The Past|JeffBarcode

By Bank_Teresa

22.7K 1K 390

Something happened to Jeff in the past that forbids him to love again, but a young man comes along years late... More

Your Gaze Through The Window
The Lighter Of The Past
Between The Delirium
Measure Your Words
I Made My Decision
I Will Accept You
Amidst Kisses And Moans I...
The Boy From The Past
Hard Choice Part 1 🔞
Hard Choice Part 2🔞
I Swear If You....
No, Don't Look
The Tenth Message

Sunny Day... I Love You

1.4K 57 18
By Bank_Teresa

Last Chapter

Preview of the previous chapter

Barcode: P'JEFF....!


Barcode widens his eyes as soon as he enters, scared and afflicted by not seeing Jeff in the bedroom, the fear of knowing that the man he loves committed suicide because of him, letting tears of pain and anguish fall, not knowing what to do, in the middle from Jeff's bedroom, grabbing his hair with both hands on the side of his head.

Barcode: No P''jeff!... You didn't do that... Please don't...!

Bathroom door opening.

: N'Barcode...?!!

Barcode turns towards the bathroom of Jeff's bedroom, he was on his back, Barcode with tears with red eyes, opened his mouth giving a great relief as big as if his soul came back inside him when he saw Jeff.

Jeff is surprised to see Barcode in the middle of his bedroom, seeing the tears in his eyes.

Barcode: What!... how are you still ... ?

Jeff was suddenly startled by Barcode's scream and the look that changed to an angrier one.

Jeff: ...but what... why are you yelling at me?... ( Jeff tries to approach )... What happened, why are you crying?

Angry Barcode takes a step backwards talking at the same time.

Barcode: Your tenth message, this message you just sent!... I thought... I thought... damn... ( Barcode turns his back to Jeff )... I'm an idiot ...

Jeff not knowing what Barcode is talking about, worried about him but a little happy to see him.

Jeff: My message? ... ( Jeff gives a smile through his eyes )... Did you like the message?!... You forgave me...

Barcode turns, quickly shouts angry at him.

Barcode: Are you kidding?.. that damn message scared me to death... That looked like you were going to kill yo.. and I... I..

Jeff realizing that Barcode thought he wanted to kill himself, concluding Barcode's thought in a funny way, giving a small smile although he is not a man to laugh a lot with anyone he knows, Jeff has always been a bit apathetic and very seriously, but Barcode made him change this attitude.

Jeff: Kill yourself !... You thought I was going to kill myself?!

Barcode stops as soon as he hears Jeff, got pissed at him, but gets a little embarrassed.

Barcode: You're a... You know what, I'm leaving, I have nothing to do here... It was a waste of time...

Barcode turns towards the door on his side, grabs the lock and tries to open the door but Jeff gets behind him and closes the door with one hand on Barcode's side, a kabedon from behind, Barcode tensed, Jeff with one thick voice, happy to see and have Barcode in his bedroom, puts his head to the side of Barcode trying to see Barcode's face, felt and sees Barcode tense.

Jeff: Don't go away.... Sorry if the message sounded like I'm trying to commit suicide... The message was just a poem of what I'm feeling... but apparently I'm not very good at writing, I ended up making you confused... I miss you N'Barcode.

Barcode didn't hear Jeff's voice for a long time, it was almost a year and a half, although he heard his voice when he was kidnapped by Vincent, but this thick, sweet and nostalgic voice of when they were together just the two of them. Barcode is tense because of Jeff's voice and because he knows he won't be able to resist him, he's afraid, afraid of this man he doesn't really know, afraid of how little resistance he has Barcode tries to touch the lock by talking at the same time.

Barcode: I left my sister alone where we were... I have to go to ..

Jeff realizing that he wants to run away, Barcode is still unsure even with the many messages he sent, Jeff grabs Barcode's shoulder and turns him quickly, does Kabedon on the wall cornering Barcode from the side, Barcode is surprised to be suddenly turned, looks at Jeff's eyes, both hands and forearms land on Jeff's chest.

Jeff: I won't let you go, not after I see that you care about me.

Jeff approaches his face, Barcode when hearing this and seeing Jeff approach his lips, he clasps his hands on his chest, his eyes widen a little when he remembers and realizes at this moment that when he entered the bedroom, Jeff was with only a towel covering his naked body, Barcode tense and nervous all over, feeling desire, feeling the bare skin of his muscular body thinking about the day of he first time, not wanting to give himself into the arms of the man he loves, tries to push Jeff.

