- Party Animal (Z.K.)

By prettymuchdelight

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"οΏΌWhere your fine ass daddy at?" More



47 1 0
By prettymuchdelight

(The next day)

I've been calling and texting him since yesterday. Trying to get him to pick up so we can talk but he just doesn't answer me. I just wanna talk to him about what's been going on. I'm not mad , I understand why he did it. I just wanna talk about it. Clear the air.

I know they been out doing interviews. But I mean not back to back ones. He could easily text me back. He's just ignoring me. I know that. I don't know what to do. I miss him and I miss Melanie. I Went from seeing them everyday to not at all.

I wish he would have just talked to me about it. Told me what the problem was. If he did I would have understood where he was coming from. We could have easily worked it out.

Im also not like what Zion thinks. I don't do drugs , and i can easily not go out. Partying isn't a problem. I just enjoy it. But it doesn't take over my life and stop me from getting my shit done. It never has , I do what I gotta do and then I have my fun and free time.

In about a hour I have some shoots to go to. I'll be there and busy for a couple hours so hopefully while I'm busy he will text me back .... I doubt it but gotta think positive I guess.

My phone rings and my eyes widened thinking it's him but it's not. It's Paisley and I don't mean that in a bad way lol.

"Hello hello" I answer the ft call as I set the phone up on the counter. "Hey Kay" she waves as I see her sitting on her bed "nothing trying to get a hold of Zion" I say and rest my chin on the palm of my hand "still noting?" She ask "nothing at all"

She shakes her head before speaking again. "Well aren't they at some interviews? Maybe he will when they are done" she says "Paisley I doubt it, I know he sees I been trying to talk to him" I tell her "fuck it , just show up at his house later" she shrugs

"Show up?" I ask and she nods with a smile. "Uninvited? Unannounced?" I question "yes girl" she says "what is gon do , not let you in?" She ask "umm yeah" I say "well it's worth a shot" she puts her hands up. "I don't know Paisley" I look at her In confusion "Listen if you need backup just let me know" she smirks

"girl I'm not breaking in!" I say "any means necessary" she points at me "no" I laugh. "If you need help breaking in I got you" she smiles "I'm not breaking in and I don't need help" I say "okay, just let me know how it all goes" she says "i will , love you" I tell her "I love you more" I hang up

It's been about a hour and a half. I just walked into the building I'm doing this photoshoot In. "Kaylin! Hi" my manager walks up to me "hey" I smile "come this way" she leads me into a room where all the clothes are. "This is the first look" she holds it up "oh that's hot" I smile
"Right and it's gonna look even better on you"

After changing I go in front of the camera. "You look Fantastic" the photographer says and I smile at him before he starts telling me how to pose and all that other shit.

After 3 hours of that. I'm finally done. Zion was off my mind those 3 hours because I was busy but the second I got time to sit down and think he popped right back into my mind. Ive made up my mind to just .... Show up at his house. The worst that could happen is that he leaves me outside until I leave.

Let's hope that's not the case but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was even though I've done nothing wrong , I still wouldn't shocked.
Anyways, I texted Paisley that I was doing it and of course she then made a plan that Involved, ski mask , all black and a baseball bat. So I definitely shut that down lmao.

Luckily Zions house is only about 10 minutes away from where my shoot was held at.

I arrive and get nervous. Very nervous actually. But I don't let it stop me. I make my way to his door and it takes me a second but I end of knocking on the door

"Who is it?" I hear his voice. "Zion it's me" it goes silent. "You should go" he speaks up "Zion I just wanna talk" I tell him "Kaylin please go" I hear him say on the other side of the door.

"Listen i understand why you did what you did" I begin "I'm not mad Zion" I say
"The boys told me everything , about Mel's mom" I definitely struck a nerve. "And I understand. You are looking out for Mel and that's amazing" I hope he still is listening.

"But I'm not like that , yes I love to party but it's not my entire life. I can handle my partying" imagine I'm just talking to my self and he went upstairs or something. "I love being around you and Melanie I do" I say "I have a lot of fun with you guys" I say

"Ofc im gonna go out and have fun but i don't ever let it control my life ever" I take a deep breath. "I don't know what else to say but I miss you and I miss Melanie" I finish and now I don't know what to do. Do I leave? Stand here? Say something again?

Did he even listen to me? Was he there? You think he left the door and I just talked to myself?

I stand there for a couple of seconds. Then the door opens and there he is. "I know I showed up-" i start talking but then he kisses me. His hands grab the sides of my face as his lips crash into mine. I waste no time kissing back and placing my hands on the side of his torso.

We kiss for a good 10 seconds before he disconnects our lips but keeps his hands where they are. "I'm such a jerk" he shakes his head "no you aren't" I say "you were looking out for your daughter. As you should" I say "I'm sorry Kaylin" he apologizes "it's okay seriously"

We smile before he puts his lips back on mine. "Kaylin!" We hear which causes us to jump. "Hi!" Melanie runs over to me making me pick her up "how are you" I ask as she hugs me "good , where were you for all those days" she ask "I was really busy" I smile "but not no more" Zion says and smiles.

"Come in" he says and i walk in while I carry Melanie. "I have to show you my new toys" she says "I'm gonna go get them , don't leave" I put her down "I won't" she runs upstairs before Zion grabs my hands and sits me
down on the couch.

"She's gonna get distracted for a minute" he says "and start playing with her toys" i laugh
"So" he starts kissing me again but this time In a more aggressive way. A lot more passion as well. We just make-out and it's getting hot lol.

He lightly bites my bottom lip "did you bite my lip" I giggle "maybe" he says and we get right back to It. I then feel his fingers creep under my shirt "no no no" I break apart "Mel is about to come down" I say "sorry I got carried away"

Then she does come downstairs with dolls in her hand "look" she sits in between Zion and I. "You be the purple girl , I'll be the red one and dad you can have blue" she hands us our characters and stars dressing hers up.

"Ya know maybe a party animal ain't so bad" he smirks at me "oh shut up"

💞(The end)💞

Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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