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May 08, 2002

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May 08, 2002

Katherine walks down the hallway with her arms wrapped securely around herself. Her eyes anxiously looking around as if sensing what was coming before it did.

A splash of something sticky in her face makes the girl screw her eyes tightly shut before opening them and blinking to rid the liquid in them. Touching her face it's some weird purple juice or something and the laughter in the halls only assures her theories on who did it.

Opening her eyes and looking around she catches a boy wearing a letterman jacket laughing his ass off before putting his arm around his girlfriend. She had blonde hair and a smirk on her lips as Katherine looked at them.

Timothy Deumot. He was the biggest jerk of them all along side his girlfriend Jasmine Williams.

They tortured Katherine at school daily, sometimes it felt like they were hunting for her. Just to do these awful things to her to get a reaction,

Katherine was a mute at school.

She didn't have any friends because of this, but she figured it made hiding the bruises from home easier to hide.

Katherine was just one of many faces at that school, one that would simply come and go before graduating and moving on.

A ghost basically.

She couldn't wait to graduate and get the hell out of that town and start her new life. One where she pictured herself in college before finding a family of her own.

A happy family.

One where she would be the loving wife to a man and they'd have a few kids and get to live the normal life. It was all a pipe dream and maybe she knew that. But- a simple normal life is all she craved since she was a kid.

Things like this happening to her just felt like a one second bump in the road to that dream.

"Better go clean up freak." Jasmine laughs as others do too, Katherine pushing past them and making her way to the female locker room. She had spare clothes in her locker for things like this.

Spilling things on Katherine was the bullies favorite torture, they'd see it stain her clothes and laugh when she'd wear them again. They'd even dump her lunch on her in the cafeteria leaving her with no food until she cooked dinner at home.

One time it happened right in front of the principle and he just gave the kids a look before walking away.

First Katherine washed whatever it was off her face, it began to stick in her hair making the girl scrub it for a few minutes before finally getting it all out. She then went to her locker #34 and opened it with an exhausted sigh. As she lifts her shirt over her head she can hear the door to the locker room creak open.

The Fear of Oblivion (Wally Clark)Where stories live. Discover now