Soul Saga ???: Kamen Rider Ze...

By Shadowingdrake

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In the world of Kamen Rider Zero-One New Generation, the AI-based Humagears have become an essential part of... More

Synopsis and Character
Chapter 1: Enter the Shooting Wolf
Chapter 2: Wolf Vs Robots
Chapter 3: A Step to Far
Chapter 4 Falling Hopes
Chapter 6;FORCE Rise Hell Rising Hopper Part 2 The Black Wizard
Chapter 7: FORCE Rise Hell Rising Hopper Part 3 Judgement
Chapter 9: A Break from all the Fighting
Chapter 10: A Wolf Shot to Far.
New Kamen Riders for an Upcoming Story
Arc 1 Chapter 11: Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz vs Kamen Rider Valkyri
Arc 1 Chapter 12: Invasion!
Arc 1 Chapter 13: End of an Arc
Arc 2 Chapter 1: Return

Chapter 8: The Deal

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By Shadowingdrake

As Kamen Rider Anubis flees to find Zay, Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz threatens to drop her if they don't surrender their Progrise Key. Vulcan, Eden, and Kiv-la look on in shock as Leon expresses his disappointment in his son's actions.

Tanner explains that his actions are for his father's goal of ridding the world of Kamen Riders, and he reveals Zay's true identity as Zero-One to everyone present. This revelation leaves the other Riders stunned, as they had no idea who Zay really was.

Vulcan demands that Tanner release Zay, but he refuses and instead demands that they hand over their Progrise Key. Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz is about to drop Zay, but before he can, Kamen Rider Valkyrie arrives on the scene and attacks him.

Kamen Rider Anubis returns to the group with Zay in tow, and the two teams face off against each other. Tanner, as Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz, tells his father that they need to make a deal. In exchange for Zay, they will give them the Progrise Key.

Leon agrees to the deal, but only if Tanner promises to stop his crusade against Kamen Riders. Tanner agrees to the terms, and they exchange Zay for the Progrise Key.

With the deal done, the two groups part ways. However, Kamen Rider Anubis is left with a feeling of unease, as he knows that his true identity has yet to be revealed to the other Riders

As Dan took the Fighting Jackal from Jason 's hand, he noticed the small scratch marks on the surface of the Progrise Key. "Where did you find this?" he asked suspiciously.

Jason hesitated for a moment before answering, "I found it lying on the ground near an abandoned factory. It was damaged, but I managed to fix it up."

Dan examined the Progrise Key more closely, but he couldn't find anything else out of place. He decided to let it go for now, but he made a mental note to keep an eye on Jason .

Meanwhile, Tanner had his arm around Zay's neck, holding her hostage as he demanded their Progrise Keys. Leon couldn't believe what he was seeing, his own son had become a criminal and was threatening innocent lives for his own twisted goals.

"You've gone too far, Tanner. You've put the lives of innocent people in danger," Leon said, shaking his head in disappointment.

Tanner sneered at his father. "You don't understand, Dad. Our goal is to rid the world of Kamen Riders. With these Progrise Keys, we can finally achieve that."

Vulcan and Valkyrie had their weapons drawn, ready to fight if necessary. But before they could make a move, Jason stepped forward.

"Wait, let's make a deal," he said. "We'll give you our Progrise Keys in exchange for Zay."

Tanner considered the offer for a moment before nodding. "Fine, but you better not try anything funny."

Jason handed over the Progrise Keys, including the Fighting Jackal, and Tanner released Zay. She stumbled back into Dan's arms, relieved to be free.

As Tanner and his accomplices made their escape, Leon turned to his team. "We can't let them get away with this. We have to stop them and put an end to this madness."

As Zay used her Flaming Tiger Progrise Key, flames enveloped her body and she transformed into Kamen Rider Zero-One Flaming Tiger. The heat emanating from her was intense, and even Tanner took a step back.

