Kim needs Park || Vmin {✓}

By sanonymousbaby

82.2K 5.2K 1.7K

Every Kim needs a park in their life... The lives of two people changed due to one arranged marriage...Will t... More

(1) The first chaotic meet
(2) Forced
(3) Wedding
(4) What's wrong with him
(5) Kenji
(6) Dinner
(7) Kuroi yakuza
(8) Nightmare
(9) Sunoo
(10) Monster
(11) Believe me
(12) Injured
(13) Shot
(15) M-Mom?
(16) escape?
(17) Kim needs park?
(18) Is this the end?
(19) Jimin?
(20) Eunji
(21) confrontation
(22) Penthouse
(23) Eomma nim
(24) shopping
(25) Taehyung weds eunji
(26) Married
(27) Jay
(28) sick
(29) Challenge
(30) Confession
(31) Chaotic Kims
(32) Jeju?
(33) Bus
(34) Finding a way
(35) moving towards the end
(36) The end

(14) Kidnapped?

2K 142 66
By sanonymousbaby

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, his body aching with pain. He tried to sit up, but a sharp ache in his side made him groan in agony. Looking around, he realized he was in a hospital room, the sterile smell of disinfectants filling his nose.

Memories of the previous night came flooding back -  Him seeing the sniper, Taehyung, the bullet , the searing pain in his back as he fell to the ground. He thought he was going to die.

But now, he was alive and in a hospital room. He felt a sense of relief wash over him

Suddenly the door opened and a worried Jay came in

"Hyung! Thank God you are okay..."


Jimin gave a light smile and again looked at the door... Waiting for taehyung to walk in...

Jay noticed jimin's gaze

"Um...Boss had some urgent work so he left a few minutes ago"

Jay said and disappointment  washed over jimin...

"But don't worry...He will check up on you later in the evening"

Jimin nodded uninterested

'Seriously...He couldn't even come to see me'

Min thought and sighed

"Hyung i think you should rest"

"Mhm...You had your breakfast?"

"Yes...Do you want anything? Water? Juice? Or something to eat-"

"Aish...I don't need anything..."

"Okay...Get well soon hyung..."

Jimin smiled warmly and nodded

Jay got up and was about to go out...He took a last glance at jimin before leaving...And saw him looking out of the window blankly...


'Taehyung doesn't even feel a bit of sympathy for me and here I am...Taking a bullet for him...He didn't even come to see him...Am i nothing to him?"

Suddenly, Jimin's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching his hospital room. He opened his eyes and saw two masked men standing at the foot of his bed, their eyes fixed on him.

Before he could react, they grabbed him roughly and pulled him out of bed. Jimin's side screamed in pain as he struggled to break free, but the men were too strong.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Jimin demanded, his heart pounding with fear.

The men remained silent as they dragged him out of the hospital room and down the hallway. Jimin could hear the sounds of chaos all around him - people shouting, alarms blaring, and the screeching of tires outside.

It was then that Jimin realized what was happening - he was being kidnapped.

As they reached the exit, one of the men held up a gun and pointed it at Jimin's head.

"Don't try anything stupid,"

he warned.

Jimin's mind raced as he tried to think of a way out of this situation. But before he could come up with a plan, he was shoved into the back of a waiting van and the door slammed shut behind him.

The van sped off into the night, leaving Jimin alone with his thoughts and fears. He didn't know who had taken him or why, but he knew that his life was in danger.

As he lay there in the dark, Jimin prayed for a miracle - for taehyung or jay to come and save him before it was too late....

He tried to stay calm and focused, but his mind was racing with questions and fears.

Who had taken him? Why? And  what does he had to do with anyone...

Jimin's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. He was alone, in the hands of his kidnappers, and there was no telling what they had planned for him.

As the van continued to speed down the dark, deserted roads, Jimin could only hope and pray that someone would come to his rescue before it was too late



Taehyung felt his head was about to burst...First the attack now him getting kidnapped...


Jimin was blindfolded and his hands were tied behind his back as he was dragged into a dimly lit room. The smell of damp concrete and stale air filled his nostrils as he was pushed onto a chair.

He heard the sound of footsteps approaching him, and then the blindfold was ripped off his face. Jimin squinted in the sudden brightness of the room and focused on the man standing in front of him.

The man was not that tall and muscular, with a stern expression on his face. He wore a black suit and tie, and his hair....His hair were very less...

"So, you're the one who's been causing trouble for us,"

the man said in a deep, menacing voice.

Jimin tried to understand what the man was saying, despite the fear that was building up inside him.

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

he replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

The man chuckled.

"Oh, come on. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've been interfering with our operations, and we can't have that."

Jimin shook his head.

"I haven't done anything wrong. I don't even know who you are."

The man leaned in closer, his face inches away from Jimin's who leaned away from him making a disgusted face

"My name is Kuroi Yazuka, and I am the reason for this"

Yazuka pointed at the bandages on jimin's waist

"And now that you're here, we can't let you go until we're sure you won't cause any more trouble."

"If...If you don't mind...Can I say something?"

"What is it?"

"Sorry...But you're barely in your forties and your receding hairline is pretty much visible from space"

Yakuza glared at jimin who smiled innocently

He pressed the gun to the side on jimin's head snarling

"Sassy huh...Don't you love your life?"

"Nah man...I've literally seen a lot...So...Bold of you to assume that I want to live..."

"Mhmm...I'm liking this attitude...Now i know why Kim chose you..."

Even jimin didn't knew from where he got this much courage...But whatever he said was true...

Yakuza took a pill from one of his men and held jimin's hair

"Oww! Can you atleast try to be a little nice?"

"You're still breathing...That's me being fucking nice!"

He said shoving the pill inside jimin's mouth and making him drink the water later...

"What did you just made me swallow?"

"Painkiller to fix your wounds..."

"Oh yeah...As if I will believe you"

"Fine...It was sleeping pills"


Jimin started feeling weak and soon enough fell unconscious...

"Take him and throw him with that Kim's mother and misa"

The guards carried jimin but little did they knew jimin didn't take the pill...It was still under his tongue...And he was fully conscious...

'i knew it! Taehyung's mother is alive!'

Min thought still acting to be unconscious


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