The one with the tattoos || l...

By _kiss_me_you_fool_

267K 10.1K 15.8K

Basically Harry hates Louis, because Louis is gay. But fate brings them together and Harry is not sure what h... More

Chapter one - Begining
Chapter two - fate
Chapter four - broken
Chapter five - friends
Chapter six - boys
Chapter seven - Date
Chapter eight - Boyfriend
Chapter nine - almost
Chapter 10 - cheating
Chapter 11 - love
Chapter 12 - Truth
Chapter 13 - Friends
Chapter 14 - Faking
Chapter 15 - decision
Chapter 16 - Studying
Not an update!
Chapter 17 - night
Chapter 18 - talking
Chapter 19 - kisses
Chapter 20 - Epilogue

Chapter three - Crush

14K 593 2K
By _kiss_me_you_fool_

{Doncaster, Harrys home, 2:10pm after school}

HARRY:"A friend of mine is coming over."

ANNE:"As long as he isn't a criminal like Liam I'm okay with it."

HARRY:"Liam isn't criminal, only because he takes drugs." (Sighs)"Then I'm criminal too."

ANNE: "So it's not Liam then huh? You never invited another friends over?"

HARRY:" To be honest he isn't my friend. We have to do a fucking biology project together and like the nerd that he is, he wants a good grade."

ANNE:" He sounds nice. I like him already, maybe he has a good influence on you."

HARRY: (rubs his temples) "Probably not, he is gay."

ANNE:(squeals in excitement) "I always wanted a gay nerd as a son! Can we adopt him please."

HARRY: (frowns) "You are so embarrassing, please be at least a bit normal in front of him. (Thinks) "Or maybe be your weird self and scare him away, so he won't never come back."

ANNE:"I won't scare him."

(Louis stands in front of the door, fiddling with his thumbs, obviously nervous, he doesn't know if he should ring, maybe Harry was just joking in class and he will make a fool out of himself now. 'You can do it' he thinks as he presses the bell)

ANNE:"I'm going."

HARRY:( rolls his eyes) "sure you are."

(Anne opens the door to find a completely nervous Louis in front of it)

ANNE:(concerned) "Sweetheart are you okay?"

LOUIS:"Yes mam, uhm, I'm here for Harry styles. (Looks at the house number) "That's the right house, isn't it." (Panicks) "Oh god that idiot gave me the wrong address. I'm so sorry. (Wants to go as Anne begins to talk)

ANNE: "Baby you are sweating. Come in, that's the right house! Harry is upstairs, but maybe you can sit down for a minute first."

(Louis, completely relived,goes inside the house, and he can't believe how huge it is, it's literally 12 times bigger then his own house)

ANNE:"Do you want a drink or a cookie, we even have muffins?"

LOUIS:"Maybe a drink miss."

ANNE:"Call me Anne, please." (winks)

LOUIS:(relaxed) " You are a sympathetic woman. Definitely nicer then Harry."

ANNE:"You also seem nicer then Harry." (Both are laughing) "I could adopt you right away."

LOUIS: "I would rather do my biology project with you." (Smiles happily)

HARRY:"I see you've made a new friend mum?" (Laughs to himself, then to Louis)"she is probably your only friend huh nerd?"

ANNE:"Don't be mean, Lou is a nice guy."

HARRY: (louder) "Lou?! LOU?! You have a freaking nickname for him? What the hell you call me Harry since I'm born and you know him for 2 seconds and HE HAS A FUCKING NICKNAME!"

LOUIS:"Calm down, everyone calls me Lou," (whispers)"it's better then nerd."

HARRY:"It doesn't help when you whisper you idiot, I can hear you!!"

ANNE: "Okay boys, calm down and (to Louis) "remember you are doing that for a good grade."

LOUIS:"She is right. We have to finish that today."

(Storms up the stairs, Anne points to the stairs and Louis gets that he should probably follow Harry, he mouthes a 'thank' to Anne and runs after him)

LOUIS:(shouting)"Could you please wait? This house is too huge I will probably get lost!"