Tanner realized that he couldn't beat Zero-One Flaming Tiger in her current form, and decided to retreat for now. He gave one last smirk to the other riders before making his escape.

Meanwhile, Dan and Eva were surprised to see Zay transform into Kamen Rider Zero-One Flaming Tiger. They had never seen her use that form before, and wondered where she had gotten it from.

Zero-One Flaming Tiger turned to the other riders and thanked them for their help. She explained that she had been tracking Tanner and his team for a while, and that they were after the Progrise Keys for some nefarious purpose.

Dan and Eva were relieved that Zay was safe, but they still had questions about what was going on. They asked Zero-One Flaming Tiger if she knew anything about Tanner's plans, but she shook her head. She explained that she had only been tracking them to keep them from getting their hands on the Progrise Keys, and that she didn't know anything about their larger goals.

With the immediate danger passed, the riders decided to regroup and try to figure out what Tanner and his team were up to. They knew that they couldn't let them get their hands on any more Progrise Keys, and that they had to find a way to stop them before it was too late.

As Tanner entered the underwater base with the bag of Progrise keys, he couldn't help but feel excited. The army of Samurai Robots, colored blue, stood at attention as he walked by. His family had been working on this project for years, and now he was finally going to be able to bring it to fruition.

He walked up to a control panel and entered a series of commands. The robots began to power up, their glowing eyes flickering to life. With a grin on his face, Tanner watched as the robots marched out of the base, ready to do his bidding.

"This is just the beginning," he muttered to himself. "Soon, the Kamen Riders will be a thing of the past, and I'll be the one in control."

With that, he turned and walked out of the base, the sound of the marching robots fading into the distance behind him

As Tanner begins to upload the data of the Progrise Keys to the Hiden Satellite, he notices the blue-colored Samurai Robots patrolling the area. He knows that they are part of his father's army of robots, designed to take down the Kamen Riders.

Tanner focuses on his task, determined to complete it quickly. He knows that time is of the essence, and he can't risk getting caught by the robots. The upload process will take three months, but he hopes that he can finish it sooner with his hacking skills.

As he works, he can't help but think about his father's plan to rid the world of Kamen Riders. He knows that his father's obsession with them has blinded him to the bigger picture. There are other threats to the world besides Kamen Riders, and his father's actions could ultimately cause more harm than good.

Despite his conflicted feelings, Tanner continues with the upload, knowing that he needs to fulfill his father's request to keep his cover. He also wonders what will happen to Zay now that her identity as Zero-One has been revealed to everyone.

As the upload progresses, Tanner keeps a watchful eye on the robots, making sure that they don't detect his presence. He knows that any mistake could lead to his capture, and he can't afford to let that happen.

Leon watched as Tanner continued to upload the data of the Progrise Keys to the satellite. He felt conflicted - proud of his son's ingenuity but also uneasy about the consequences of his actions.

"Tanner, we need to talk about this," Leon said, approaching his son.

"What is there to talk about? This is a good thing, Dad," Tanner replied, not looking up from his computer.

"You're putting the world in danger, son. This kind of power in the wrong hands could lead to catastrophic consequences," Leon argued.

"I'm doing this for the greater good! To rid the world of Kamen Riders and their technology!" Tanner yelled.

"But at what cost? Think about the innocent lives that could be lost," Leon said, trying to reason with his son.

Tanner paused for a moment and looked at his father. "I understand your concerns, Dad. But I truly believe this is the right thing to do."

Leon sighed. He knew he couldn't change Tanner's mind right now. But he also knew he needed to keep an eye on his son and the situation he had started

Tanner is taken aback by Leon's revelation, realizing that they still need a few more Progrise Keys to complete the process. He begins to panic, knowing that their plan won't work without them.

Leon tries to calm his son down, telling him that they will find the missing keys eventually. But Tanner is impatient and wants to speed up the process. He suggests that they should start hunting down Kamen Riders to get their keys.