Barcode: Me... Let me out p'jeff!... I still need...

Jeff realizing that Barcode is trying to contain the desire, seeing in Barcode that there is still love in his eyes that at this very moment he has turned away to look down in an attempt to avoid looking at him and inhibit the desire for him, Jeff grabs and lifts Barcode's chin, Barcode looks into his eyes looks into his lips.

Jeff: Don't try to contain what you're feeling right now... I know you feel me... you can't run away from me forever.... I know you want to be by my side just like I do too... I know you want me...

Barcode can't bear to hear this tender voice, wanting to get away from the thoughts he's having, Jeff is a dangerous man.

Barcode: Stop it p'jeff... I don't want this...( Jeff starts approaching Barcode's lips slowly )...I don't want to be in the same position as him in the past... You tricked me ... I don't know who you really are... I don't... hun!...

Kiss given delicately but with a strong tension between the bodies, sighs and breathless air came out as soon as the two lips touched, an electricity ran through Barcode's body, it was like a magnet, Jeff let go of the wall, grabbed and pulled the back of Barcode's neck, the hand that was on Barcode's chin grabbed Barcode's waist as soon as he kissed him.

Barcode scratches Jeff's chest and squeezes his hands together as soon as he scratches his chest a little, Jeff releases Barcode's lips for a few seconds to turn his head the other way, back again into the kiss, moans from Barcode's mouth came out as soon as Jeff does this lip movement.

It's been more than a year since the two have kissed or touched each other, this feeling is unique and nostalgic, the light touch of skin, the love, the two have concluded that they love each other too much to let go of each other at this moment even if Barcode has reasons to drop out.

Jeff turns Barcode towards the bed, lets go of his lips, takes off his shirt, grabs him again on the back of the neck with one hand, the other grabs his waist, pulls his waist to glue the bodies, kisses him as soon as he grabs and turns him around. Jeff lays Barcode down on the bed and climbs on him at the same time without letting go of his lips, Barcode caresses Jeff's back with one hand the other is on his chest shaking hand as soon as the two lie on the bed, Jeff lets go of Barcode's lips and looks into the weak eyes and breathless air that comes out of the small lips because of the kiss, Jeff loving Barcode so much begging him.

Jeff: Be mine again... You and I have pending orgasms... Since a kiss is worth a thousand words, let me write an essay on this body of yours....( Jeff kisses the neck of Barcode gently, Barcode turns head to the side at the feel of his lips )...I promise I'll do whatever you ask... Let me hold you tight and never let go... Something I never thought I'd want all these years.. ..You are the one for me and I am yours...

Barcode: P'jeff! I don't, Humn....!

Barcode turns his head to look at Jeff and widens his eyes a little when he is kissed as soon as he turns his face forward, Jeff penetrates his tongue and rolls both tongues, wets and kneads.

Jeff releases Barcode's lips, Barcode moans as soon as he feels his skin touched by the lips and tongue of the man on top of him, Barcode grabs the back of Jeff's head makes Jeff look at him, not thinking too much, wanting to forget just for this moment all thoughts and belong to Jeff, Barcode kisses him, thrusting his tongue into Jeff's mouth, Jeff is surprised but happy at the same time.

The two make love for the second time after a year.

After the moment of pleasure ended.

Barcode remembered what make him pull away Jeff and think about what he wants from Jeff, Barcode got up from the bed when Jeff tried to hug him, quickly he grabs his pants and puts them on, grabs his shirt and goes towards the door of Jeff's bedroom.

Jeff: Barcode?!

Barcode: I have to go... this shouldn't have happened...

Jeff surprised by this sudden change in Barcode, surprised to see Barcode dress quickly and try to leave, Jeff quickly gets out of bed, puts on his pants and goes after Barcode, Barcode almost arrives at the door of the living room to leave the house, Jeff yells for him.

Jeff: Please stop...( Barcode stopped ).... It won't...( Barcode with his back to Jeff, Jeff in the middle of the stairs )... It won't.

