Percy Jackson, the Dark Lord'...

Oleh lia_quinn

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Read the Prologue Lebih Banyak

Percy Jackson, the Dark Lord's Grandson
Part 1: The Battle
U-No-Poo had a wife? And a daughter?!?!
Ok... Wife and daughter, no problem; But a grandson?!
A Nice Visit
Your choice...
Is it really goodbye?
A Day Off at Last... Sort of
A Death Eater Saves Me
And this wins: The Least Shocking News of My Life

Part 2: I defeat Queen Dirt Face.... With a price

13.3K 342 411
Oleh lia_quinn

Italics-Ancient Greek


A couple hours before sunset, everyone was as good as new, thanks (not really) to the Gods. Though my ears will never recover from the amount of screams and squealing I heard when I announced Annabeth and I were engaged. Even Clarisse, Reyna, and Thalia and they never squeal, I mean never squeal. I even heard 'about time' s more than a couple of times. Athena just protested and said we were too young blah, blah, blah. I just rolled my eyes at her.

As we were putting on armor, Zeus made a speech about thanks for saving their butts, our bravery in holding our ground, condolences for our losses (As if they care. If they did they would have been here earlier.) Then they gave me a chance to speak (more like forced me [It's supposed to be honorary, they insisted])

"All right! Today may be last day of this war... It took from us our brothers, sister, family, best friends, pets... But they wouldn't want to have died in vain. They would want for us to defeat the evil that took them from us! They're probably in the Elysium saying 'I died?! Awww come on! I wanted to kick Gaea's stupid behind to Tartarus!" Laughs erupted.

"Lots of people have left us, just because of war. Or it's prebattles. Bianca, Zoë, Lee, Castor..." It pained me to say their names, all their deaths have been my fault. But I needed to give them morale.

"Beckendorf, Michael, Silena, Leneus, Ethan, Luke... All of them wouldn't want have wanted us to mope around. Giving up what they died fighting for! It's time to show them that they can't just take away our loved ones away, without us paying revenge for what they did!"

"We fight for our family! For our fallen comrades! For our future!" They echoed my shout "FOR FAMILY!!! FOR OUR FALLEN COMRADES!!! FOR OUR FUTURE!!!"

Annabeth came up on stage and kissed me. "Nice speech Seaweed Brain, you rallied them up and they're hungry for vengeance on their family's deaths. With this kind if work you'll surely put me out of business." She whispered in my ear.

"You know that just came at the top of my head, if I were to write it down first I would have made a mistake every sentence then." I whispered back. We chuckled.

I hopped down the stage (Did I mention that? If I didn't, you know now). We ran through some more, battle plans and strategies.

Then we heard our cue: the conch horn blowing three times.

We assembled our lines. Veterans with more war experience at the front, and new-timers at the back. Half the archers at the back, the others at the front. Most of the healers were going to be rising pegasi. Collecting wounded and bringing them to the infirmary, with Apollo waiting. We had a shield wall at the front lines, ready with leveled javelins and spears. I was at the middle of the front line, shield at the ready.

"Arrows...Aim...Fire!" The archers shot their first volley of arrows.

"Fire!" The second volley was javelins, the third were spears. The weapons disintegrated the monsters left at the front line. Now only giants remain.

"Plan A-4 everybody! Plan Omega! Front line: Lock shields. Swords at the ready..... NOW!!!!!" The second line vaulted over the first line and charged at the enemy. While we were launching the volleys, the Gods snuck up behind the army and surprised the Giants.

The line that charged at the enemy was supposed to head for the Giants. And the others were supposed to take care of the remaining monsters.

Lou Ellen now battled Clytius, with Hecate and older siblings.

Nico and Hades had shadow-travelled Alcyoneus to another place, preferably for his death not a vacation.

Pollux led a few of his brothers to fight Ephialtes along side Dionysus.

Jake, Nyssa, Leo and, Hephaestus worked together to defeat Otis (I killed Mimas yesterday with Zeus accidentally)

Aphrodite has changed into Venus and was kick-ass at helping Piper, and a couple of her siblings defeat Periboia.

Hippolytus was going down, thanks to the Stolls, Hermes and a few of their siblings.

Artemis, the Hunters, Apollo, and his offspring lead by Will were taking down Orion.

Athena and Annabeth were working perfectly together, and was defeating Enceladus.

