Remember Me (Sequel To Tragic...

By do_ilook_likeicare

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Sequel to Tragic Endings... Aisha and Marshall were living happily together. At first. They have been marrie... More

1. It's Your Funeral
2. Happy Anniversary Baby
3. Overprotected
4. Preface Part 2: You're Safe With Me Always
5. In His Shadow
6. That Thing
7. Naive
8. Possessive Nature
9. Entourage
11. Preface Part 3: It Was All My Fault
12. Respect
13. No Harm
14. Asshole
15. Don't Talk To Strangers
16. Taken
17. Shit Is Serious
18. The Voice-mail & The Punishment
19. Sins Of A Mother
20. Preface Part 4: Guilty Conscience
21. You Had One Job
22. Say Goodbye Hollywood
23. The Night Of Part 1
24. The Night Of Part 2
25. Who's Eminem?
26. Too Intense
27. Angst
28. Who Can I Trust
29. I'm Sorry
30. Cutting Ties
31. Double The Security
32. I'm Not Going Nowhere
33. Don't Get On That Plane!!
34. Please Stop Him!!
35. Hot-headed
36. Necessary Evil
37. Renegade (The Last Chapter)

10. Round Two

301 17 24
By do_ilook_likeicare

Aisha's P.O.V.

On my first day on the set of the Queen Of The Damned, the very first scene we have to film is, ironically, is exactly what had gotten Marshall so mad at me originally.

It's that scene where I kiss one of my co-stars. Now granted, that kiss doesn't even last a second, it's very brief, and right after I kiss him, I literally rip the guy's heart out of his chest and bite it. Being the evil vampire queen and all.

But the prospect of kissing somebody else other than Marshall, even if it is just for work, is making me so uncomfortable.

Partly, because of the argument Marshall and I have had over this. And then also because, well... until I actually HAD to do it, it didn't seem like all that big of a deal, but now that I actually do, it hits me really hard that this would literally be the first time in over a decade (a freaking decade!!) since I would kiss anybody else other than my husband, and it's just so weird to me!! It hits me like a ton of bricks that I really don't want to do this. Like at all!!

And to think that Marshall was worried that I would get tempted or something. When I literally want to throw up at the mere thought of kissing somebody else other than him.

I guess logistically the fact that this scene is being filmed first makes sense though, because it's literally the first time my character is being introduced in the context of the movie.

So, I get into hair and make up and walk out looking... well... straight up crazy, but oh so hot at the same time. This is exactly what I needed to move away from my nausetingly sweet good girl image.

The director, Michael Rhymer, is giving me some pointers really quickly on how he wants me to move and talk during the scene.

Apparently, I'm supposed to speak with this like weird accent in it too, kind of resembling an Arabic accent, but not quite, this is just how Akasha talks...

Long story short, I am apparently the mother of all vampires that has been asleep for many many years, but the main character's Lestat's music has woken me up from my coma.

So now I want him.


The problem is, a whole lot of other vampires, they hate Lestat for becoming a rock star and outing the whole existence of their kind to humans, so they all want to kill him.

I don't though. I'm crazy about him, and I'm willing to kill a bunch of my own kind to keep him safe and eventually make him mine.

In my introduction scene, I enter this bar that all of the other vampires frequent. I walk around, dancing seductively to the music that's being played.

When I spot this one guy that's talking the most shit about the man I apparently love, I seduce him briefly, leading him to come to me.

And once he does come to me, I kiss him, only to right away literally rip his heart straight out of his chest and bite it.

And once that is done, I kill the rest of the vampires who frequent this bar.

It feels empowering as hell to play this character.

I like the feeling that consumes me during the filming process.

That I am this all powerful being that just doesn't care. Akasha, she gets to do what she wants, whenever she wants.

That is so not me though, because I'm always busy worrying about other people and their feelings, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that per se, but it's still so much fun, pretending to be somebody I'm not.