Leon is hesitant at first, not wanting to cause more conflict with the Riders. But Tanner is persistent, arguing that it's for the greater good. Finally, Leon reluctantly agrees to help his son.


Jason was focused on unlocking the remaining Progrise Keys for Zay, carefully examining each one to ensure that they were properly programmed. As he worked, Zay stood nearby in her Kamen Rider Zero-One Rising Hopper form, watching him closely.

"So, Zay," Jason said, breaking the silence, "I've been wondering...what made you decide to become a Kamen Rider?"

Zay shifted slightly, as if uncomfortable with the question. "It's a long story," she said. "But basically, I wanted to use my skills to help people. And being a Kamen Rider is one way to do that."

Jason nodded thoughtfully. "I can understand that. But there's something I've been curious about. You've been fighting alongside Kamen Rider Anubis for a while now, but you don't seem to know much about him. Do you have any idea who he might be?"

Zay shook her head. "No, I don't. He's always been very secretive about his identity."

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. I wonder why he would want to keep his identity a secret."

Zay shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe he has his reasons."

Jason continued working on the Progrise Keys for a few moments longer, then spoke up again. "Zay, I know this might seem like an odd question, but do you think Kamen Rider Anubis might be someone we know?"

Zay looked at Jason quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"Well, think about it," Jason said. "Anubis is a skilled fighter, and he seems to know a lot about the technology we use as Kamen Riders. Plus, he's always one step ahead of us. It just seems like he might be someone who has some kind of inside knowledge."

Zay furrowed her brow, considering the idea. "I don't know," she said after a moment. "It's possible, I guess. But I can't think of anyone who fits the bill."

Jason nodded, then went back to work on the Progrise Keys. Zay stood nearby, lost in thought, wondering who Kamen Rider Anubis might be and why he was so determined to keep his identity a secret

Jason blushed a little at Zay's flirtatious behavior but quickly regained his composure. He listened to Zay's question about Kamen Rider Anubis and thought for a moment before responding.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure who Kamen Rider Anubis is," he said, "but I do know that he has a five-minute time limit. It's part of his transformation process."

Zay raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? That's a unique limitation. Have you ever seen him use his powers in battle?"

Jason shook his head. "No, I haven't. He's been pretty elusive so far, and I don't know much about his abilities beyond what I've observed."

Zay nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting. Well, if you ever find out more about Kamen Rider Anubis, let me know. I'd love to learn more about our fellow Riders."

Jason smiled. "Sure thing. And if you ever need any help with your Progrise Keys, don't hesitate to ask. I'd be happy to lend a hand."

As Zay and Jason were talking, Rina had quietly approached the staircase and leaned against the railing, watching them with a slight smirk on her face. When she heard Jason mention Kamen Rider Anubis's time limit, she couldn't help but chuckle softly to herself.

"Those two are hopeless," Rina muttered to herself, shaking her head.

Zay and Jason both turned to look up at Rina, surprised that she had been watching them. Zay blushed slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed that she had been flirting with Jason so openly.

"Uh, hey Rina," Jason said, trying to play it cool. "What's up?"

"Just taking a break," Rina replied casually, making her way down the stairs towards them. "So, Zay, I hear you're quite the Kamen Rider yourself."

Zay grinned, feeling a bit more confident now that the conversation had shifted away from her flirting with Jason . "Yeah, I guess you could say that. It's been a crazy few months, but I'm getting the hang of it."

Rina nodded, looking impressed. "Well, you certainly seem to be holding your own. And Jason here seems to be quite the asset as well."

Jason blushed slightly at the compliment, but couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy about Rina's interest in their abilities.

"Yeah, we're just trying to do our part," Jason said, glancing over at Zay. "So, Rina, what brings you down here? Is everything okay?"

Rina shrugged, still wearing a slightly amused expression. "Just checking on things. You two seemed to be deep in conversation, so I thought I'd see what was going on. And it looks like I stumbled onto something interesting."

