The Fear of Oblivion (Wally C...

By Cherrypop455

9.5K 293 73

Katherine Verro had a terrible home life being abused by her father. So when she was at school she would mute... More



1K 32 11
By Cherrypop455


The first time Wally Clark noticed Kat it was her senior year and the first day of the school year. Admittedly to Wally she was just another face in the crowd of the living, nothing interesting him or his friends about her. Somehow all her years being tortured they were never around to see it, until this day.

Katherine walked with her head down eyes at the floor when Wally and the others were just relaxing against the lockers.

A tall jock named Harry came barreling through the halls blowing the small girl over without even looking back. Kids laughed as she simply sat up and began gathering her things as if nothing had happened.

Of course her torment didn't end as she stands up and has apple sauce dumped in her hair. The girl once again didn't even react as the halls filled with oh's of amusement.

Katherine slowly walked away still dripping applesauce down her clothes to the locker room as Wally and the others watched.

"I would have been crying." Charley admits when it was words from his bullies he just stayed silent and stoic but when they got physical he couldn't help but break down.

"I would have punched them in the throat." Rhonda snapped staring at the jocks and cheerleaders that all stand around high-fiving and laughing.

"She's cute." Wally adds making both Charley and Rhonda look at him funny. "That's- you know what I can't even bother with this today. Mr. Martin wants us to focus on another stupid assignment." Rhonda snaps walking away with Charley slowly following behind her glancing at Wally who watches where the girl had disappeared to.

Katherine stands in the bathroom wiping at her hair with a wet paper towel when Wally slowly walked in. He expected the girl to be crying or angry but she remained emotionless.

He couldn't help but watch her as she continued scrubbing the applesauce out of her hair, when she got a majority of it out she grabbed more paper towels and began cleaning her shirt.

Once she got most of it off Wally expected her to leave and walk around like that but instead she took her shirt off making his face go red and for him to look away.

Even though he was dead he hadn't become a peeping tom at the school, this was actually his first time even being inside the ladies locker room. His eyes went back to her as she opened her locker that had a lot of spare clothes inside. He couldn't help but wonder if her lack in response earlier is because it happens often.

Surely he would have noticed he thought.

Wally watched the girl put on a new shirt and huff leaning her head against the cold locker for comfort. When the bell rang she threw her shoulders back a bit and went to her first period late.

The next time Wally noticed the girl was when him and Charley were picking the movies for movie night.

Katherine was sat in the library reading a book with a small smile and chewing slightly on her thumb nail to try and contain it. Wally felt himself stopping mid sentence to stare at her making Charley look and cringe. He could see what was happening..... this weird new fascination with a living girl wasn't healthy.

At the end of the school year she'd just be another student come and gone. The chances of her coming back as a teacher or school employee slim to none.

Suddenly for Wally it began to feel like the girl was just popping up everywhere for him. She'd constantly pass him in the hall, or he'd see her getting things dumped on her constantly.

The one day Wally was on the field running around doing football exercises when Katherine's gym class came out to run around the track. The girl wore shorts showing some skin for once and a short sleeve grey shirt that climb to her body.

Her hair that was usually down, was now in a high ponytail as she anxiously rubbed her bare arms.

Some cheerleaders snickered as the girl looked annoyed already before even running. That's also how Wally learned her name, when the female gym teacher began calling for attendance.

Katherine Verro.

She didn't even speak then, instead she mutely held her hand up as the teacher looked for her knowing she wouldn't speak.

Katherine was the one of the people who came in last as she walked the whole mile not caring enough to even try.

The sun beating down on her she threw her head back and sighed with some contempt.

Her head went down and for a second Katherine's eyes looked right in Wally's direction. The boy swallowed harshly as her eyes were looking right at him, for a second he truly believed she could see him.

But instead the girl huffed one more time before turning around to head back into the school and change.

That was the day Wally Clark found himself obsessing over the living girl. He learned her schedule so that he could watch her at the times he wanted. For example the times he could watch her do homework and read in the library, gym class and lunch.