Porphyrion was being defeated by Jason, Thalia, and Zeus.

Then there's my fight with Polybotes. My dad and I were dodging his net, stabbing him, etc. and keeping him busy. My sole attention was on him and the idea of turning him to dust, and back to Tartarus. That is until I heard the scream that would haunt my dreams forever.


I turned my back on Polybotes, abandoning the fight. I sprinted to Annabeth she was laying on the ground. Trying to get away from Enceladus, who was looming over her with his spear raised.

"Finally! I get the prize my mother wants! The blood of Olympus shall be spilt!" He cackled

"No! Not if I can help it" I summoned an earthquake and blew Enceladus off of his feet. I was so focused on saving Annabeth, I didn't realized Polybotes behind me, until

"Percy look out!!!" Annabeth screamed looking at something behind me. I turned around only to have a knife in my side. I gasped and fell to the ground in shock and pain, only to be grabbed in the hands of a certain anti-Poseidon giant. I struggled to get out of his grasp but the cut at my side was sapping my strength. I was loosing blood fast.
STYX, was all I was able to think of before I blacked out.


I woke up in a sack, hands tied behind my back, so was my feet. And it was swinging violently side to side as if someone was playing tug of war with it.

"Give me the sack brother! And I shall deliver it to mother!" I heard Polybotes

"No! I am the king of the giants! I should be the one to deliver it to mother!" Porphyrion replied, shouting as well. Looks like someone is playing tug of war with it.

"No! I captured him he is mine to give!" Poly- oh screw it! That's too long I'll just call them Poly and Pory.

I hit my head at the side when the bag suddenly jolted to one side, as if someone had let go.

"Hey! Watch it Persassy's in here!" I hollered

"Be quiet, little godling! Yes! I shall take him! He is rightfully mine!" Poly shouted. Huh looks like he won. Wait why am I thinking this. I should be trying to escape.

I wiggled trying to get in a sitting position so that my hands are in front of me. Then I used my teeth to untie my hands, then I used my hands to untie my feet.

Once I'm completely untied, I tried to vapour-travel out, no luck. The string tying the top of the sack must be Celestial Bronze.

I started looking for any holes or loose threads. There weren't any. That was when I started to think of a plan.

Hmmm. What can I do then I had a sudden thought, that would really make me a Kelp Head.


My hand immediately went to my pocket. And I brought out the almighty, pen. I didn't uncap it yet. I went on in thinking, on how to escape.

I can't see anything, I need to get out first.

I started making the bag swing from side to side. I started softly, slowly building power. Soon I was full on swinging, as if I was in a rocking ship.

"Stop that Jackson!" Poly grunted. I continued swinging, more powerful this time.

I heard him growl. He opened the bag. "Listen here sea-" I cut him off by jumping in his face and stabbing his nose with Riptide.

I ran to his shoulder. And jumped off. I turned myself to water vapour and reappeared on the ground safely.

I took the Celestial Bronze ropes I had and tied one end sturdily and quick to a near tree. I sprinted around his feet. Once. Twice. Thrice.

He was raising his trident but, I was too fast for him to make a clean hit. Once the rope was secure, I pulled and tripped him. I mentally laughed. Just imagine Polybotes, thirty feet tall giant, scaly reptilian legs, green-blue armor, anti-Poseidon giant, with wild green hair shaking of Viper dandruffs, flailing his arms and falling to the ground.

When he fell to the ground he was suddenly being wrapped in a cocoon of water. I looked around and found my dad arms raised. Looks like Poly will have the same ending as Typhoon. I borrowed some of the un poisoned water that was wrapping around Poly to heal my wound.

I nodded a greeting of thank to dad, then vapor-travelled back to the battle.

I appeared beside Annabeth. I ducked in time to avoid decapitation by her.

"Percy! The Hades!" She punched me in the arm "That was for getting kidnapped" Then she kissed me "That was for coming back."

Together, we charged at Enceladus. I somersaulted on to to his shoulder using his knee, chest, and arms to boost me up. Then I cut off his ear. Using his arm as a slide, I went back down.

Annabeth suddenly showed up at behind the giant's knee. She cut it off with on clean slide of her drakon bone blade. Then disappeared, after wearing her Yankees cap.

Athena raised her spear and stabbed him in the gut. He exploded in a shower of golden dust.