Zay raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit wary of Rina's playful tone. "What do you mean?"

Rina just smiled cryptically. "Oh, nothing. Just wondering what other secrets you two might be hiding."

Zay and Jason exchanged a glance, both feeling a bit uneasy about Rina's probing questions. They knew that they couldn't reveal too much about their identities as Kamen Riders, but they also didn't want to seem suspicious.

"Uh, we don't really have any secrets," Zay said, trying to sound casual. "Just trying to save the world and all that."

Rina just raised an eyebrow, looking unconvinced. "Sure, sure. Well, I won't keep you two any longer. Just wanted to say hi and see what was going on. Carry on, Kamen Rider Zero-One."

Rina raises an eyebrow as she approaches Jason and Zay. "And what key is that?" she asks, pointing at the Progrise Key in Jason 's bag.

Jason hesitates for a moment, but then decides to tell the truth. "It's the Breaking Mammoth Key. We're trying to unlock as many Progrise Keys as we can to help protect the city."

Rina nods thoughtfully. "I see. And how's that going?"

Jason shrugs. "It's slow going. We've only been able to unlock a few so far."

Zay jumps in, eager to change the subject. "Hey, Rina, do you know anything about Kamen Rider Anubis?"

Rina's eyes widen slightly, but she keeps her cool. "Why do you ask?"

Zay shrugs. "I'm just curious. Jason mentioned him earlier."

Rina nods slowly. "Well, he's a bit of a mystery. No one knows his true identity."

Jason glances at Zay, then quickly looks away. "Yeah, I've heard that too."

Rina narrows her eyes, sensing that something is amiss. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Jason hesitates, but Zay jumps in again. "No, it's nothing like that. We're just trying to learn as much as we can about all the Kamen Riders."

Rina studies them both for a moment, then nods. "Alright. Just be careful. The world of Kamen Riders can be dangerous."

Zay grins. "Don't worry, Rina. We can handle it."

As Rina heads off, Zay turns back to Jason . "So, about that five-minute time limit you mentioned for Kamen Rider Anubis..."

Jason winces. "Yeah, that was a mistake. I shouldn't have said anything."

Zay laughs. "Relax, Jason . I won't tell anyone. It's not like it's a big deal."

But Jason can't shake the feeling that he's said too much. He makes a mental note to be more careful in the future.

As Rina approached Jason and Zay, she smiled and said, "Looks like you two have been up to something interesting."

Jason blushed and Zay giggled. "Just working on unlocking some Progrise Keys," Jason said.

"Ah, I see," Rina said, nodding. "Well, count me in if you need any help."

Just then, Dan walked in with his arm in a cast. "What happened?" Jason asked.

"I got into a little scuffle with some Magia," Dan said, wincing as he sat down. "Nothing I couldn't handle, but I might be out of commission for a little while."

Zay looked concerned. "Do you need anything? We can help you out."

Dan shook his head. "No, it's fine. I just need to rest up and heal."

Rina nodded. "Well, in the meantime, we can work on unlocking more Progrise Keys. We need all the help we can get to stop Leon and his army."

Jason and Zay both agreed, and they got to work on analyzing the Progrise Keys they had already unlocked. As they worked, they talked about their experiences as Kamen Riders and their hopes for the future.

Despite the gravity of the situation, they all felt a sense of camaraderie and optimism in the face of danger. They knew they had to stay strong and fight for what they believed in, no matter the cost.

As the four Kamen Riders continued to work on unlocking the Progrise Keys, they began to loosen up and have some fun. Zay was showing off her fighting skills, while Jason was teasing Rina about her love of gadgets.

Dan, with his arm still in a cast, watched from a corner of the lab with a smile on his face. Despite the hardships they faced as Kamen Riders, he was grateful for the moments like these where they could let their guards down and just be themselves.

Meanwhile, Eva stood off to the side, watching the group with a mix of curiosity and concern. She was impressed with their dedication to unlocking the Progrise Keys, but she also couldn't help but worry about the potential consequences of using such powerful technology.