Lunch was always the hardest for him to watch her because football players and cheerleaders were constantly dumping the school food on her.

Sometimes it was her own lunch, or even food they found left over in the trash bin. They even tossed her inside one of the grey bins once when Katherine had accidentally tripped on Timothy's foot. She had unintentionally dumped her chili down the front of his football jersey.

He was beyond livid.

So he gathered a group and began chanting of taking the trash out. Him and two other guys grabbed Katherine by the arms and legs before tossing her inside the bin. Then his girlfriend came over with a tray of chili with a sick little smirk. Her cheerleaders on her tail following suit as the rude blonde dumped the chili on Kats head.

Wally, Rhonda and Charley watched in utter horror as the girl clumsily climbed out of the bin making it fall over and spill onto the floor. The girl walked slipping around to the nearest bathroom as the entire cafeteria laughed at her.

The entire time she stayed mute.

It made Wally Clark curious why she never spoke, if he could talk to her that would be something he'd wanna ask her.


Wally's lips moved feverishly against Katherine's as his hands went from her cheeks down to her waist. His hands sliding down the length of her body, taking in every curve on the way down.

Katherine shyly and unsurely moved her lips against his in a more timid yet rhythmic motion. Her hands placed against his chest, sliding their way up slowly to his shoulders and then the back of his neck.

His hands slowly go down to her thighs hiking her up into the air making her gasp with slight shock at the sudden motion. Her legs wrapping around his waist instinctively to not fall, even though she knew the football player could easily lift her.

That's when Wally slid his tongue against hers in a battle that he easily won as the girl was far more timid and inexperienced with kissing. But- Wally had to admit she was a quick learner.

He sat her on the closest table while rubbing her thighs firmly as the girl pants from lack of air. Wally had literally taken her breath away when he had kissed her unexpectedly.

Soon Katherine's hand slides up to the hairs on the back of his neck playing with them as he groans out pleasantly at the sensation. Katherine pressing herself a little closer to his body due to the noise he had made.

When a loud feminine throat clearing noise is made, Katherine harshly pulls away. Her eyes wide and cheeks flaring red as she looks at Rhonda who crosses her arms looking annoyed. Which Kat was beginning to realize was just her resting face. While Charley smiles knowingly at the two, giving Kat the subtle look for details later.

"Do you guys need something- we're kinda busy." Wally says with a forced smile clearly trying to get rid of the two quickly to continue.

"Mr. Martin wants another movie night. He wanted Katherine to pick the movies this time." Charley explains making Katherine nods still unable to speak as the cat had her tongue.

More like Wally Clark had it.

"So what's it gonna be cupcake we don't have all day?" Rhonda exasperatedly says while walking to the collection of movies making Katherine slowly slide off the table and walk towards her. Wally was staring her down as she did and soon followed her to the movies as well.

"Uh- what movies do you guys want?" Katherine asks she hadn't seen many of the movies there.

"No no you pick. Come on what kind of movies do you like?" Charley asks as Katherine shrugs she was more of a book worm then a movie fanatic.

"Um- this one." Katherine says timidly grabbing a newer movie that had just come out that none of the ghosts had seen. She'd read the book however and figured it would be interesting. 'A walk to remember?' A romance movie?" Charley says knowingly as Katherine shrugs red faced at the insinuation as Wally could be felt glancing at her hearing the romance part.

"I read the book." Kat trails off as Rhonda rolls her eyes. "You gotta pick two more." Her voice cold showing she didn't want to be there any longer then necessary.

"Okay uh- this one and this one." Katherine says while grabbing 'Dead poets society' and 'The outsiders." These were two films the other dead kids had actually seen making Rhonda actually nod slowly.

"Good choices." She says with a small smile grabbing the movies as Katherine smiles at the compliment.

"Now if you guys could leave." Wally impatiently pushing them towards the library doors says making Rhonda's small happy smile turn back into a scoff and frown. And for Charley to wiggle his eyebrows at Katherine over Wally's shoulder.

