Newtmas & Dylmas One-Shots

By Stupid-little-Things

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I write stories a lot, wether I have the time or not. I also love Newtmas (And Dylmas) and always end up gett... More

Wearing each other's Clothes (Dylmas #1)
Mix Up (Newtmas #2)
You Have What I Want (Dylmas #3)
Velociraptors and You (Dylmas #5)
I Lost My Pet and Found You (Newtmas #6)
Timeless (Dylmas #7)
His Weakness was the Maze (Newtmas #8)
Great, I'm Stuck With You (Dylmas #9)
If I Lose (Newtmas #10)
I Always Wanted You (Dylmas #11)
Please, Tommy. Please. (Newtmas #12)
I May've Had a Drink (Dylmas #13)
Chores (Newtmas #14)
Soulmate (Dylmas #15)
Lost Control (Newtmas #16)
His Angel was the Devil (Dylmas #17)
The Wrong Twin (Newtmas #18)
Forgotten Birthdays (Dylmas #19)
Christmas With A Not So Coordinated Thomas (Newtmas #20)
Now You See Me (Dylmas #21)
Sex Me (Newtmas #22)
Burying Newt (Newtmas Bonus #23)

I Can't Marry You (Newtmas #4)

11.5K 327 148
By Stupid-little-Things

I mean if Dylmas get a marriage related one then I might as well do one with Newtmas.

Newt was pacing back and forth, nerves surging through him quickly as he tried to think of anything else. He hadn't planned for this, getting married to someone that he hadn't even fallen in love with. Thomas had been chosen for him to marry, and he didn't want to. Newt had doubts, and he felt like an arranged marriage couldn't possibly go well. Especially with Thomas.

Thomas liked Newt. He really did. But Newt was unsure if he could reciprocate such strong feelings of love if he himself did not get the feeling. Thomas knew that Newt didn't love him, but he always said the same thing.

"You'll fall in love with me one day." And maybe Newt would fall in love with Thomas one day, the chance was there. Newt thought he was attractive, and he was very sweet and caring towards Newt, but he just didn't know. And he wasn't ready to marry someone he did not love. It would be a different story if he did, because even if the marriage was set up, he'd be in love with who he was marrying. And he wanted that.

"It's time, Newt." Minho had come into the room, worried for his best friends well being, but also to tell him that he had to go now. He was the only one who really knew what Newt was thinking, and he wished that he could do something. But he couldn't.

"I'll be out in a minute, Minho." Minho nodded, but he didn't step out of the room. Instead, he went up to Newt and wrapped his arms around him tightly. Newt started crying then, he was terrified.

"It's okay, Newt. You're gonna be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." Newt rested his head on Minho's chest, being a good few inches shorter than the other, and he continued shaking as the tears ran down his cheeks.

"You're not stopping me from marrying him. So you are letting something happen to me." Minho sighed. They both knew that he couldn't control what would happen, and it was unfair for Newt to blame Minho, but he felt so weak at that moment that that was all he could think of doing.

"Thomas isn't such a bad person, Newt. He's become a good friend of mine. You could've gotten someone much worse. He's going to take care of you. And I promise you, you'll be fine."

"But I don't love him." Hearing this hurt Minho greatly, he knew how much Newt had always dreamt of marrying that one person he loves to pieces. And now he had to marry someone that was only a stranger a mere six months ago.

"He loves you." Newt pulled away, his mouth agape as he couldn't believe his ears.

"H-how do you know that?"

"He told me a few minutes ago." And then Newt fell to his knees, shaking and crying as all his thoughts overwhelmed him.

"I can't do this, Minho. It isn't fair to him and it isn't fair to me." Minho knew that Newt had a point, and he wanted to help his best friend, no matter how much it hurt the other boy a few doors down.

"I'll help you make a run for it." Newt glanced up, seemingly in disbelief at what Minho had suggested.

"You'll help me?" Minho nodded.

"But I can't go with you, they'll know that I helped. I'm gonna give you my car keys, and you jump from this balcony. It's not high up enough to cause you any injuries. You'll drive to wherever you want. And I'll go into the ceremony and say that I couldn't find you." Newt instantly agreed, receiving the car keys in his hands as Minho walked out of the room without another word.

So, he did exactly what Minho had said. He climbed down the balcony and ran to Minho's car, driving off quickly and heading to nowhere in particular. And that was his mistake, because now multiple other thoughts ran through his head, one specific one pulling at his heart strings. Or it felt like it at least, like someone was ripping out his heart. He had found out that Thomas loved him, and he was leaving him just like that. Without saying anything to him.

Newt imagined the hurt and broken look the other would give when he found out that Newt was gone, not willing to marry him. And that alone hurt Newt more than the idea of having to marry Thomas. That's when Newt turned around, but he didn't drive to the wedding, he drove to Thomas'. He knew that the other might not be back for hours, depending on what he's gonna do now, but Newt decided to wait. He wanted to wait.

He sat down on the front porch, leaning against the stone wall beside him, silently crying because he was only now realizing that Thomas actually meant a lot more to him than he'd ever admitted. Newt sat there until the darkness faded out the bright light of the sky, and the stars were out until someone eventually pulled up. His breathing quickened as Thomas stepped out of his car, his head down as he rummaged through some things in the car. Newt noted that he looked so broken, and it was his fault.

Thomas didn't notice Newt as he still had his head down, but then when he came up right in front of Newt, he saw the others feet, glanced up, and dropped everything he'd been holding in his trembling hands.

"N-Newt?" Newt stood up, and even though he was standing on a step, he still wasn't eye level with Thomas, who was much taller than himself.

"Yes." The blonde could see that Thomas was hurt, and he knew that it was all on him, and he hated himself for it.

"Why are you here? You clearly don't want to marry me." Word for word, Newt started to crumble, because Thomas was right, and when he pushed past him, Newt felt so worthless.

"I'm here because I felt bad for walking out on you." Thomas opened his front door, leaving it open which made Newt assume that he could walk inside, so that's what he did.

"Did you feel bad for leaving me alone in front of both our families too? Most likely not. Do you know how humiliated I was? I knew that you didn't want to marry me, but I never thought that you'd go so low." Each word stung, and Newt felt a new set of tears form in the corners of his eyes, but he tried not to let them fall. He wanted to say something in that moment, but he didn't know what. He knew that Thomas was right, and he knew that saying sorry wouldn't cut it, so he was left speechless.

"I-I know what I did Tommy. I'm not proud of it. And I wish I hadn't gone through with running off like that. Especially now when I see you. Could we please just start over? Please?" Thomas was in the kitchen, putting some things away whilst Newt was leaning against the doorframe, both of them equally sad for different reasons.

"I don't want to start over." The statement hurt Newt, but he figured that Thomas was likely to say that anyway.

"W-why?" Thomas stopped before walking over to Newt, taking a hold of his much smaller hand, intertwining their fingers. Newt felt like this was probably the most intimate thing they'd ever done that he'd wanted to do, and he couldn't help but smile as his heart skipped a beat.

"Because if we started over, I'd have to pretend like I wasn't already madly in love with you." Newt didn't know what to say. He wanted to thank Thomas for every little thing he'd ever done for him, but he couldn't. And all that remained for him to do was to kiss the other, but he didn't want to do it without permission.

"Can I kiss you?" Thomas hesitantly nodded, lifting Newt onto the counter so that they'd be closer to eye level, before Newt interlocked their lips. His body felt warm where Thomas was holding him, and his heartbeat was fast, but still the same pace as Thomas'. He had his arms around Thomas' neck, and then he finally realized something.

Thomas had been right, Newt would fall in love with him one day. And it was on their wedding day.

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