But for now, she decided to let the riders have their fun, knowing that they deserved a moment of reprieve from their dangerous and high-stakes work.

As the four riders continued to chat and laugh in the lab, Eva couldn't help but smile at their camaraderie. "You know, you guys remind me of that old TV show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.," she joked.

Jason chuckled. "I've never heard of that show, but I'll take it as a compliment."

Zay rolled her eyes. "Jason , how have you never heard of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.? It's a classic!"

Rina nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's a really popular show. You should check it out sometime."

Dan smirked. "I'm more of a Seinfeld guy myself."

Eva laughed. "Well, regardless, I'm glad you guys are getting along. It's nice to see some positive energy around here for a change."

Just then, a notification pinged on Eva's computer. She quickly checked it and her expression changed to one of concern. "Uh, guys, we have a problem. It looks like there's been a break-in at the research facility where Zaia used to be."

The four riders exchanged worried looks. "What do we do?" Zay asked.

Eva sighed. "We need to go there and assess the situation. We can't let the Progrise Keys fall into the wrong hands."

The four Riders quickly spring into action, each of them transforming into their standard forms to face off against the incoming threats. Kamen Rider Zero-One takes the lead, charging straight into the fray with his Rising Hopper form, while Kamen Rider Vulcan covers him with precise shots from his Shotriser. Kamen Rider Eden follows closely behind, leaping into the air with graceful acrobatics as she brings her Airblade into play. And Kamen Rider Anubis, with his Fighting Jackal in hand, charges straight through the front lines of the enemy forces.

As they fight, they notice something strange about the attacking robots. Their movements are too coordinated, too precise, almost like they're being controlled by a single entity. And then they see it: a Mole Magia, burrowing through the ground and manipulating the robots from beneath.

Kamen Rider Valkyrie, in her Rushing Cheetah form, joins the fray as well, her speed allowing her to keep up with the burrowing Magia as she strikes it with her Sonic Arrow. The other Riders work together to take down the remaining robots, with Kamen Rider Anubis making short work of them with his Fighting Jackal's devastating strikes.

Once the fight is over, the Riders regroup to discuss what they've just witnessed. They realize that the attack was likely an attempt to steal the Progrise Keys from Zaia, and that they'll need to be more vigilant in the future. But as they talk, they can't shake the feeling that there's something else going on behind the scenes, something more sinister and dangerous than they've yet encountered.

Anubis inserts the Biting Shark Progrise Key into the Raider Driver and transforms into Kamen Rider Anubis. He joins the other Riders in fighting the invading robots and Magia.

Kamen Rider Anubis swiftly takes out several robots with his jackal-themed attacks, while Kamen Rider Zero-One unleashes powerful punches and kicks with her Rising Hopper form. Kamen Rider Vulcan uses his flaming abilities to take down the Magia, while Kamen Rider Valkyrie slashes through the remaining robots with her Rushing Cheetah form.

As the battle comes to an end, the Riders stand victorious. Zay approaches her teammates and compliments him on his fighting skills, while Tanner and Amber congratulate the team on their success. However, Rina notices something strange about the Jackal themed Rider form and questions him about it.

This causes him to hesitate for a moment, but then decides to reveal the truth about his identity as Kamen Rider Anubis. The other Riders are surprised by this revelation, but ultimately accept him as part of their team.

Meanwhile, at Hiden Intelligence, Gai Amatsu watches the battle through a surveillance camera and becomes intrigued by the presence of Kamen Rider Anubis. He decides to investigate further and orders his assistant, Yua Yaiba, to gather more information on the mysterious Rider.

The scene ends with the four Riders walking away from the Zaia building, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way

As they left the battle behind, Jason led Zay, Dan, and Rina to a small café tucked away in the bustling streets of Daybreak Town. The café was called "Darren's Peach Garden" and was run by an old friend of Jason 's named Darren.