Athena, had run of to aid Venus and her kids. Annabeth and I moved on, to help the others. I ran towards Ephialtes, since they looked like they were having trouble, not losing just trouble. They trapped him in a circle. A stab in the thigh by Leo, a nice cut in the arm by a vaulting Nyssa, and a couple of injuries, he was golden ashes.

I ran to help the Ares kids against the monsters. A manticore was terrorizing the Apollo kids distracting them from their fight with Orion. I cut of his tail, and head, and it showered me in golden dust.

Everything was well until, it went out horribly wrong.

Jason screamed as a sword cut through his body from behind. By the looks of it, Jason has been flying around, but Poryphyrion took a chance when Jason looked back at Piper for a moment, one of the swords from his hair was already in action. Thalia had screamed a warning but it was too late. I locked eyes with Annabeth. I told Apollo to go heal Jason as I took his place in the fight. Annabeth had done the same with Piper for her to help Jason.

I dodged and arrow that flew by by ear where my head had just been. I ran behind him, the same time Artemis charged at him from behind. But he just turned sideways and ducked. I jumped over Artemis when she slid down baseball style to avoid collision. Her hunting knives pierced his legs. My sword sliced his head. And arrows stuck out from his chest.

I leaved and let the hunters and Artemis take care of Orion. I ran to Jason, Apollo was shaking his head, and Piper was bawling. We were too late.

Piper dried her tears, and stood up. Her eyes emitted no trace of tears but had furiousness, and grief in them. She charged back into battle fighting like a demon, glowing pink. The blessing of Aphrodite in battle. She was doing great until her fight with empousai turned sour. She stabbed one, only to get a bite in her neck by another. I ran up to her but she looked in my eyes and they told me what she wants. I nodded she closed her eyes and went limp. I blessed her to have a happy ending in Elysium, with Jason.

Annabeth stood by me and hugged me. I vapor travelled Piper's body to the morgue where Zeus teleported Jason's. I laid her next to him.

Back in battle I fought protectively, killing monsters who tried killing more of my friends.

But it was useless somehow, Gaea had stirred and was weakening us. One by one I saw my friends fall.

Frank drowned when an earthborn threw him in a river with anchors attached, that has suddenly appeared. Ironic that he thought he'd die when his firewood burned, yet he died when his body drowned.

Hazel had been snatched off of Arion when she passed by a group of cyclops, all it took was for them to break her outside. Because her inside died with Frank.

Hacking the monsters to let out my grief that four of the seven are dead, and I couldn't save them hurt. Especially since my fatal flaw was loyalty. Suddenly the ground rumbled.

And Dirt Face emerged.

I wanted to end it there but I didn't want to leave you in another cliffy. :) Be happy... For now

She posed as a matronly woman with a green flowing dress melting into the grass as she, strode towards us. Black curly hair, and a serene smile, hiding her true colors.

"Awww, look at that. Your energy and determination are very high. Not for long." She says with an evil cackle.

Suddenly the gods were bound, by the earthly shackles and lined up in front of her. Even Hestia, and Hera who were comforting the wounded and little ones, were brought to the line.

"Oh goody your all here now we can really start!" Gleefully saying that. All the gods gasped at different times, some a cry of shock.

"H-h-h-how did you rise?" I managed to ask after I got over my shock.

"Well, after that Grace boy died my darling little Poryphyrion, was clever enough to sneak away and perform the ritual with the other four's blood. Yours and that Annie girl would have been more convenient but I had strong enough blood if the two girls and two boys blood combined. So now here we are 4 out of the Seven dead, and three alive." She explained excitedly.

Suddenly Hestia faints, Persephone, Demeter and Aphrodite soon followed.

"What are you doing to them?!" I demanded Gaea

She just laughed and said "Well you see I'm sapping their strength, to make me stronger. Since your friends' blood was too weak. I need to move to this plan."

"Demigods!!! Stand by me!" I shouted. Everyone formed lines behind me, Annabeth, and Leo, regrouping. Monsters, on Gaea's side did the same thing.

And with a simple flick of my hand, we charged. Annabeth, Leo, and I headed for Gaea hoping to distract her, enough to free the Gods.

Annabeth put on her invisibility cap and disappeared. Leo attacked her side, with a blazing hammer. I attacked her head on.