Barcode is silent for a moment, gripping the door lock tightly, tightens his lips, raises his head and looks up at the ceiling, stops looking, turns around with tears on his face, not wanting to suffer for a man trapped in the past, even if Vincent has told him that Jeff didn't love his younger brother, Barcode knew deep down that Jeff always loved Gameplay, Barcode feels vulnerable not knowing who this man in front of him really is, who is this man he love?

Barcode: I should have known this love of ours was stupid.. all the things I did to make you notice this love ... I can't believe I chose you that day, in that hospital... What the fuck did I do to myself? In the end, everything just to not be yours... I'm not yours, and you know it... I don't know who you are, I'm afraid P'Jeff... I can't believe your words, because your heart belongs to him... As much as you tell me you love me I'm not sure about that... You spent nine years, suffering and hallucinating for someone else and suddenly you think you love me... How can I believe that ?... Your messages... I don't...( Barcode lowers his head trying to hold back his tears, he lifted his head and looked at the ceiling again, sighing at the same time, then looked side away )... When are you going to let me in? I feel like I'm not there inside you, I see you're just forcing your feelings towards me....( Barcode looks at Jeff, sad, but a little serious )...I'm getting tired and I need some something consistent to start... I need to lean on something true...( Barcode can't take it anymore screams and drops more tears of pain)... this love is so painful, the more i try to hold it more farther it ge.. gets...

Strong hug around his head.

Barcode's eyes widen, his head and forehead resting on Jeff's chest as jeff's strong arms wrap around his head.

Jeff serious as ever but wanting Barcode to believe in the love he feels.

Jeff: If you want to know about me, I'll tell you everything you need to know... I'll tell you everything my heart has taken to date.

Barcode crying even hearing this, wanting to know more about the man who holds him, knowing little about Jeff, he doesn't want that.

Ten minutes passed.

Jeff and Barcode are back in Jeff's bedroom, Barcode tense, looking at Jeff intently and listening to what he has to say, Jeff noticing the eyes of eagerness wanting to know about him, gently touches Barcode's face.

Jeff: I love you... ( Barcode is surprised by Jeff's light touch, Jeff takes his hand away from his face )... I started to have feelings for you from the moment I saw you for the first time in my studio, but I didn't want to go too far. ...Because that day my heart belonged to Gameplay....( Barcode got sad, Jeff noticed the sadness )... Even though he cheated on me with another man in the past.

Barcode's eyes widen in surprise upon hearing these last words.

Barcode: What... What did you say?!.

Sad Jeff gets out of bed, stands by the window.

Jeff: In the past before I met you or Gameplay I had an accident....( Barcode is surprised to hear this, he didn't know at all about this accident of jeff) .... I was a kid, on this day my parents had gone out with my brother, and i was at home alone... i never liked being in the dark... i'm terrified of the dark, and that day i was in the living room... my parents were taking some time a lot... hours passed and someone knocked on the door... i thought it was my parents, i opened the door and it was a man... he was very scary man and looked at me like he wanted something from me... scared I tried to close the door but he stopped me and came in and tried to do something to me ...I didn't know what he wanted with me, if he wanted to kill me or rape me, I just ran away from him.... I hit him on the head with something and ran away, I went into the bathroom of my house, when I went in the light went out and I freaked out and I was more scared because there was a man trying to open the door, and i was in the dark I felt suffocated between four walls, I panicked, with fear I fainted... in a few hours the light came back on, my parents worried broke down the door and the man had fled... On that day I was traumatized and developed a fear of being in a closed environment, I constantly had nightmares about that day, and I was an apathetic child, I liked to be alone, but also in some situations I was not apathetic around my close friends.. .. when I was 16 I discovered Gameplay at a plant exhibition... I didn't like it very much, the exhibition, my mother practically forced me to go to this exhibition....I bumped into him, and when we looked at each other I didn't feel anything but he did... From that day on, Gameplay always followed me everywhere, he was a friend of a friend of mine....when I came across something dark or I was in a very closed place and alone, Gameplay he looked for me and when he found me it made me feel better... next to him I felt good and without fear, it was comfortable, I ended up falling in love with him... He asked me to date and I accepted... we stayed together for two years... Gameplay and I we loved each other very much, we were very happy together, we shared everything... This happiness lasted almost three years of dating... I always had my dream, which is to create my own studio... To be a producer and a great singer... I spent most of the time in my bedroom which was my studio in the beginning... I hardly spent time with him, I rarely saw him because of my busy days inside my studio... He always asked me to go out, but I couldn't make it on time for our outings... One day I went to see him to spend the day together and when I found him... I saw him kissing another man... I couldn't believe what I saw. .. He saw me, and we had a fight that day... He blamed me for cheating on me... And he was right... I was too focused on my stuff and didn't have time for him, of course he would look for affection in someone else's arms... He asked me for forgiveness and I forgave him, but my confidence dropped, but my love didn't... Since that moment I behaved a little badly towards him even though I knew he was important to me... Whenever he wanted to go somewhere I said I didn't have time.... We fought a lot and we had almost no intimate moments... But my love for him was always present in me... I never stopped loving him even though he cheated on me... I just couldn't deal with the betrayal, and not counting the phobia I have, all of this made me change a little, so I mistreated him a little... One day he asked me to go meet his family... He never wanted me to meet his family, because they were against our dating... I was surprised, and I saw that we could start over and go back to what we were before... But... The day I was supposed to go with him I had a big production of a song... This production I what would lead me to open my new studio that I have now... I was happy and I had completely forgotten about him... When he called me I was still producing so I asked to change the day we agreed... but unfortunately on this day, this call was his last call... He suffered the accident and died in the operating room... Since the doctor gave me the news of his death, my soul went with him.