The second the two were gone Wally turned around with a giant smile as he approached Katherine who's face was beat red. Her eyes went to the floor as she timidly picked at her sweater sleeve.

"So- that was.... Nice huh?" He says looking down at his feet making Katherine look up taking him in before nodding slowly. It was nice. Really nice.

"Yeah..... it was......" Katherine mutters as Wally nods and looks anxious. "Well- would you.... be okay if I did it again?" He asks as Kats face just continues to go red and she smiles up at him softly before looking away again.

"....yes." She says lowly as if saying it aloud would make him laugh at her expense. Maybe mock her like many jocks had done in the past.

Wally was instantly there again this time he gently took her lips in a way she knew it was coming. His hands on her cheeks again aiming her to look up at him, before moving his hands to her waist again.

This kiss wasn't as intense making Katherine relieved that she could think somewhat clearly.

Her hand once again playing with the hair at the nape of his neck which he seemed to like earlier. A pleasant sound leaves him before a living person bangs the library door open making the pair pull instinctively away once again.

"Maybe later would be better." Wally voices with annoyance at the second interruption before going to his usual seat as Katherine sits down next to him as well.

She pulls out her book and begins reading but she felt more aware of the fact he was staring at her now.

Katherine leaned her head forward a bit making the hair fall in her face to cover the obvious blush. She smiled with slight relief that disappeared as his hand brushed the hair from her face placing it behind her reddening ear.

Wally Clark was about to be the end of her....

Katherine couldn't help but notice how red she was how her heart was racing anytime he was around. The way she felt knowing she had him around to help and hangout with. At first she had thought these feelings were how you felt for friends. He was her first one.

But- now that they'd kissed Katherine was beginning to realize.... Maybe it was more then friendship she was feeling.


When nightfall came the movie was being set up and Katherine anxiously hoped the other ghosts were okay with her picks. She anxiously rubbed her arm as Wally and Charley were helping Mr. Martin pick the movie.

Rhonda sliding in next to Kat on the couch made the girl jump before looking away.

"Color me impressed cupcake I didn't think you had it in you." Rhonda says with a little smirk making Kat look to her with a lifted confused eyebrow.

"To do what?" Kat asks softly making Rhonda shake her head with a little scoff before looking at Kat. Knowing the girls secret she knew maybe the girl really was clueless on certain things. She tried to bite her tongue but- it proved difficult.

"You and Wally- you have him wrapped around your delicate dainty ass finger." Rhonda notes as Katherine blushes and her eyes glance to the tall jock who animatedly bickers with Charley on something.

"It's not like that." Katherine mutters but Rhonda shakes her head.

"In all the years I have known Wally Clark he- has never been so obsessed over a girl. Ever. Even the ones he went to school with he just never- acted like he did with you." Rhonda says softly making Katherine look at her with furrowed brows.

"How so?" She asks cluelessly as Rhonda glances at said boy to make sure he wasn't going to come over anytime soon.

"When we first noticed you back on the first day of school he just- the way he looked at you as those kids bullied you. Then with watching you all the time- I mean he hates the library he hates books. All of a sudden we kept finding him in there and he'd come up with some bullshit excuse why. Don't even get me started on the day the jocks threw you in the trash can at lunch- he was livid. If he could harm the living I think he would have in that moment." Rhonda states calmly as Katherine sits there mouth slightly agape.

He'd noticed her since then?

"Speak of the devil and he'll arrive." Rhonda spat bitterly as Wally walks up to them with a victorious little smile. "I got them to play that new one you wanted to see first and then the outsiders. Charley really wanted dead poets society but- I got that one for next week." Wally says with a smile as he plops down on Katherine's other side.

He puts his arm behind her on the couch nonchalantly as Katherine's eyes widen and she looks to Rhonda who give her a look before standing up and going to her usual seat next to Charley.