The main problem though, is when I have to film the actual kissing scene.

We have to take so many takes because I keep messing up.

Like, every single time I have to kiss this guy, my co-star, I keep thinking about how upset that would make Marshall, and I keep being extremely stiff in every single take, apparently...

And it pisses me off so much, the fact that I, apparently, just can't suck it up and just be professional about this on set!!

It makes me so angry.

HE makes me so angry!!

Marshall. That damn Marshall, this whole time!!

Then, all of a sudden, I think back to that one time I was so pissed at him when he did that diss track on me.

The Warning.

I remember how I had stormed into his house in LA to confront him.

How I suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him.

And I use it. In this scene.

I grab the red-headed guy's jaw that's my co-star and kiss him angrily. Briefly.

Then the director yells cut.

Fake blood is being placed on my face, all around my lips. As well as some corny dollar store looking party city vampire teeth that I have to now put in my mouth also.

And then a prop that's supposed to be a human heart being placed in my hand.

In the next scene, I act like I have just reached into this man's chest cavity, and I have literally pulled his heart out.

I smile evilly and I bite on it.

"Cut!! That was perfect!!" The movie director announced to me.

The next scene, is the love scene between me and the main character.

This was one request I did make from the movie production. That we film both scenes where I have to have physical contact with my male co-stars all in one day, so that I could just get this over with quickly. Rip the bandaid off.

Despite of what Marshall thinks, I don't relish this at all.

I get my makeup redone and places in a different outfit, if you could even call it that...

There's a bathtub filled with warm water and rose petals.

The actor Steward Townsend is sitting in it, naked from the waist up. I get submerged into the tub at first.

Once we start filming, I emerge, and I have to kiss all over him.

I have to play a dominant role, and all I'm channeling in my mind to get through this scene is Marshall. On that day I had played that little trick on him at that party. Right after I had heard him tell Proof how I was nothing but a conquest to him, and that he was just trying to fuck me to spite my daddy. The way I've dealt with him after overhearing that... well... I sure did teach that boy a lesson.

And that's exactly what I keep imagining to myself during this sex scene. I keep thinking that this Stewart guy is Marshall.

And that's how I manage to film the scene and for us two to have any type of chemistry with each other...


Hours of filming later, I am finally driven home by one of mine and Marshall's security guards.

I feel completely exhausted and tired of everything, I can see now what Marshall had been telling me before about feeling trapped on a movie set, back when he was filming 8 Mile, because this wasn't easy at all...

I make my way into our bedroom in our other place here in LA, and I see that Marshall appears to be sound asleep in his bed.

I immediately decide to move as quietly as I possibly could so as not to wake him, because I know that it is still so hard for him to even fall asleep on the first place.

I tip-toe into the bathroom, brush my teeth and take a shower, then grab one of his t-shirts out of the closet and put it on. Crawling into bed with him, I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head onto his chest, slowing my eyes contentedly.

"Yo," Marshall then says, causing me to jump and to realize quick enough that he isn't actually asleep. "You enjoyed making ya lil movie today?" He asks me sarcastically, and my head automatically snaps up.

"Um... actually no, not particularly," I reply honestly, looking up at him from his chest. "I can think of one thing that would make it all better though," I then add and climb on top of him boldly, straddling him.

I rub my hands up and down his chest, then lower my head so that our lips could meet. I kiss him softly, my hands going to pull on his short, now brown, hair, and Marshall stops me.

"No disrespect, Aisha, but I ain't feeling it right now," he states coldly. "Not tryna be a reaction to you getting all horny after kissing a bunch of dudes on set," he says evilly.

I back away from him then, shocked.

"That's... this is what you think of me, Marshall?!" I whisper incredulously.

"Fuck else I'm supposed to think, yo?"

"Oh my God!! I literally thought about you the whole time!! That was the only way I could even get through all those takes!!"

As soon I say that, I know he would take it the wrong freaking way and he does.

