Roaming Storm

By uerechuku18

3.6K 36 4

Roaming Storm serves as an homage/parody of the multimedia franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. As such, the series... More

S1E1: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part I)
S1E2: One Fateful Friday ...for Fast Friends (Part II)
S1E3: Welcome to Immobi ...for MoonFall
S1E4: Look What the Cat Dragged In ...You Little Nightmare!!
S1E5: Like a Wise Man Once Said ...The More The Merrier
S1E6: The Hunt is On ...for Wild Hunt
S1E7: Itsy-Bitsy ...for Arachnofoe (Part I)
S1E8: Itsy-Bitsy ...for Arachnofoe (Part II)
S1E9: Now Then ...Where Were We?
S1E10: ediS rehtO ehT rof... rorriM ,rorriM
S1E11: Shoulda' Brought My Umbrella ...for Storm-Brew Blues
S1E12: ''I...'' for an ''I...''
S1E13: Survival of the Fittest ...Lord of the Flies
S2E1: Shoot! Not My Day ...Come Rain or Shine (Part I)
S2E2: Shoot! Not My Day ...Come Rain or Shine (Part II)
S2E3: And Speaking of ''Wrecked'' ...
S2E4: Duel in the Dunes ...for Desert Punks
S2E5: sknuP treseD rof... senuD eht ni leuD
S2E6: Dive-Thru ...for A Quick Dip
S2E7: Zoned Out ...for Adrift Apart
S2E8: Uproot N' At 'Em ...for Off-Tropic
S2E9: Back to the Lab ...for Keeps
S2E10: Don't Be a Stranger ...Foreign Falcon
S2E11: Keep Your Friends Close ...and Your NMEs Closer
S2E12: Long Time, No See ...for Reunion
S2E13: No Turning Back ...for Exodus
S3E1: Sayonara, Immobi ...for MoonTrip
RS: Story Select
RS: Character Select
RS: Stage Select (Vol. 1)
RS: Stage Select (Vol. 2)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 1)
RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 3)
RS: Disc Select
RS: Credits

RS: Misc. Select (Vol. 2)

190 1 0
By uerechuku18

Side Note: Excluding my own character / logo designs, the following images are AI generated (which I do not profit from, by the way). While they're not entirely accurate, they do serve as a general idea / reference point. Also, some images may contain a supplementary description while others may not.


GLOCK (Guardians Lawfully Opposed to Corrupt Karmics) is an international military organization. It was established by an American scientist by the name Travis Augustine Reiher (among other founding members) in 1893. And to this day, it remains dedicated to protecting the planet from any high-level threats. Regarding low-level threats, it has a law enforcement division for police officers. And for mid-level threats, a private agents division for bounty hunters. Though they haven't met directly, the African subsidiary of GLOCK has been a great aide in Umeme, Radi & Co.'s fight against the Nightmares. Or as they would call them, NMEs (Noncooperative Malintent Enigmas).

In regards to GLOCK's logo, more specifically its seven stars, each one represents a continent. And the order of establishment goes as follows.

First Star: North America (Main Headquarters)

Second Star: South America

Third Star: Europe

Fourth Star: Asia

Fifth Star: Africa

Sixth Star: Australia

Seventh Star: Antarctica



The Jaw-Drop Distance is a 135-ft long yacht that belongs to Chazmin Great White. It's a luxurious and impressive vessel, an ideal mode of transportation when out at sea. It's also her home, featuring multiple decks, cabins, and lounges for hospitality. Other notables rooms include a personal gym, bar, billiard room, and a... "recreational" indoor garden.  


"12:47 AM"

An art piece made by Poppy Suffolk (at the age of 12). One of her many works over the years. This piece in particular is a personal favorite, as it reminds her of home.

She was born in the UK, but her family moved to Africa for a new job opportunity in Lagos, Nigeria. There, a radio station under the network "Wild Grind Radio" is hosted by the famous DJ MNDrill. He just so happens to be an old friend of Poppy's father, Archie Suffolk, a fairly popular British jazz musician. And after asking him to be a fellow co-host of his show, it was an offer he just couldn't pass up.

In regards to her mother, Isla D.W. Suffolk, she's off working as a private jet charter. With her most frequent client being a world renowned architect.