(Harry waits in front of his door, till a complete breathless Louis arrives)


HARRY:(doesn't want to lose a minute of his precious time and starts right away)" Okay I have 20 Questions written down. What do you have."

LOUIS:"I actually made a paper for you to fill out, with probably 25 questions." (Hesitates and sits on the chair by the window) "but you can start with your questions."

HARRY:" Who are you closest friends and why?"

LOUIS:"First of all Niall." (Harry is scribbling something on his paper)"Because he understands me, he is always there for me and I can be myself with him." (Smiles at the thought of Nina)"Then there is Nina, she is the funniest girl ever, she always makes me laugh and she is just so carefree and I adore that on her- "

HARRY:(smiles)"I get that, I have the same feeling with Cat, she is the best friend one could ever wish for."

(Louis is shocked, because that's the first time Harry said something to/about a person, this Cat girl has to be amazing, he is curious and really wants to get to know her)

HARRY: "But back to you. You have only two friends?"

LOUIS: (hesitates) "I don't know, but since today I would count your mom as one of my friends."

HARRY:(ironical) "Could you get more gay? Anyways next question what did you name your first pet?"

LOUIS:"Actually I never had a pet, except 3 fishes, and I named them Rudi, Bob, Peeta."

HARRY:"You named your fish after the role that Josh Hutcherson played in the Hunger games?" (Coughs) "pathetic"

LOUIS:(overhears the last part) "Yes. In fact I did, because ,duh, have you seen how hot he is?!" (Fangirling) He is my freaking spirit animal."

HARRY:"I haven't, because I'm not gay, but I will admit that he is quite fit."

LOUIS:(melts)"He so is! Next question?"

HARRY:"Who was your first crush?"

(Louis thinks for a moment, then he remembers that indeed Harry was his first crush, that time he has only known him from afar and he didn't know what an asshole he is,behind those perfectly pretty green eyes)


(There is a awkward silence between the two of them, because what Louis didn't know is that Liam is actually gay)

HARRY:"uhm, okay.awkward. Next question! What's your favorite movie?"

LOUIS: "Definitely Grease, best movie ever! What's yours ?"

HARRY:(small) "Love actually."

LOUIS:"Didn't expected that to be honest."

HARRY:(Quite embarrassed) "Favorite color?"

LOUIS: "Green, but not like a neon green, more like a (thinks and stares in Harry's eyes)" Actually the exact green your eyes have."

HARRY:(stares back)"My favorite color is blue, like the ocean." (Shocked, goes back to his questions)"So,uhm, where were we? Right what's your biggest phobia?"

LOUIS:"Probably the dark." (Blushes) "it's childish, I know."

HARRY:"It is."(hides a smile)"next one, what is your biggest turn on ?"


HARRY:(smirks)"You heard me."

LOUIS:(stutters and fiddles with the bottom of his shirt)"Uhm... maybe, uhm, T-tattoos."

HARRY:"No fucking way! I expect glasses or nerd clothes, but Tattoos, that explains why you have a crush on Liam."

LOUIS:"Had. I had a crush on him. He isn't my type anymore."

HARRY:(curious) "What's your type then huh?"

LOUIS:(annoyed) "Could we return to the questions please?"

HARRY:"Sure. So next question... what's your type?" (Smirks bitterly)

LOUIS:"That was clever Styles. So I like when he is taller then me, obviously if he is fit, dark hair, nice smile, bit cheeky maybe."

HARRY:(amused) "Are you describing me?"

LOUIS:"Did I say something about asshole?" (Proud of himself, can't hide is triumph smile)

HARRY: "Ouch that was harsh"(fakes a tear) "But next question? And I'm serious now. I was serious in class last time, but I'm asking again."(hesitate, kinda nervous) "How did you know you were gay?"

sooooo :) Cliffhanger, going to post chapter 4, if this one has 50 reads and don't forget to vote and comment!!! Love You!!

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