"More than one take, huh, Aisha?" He asks me, anger lacing his voice.


"Yo, fuck you, get the fuck off me!!"

I shift, moving away from him in shock.

And Marshall stares at me with so much anger.

"Did you enjoy yaself, huh, Aisha?" He asks me, looking at me up and down in contempt.

Tears immediately spilling from my eyes from anger.

How dare he?!

"Actually..." I say dramatically. Fully intending to tell him all kinds of lies, just to be petty. Make it look like I DID enjoy myself making out with two different guys today, both of whom weren't him, but then I would be lying because I didn't.

I stop speaking, but Marshall totally misunderstands me.

"Yo, fuck this shit," he mutters.

Getting out of the bed, he walks over rapidly to his closet and grabs a t-shirts and some sweatpants out of it, pulling it on over his boxers. He slips his feet in some sneakers, giving me the look of death. Then he heads towards the door.

"Um, no, where you going?!" I exclaim frantically, rushing after him.

I stand blocking our bedroom door, his only exit, staring him up and down just as he stares at me just as angrily.

"Fucking MOVE, Aisha," he huffs.

"No," I whisper, standing my ground. "Where would you even go at this time, Marshall?!"

"Just need to clear my head, baby," he then shrugs, but still, I won't budge. "Fucking move, get out of my way, girl!!" He exclaims.


"For fuck's sake!! I don't wanna hurt ya, Aisha. But I will. If you don't move, right motherfucking now..."

"No, you won't, Marshall," I state calmly, looking up at him serenely. "You could NEVER hurt me. You've said so to me yourself. Years ago. You could never..."

"Fuck!!" He lets out in response, slamming his palms on either side of me against the door.

I look up at him and cup his face in my hands.

"I love you, Marshall," I quietly state.

"Shut the fuck up!" Is his response.

Then he frowns and smirks.

"Show me," he says evilly, confusing me so much.

"Show you what?"

"Show me how you kissed them dudes in your lil movie."

"Are you serious right now?!" I exclaim.

"Dead ass serious, Aisha. Show me," he states coldly.

Making me so angry.

I grab his jaw and give him a quick kiss. Just like I did to my co-star before I had literally ripped his heart out.

"Oh like that, huh?!" Marshall says angrily, pushing me back against the door. "God, you are such a fucking..."

"Don't say it!!"

"...slut!!" He says it anyway.

And in that moment, I get so pissed at him, that I just know that I have to teach him a lesson again.

Remind him of who I really am, because clearly this boy forgot.

I smile sweetly at him, then grab the back of his neck, pulling him to me and missing him passionately.

Marshall pills back and stares at me like I'm crazy.

"I love you, Marshall," I whisper, smashing my lips right back on his, and this time he responds to me.

"Fucking jump," He orders me agaisnt my lips, and I know immediately what he means, so I jump.

Right into his arms, my legs automatically wrapping around his waist, his hands palming my butt and slapping it.

He carries me back to the bed, throwing me on it and getting on top of me. Us simultaneously ridding each other of our clothes.

Marshall grabs my arms and locks them over my head as his mouth travels from my neck to my boobs and down further. He kisses and licks his way down until he finds himself at my center where he proceeds to tease me for the longest, licking all over my folds until he finally zeroes on to exactly where I need him so badly.

He is very precise then, taking his sweet time, but giving me exactly what I need.

I arch my back and whine, moaning his name.


He lets me ride out my orgasm, then quickly gets back on top of me, positioning himself at my entrance.

"No, wait, stop," I manage to say frantically and breathlessly.

"Let me... let me make you feel good too first, Marshall," I say shyly.

But my actions are so different from my words as I push him down on the bed and sit on top of him, straddling him.

I grab his belt from the bed and swiftly tie his hands to the headboard.

And it takes this man quite a few seconds to realize EXACTLY what I'm up to.

Because I haven't played this game on him in years.