Barcode was sad to hear all this from Jeff, sad for what Jeff went through, sad for what the two of them went through, Barcode couldn't say anything but three words.

Barcode: I'm so sorry.

Jeff saw the sadness in Barcode's eyes at hearing his past, Jeff continued.

Jeff: since that moment I promised myself that I will never love anyone... That, Gameplay would be the first and only one for me... I hid in the dark... I blamed myself for everything that happened to both of us. .. I judged myself for everything I did on him... And I felt like Gameplay never forgave me for his death .. the dreams and nightmares i had were just of him blaming me for his death... I wanted to run away from it all .. I wanted someone to make me forget about my past, but nobody could do that... ( Barcode looking at him sadly, Jeff giving Barcode a tender look)... Until the day you appeared.... At first I just noticed the way you looked at me... And I asked myself why would such a young man look at me that way?... Why he looks at me with so much love?!... I didn't want to give my heart to anyone, not even to you... But I already knew I loved you, I just didn't want to accept it... I didn't want to take Gameplay out of my heart... That's why I used you... I said in my thoughts "I'll see what this young man can do", I'll give him this chance he asked for, but I'll never accept the love of this young man... at first I thought so...But later on, my thoughts gradually accepted your tenderness, your affection, your comfort and your insistence... You were always there by my side.... Seeing me waking up every day from my nightmare, you suffered with me even knowing and feeling that I would never give you what you wanted... When I saw you for the last time on the terrace, I saw, this young man gave up on me... But when I heard your words, you holding back from crying, your courage... I realized how much I love you, how much I was hiding in the love of the past so I don't have to love you... You already had me in your hands for a long time N'Barcode.... I'm sorry for not having told you the truth of my past, I'm sorry for having used you for something meaningless... But believe in me... believe in our love...

Barcode looking at Jeff looked aside, stood up talking at the same time.

Barcode: Thank you so much for having the courage to tell me about your past P'jeff... But... I'm going home... We'll talk later.

Jeff looking at Barcode he knows that Barcode needs to assimilate everything he heard, it was too much to understand, Barcode is still young to understand someone's past, but for jeff Barcode was always more adult than him so he needs to give this time in Barcode.

Barcode turns his back, goes to the door and leaves, Jeff doesn't follow him.

Barcode when leaving and arriving at his house, he sat on the bed, he couldn't cry because what he heard was something a little disturbing, what he faced when he was with Jeff was the same as Gameplay, Barcode had to face the phobia and Jeff's guilt during the relationship he had with him, and Gameplay was really something very important and difficult for Jeff to forget and change his feelings so quickly, Gameplay was a part of Jeff's life, he was someone who was in the most difficult moments and that helped him face the phobia that the accident caused, now he understands why Jeff was so afraid of being between four walls or in a very closed place, Barcode lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The night ended and with it a day passed.

Barcode is hanging out with William outside the university, William worried about Barcode as he sees Barcode with an overly thoughtful face.

William: Barcode are you okay?!

Barcode with a calm look, and smooth words.

Barcode: I'm fine.

William looks straight ahead and gives an annoyed look.