"Thank you for uh- the movie Wally." Kat stutters as he smiles at her sweetly nodding before gasping in realization. "I forgot I was supposed to give you your second lesson for swim tonight- guess my mind was.... Preoccupied." He says slowly in thought as Katherine waves a dismissive hand.

"It's fine. We can do it tomorrow." She says calmly as he nods vigorously while staring down at her in that funny way all of a sudden.

"Wally?" Katherine asks and he blinks clearing his throat and looking away. "Sorry. I just- forget we're around others." He says looking at the other ghosts who all settle in for the movie completely oblivious to the weird bond the two had that was growing.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Katherine asks making Wally look at her his cheeks red before he looks away with a smothered smile.

"No Just means- I can't kiss you until we're alone." He says calmly making Kat gap at him and look to the movie that was just starting.

"Why uh- why can't you?" She asks and he looks at her before smiling shyly and awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Because- I don't think they'd want us just full blown making out in front of them. It makes things weird." He adds the last part for humor as Kat nods understanding what he means before watching the movie.

Wally wasn't one for movies that didn't involve sports somehow but- he watched this movie he felt himself watching with real interest. He even noticed Kat tearing up when the couple did small cute things. He didn't understand why it made her sad until he found out the girl was sick.

By the time the movie was over Wally was a crying mess making Katherine lean against his shoulder with his head on top of hers. Her fingers gently rubbing up and down his arm making him sniffle and try to act like he hadn't been crying.

He clears his throat and acts unbothered but his teary eyes were still noticeable making Kat smile softly at him.

"NEXT MOVIE!" Mr Martin yells excitedly he had been writing in his book the whole movie it kind of made Kat feel weird. But none the less they watch the next one and again it made Kat sniffle watching Johnny and Dally die but the other ghosts were collected having seen this one before.

That's when it was time for everyone to go to bed making Katherine nervous for some reason. Her and Wally move the couch back like they had before and she waits for him to lay down first.

As he does Katherine curls up next to him, closing her eyes ready to try and sleep. Wally's fingers rub her back making her sigh with contempt. His other hand begins running through hair making the girl smile before opening her eyes to see what he was doing.

It didn't feel like he was trying to sleep as his hands were continually moving.

Katherine's eyes meet his and they just stare at each other, he had been watching her reactions the whole time.

He didn't move he kept running his hand through her hair as she faced him waiting for something. Katherine realized he waiting too.

Wally was waiting for her to make the first move again.

Timidly the girl took one of her hands and placed it on the side of his neck. Her fingers playing with the hair on the side of his head as he leaned into a bit with a smile.

"What are we doing?" Katherine mumbles staring at Wally as he kept staring at her.

"That's up to you but- do you like doing this?" He asks making Kat blush but nod slowly.

"And what we were doing earlier? The kiss?" He asks his hand going to her waist as he stares at her waiting for an answer. He wears that look he seems to wear from time to time again where he stares intensely at her. Again she mutely nods staring at him as he smiles boisterously leaning in so their noses practically touch.

"So what- does that mean?" She asks still clueless as he smiles now he didn't judge her for not knowing. She had been mute for years she probably never even tried doing any of this with another boy.

Wally was her first kiss.

"Then- if your okay with it I think it means we're dating- not like boyfriend and girlfriend quite yet just- us seeing if we have the spark to be more then friends." He says while Katherine slowly nods.

"Can I kiss you now?" He asks and Katherine nods maybe a little too eagerly as he leans the rest of the way in kissing her deeply once again.

Katherine pinned between him and the couch as his hands slide down her body. Wally placed between her legs as he kisses her deeply, his tongue already fighting against her as the girl pants from beneath him. His hips suddenly rock into hers making the girl moan out from beneath him making them both still.

"Sorry." She says breathlessly as he shakes his head and smiles. "Don't be- I uh- I liked it. But.... We should wait a bit." He says in realization that maybe this was moving a little too fast for Katherine to process.

She nods and he lays down cuddling her but kissing her gently in a quick peck.

Katherine smiles softly into his chest burrowing more into it as she goes to sleep making him smile.

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