The Iron Albatross is a series of military aircrafts used by the GLOCK organization (20 per continent). These crafts are designed for speed, agility, and maneuverability -- and come equipped with advanced weaponry for aerial combat.

The Iron Albatross is smooth and sleek, while at the same time massive and robust. It's made of lightweight, yet durable materials, allowing it to fly at high speeds and perform tight maneuvers. The cockpit is spacious and designed for maximum comfort and ease of use, with advanced navigation and communication systems to aid the pilots in flight.

Mobility aside -- this aircraft is a formidable weapon in battle, with a wide range of defenses at its disposal. This includes heat-seeking missile launchers, machine gun turrets, and a graviton force field generator. All these and more make it a valuable asset in combat situations, capable of taking down even the toughest of opponents.



(Pronounced as "Calibers")

3 words: Super. Fighting. Robots. 

The 24 CLBRs are cutting-edge pieces of military might, embodying the advanced technology and capabilities of GLOCK itself. Created by a deceased scientist, they all originated in one continent -- before a majority were dispersed overseas.



1.) CLBR-002 / Codename: Beta / Model: Wolf / Skill: Normal

2.) CLBR-007 / Codename: Eta / Model: Raven / Skill: Dark

3.) CLBR-016 / Codename: Pi / Model: Dove / Skill: Light



1.) CLBR-017 / Codename: Rho / Model: River Otter / Skill: Water

2.) CLBR-004 / Codename: Delta / Model: Butterfly / Skill: Sleep

3.) CLBR-015 / Codename: Omicron / Model: Frog / Skill: Slime



1.) CLBR-020 / Codename: Upsilon / Model: Poodle / Skill: Circus

2.) CLBR-008 / Codename: Theta / Model: Vulture / Skill: Bone (synthetic)

3.) CLBR-005 / Codename: Epsilon / Model: Black Cat / Skill: 8 Clones



1.) CLBR-014 / Codename: Xi / Model: Pig / Skill: Virtual Reality

2.) CLBR-022 / Codename: Chi / Model: Rabbit / Skill: Gravity

3.) CLBR-001 / Codename: Alpha / Model: Dragon / Skill: Electromagnetism

4.) CLBR-024 / Codename: Amiga / Model: Monkey / Skill: Variable Skill System



1.) CLBR-019 / Codename: Tau / Model: Cheetah / Skill: Solar

2.) CLBR-003 / Codename: Gamma / Model: Falcon / Skill: Wind

3.) CLBR-012 / Codename: Mu / Model: Gorilla / Skill: Mist

4.) CLBR-009 / Codename: Iota / Model: Red Maasai / Skill: Steel



1.) CLBR-010 / Codename: Kappa / Model: Banooca / Skill: Nitro

2.) CLBR-006 / Codename: Zeta / Model: Taipan / Skill: Venom

3.) CLBR-018 / Codename: Sigma / Model: Kangaroo / Skill: Earth

4.) CLBR-021 / Codename: Phi / Model: Tasmanian Tiger / Skill: Boomerang



1.) CLBR-023 / Codename: Psi / Model: Orca / Skill: Song

2.) CLBR-011 / Codename: Lambda / Model: Penguin / Skill: Ice

3.) CLBR-013 / Codename: Nu / Model: Phoenix / Skill: Fire

(And before you ask -- the abbreviation stands for "Cybernetic Life by B*** Robotics").



(Terra's Electric Guitar)



Having emerged in 2071 -- the Virtual Realgar is a cutting-edge piece of Immobian technology, that has revolutionized the field of virtual reality. At its core, it is an artificial gemstone that is designed to absorb and process digital data, and then translate that data into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain.

The Virtual Realgar is made using advanced materials and manufacturing techniques that allow it to seamlessly integrate with existing virtual reality systems. It is designed to be worn on the body, typically in the form of a headband or helmet -- and is capable of wirelessly connecting to a variety of devices and platforms.

When activated, the Virtual Realgar begins to absorb digital data from the surrounding environment. This data can come from a variety of sources, including video games, video recordings, and other virtual experiences. Once the data is absorbed, the Virtual Realgar processes it and translates it into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain.