William: What is he doing here?!

Barcode looked up when he heard William, look ahead to where William looked and see Jeff waiting for him in front of the university, the two approach Jeff, Barcode still not knowing how to face Jeff and his past. Jeff noting that Barcode doesn't know how to accept him after what he said.

Jeff: Barcode you want to go somewhere with me?! I want to take you to a very important place for me... Please.

Barcode seeing the hand placed in front of him, William just seeing his friend giving in again but not saying anything, Barcode slowly places his hand in Jeff's hand, Jeff gently squeezes Barcode's hand, makes Barcode get in his car and leaves front of the university.

In the middle of the road, Barcode curious.

Barcode: where are you taking me?!

Jeff always looking out on the road.

Jeff: to a place you've been there.

The two have just arrived, Barcode gets out of the car surprised and thoughtful.

Barcode: We here...!

Jeff gets out of the car and stands in front of him, puts his hand in front of Barcode for him to hold his, Barcode not knowing what Jeff wanted bringing him here, even more so in this place, gently Barcode places his hand in Jeff's hands, Jeff shakes his hand slowly.

The two enter the cemetery.

Jeff and Barcode are in front of Gameplay's tombstone, Jeff not looking at Barcode, with a sad look on his face.

Jeff: Gameplay I'm here again... I've been coming every day since you left me, I think you must be tired of seeing me by now...but... this time I didn't come here to see you, I came to say goodbye to you forever... ( Barcode glances quickly at Jeff in surprise ) .... I came to tell you that I found someone who loves me more than you... He's like you in some ways.. he was always with me when I was suffering for you... I want to introduce you to him...( Jeff looks into Barcode's eyes which are amazed)... his name is Barcode Tinnasit... a young man who was always determined to make me forget about you....( Jeff stops looking at Barcode and goes back to looking at the tombstone ). ... I want you to accept him not to replace you but to love me as you loved me .... I wanted to tell you that I love him very much and I want to make my life with him, but for that I have to close a page and open a new book... It's time to let you go forever my love... Rest assured that I've always loved you Gameplay, and I hope you understand... Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for you being there for me when I needed it... and I'm sorry for everything I did to you.... I promise you that I will face my fears starting today... for you and for Barcode... I'm sure you're not worried about me anymore... I'm sure you're happy for me.

Barcode looking at Gameplay's tombstone, he didn't know what to say, Gameplay suffered from abandonment, he didn't know of Jeff's immense love for him and he died without knowing it, he died thinking that Jeff didn't love him anymore because of a betrayal, that in a way it made Barcode sad, but happy for Jeff sharing his past and wanting to start a new life with him, Barcode approaches the tombstone, puts the flower that was lying on the ground back in the vase, with a sweet smile, kneeling.

Barcode: Gameplay, I'm Barcode Tinnasit... I didn't know you, but I wish I had known you.... You took care of p'jeff when he needed someone by his were in his critical moments...I know I'm too young to understand what you two had, but I know you loved P'jeff very much... You died not knowing the truth, not knowing how much Jeff loved you... but I can tell you right now that he loved you until the end, you were always special to him and now you are special to me...and I know you sure want what's best for P'jeff... so, Please let me take care of your love, I know that I will make him happy and that I will never make him die in his studio, but he doesn't listen to me sometimes, he's stubborn... ( Jeff smiles a little listening to these funny words from Barcode ) ... I promise make him take care of himself more, I promise to love him always... Thank you for appearing in P'jeff's life... Thank you for being special for P'jeff.

Barcode gets up, turns his body sideways, towards Jeff, with a sweet look, loving Jeff.

Barcode: do you accept that I stay by your side and take care of you forever?! p'jeff

Jeff smiling gently, brings his face close to Barcode's face, grabs both of his hands, Barcode looks at the hands that hold him and looks back at Jeff.

Jeff: I decided to start over again... And I want to do it with you, by your side.

Barcode smiles a subtle smile upon hearing this.

The two leave the cemetery and start walking on the sidewalk, Jeff grabs Barcode's hand from the side, like a couple, Barcode is surprised, looks at Jeff, Jeff looks at him, Barcode embarrassed and shy, stops looking at him and looks from the other side.