As they walked in, they were greeted by a group of teenagers wearing uniforms that resembled the characters from the legend of Momotarou, the Peach Boy. Darren himself was behind the counter, smiling widely at them.

"Jason ! It's been ages!" Darren said as he walked over to give Jason a big hug.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Been a little busy," Jason said, returning the hug.

"It's all good, man. So, who are your friends?" Darren asked, looking at Zay, Dan, and Rina.

"These are my friends, Zay, Dan, and Rina. We've been fighting together," Jason explained.

Darren nodded, smiling warmly at them. "Well, welcome to Darren's Peach Garden! Please, take a seat and I'll bring you some drinks and snacks."

They sat down at a table in the corner of the café, surrounded by walls decorated with paintings of peaches and peach blossoms. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and the smell of freshly baked goods filled the air.

As they chatted and enjoyed their drinks and snacks, Darren shared stories about his own adventures and how he ended up running the café. It was a nice break from the constant battles they faced as Kamen Riders.

Jason noticed that Zay seemed to be enjoying herself, and he couldn't help but smile at her. As they left the café, he couldn't help but feel a little closer to her and his other friends. They were in this fight together, and they would always have each other's backs

Rina and whispered, "Hey, can we go for a walk together later?"

Rina looked at her and smiled, "Sure, I'd love that. We can go to the park nearby."

Zay grinned in response, feeling a bit of excitement at the thought of spending some quality time alone with Rina. As they sat down at a table, Darren and his teenagers came over to greet them.

"Hey there, Jason ! It's been a while. And who are these lovely ladies?" Darren said with a wide smile.

Jason introduced everyone, and they all ordered their drinks and snacks. The atmosphere was relaxed and friendly, and they spent some time catching up with Darren and his crew. Eventually, Zay got up from the table and gestured for Rina to follow her.

As they stepped out of the café, Zay took a deep breath of the fresh air and turned to Rina. "So, how's it going, Rina?"

Rina smiled at her. "It's going well, thanks. How about you?"

"I'm doing good," Zay replied. "I just wanted to talk to you alone for a bit."

Rina's expression softened. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

Zay hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit nervous. "I just wanted to say that I'm glad we're working together. You're a great fighter, and I respect you a lot."

Rina's eyes lit up with appreciation. "Thank you, Zay. I feel the same way about you. You're one of the strongest Riders I've ever met."

They continued walking together, talking about their lives and experiences as Kamen Riders. Zay felt a deep connection with Rina, and she was grateful to have her as a friend and ally. As they arrived at the park, they sat down on a bench and watched the sunset, enjoying each other's company in peaceful silence.

As Dan asks his question, the entire café goes silent. Everyone turns to look at him, including Darren and his team of unique teenagers. Zay, Rina, and Jason exchange a glance, realizing that Dan must not be from this world.

Darren clears his throat and approaches the group. "A Power Ranger is a hero who fights against evil and protects the world from danger," he explains. "We have special powers and use them to defeat monsters and other villains who threaten the safety of our planet."

Dan looks fascinated and confused at the same time. "So, you're like a Kamen Rider?" he asks.

Darren chuckles. "Well, we do share a similar goal, but there are some differences between us. Power Rangers often work in teams and use giant robots to fight monsters. We also have a mentor who guides us and provides us with our powers."

Zay jumps in. "Like Hiden Intelligence for Kamen Riders," she says.

Darren nods. "Exactly. But Power Rangers have been around for a long time, and there are many different teams and generations. Each one has its own unique story and powers."

Jason adds, "And Darren here was part of the Jungle Storm team. They protected the Earth from Demons."

Dan looks amazed. "That sounds incredible," he says.

Rina smiles. "It was. We've all had our share of amazing experiences as Riders, too."