The result is a highly immersive and realistic virtual reality experience, in which the user feels as though they are truly present in the virtual environment. This technology has many potential applications, be it for entertainment purposes or education / training.

Side Note: Prototypes incorporating the Virtual Realgar consisted of only black and red visuals. In which prolonged exposure resulted in headaches, dizziness, nausea, and eye pain.



The Philosopher's Fountain is a mysterious and legendary structure, located in Xmas Island. It is said to appear only once every ten years -- and the spot it appears in is completely random, adding to its enigmatic nature. Once awakened, the fountain is prepared to grant a single wish. But there's just one catch: to have said wish granted, one must first give up something of equal value.

The fountain itself appears worn out and decrepit -- no doubt ancient in origin. Yet it still stands the test of time, especially its ever flowing water. The water is said to be infused with mystical properties, and perhaps even sentience. One need only speak their mind, and it will respond to any desire -- just as long as an agreement has been made .

Only a select few know about the fountain's existence. Given the high cost of making a wish, they'd be reasonably hesitant to attempt it. However, those who do are often changed forever by the experience. For better, or for worse.




Sloaps are a popular footwear accessory among young Immobians, particularly those who are interested in extreme sports and adventure. These unique slippers are made from a specialized fabric that is both durable and flexible, allowing the wearer to perform a wide range of high-speed maneuvers and stunts.

The key feature of Sloaps is the specially designed sole, which is double-coated with a slick, soap-like substance. This allows the wearer to slide, skate, and grind across a variety of surfaces. These include ramps, rails, loop-de-loops, and other challenging obstacles.

While Sloaps were initially developed as a practical solution for urban exploration and parkour-style activities, they have since become a popular fashion statement among the youth. Many different styles and designs are available, ranging from bright and bold colors to more subdued and practical options. Regardless of the style, however, Sloaps are a must-have accessory for anyone who wants to experience the thrill of extreme sports and adventure.



(Tongue of the Tentacle)

Due to their uniquely shaped vocal cords, Immobian cephalopods can only speak in incoherent gurgly sounds. Coincidentally though, their "languages" eerily resemble that of the different ciphers.

Squids: Caesar Cipher (4 letters (a➡e))

Octopi: Atbash Cipher

Cuttlefish: ROT13 (A-Z, a-z)

Nautilus: Standard Vigenère Cipher 

For example, "Iwuymzip" when decoded in Caesar Cipher translates to "Esquivel".


Minnow Earbuds are small, lightweight, and designed to fit comfortably inside the ears of any Immobian -- regardless of size, shape, or visibility. Their primary function is to provide an immersive audio experience, allowing users to listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, and other forms of audio content. Being wireless, they can be connected to various types of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and personal music players. All while delivering high-quality sound with minimal distortion or interference.

In addition to their audio capabilities, the earbuds also feature a range of other functions. Such as noise-isolation technology, voice control, and biometric sensors that can track various health metrics like heart rate and oxygen levels. They may also be equipped with other advanced features, depending on the specific model and manufacturer.

In short, Minnow Earbuds are a versatile device for any and all ears. Providing both entertainment and practical functionality in a compact and convenient package.

"Drown in Sound – with Minnow."



In regards to CLBR Amiga, her "Variable Skill System" allows her to scan and replicate the abilities of other CLBRs -- using them as her own. This feature functions efficiently thanks to her Blast Processing Unit. It's a specialized computer chip exclusive only to Amiga. With it, she can delete hundreds of old data files and download new hundreds -- doing so at remarkable speeds. Said files being the schematics of an individual CLBR. Because of this, she can only utilize one skill at a time. Replacing it with another skill if need be, and so on.



Race Channel 5 is a broadcasting channel dedicated entirely to high-speed races and competitions. The channel is known for its high-energy and fast-paced style, with flashy graphics and exciting music used to build up the hype and excitement for each race. It covers a variety of racing events, from traditional wheeled races to more extreme events like Formula Zero-G (featuring hover cars).

In addition to live coverage of major events, the channel features a wide range of content related to racing. This includes interviews with top racers (such as F0G's Yugogo B. Bumble), in-depth analysis of racing techniques and strategies, and much more. Compared to the previous four Race Channels, 5's pretty much got it all.