Barcode thinking and making funny faces while thinking: Aaaah damn it!... I'm embarrassed... I can't look at him well!.. Why does he have to look at me like that?!... I still haven't gotten used to this change in him...But he looks so handsome looking at me with those little eyes and this perfect hair that God gave him... He's a crime, this should be considered a can a man be so beautiful and perfect at the same time... Oh! This... restaurant?

Barcode smiles when he sees the restaurant where they went when Jeff accepted the dating request on that rainy day.

But right now the sun is shining brightly in the sky.

Happy Barcode, trying to go to the restaurant by pointing to the restaurant.

Barcode: P'jeff! Look, it's that restaurant, come on... I'm hungry.

Barcode tries to pass on the road

Car honking.

Strong pull on the wrist.

Strong hug for the head.

Barcode widens his eyes, with both hands clasped together on the chest of the man in front of him because of the strong hug that was given to him.

Jeff: You idiot, do you want to die?!...

Barcode surprised by Jeff's fear, tries to get out of the tight hug by raising only his head to look at Jeff's face, Jeff lowers his head to look at Barcode.

Barcode: Apologies P'! I just wanted... I'm sorry.

Jeff seeing that Barcode is scared for almost being run over and feeling guilty for causing fear to him, Jeff gives a slight inspiration and exhalation in his chest calming him down a little, feels Barcode's heart beating hard because of the scare, touches gently with a hand on Barcode's face he kisses gently and with the kiss full of tenderness and love, he stops kissing, loving Barcode too much, wanting to protect him at all costs and feeling happy to have an energetic young man like Barcode by his side.

Jeff: You really don't change!... The same thing happened that day... No need to apologize for that... Just be more careful.

Barcode is happy that this situation is not as apparent as the other time, at this moment Jeff's eyes are smiling at him and so are his lips, at this moment his smile is brighter and with sparkles in his eyes, this time there is no rain to fall a sad and lifeless climate, this time Jeff didn't refuse to kiss him, this time there is a purer and truer love.

Barcode: I love you P'jeff.

Jeff surprised by this declaration of love, seeing the glow in the eyes and lips of happiness in the young man in front of him, kisses Barcode's forehead, stops kissing, touches the other side of Barcode's face with the other hand, grabbing the face with both hands.

Jeff: You embody everything I'm not, you remind me of the things I'm not... I missed this smile of yours... I missed you... The way you choose the words for comforting me I missed you... Your willingness to want to change someone like me, I missed you a lot... The way you occupied half of my bed, that space that was empty every night. ... I wish I could go back a year ago, so I could have avoided losing this smile ... You arrived in my past and in my present in an unexpected way ... you are my destiny ... You made me love again something I had already forgotten what it was like to love someone... You made me love you, you made me depend on you in a way that I can't explain... I love you too your devoted young man.

Jeff kisses with a sweet kiss and full of tenderness for the young man he is hugging by the face, Jeff stops kissing, Barcode looks into Jeff's eyes and quickly hugs him putting both arms under Jeff's arms and squeezing with both hands in the Jeff's back and shirt, happy and smiling.

Barcode: When I was little I never imagined that I could be like this next to the young man I met in a hospital... I had lost hope, and fear of losing you, but now... I have no fear and I thank God for having known you in the past... Because now I am your present and your future.... Now I can say with absolute certainty that...( Barcode takes his head off his chest from Jeff, looks at Jeff with a look full of shining happiness, like a warm sun ).... That you are mine... That you belong to me... I love you, I love you and this is just the beginning of our love and our journey together.

Barcode kisses Jeff's lips as he continues hugging him and sticking the two bodies together.

Jeff couldn't be happier than he already is, the past he left behind, now he just wants to make this young man who kisses him happy.

This day was the brightest sunny day ever and one to remember and stay in the most beautiful memory the two have with each other.


Main characters: Jeff Satur and Barcode Tinnasit

Fanfics inspired by the song Fade and Jeffbarcode's first meeting in real life

Hello guys 👋 did you all like the ending? I hope so.

I did my best, thank you very much for reading and reaching the end of this Fanfic.

About having a special chapter I'm still thinking.

Finishing this Fanfic, another one begins, in five minutes I will post the prologue of the next Fanfic.

Next Fanfiction:

I Can't Say Book 2

To be able to read this Fanfic you already know how to do it, go to my profile here on wattpad and click on works made by me and you will see the new Fanfic, thank you all so far🙏🦋💖

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