The group continues to chat and enjoy their time at the café, with Darren sharing stories about his time as a Power Ranger and the unique teenagers performing a small acrobatic show for them. After Darren finished explaining about his time as a Ranger. A black hair male walked in and transformed into Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz. He charges towards Zay and the others.

As Tanner transforms into Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz, he immediately attacks Zay with his Wizard SwordGun. Zay manages to dodge the attack and quickly transforms into Kamen Rider Zero-One Rising Hopper.

Zay charges at Tanner, but he deflects her attack with his sword. Jason , Rina, and Dan transform into their Rider forms and join the fight. The café quickly empties as the battle between the Riders and Tanner intensifies.

Tanner reveals that he wants Zay's Progrise Keys to complete his plan of ridding the world of Kamen Riders. The other Riders refuse to hand over the Progrise Keys, and the fight continues.

Tanner shows his true power as he summons a group of Samurai Robots to aid him in the battle. The Riders are overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies, and it seems like Tanner and his army will emerge victorious.

Zay quickly dodges Tanner's attack, surprised at his sudden aggression. "Tanner, what's going on?" she asks.

Tanner doesn't respond, instead charging at Zay again with his Wizard Sword. Zay summons her Flaming Tiger Progrise Key and transforms into Kamen Rider Zero-One Flaming Tiger. She clashes with Tanner, their weapons sparking as they clash.

Meanwhile, a bright light appeared and a transformed Kamen Rider Anubis charged at Tanner from behind, trying to catch him off guard. However, Tanner is quick to react and parries his attack, causing him to stumble back.

Rina and Dan watch in shock as the fight between the two Riders continues. "What's going on?" Rina asks, confused.

"I don't know, but we have to stop them," Dan responds, pulling out his Shot Riser.

Rina nods and summons her Lightning Hornet Progrise Key, transforming into Kamen Rider Valkyrie Lightning Hornet. She charges at Tanner from the side, trying to get a clear shot at him.

Tanner blocks her attack and kicks her away, causing her to crash into a nearby table. "Stay out of this, Valkyrie," he growls, turning his attention back to Zay and Anubis.

Zay and Tanner continue to clash, their weapons ringing out as they exchange blows. Tanner's aggression and power seem to have increased, making it difficult for Zay to keep up.

The Jackal themed Rider regains his footing and charges at Tanner once again, this time using his Biting Shark Progrise Key to transform into Kamen Rider Raider Biting Shark. He joins the fight alongside Zay, hoping to turn the tide in their favor.

The battle rages on, the four Riders locked in a fierce struggle with Tanner. But as they continue to fight, they begin to notice something strange about him - he seems to be losing control, his movements becoming erratic and uncoordinated.

Finally, Tanner falls to the ground, his transformation fading away as he reverts back to his human form. He lies there, breathing heavily, before passing out completely.

The other Riders rush to his side, checking to see if he's okay. "What happened to him?" Rina asks, worried.

"I don't know," Zay responds, shaking her head. "But we need to get him some help."

They carefully carry Tanner's unconscious form out of the café and back to their lab, wondering what could have caused him to lose control like that

Eva analyzes the driver and discovers that it's a prototype model of a new generation of Force Riser. She explains that the Force Riser is a device that harnesses magical energy, and the Black Noir Schwartz driver was designed specifically to channel negative emotions like anger and hatred.

Zay becomes worried and wonders who could have created such a dangerous device. Rina suggests that they investigate further, and Jason agrees, saying that they can't allow someone to create a weapon that can turn people into mindless monsters.

The group decides to split up and gather information. Zay and Rina will check out a nearby research facility, while Jason and Dan will head to Hiden Intelligence to look for any leads.

As they leave, Eva hands Jason a new Progrise Key, the Crushing Bison, and tells him that it might come in handy. The group then goes their separate ways, determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.

A/N: I'm going to take a break from Uploading some parts of Soul Saga Kamen Rider Zero-One New Generation for a couple of weeks. I'm going to write the Last few parts of this Arc and we'll learn more about Leon and Diana's past.

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