"Oh hell nah, Aisha, you ain't about to..." He starts to say angrily, struggling against his restraints.

"Oh, but I am," I then smile sweetly, promptly putting my clothes back on, still secretely shaking from the aftershocks of the orgasm he just gave me.

"Has been a while since I've last taught you a lesson, Marshall," I smirk, walking out of the bedroom door. "I mean, you should've never called me a slut. Now you are going to have to stay right there for a while and cool off."


"'MARSHALL!!'" I mock the tone of his voice, then walk out.


I pull my bathrobe tight around my body and go sit by the pool outside.

Sipping on some red wine in my glass, I'm enjoying myself.

Until the crazy white boy, my husband, suddenly bursts in with fire in his pale blue eyes, the skin around his wrists red, irritated and angry

"You really thought that shit was funny, you fucking bitch?!" He asks me angrily, marching up to me.

I sip some more from my wine glass and Marshall snatches it up from me.

I take a deep breath.

"You should never have disrespected me, Marshall," I say with a sweet smile on my face.

"Nah, fuck this," he responds.

Throwing my wine glass and smashing it on the ground somewhere, Marshall slams his mouth on mine, pinning me to the little beach chair I was just sitting in.

Only for me to throw him right off of me, causing him to land on the ground instead.

I rhen push him to lay down on his back and crawl on top of him, jusy as Marshall grabs the back of my neck and pulls my face towards his, kissing me deeply. He flips us over, my legs wrapping around his waist again.

He makes no hesitation to shove his dick in me while pinning me to the ground.

"I fucking love you so much, Aisha," he whispers in my ear. "Even when I straight up hate you, I love you."

And that's more than enough to send me right off the edge.

I shudder against him, just as he also reaches his peak, unloading all his load inside of me. Thank fucking God, I'm on birth control now, or Marshall and I, we would have about a 1000 kids running around by now, the way we always go at it...

"I love you too, boy," I whine as he pulls me to his chest.

Still taking in the aftershocks of both of our orgasms, Marshall pulls me closer to him, planting soft kisses all over my face.

"I love you, baby," he repeats. "And it's not that I don't trust you, cause I do," he says, looking seriously at me as he pulls back. "I DO trust you. You are the only girl that I've ever trusted, actually. And the only one I'll ever trust, to be honest. I know you won't do me dirty. So, it was never about me thinking that ever. I just... I don't like the thought of any other man touching you like this, it fucking kills me, don't you get that?!" His voice raises, turns almost frantic like and possessive, and honestly?

I do get it. And it turns me on so much, and I can't believe I couldn't see it sooner...

"I understand, Marshall," I whisper as he continues kissing me all over. "And I'm so sorry. But none of that crap I did on the movie set ever mattered to me, though. Those guys, they were nothing to me. I didn't feel anything with them. I don't think I could ever actually. Not unless it was with you. You are the only one that could ever make me feel like this, Marshall."

He stops doing what he was just doing and looks at me intensely, baby blue eyes searching my brown ones.

"I better be," he states coldly. "Cause I'm seriously considering ending both of ya boy toys from that movie, baby. So help me God, I wanna kill both of them."

He says it like it's a joke, but i know he's serious.

He's got nothing to worry about though.

And I tell him just that.

"It's only you, Marshall," I quietly tell him. "I honestly love you so much that it hurts. That it like... scares me or something."

"Why it scares you, yo?" He frowns.

I smile shyly at him, running my hand down the side of his face.

"Because it can't possibly be normal?" I suggest. "To love somebody THAT much? Boy, you are seriously like the love of my life, and I'll literally die without you."

"I'll die without you too, Aisha. So don't even feel bad, baby," he smirks, lightning up the situation.

I grab the back of his neck, pulling him towards me again, for another kiss.

But not before he states, "I'll kill for ya too, you know."

Somehow, I know that he means it.

"Always so violent," I giggle, smashing my lips to his.

Round two, here we come...

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