliefs causing my eyes to grow watery. "Thank God, nothing bad  happened to you." Hugo says with a sigh of relief, resting his chin above my head.

"I'm sorry," my voice is soft, laced with a faint whimper. "I'm sorry for the way I acted, I'm sorry, I really am sorry." I keep on apologising, only to be comforted once again by Hugo's palm over my head, stroking it gently.

Hugo then gently plants a peck on my forehead, cupping my cheeks in his hands, unveiling the smile that I yearn for a long time. "It's all okay, and I am sorry too, I should have been clearer with my words and not resorting to anger." 

I pull my face away from his hands, just to hug him again. I don't want to ever let go of him, if I could. "I was so afraid that she might come to you next." 

"Is that why you're still holding a wooden sword in your hand?" Hugo asks, pulling away from the hug. I look down to my right, surprise to see I brought this sword all the way to Colston. I was extremely worried that I clench onto it so tight that my palm had turned red. "How are you going to defend me with a wooden sword?" Hugo then burst out a laughter.

I know Hugo is trying to lighten up the mood, but I, still feeling serious, crosses my arms while staring into his eyes. "For your information, I did used this to fought her off."

Hugo gives me a warm smile, holding my hand as he leads me towards his bed. "My future wife could literally do anything huh, I guess you wouldn't need my help anymore." 

I take a seat on his bed, returning his smile "I still need you," I reply to his statement. Hugo bend down from where he stands, making eye level contact with me at my level. "I'll be needing your help even more in the future." 

This time, consume with desire. A desire to feel his lips against mine grow every second with his eyes gazes into mine. I couldn't hold back any longer, finally pulling him in for a soft yet passionate kiss. A kiss I've long for, a love gesture I have been missing and now, at last, it is fulfilled.

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