Race Channel 5 has grown highly popular among young Immobians, who are drawn to the thrill and excitement of high-speed racing. It has also helped to popularize the sport of racing and raise awareness of the many talented racers and teams across the globe. Whether you're a die-hard racing fan or just looking for an adrenaline rush, Race Channel 5 is the place to be.


Head to Tail is a prominent international pet company, that specializes in providing a wide range of products and services for household animals. With a focus on offering high-quality products and exceptional customer service, Head to Tail has established itself as a trusted and reliable brand in the pet industry.

At their retail stores, they offer an extensive selection of pet products, catering to various types of animals. Everything from food / treats to toys, bedding, grooming supplies, and accessories. Whether it's a dog, cat, bird, fish, or etc., Head to Tail ensures that pet owners can find the right products for their beloved companions.

In addition to their product offerings, Head to Tail also provides an array of services to support pet owners. This includes grooming services, training classes, veterinary care partnerships, and pet adoption programs. Whether it's meeting the needs of existing pets or helping individuals find their perfect companion, this company strives to provide exceptional support and expertise to pet owners throughout their journey.

Doesn't your pet deserve more? Well then...

"Head to Tail – Where your pet matters."



Tone is a unique creature in the world of Immobi, and in Umeme's life especially. Tone is a pet tadpole that was given to him by his grandmother, Yumna, on his 7th birthday. It was raining pretty heavily that day, inspiring the cheetah to name him after the words "tone la mvua". Umeme's favorite animal has always been frogs, so this led Yumna to choose a tadpole as the perfect gift for him. Well... not exactly perfect.

Despite the passing years, Tone still remains in a tadpole state to this very day. This is due to a genetic defect that has hindered his metamorphic lifecycle. This unusual characteristic sets Tone apart from other frogs, making him even more special to Umeme. Despite his stunted growth, Umeme provides him with the best possible care -- making sure he be livin' in paradise.

Fun Fact: Yumna and Umeme used to play some hide-n'-seek involving the tadpole. She would hide Tone somewhere in the house, and Umeme would try and find him. Good times. Totally not tedious at all.



As the name implies, "Aloft" is a cutting-edge personal transportation app focused exclusively on aerial travel. It offers users swift and efficient access to a network of flying vehicles for their here-to-there needs. Through the Aloft app, they can effortlessly book flights to their desired destinations in a matter of seconds. 

The app displays real-time information on available flights -- including estimated departure times, routes, and pricing. And through an optional clientele registry, users can even customize their travel experience by selecting their preferred pilot, aircraft type, and amenities. If you gotta fly, who says you can't choose howta fly?

When airports just aren't cutting it anymore -- enjoy cruising through the open skies with the convenience of on-demand transportation. Whether it's a quick commute across the city or an adventurous trip overseas, Aloft makes flying accessible to all Immobians with just a few taps on your smartphone.



Different forms of currency used to exist throughout Immobi -- dollars, yen, rupees, etc. But by the early 2100's, economic metrics between all nations had become near-identical with each other. As a result, there was a need for only one currency: Moolah.


1.) Brass Bronze: 𝓜1 (cattle) 𝓜5 (goat)

2.) Nickel Silver: 𝓜10 (yak) 𝓜50 (gazelle)

3.) Pinchbeck Gold: 𝓜100 (common eland) 𝓜500 (wildebeest)


1.) Ruby Red: 𝓜1,000 (ox) 𝓜5,000 (ibex)

2.) Topaz Yellow: 𝓜10,000 (bison) 𝓜50,000 (gemsbok)

3.) Emerald Green: 𝓜100,000 (greater eland) 𝓜500,000 (water buffalo)



1.) Spot Variation: Immobian African cheetahs have oval-shaped spots. Whereas their Asiatic counterparts have rigid, streak-like spots.

2.)Top Speed: They have a top running speed of 150 mph. Cheetahs such as Umeme, however, are an obvious exception.

3.) Sign of Maturity: When male Immobian cheetahs grow older, their tear marks develop into tuft-like protrusions on each side of their face. It's basically akin to growing a mustache or beard.


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