I swung at her head, Leo slammed his hammer at her torso. She ducked mine, but Leo's hit made some effect on her she stumbled back onto a waiting white sword, that just appeared.

Annabeth pulled out. We contained her in a triangle. The earth rose up her dress and filled the gaping hole.

Looks, like she can heal like Antaeus. Like mother like son.

More Gods passed out, only Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Artemis, Athena, and Ares remained conscious. Though, they looked like it was hard not to, taking short breaths, and coughing up a bit of ichor for some.

So far, we were losing. Every time we were lucky to land a blow on her, she managed to land twice on us. After half an hour we were struggling to remain on our feet, with our wounds and tiredness.

Looking over Annabeth and Leo I looked at their wounds carefully. Leo had a gash on his arm and leg. Annabeth had a scratch from her temple to her chin, and on her collarbone. And I had a concussion, and a slice on my shoulder.

I jumped up, as an earthen hand erupted from the ground and tried to take me. I looked back at Gaea, she held Leo by the neck; he wasn't able to dodge the hand.

"Leo! No!" I was not going to let another one of the Seven die because of Gaea. Gallons of water slammed into her, yet she still broke Leo's neck. He fell, the fire and humor gone from his now dull eyes.

Annabeth's eyes met mine. She atill had tears in her eyes, this time they came stronger.

I wasn't just going to stand while Gaea killed all of my closest friends.

She saw us coming, every move, every formation. But she underestimated us...

She has another thing coming.

The once dried ground seemed to get wetter, by blood, but soon with water.

I jabbed she countered, I slashed she sidestepped. The water had already made mud and sloshed around in puddles. Now all I had to do was distract Gaea, while Annabeth, kills her. Easier said than done. Let's do this.


Watching your son, duel to death with your evil grandmother, while your chained with metal that slowly sucks out your energy and powers, is not all that it cracks up to be...

"I'm going to kill you!" Gaea snarled

"Yeah? Well take a number. Thousands of monster, a handful of immortals and a couple of titans along with 1 or 2 primordials so, take a number!" My son retorted sassily.

They circled each other, the Percy lunged. They fought back and forth, both looked evenly matched. Though it was scary watching Perseus' aura grow darker and more powerful, you could actually sense it rolling of in waves from him.

They fought with more determination every time one lands a hit on the other. They became too fast, for Hermes to even see them I'm sure. All we saw were flashes grass green and sea green. There were water ripples slowly moving towards the two. Annabeth must have been wearing her invisibility cap.

Once Annabeth was about to stab the grass green blur. And with lightning speed Gaea backed away from the fight and had Annabeth secured with a dagger at her throat.

"Let her go, Dirt Face!" Percy growled

"Hmmmm I don't think so" And with that Gaea stabbed her.

Percy moved so fast the next thing I saw was Apollo hauling Annabeth away and quickly tried saving her, whilst Percy was hovering a bit from the ground in a hurricane. Percy moved faster this time. He grabbed Gaea and the hurricane floated up to the clouds. We waited.


As we passed clouds she stabbed me several times I lost count. The water just healed me everytime. Once we were high enough I willed the water to make sure she stay's afloat. I filled our area with air, and disappeared within them. I circled her and injured her every once in a while. I had a dark feeling to play with her first. After what seemed like forever. I finally rested behind her and held Riptide at her neck, her other cuts dripping sand, just like Antaeus. "Say hello to Tartarus and Nyx for me" and I slit her throat, she turned to sand and fell.

I let everything turn back to normal and teleported next to Annabeth.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back, so I had to kill you again in Elysium."

"Hey don't speak like you're about die. And I never would have made it to Elysium"

"Oh Seaweed Brain, accept it already that you saved us, and I dying... I love you Seaweed Brain, don't forget that and if you even think of dying earlier than you're supposed to I'll see to it you'll never find peace in Elysium." She threatened with a joking tone, yet there was seriousness in her words. She looked up at the now fading night sky. "Bob says hello" I smiled sadly. Would they have heard the message?

I kissed her one last time and she slowly rested. I cried over her body as the sun begins to rise. But during the final moments of night. A shooting star came from the Zöe's bow. The stars heard.

This is way overdue. I'm sorry okay? I had issues to deal with

Demigod daughter of Chaos
Peace out in demigodishness and all that

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